hunter world

Chapter 143 Showdown

Chapter 143 Showdown
Chapter 43 Showdown
I can't even dodge.

Ye Ci took the arrows abruptly.

Fortunately, her level is not low. Although I don't know how much difference between Fleeing Year's level and my own, but judging from the damage value, it is not terribly high. A few arrows will only hurt one-fifth of her life. .However, it is calculated that only one-fifth of the blood has been lost, and Ye Ci still feels a little bad. Just now, Fleeting Years released multiple arrows, and multiple arrows will not all fall on her body to cause damage, only 3 , 4 arrows, if he released a series of arrows, I am afraid that more blood will go down in his tube.

After thinking about it, Ye Ci felt that the damage ratio between himself and Fleeting Years was about the same, and he needed to be 12 points careful.

Two hunters fighting against each other, two master-level hunters fighting against each other, will never be a boring game.

Compared with Fleeting Years, Ye Ci has a passive skill - accumulation of strength.This skill allows Ye Ci to use the skill unscrupulously, basically as soon as the cooling time is up, she will use it immediately.Fleeting Years is different, because he has no strength to accumulate this skill, so he is very precise in mana control, and his own equipment is enchanted with the mana absorbing attribute, although it is not as exaggerated as Ye Ci, it will always be full of mana, at least mana It's also very slow.

Such two opponents really meet each other when they meet each other, and it is extremely difficult to separate them.

With such two hunters fighting, other players, especially other hunters, will inevitably be distracted, especially those hunters who have unfortunately fallen to the ground are even more happy, and they simply lie down while dealing with this living creature. Watch the teaching film.

The hunter is alone.

Because they have always been with pets, they can complete monster killing and leveling by themselves. Such a characteristic is destined that hunters will rarely participate in unnecessary team activities.

Hunter is hilarious again.

Because the hunter is the only profession in Destiny that can capture combat pets. Unlike the monsters summoned by warlocks, the pets of hunters can communicate with their owners. Therefore, hunters will never be left alone, and they will always be alone. have partners.

However, the hunter's companion - the pet, is not cookie-cutter.They each have their own quirks and attributes, so they will react differently when encountering things.

Just like a tortoise is generally more docile, unless the owner gives an order, it will never actively attack the target.But bears are stupid. Although they have rough skin and thick flesh, they sometimes have problems understanding the orders issued by their masters.As for wolves, leopards, etc., they are also swift and cunning, and they often show intelligence in battle.There are also some relatively rare creatures of the opposite sex. Their tempers are often cloudy and cloudy. The important thing is that their tastes are relatively strange. It is relatively troublesome to prepare food for them.

But creatures like dinosaurs and bats are rarely kept as pets on weekdays. It’s not that they are stupid, not smart, and can’t attack, but that the intimacy of these creatures with their owners is too slow. The intimacy of this kind of pet has reached 3, and the other pets have basically brought out 4 or [-] pets.In addition, these creatures are notoriously difficult to serve. Not only are they very picky eaters, but also the owners who raise them are very personable. If the character is a little bit bad, they will be easily abandoned by them...

Facing the same alternative pet, Ye Ci's fourth child and Fleeting Year's giant vampire bat showed the same characteristics.

Cranky, irritable, aggressive.

It's like two kids fighting for candy, fighting each other to the death in the battle field.

The fourth child has a huge body, although the two small front paws are really useless, but the huge mouth, long tail and powerful hind paws are the most colonial weapons.Giant vampire bats, although not as rough and thick as the old four, but they are arrogant flying pets, flying around with a pair of huge wings, their front and back claws are extremely sharp, often like It circled around the fourth child like a fly, and rushed up from time to time, nibbling at the weak spots of the fourth child, sucking some blood, and making the fourth child fly into a rage.

However, don't look at these two guys fighting fiercely now.However, as active attacking pets, they still have some tasks assigned by the system that cannot be avoided at all.That is, their own hatred is easily attracted.If the hatred value of any player in the hostile team suddenly exceeds their default highest hatred value - Gongzi You and Fleeting Years, they will immediately change their current target and go straight to the guy with the highest hatred.

In the hunter's duel, the hatred is not high, and the two people, Liu Nian and Ye Ci, are mainly fighting for the flag, instead of using skills one after another, the hatred is even lower.It's too easy for both teams to surpass their hatred.

Therefore, from time to time, I saw two bats and dinosaurs fighting in a group shaking their heads and rushing towards the hostile team. A burst of blood splashed down a few players and then ran back to continue fighting.

