hunter world

Chapter 148 Friends?

Chapter 148 Friends?

Chapter 48 Friends?

Ye Ci was stunned, Bai Mo was stunned, and Liu Chang was completely stunned, just looking straight at Dong Yin, as if looking at a stranger.

Seeing that Ye Ci didn't speak, Dong Yin glanced at Yi Cang secretly, and Yi Cang nodded imperceptibly at her.Dong Yin then turned back, looked directly at Ye Ci, took a deep breath, and continued: "We have been preparing for a long time, and it is really only a little bit away. We have already hit the old one. Ye Ci, as long as you are willing to help us, as long as you are willing, we will definitely win the first kill this time. So, Xiao Ci, you can help me again, okay? Just treat it as a help Are Yi Cang and I on good terms?"

Ye Ci just looked at Dong Yin, she didn't speak or move, she sat there quietly, her eyes were dark and quiet, she couldn't see any emotion, let alone sorrow or joy.

Dong Yin swallowed, got up, walked quickly to Ye Ci's side, then squatted down, and held her hand tightly.It's just that Ye Ci's ice-like fingers made her palms hurt. She shivered, looked up at Ye Ci's fair face, and said in a low voice again: "Xiao Ci, I know He Xiao has a lot. Things are not done right, I know that He Xiao is biased towards you, and I also know that you have suffered a lot of grievances in the iron-blooded battle, but, Xiaoci, please count me begging you, I don’t often ask for help, but, I am now Please, please help He Xiao once, okay?"

"Why?" Ye Ci looked at Dong Yin quietly, and after a long time, the corners of her mouth parted, and she squeezed out a few cold words from her lips.

Dong Yin paused for a moment, calmed down, and then said in a low voice: "I don't know exactly what happened, but I know that if He Xiao doesn't show some results this time, his status will definitely be affected first." At this point, Dong Yin bit his lips, and when he wanted to make a decision, he continued to say in a lower voice: "You, you may know that He Xiao's family is, yes, very rich. However, he is not the only heir, if, if..."

Dong Yin didn't continue talking when he reached this point.She believed that Ye Ci understood what she meant.

"You, do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Ci really understands that this kind of battle for the inheritance rights of wealthy families is not at all as dull as fighting for the throne in TV dramas, "Understood."

"Then... then you..." Hearing what Ye Ci said, Dong Yin looked at Ye Ci with some surprise. "You are the same..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Ci raised her eyebrows and smiled faintly: "However, what does this have to do with me?"

"Ye Ci!" Yi Cang frowned when he heard Ye Ci's words, before he wanted to say something, he saw Dong Yin shaking his head again and again before closing his mouth and not speaking again.On the other hand, Bai Mo raised the corner of his mouth, lifted the teapot to fill Yi Cang's quilt with tea, and said flatly, "Young man, don't act impulsively."

Yi Cang raised his eyes and glared at Bai Mo, then snorted bitterly.Liu Chang was so angry that he was about to stand up, but Bai Mo, who was sitting next to her, grabbed her hand, turned his face and smiled and said to her, "You also need to drink more water."

"Bai Mo!" Liu Chang has always had a bad temper. Dong Yin suggested her matchmaking for dinner today. She just wanted everyone not to be so stiff when they grew up. That's why she was so positive. The purpose is actually this, which makes her feel betrayed, and now Yi Cang is acting like that, which makes her so angry that she can't wait to jump up and grab Yi Cang's clothes and clothes. He fights.

But she didn't expect to be held back by Bai Mo, how could she not be angry, so she had to wait for Bai Mo in a blink of an eye.But seeing Bai Mo shaking his head slightly, and his comforting eyes, he suppressed his temper this time and finally sat down, but turned his head away angrily, and stopped talking.

Dong Yin didn't dare to look at Liu Chang, she knew that what she did today was a bit unkind, and I'm sorry for Liu Chang's enthusiasm, but she had no choice but to feel sorry for her.

She took a deep breath, held Ye Ci's hand more tightly, and said in a moving and sentimental voice: "Ye Ci, I know what you mean, maybe you think this matter really has nothing to do with you , but, Ye Ci, we have been sisters since we were young, we are siblings, maybe you think my request is too much, but, I have never asked you for anything since I was a child, can you promise me once. Maybe you and He Xiao There are too many misunderstandings between them, but can you let it go for me? Think about how good we were when we were young. As long as you want, we can still be as good as we were when we were young. Isn’t it good to be stumped?"

"Are you threatening me?" Ye Ci raised his eyebrows.She quietly looked at Dong Yin's face in front of her.Since she was a child, Dong Yin has always been beautiful, her beauty is as weak and lovely as a dodder, this point seems to have never changed from then to now.She was willing to protect her since she was a child, because she really liked them, but when did this love and protection change?When did the dodder-like Dong Yin change its taste?

