hunter world

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Chapter 41 Meeting

Ye Ci's guess was not wrong at all.The man holding the black stone staff is called Xingbada. He is the chief healer who is famous all over the world. As far as the pastor is concerned, he is also a master who can rank in the top twenty.

Not only does he have a high amount of healing, but he also has a strong attack, which is relatively rare among priests.At least among the priests that Ye Ci knows, there are very few priests who can both breastfeed and spank.

It can be said that the main treatment is indispensable for the famous name in the northern continent.

Naturally, such a character cannot be easily knocked out, from the beginning until now.It's just that today he was really unlucky, he met a person who might not have been here at all——Gong Ziyou.

From the moment when people who are famous all over the world have just stepped into the battle circle, everyone has already locked their own battle goals.Ye Ci's battle goal was originally Fleeting Years, but according to Ye Ci's own habits, he hid at the back of the team and would not show up easily. Therefore, according to his professional habits, Ye Ci also boldly guessed that Fleeting Nian's current position is also in the The last part of the world famous.

In fact, Ye Ci was not wrong at all.The current fleeting year is indeed at the end of the world famous, following the team unhurriedly.His task has always been to pull the flag, as for other issues, he is not particularly concerned.

Since I can't see the fleeting time for the time being, Ye Ci puts more energy on Xingbada's body, which is probably the so-called idleness is also idleness.

Strengthen the hunter's mark, strengthen the guardian of the eagle, and chain arrows.It was no different from usual, with just a few simple skills, the arrow made a screeching sound in the air, and flew towards Xingbada.

Puff puff puff, several high-damage red numbers appeared from Xingbada's body, and his health bar was mostly empty.

Xingbada is also a master of PK, plus he is the main healer, of course he is the first class to be targeted in team PK.With such a profession, Xingbada was already prepared to be attacked first, but today's attack made him really astonished.

He knew that he was attacked by a hunter, but he was also attacked by a hunter from the Black Plum Family before. When did he have such a high attack?

The moment he hadn't reacted, Ye Ci's poisonous scorpion sting was firmly nailed to his body again.For legal professions, no, it should be said that for magic professions, if the most hated skills are listed in a ranking list, then the hunter's poisonous scorpion sting can probably be ranked in the top three.

There is no other reason, just because this skill has a resentful DBUFF behind the good damage-consecutively draws the target's mana for 8 seconds.This is not the most hateful thing. The most hateful thing is that the CD time of this skill is only 1 second, but the DBUFF it brings can be superimposed, up to 12 layers. Layers, fighters, barbarians and other melee occupations basically control mana instantly, and when they are stacked to more than 8 layers, even mages, priests, and warlocks can't last 10 seconds for large players.

Facing DBUFF Starbad who was draining mana from his body, he frowned.It is because he hates this skill that he wears a 30% immunity gem to extract mana. Although it is only a 30% chance of immunity, in actual combat, few hunters can shoot him with a scorpion sting. This DBUFF, and today is bad luck?Not only did it make them lose so much blood all at once, but the first poisonous scorpion sting hit the DBUFF.

Although this was the case, Xingbada didn't care too much. After all, the gem only had 30% immunity ability and not 100% immunity ability. It doesn't matter if it hits once in a while.So he unhurriedly replenished his blood while looking for the hunter who was aiming at him.

At this time, Pupu put another poisonous snake stinger and a poisonous scorpion stinger on his body.

Actually superimposed DBUFF again.

This made Xingbada's brows frowned a little more, but he still didn't care too much, and continued to fill up his blood with a big boost.Now he has two DBUFFs on his body, one keeps losing blood due to poisoning, and the other keeps losing mana, which is really uncomfortable.

While he was still adding blood, he saw a chain arrow with a poisonous scorpion sting on his body. In addition to taking away a lot of life, the BUFF was superimposed again!

Seeing the three-level mana extraction and the mana value drop, even a veteran ashes-level priest with a good temper like Xingbada couldn't help cursing angrily: "Damn it! Where did the hunter come from!"

While calling other priests to add blood to himself, he had already locked onto Ye Ci who was hiding behind the crowd with a super long attack distance. When he was about to find a hunter from his guild to attack, the shameless female hunter shot a few more arrows. Put Starbucks down on the ground completely.