According to the rules of the game, the time to carry the flag is 5 minutes.And within these 5 minutes, the side carrying the flag must eliminate all members of the opponent's team, so as to enter the next stage to fight against the BOSS.

Seeing the time passing by, Fleeting Years hadn't grabbed the flag yet, the famous people in the world were a little anxious, especially Xingbada, who had been lying on the ground, was even more anxious.He basically didn't participate in the battle today, and he died so wronged. Seeing that he was down at the beginning and the healing power of the whole team was not enough to fight very hard, which made him a little anxious.

Even the voice couldn't help but raise a lot, especially seeing that the number of people left in his team was getting smaller and smaller, and Fleeting Nian hadn't knocked down Gongzi Youhou, he was even more anxious.He couldn't help shouting at Fleeting Nian: "Flowing Nian, can you do it! No, I'll let the other DPS in the team set fire to kill this female hunter."

Fleeting Nian calmly continued the tug-of-war with Ye Ci, while coolly looking at Xingbada lying on the ground.Although he was only working part-time, he still understood Xingbada's mood. After all, how many people could calm down at such a critical moment?

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and replied in a neutral tone: "A man can't say no."

Although the situation is very urgent now, the words of Fleeting Years still made many players in the team couldn't help laughing, especially those players who were already lying dead.

Xingbada was probably in a hurry to get angry, and before he could realize the meaning of the joke in the fleeting words, his voice became a little more anxious: "If you can, you should push her down quickly! Look, look, her That damned dinosaur is here again..."

If not, how can we say that Chinese culture is extensive and profound?If not how to say the Chinese language is really meaningful?

There is really no ambiguity in Xingbada's words under normal understanding, but if the place is full of idle corpses, this sentence will inevitably be misinterpreted by them.A few players who were lying dead even joked: "This MM is a bit cruel, she's not a loli, it's a bit difficult to push down."

"It's not difficult for a loli to push down, but it's delicious to have this kind of sister Yu push down..."

"Fleeing Years, if you weren't overthrown by Sister Yu..."

Liu Nian couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard the ridicule of "dead corpses" all over the place, looking a little bored, and then said: "A few more DPS fires, it may not be able to kill her." After that, he paused, his voice There were some uncompromising insistence and warnings: "Besides, she is my opponent, so don't interfere."

After all, Liu Nian only works for Ming Zhen Tian Xia and is not subject to their control. Moreover, it took a lot of trouble for Ming Zhen Tian Xia to invite Liu Nian to help him. Rao, a priest like Xingbada still has three thoughts about Liu Nian. With a little respect and a little fear, it is naturally not easy to refute what he said.

Looking at the situation on the field, he couldn't help but sighed, knowing in his heart that it was absolutely impossible to get through this dungeon today.Don't say that there is not much difference between the two sides on the field. Even if everyone on both sides is dead, but the flag is still on the opponent's huntress, the victory will be decided once the fifth point is reached.

Thinking of this, Xingbada couldn't help but sigh: "First kill, first kill..."

When he said this, the other players couldn't help but feel heavy. Just at this time, the fourth child and the giant vampire bat separated again, and mercilessly sent the few remaining players on both sides to the ground to lie dead.

"Fleeing Years, you are the only one left, hurry up and grab the flag, we all depend on you!" Looking at the current situation, Xingbada couldn't help feeling a little sad and heavy-hearted.

"Young Master, Young Master, hold on! Don't give up, everything in our Black Plum Family depends entirely on you!" Because Ye Ci was invited to join the battle today, Yang Yu Hongchen didn't keep anyone outside. All players are engaged in battle.And now that all the players were lying on the ground, he couldn't help telling Ye Ci over and over again that he was still jumping happily in the arena.

Ye Ci rolled his eyes, and said honestly: "Don't put pressure on me, be careful that I'm out of the way~~"

"Young Master You, come on!" Someone shouted, and all the players from the Black Plum Family who were lying on the ground began to shout in unison.

And how could the world be so famous that they would lose and lose? Seeing that the Heimei family shouted again, they also shouted loudly: "Fleeing Years, we must win!"

Compared with the hustle and bustle of the field, the two people on the field fell into a stalemate and calm. This battle reduced the blood of both sides to about one-third.With expressionless faces and sharp eyes, they stared closely at each other's movements, hoping to find a flaw and immediately put them to death.

The heartbeat became more and more gentle and powerful. At this moment, Ye Ci's eyes were only on the silver-haired man on the other side. Every expression, every subtle movement of his, as long as she was given a chance, she would definitely kill him with one blow!

Suddenly, Fleeting Nian's feet moved slightly...

(End of this chapter)

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