Oh, love is so great.

Perhaps Xi Shi is really in the eye of the beholder, but she really doesn't understand, what charm is there in the setting sun of Qianshan, is it worth Dong Yin to sell her past, her feelings, and even her dignity for him!Dong Yin didn't know, when she made such a request to herself today, in Ye Ci's eyes, was Dong Yin just a commodity for sale?

Commodities have value, and Dong Yin is no exception.For Ye Ci, Dong Yin's value is nothing more than recording her simple and happy childhood. Could it be that she is so sure that these things are so important to her?Does she really think that these memories that are too far away are precious to herself, a reborn person who has died once?

No, absolutely not!
She does cherish the past, but she doesn't refuse all comers.She just wants to find the most cherished things in her new life.Whether Dong Yin is within this range is really not important to Ye Ci.

Dong Yin was stunned by Ye Ci's words, her lips trembled slightly, she, is she threatening Ye Ci?No, she won't, how could she, how dare she threaten Ye Ci?Since childhood, Ye Ci has always been the calmest, deepest and most powerful child, she seems to always be their center, their backbone, she, how dare she threaten Ye Ci?But, just now, what did she do just now?
The two of them kept doing this for a long time, until Dong Yin felt that her legs were already numb, she let out a breath slowly, her eyes were wet, but there was something in those dark eyes. It is filled with dense persistence and bravery.Her voice was not loud, but it was powerful: "Yes, I'm threatening you. I'm threatening you with our relationship for the past 18 years, I'm threatening you with all the good things we once had, and I'm threatening you with my friend!"

Ye Ci looked at her, and suddenly praised her a little. In fact, Dong Yin is fine now.At least she doesn't have to stand behind her anymore, at least she can speak her mind, so... How nice.

Ye Ci just laughed for no reason, her smile is rarely so bright and without scheming.That smile was as bright as the warm spring breeze now, and Dong Yin's eyes were dazzled. Only then did she realize that Ye Ci who was smiling was very good-looking, even prettier than herself.

Afterwards, Ye Ci withdrew his hand from Dong Yin's palm, lifted it up, and gently tidied up the broken hair next to her.Her slender and fair fingers slid along Dong Yin's round face all the way to her chin, then pinched Dong Yin's chin with lightning speed, and just lifted it up.

There seemed to be shattered ice in her eyes, piercing the heart like a knife.But her voice, her words were even harsher, like a hidden weapon that had been quenched with poison, flying over and making you unable to parry, just sinking in such a dark way: "How dare you think that I will be threatened by you? "

"Little Ci..." Dong Yin's chin hurt from being pinched by Ye Ci, and her eyes became more and more moist.

Yi Cang on the side wanted to get up to help, but was held down by Bai Mo, making him unable to move, so he could only shout in a low voice: "Ye Ci, let her go, Ye Ci, don't bully her!"

Ye Ci didn't seem to hear Yi Cang's voice, opened the corners of her mouth, and smiled coldly and cruelly: "Dong Yin, Dong Yin, how dare you confirm that I will miss you?" Then she narrowed her eyes and raised her head, then ruthlessly Throwing away her chin ruthlessly, she turned to look at Yi Cang, and sneered: "I bullied her? Is it hard to look at a weak person and you will definitely be bullied?"

Dong Yin sniffed and bit her lower lip fiercely, feeling unbearably ashamed.

"You worship Qianshan Xiyang, you like Qianshan Xiyang, so I have to enter Jagged Zhange for you, right? Just because we are young? We are friends? I have to help Jagged Zhange get money for free because of you. The first kill again and again, but also being run on by others? Just because we are friends? I have to tell you all my secrets? Whether it is PK or SOLO? Just because we are friends? Even if I leave, I will silently endure their bullying Dirty water? Do you have to endure being wronged and stolen? Just because we are friends? Well, no matter whether I am meddling or not, I exchanged the first kill video for your freedom to come and go, you all decided to go your own way, I will go my way What's the point of making this one now?" Ye Ci's voice was not loud, but it pierced the hearts of Dong Yin and Yi Cang like steel needles.

"If you don't agree, you won't have a friend?" Ye Ci sneered: "Oh, I don't even know, you still consider me a friend! Is this your friend? You still dare to ask me to help Qianshan Xiyang Take the first kill? Help him keep his inheritance! Are you ridiculous, or am I ridiculous?"

Her voice became sharp, as if a cat's claws were scratching the smooth and cold glass, it was so harsh that it made people uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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