hunter world

Chapter 146 Epic Missions

Chapter 146 Epic Missions

Chapter 46 Epic Quests

At the request of a large number of life players, the prodigal son moved from the living area in the northeast of the guild's residence to the southwest area, leaving the living area as far as possible.For this arrangement, life players applauded, while non-vegetarians expressed no pressure.

Ye Ci felt that this matter would be over at this point. Unexpectedly, but a few days later, many life players found Ye Ci again and continued to ask for a non-vegetarian move.But this time the move is not a request to move away from a vegetarian diet, but to ask grandpa to tell grandma to let him move back again.

However, this time she is no longer vegetarian and arrogant, and she will not go back if she is killed.His eyes looked up, the corners of his mouth turned up 45 degrees, humming a little tune and said: "You told me to get out, so I got out, and now you tell me to get out, I'm sorry, get out of here."

For this reason, everyone immediately rushed to Ye Ci to find her to solve the problem fundamentally.

Ye Ci was sitting in a corner outside the conference room of the guild, rubbing arrows, when she suddenly looked up, she saw this mighty group of life players coming towards her.None of their faces were not sad and angry, and none of their expressions were not sad, which made Ye Ci feel confused,
What is this for?Ready to riot?Ready to strike?Or are you ready to declare independence?

"President!" Ye Ci was carefully looking at the many life players who had surrounded her, and when she was thinking about how to speak, she heard the loud shout of Yidougao who was standing in the first place.This guy has never been big or small, what happened today?Ye Ci was even more uncertain.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, looked around the dozens of life players, and said indifferently, "What's the matter with you? Are you going out to buy materials collectively in the city?"

"President! Now is not the time to joke around!" Yidou Gaoyuan opened his eyes, his expression on his face seemed to be at a critical juncture, and he shouted: "Now is the time for the life and death of the guild!"

Life or death?Ye Ci was slightly surprised?Stumped what happened?She usually doesn't care about the affairs of the guild, is it because Bai Mo always hides something from her in order not to let her worry about it, and bears it by himself?Thinking of this, she became more and more uneasy, she stood up abruptly, and asked a serious question to Yidou Cake: "You mean the life and death of the guild?"

"That's right..." Before Yidou Cake finished speaking, he saw that Ye Ci had turned around and started contacting various managements. He called Ye Ci a few times, but he couldn't get a response, so he could only watch her busy first. guild matters.

"Xiaoshou, is there any change in the auction house? Is there any change in the price of the things I asked you to hoard? The price has been greatly increased or lowered? Or has it collapsed?" Ye Ci first contacted the Xiaoshou Bingliang couple. They were very concerned about buying high and selling low. Very talented, in the guild, he is mainly responsible for purchasing and stockpiling.

"Ah? No! I just came out of the auction house? I bought a bunch of things just now, and they were all within the normal price range. Did you get any inside information?" Xiaoshou Bingliang felt furious when he heard Ye Ci's question. He became nervous, "If it wasn't for me, I would go in and have a look."

A few minutes later, the news from Xiao Bingliang canceled the work at the auction house.

Afterwards, she contacted several middle-level managers such as diplomacy, united front, and dungeon command, and the news she got was that everything was calm and there was nothing abnormal. It was only at this time that Ye Ci let out a long breath and felt relieved.It's not to blame for her nervousness. After all, Bai Mo is in charge of the guild's affairs. She belongs to the hands-off shopkeeper. Now that Bai Mo is not online, she can't find anyone to ask about the situation, so she has to check with the middle managers herself. .

"Yidougao, everything in the guild is normal, life and death there, don't scare me." Ye Ci relaxed, and his mood improved a bit, and he was not harsh when he finished speaking to Yidougao, even with a little joke: "Be careful, I organize a shooting competition for the hunters in the guild, and you will be the living target."

Yidou Cake heard Ye Ci's words, and immediately yelled, but he was not necessarily angry: "President, you are not fair! Why do you think of purchasing, united front, dungeon, and diplomacy first when it comes to the life and death of the guild, which stumps you?" Have you thought about anything else?"

Ye Ci squinted her eyes, she probably understood what Yidou Cake was talking about, but she sat down with some bad intentions, continued to rub the arrows, and said deliberately: "Aren't these the major events that can affect the life and death of a guild? Is there anything else to worry about?"

"The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant's nest..." Hearing that Ye Ci paid so little attention to the matter he raised, Yidou Cake immediately made a speech and spit all over the place, as if he was about to participate in that country's presidential election speech.

Ye Ci looked at him amusedly, didn't say anything, didn't ask, and let him play around.