Xingbada, who had never been the first to fall in such a melee, looked at his empty health and mana bars, and shouted in the team channel depressedly: "Fuck! Where did the Black Plum Family get it?" A hunter! Is there a BUG on his body, he actually shot me with four arrows and poisonous scorpion stings, all of which were hit by DBUFF, hell!"

This is really an embarrassing thing.

Although it is said that the ultimate goal of all legal professions falling in PK is to be empty of blood and mana, otherwise you can only blame yourself for being too good, and actually fell to the ground when the mana bar was not empty.In fact, Xingbada did this, as long as he was basically empty blood and empty blue, but he had never been so aggrieved like today.

Because some harmony lost some auxiliary software that automatically locked the target in PK, causing the player to manually find the target after being attacked, which made him fail to find the damn female hunter hiding behind all the players in the first place.And after he used less than one-tenth of the mana in total, he was hanged on the ground by the huntress who took out the mana bar, how ugly is it to say it?Even if he didn't say it, Xingbada almost vomited blood in his heart. He is a priest who wears a top-quality gem in addition to top-quality equipment, so he was almost instantly killed.

This kind of thing is probably a bloody thing no matter who it is placed on.

"What hunter?" In fact, Fleeting Years has nothing to do with Ming Zhen Tian Xia, the reason why he came here to help is to collect money from people and help them eliminate disasters.His task is just to pull the flag and ensure that Fame Shocking World wins the duel, and he doesn't care how they fight Fleeting Years.

Although he is already well-known in the Northwest Continent, he has always been a low-key person, and even rarely speaks in the team. If it weren't for his crucial task in the duel, even the world-renowned players would have basically forgotten The existence of such a master-level hunter was lost.

When he made such a sound today, many people felt strange.

Xingbada was no exception, he answered Fleeting Year's question without even reacting: "A huntress seems to be an elf..."

Before he finished speaking, Xingbada, who was lying on the ground and counting the stars, suddenly saw a figure as sharp as a blade leaping up, lowering his body like a most nimble bird, and swiftly passing over the top of the team. gallop away.

Fleeting leaped up, and sure enough, she saw a huntress in gray-green clothes galloping towards the direction of the flag. Her movements were light and nimble, like a deer walking through the forest, and she was accurate to her purpose.Behind her was a dark green cloak raised violently, like a bright and proud banner.

Sure enough it was her.

A soothing arc appeared on his slightly pale face.

This is really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it.I still thought that today was another boring day, but I didn't expect to meet such an interesting person today. Suddenly, Fleeting Nian felt that this day of working purely for money finally became interesting.

At this time, Ye Ci was concentrating on running towards the direction of the flag. Suddenly, a dark figure flew out from the world-renowned team, like the sharpest arrow appeared on Ye Ci's body In the peripheral vision.

fleeting time!

Ye Ci couldn't help being excited, he was indeed there!

Although she was excited because she met her opponent, her movements were still as sharp as the edge of a sword!Running towards the flag with a clear purpose!

Of course, it is impossible to let the flag fall into Ye Ci's hands like this, while others are still flying in the air, the bow in his hand has been drawn perfectly, and the silver arrow immediately flies towards the route Ye Ci is about to travel.

Ye Ci only heard a few sharp noises in the air, she squinted her eyes slightly, leaned her body back, and slid her feet slowly to the left, her figure was ingeniously rubbed like a loach. Five silver arrows went around.

There were several faint muffled sounds, and the five silver arrows showed a straight line difference on the soil just a line away from Ye Ci.Because of this slip, Ye Ci slowed down a step, and when he looked up, he saw that Fleeting Year was already galloping towards the direction of the flag.

She kicked a stone vigorously under her feet, and the person bounced out due to inertia. She punched Fleeting Nian who was flying towards him, and rushed towards his chest. Stretch out the flagpole.

According to Ye Ci's thinking, although the punch she swung was not very lethal, people subconsciously want to avoid the attack directed at themselves.As long as Fleeting Nian sideways dodges his attack, then this flag basically falls into his control.

This idea is not limited to Ye Ci, in fact, anyone will have it, but she didn't expect that when she swung her fist...

(End of this chapter)

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