After saying this for a few minutes, the life players standing behind Yidou Cake couldn't take it any longer, and they all began to ask him to hurry up and get to the point, especially the cute little lemon, who kicked his ass directly and then , and then said: "Hey, focus, focus, don't waste everyone's time!"

Yidou Cake was so painful from being kicked, he turned his head and looked aggrievedly at his colleagues who had already started glaring at him, and finally cut into the topic.It turned out that since the non-vegetarian moved to the southwest corner, they thought that all the things they produced would be preserved, but they didn't expect that it would be more convenient to be non-vegetarian this time.

Back then, when they were still in the same living area, when they were non-vegetarian, they always smiled when they asked them to get things, and picked up some not-so-expensive equipment and went back to practice gem setting, but now it's better.It is true that he will not harass them if he is not a vegetarian, but this time he went directly to Jiyu, and the equipment to be eliminated was much more than that obtained in the living area.

Originally, players in life still thought that those eliminated equipment should be sold at a low price, or that they could be recycled and decomposed for reuse, but now it’s all right, and it fell directly into the hands of non-vegetarians. If the inlay is unsuccessful, the equipment will be scrapped directly, why don't people feel distressed?
Because of this experience, in the end, after all the life players discussed again, they asked not to be vegetarians before moving back, at least those equipments could retain the probability of use under their attention, but this matter was strongly opposed by non-vegetarians.People already feel that the life of Emperor Tiangao and Emperor Yuan is very happy, and of course they don't want to go back and live under others, so a group of life players came to Ye Ci in a mighty way, meaning to let her, the instigator, clean up the mess.

Ye Ci didn't raise his eyes after listening to Yidou Gao's description: "Why don't you just go to Jiyu to solve such a simple problem, and let him give the equipment that has been eliminated and can't be sold to non-vegetarians."

"But, but... that's all our hard work!" A group of life players shouted chirping.

Ye Ci slightly paused what he was doing, raised his eyes, and took a cool look at the life players around him, and said with a smile: "The materials you use to practice skills are also the hard work of all the players in the guild. Woolen cloth……"

Although this matter has gone through ups and downs several times, under the mediation of each step back by Ye Ci, it can be regarded as a success.Although life players are still unwilling, they are more or less willing to spit out some equipment for Vegetarian to practice skills. Although Vegetarian is used to using good equipment to practice skills, he is not used to suddenly lowering the standard, but he also knows that it is too much. Waste is not a good thing.

Therefore, the two sides expressed reconciliation.

After dismissing this group of people, when the rain came out, he touched his nose: "Young master, you still have a way, but I also said that, why didn't they agree at that time?"

Ye Ci thought for a while before grinning: "Carrots and sticks."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

While the entire guild was actively doing the pre-quests for the new dungeon ruined castle, Ye Ci received an unusual task from the mayor of Red Lake City.The task was not issued by the mayor, but by the city lord Sakagel, who never saw the end of the dragon.

The task is also very simple, just an errand task.As an outstanding citizen of Red Lake City and a close confidant of the lord of the city, lord Sakagel hoped that young master Youneng would visit Moore, the lord of the black mud city in the east of the wounded swamp, on behalf of her, because they were good friends.

Ye Ci was slightly taken aback when she received this task, and then her fingers trembled with excitement.

No!The mission that was hailed as one of the top ten epic missions in the previous life just appeared?This is too much effort!

In Destiny, the entire mission system is a very unique system.Although, since the beginning of the game, there has been a mission system, but Destiny has put a lot of effort into the expansion of the mission system.In addition to the traditional collection tasks, adventure tasks, leveling tasks, hidden tasks and dungeon tasks, there are also battlefield tasks and random tasks.

Random task is a very unique task proposed by fate.There are very few such missions, much smaller than hidden missions.According to the division of missions in Destiny, there are generally only two levels of random missions, one is legendary missions, and the other is epic missions.

In fact, these are nothing. The most peculiar thing is that these random tasks are all branch tasks of the main game line. Impact.

Such a setting can allow players to feel more of their own influence on the game, and to have a sense of belonging that I am the master.Of course, in addition to these spiritual rewards, players who can complete random tasks will receive extremely rare material rewards.

However, the triggering of random tasks is very strange. Maybe you need to reach a certain level of reputation with a certain force, maybe you need to take some adventures that ordinary people can't imagine, or maybe, the task is hiding in the corner of an inconspicuous house inside.

In short, it all depends on the player to explore by himself.

And the way Ye Ci received this task is really ordinary, because she is the first city resident whose reputation in a certain city reaches respect...

(End of this chapter)

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