hunter world

Chapter 155 Perseverance is just because there are not enough chips

Chapter 155 Perseverance is just because there are not enough chips
Chapter 55 Perseverance is just because there are not enough chips
"Close the door and come in." This was the first sentence Yue Qingqiu heard the other party say.In all fairness, her voice is not very pleasant, at least not the kind of soft and waxy voice unique to women, but rather sharp and cold, to my ears, it was as if someone was holding a count nine hanging under the eaves of the cold sky. It's like the ice is piercing your flesh, which will make you never forget that feeling.

And her face is also unforgettable.This person is really not a beauty in the absolute sense. Her eyebrows are too high, not soft and delicate, but like the official script neatly drawn by a superb calligrapher. The drive to compromise.Her eyes are not the almond eyes of a beauty, but the most respected phoenix eyes in ancient China. The tails of the eyes are raised, and the eyebrows are raised, giving people a sharp feeling of power without anger.

The skin is white, but it is a bit desolate, and the person is thin, but you can feel a faint pressure that cannot be ignored in that thin body.You will even feel that once this kind of pressure breaks out, not everyone can bear it.

At this moment, she was strolling from the window to the only reception table in the room, which was a long solid wooden table with a gorgeous shape.Behind the desk is a comfortable high-backed chair.She walked to the edge of the table and chair and sat down, and then she looked at Yue Qingqiu again, and then her unforgettable voice sounded softly: "Please sit down. "

Yue Qingqiu was tossing a lot of questions in his mind right now.For example, the one who unveiled the sign was actually a woman!For example, who is this woman?For example, what was she looking for herself to do?Wait, wait, wait, mess and darkness.So many problems haunted him, it made him a little slow now.

After walking slowly to the table and sitting down, before Yue Qingqiu could figure out how to speak the first sentence, he saw the other party throwing a bag of money on the table.

Yue Qingqiu's eyes suddenly widened, he knew the size of the money bag.In Destiny, in addition to directly entering the amount of money in the trading box when trading with players, there is another situation that is more similar to trading in reality, that is, directly letting the other party see the money.

Of course, this physical object is not a big push of money, but a bag of money.According to the amount of money in the destiny, when you take it out, there will be money bags of different sizes.These money bags also show different appearances in the texture of the pockets because of the different amounts of money in them.

Just like the money bag that Ye Ci threw on the table now, like the money bag that is placed in front of Yue Qingqiu now, its capacity is very large, a bulging bag, and the texture of the pocket is Made of gold wire.Although he had never seen such a bag in person, according to Yue Qingqiu's official knowledge, a money bag of this quality and size contained at least [-] gold coins.

One hundred thousand gold coins...

Yue Qingqiu suddenly felt that he was very disappointing. He felt dizzy now. After staring at the bag of money for a long time, he found his own voice with difficulty, and slowly raised his head to look at the man sitting opposite him with the corner of his mouth hooked. The woman with a calm smile also laughed a few times and said, "Are you planning to let me deposit this bag of money in the bank for you?"

"Here is one hundred thousand gold coins, for you." Ye Ci said a word without even changing his expression.These words are so bland, as if what she's talking about is not a huge sum of money, but... a trivial matter.

Sure enough, Yue Qingqiu's legs became weak even more unexpectedly, if he hadn't held on to the armrest of the chair tightly, he might have slipped under the chair by now.He only felt his mouth was dry, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest. He took a deep breath desperately, finally found himself stiff, and tried his best to calm himself down before speaking.But the tremor in his voice still betrayed his emotions at the moment.

"What's the matter?"

"One thing you can do."

"Things I can do?" Yue Qingqiu looked wary, 10 yuan to do one thing, what?He stared closely at the woman on the opposite side. This person looked very familiar. Where had he seen it before?

"Help me find someone." Ye Ci didn't want to make circles with Yue Qingqiu, so he got to the point directly. "It's absolutely legal. It's not a matter of murder and arson."

Check a person?Yue Qingqiu was slightly taken aback, his real occupation, it should be said that his previous occupation was indeed a private detective, and it is not difficult to investigate people.However, he never mentioned his occupation to anyone in the game, so how could this woman find him to search for someone?
Coincidence?No, no, no, this woman must know something.But Yue Qingqiu didn't dare to accept such a task hastily. You must know that this kind of people investigation has to sign a very strict contract in reality, because private detectives are a very marginal and dangerous profession in the real world. If you are not careful, you will cause unnecessary trouble for yourself.

Even so in reality, in the game, facing a virtual data, Yue Qingqiu would never put himself in unnecessary danger for the sake of a hundred thousand gold coins.

So he immediately refused with a haha: "If you want to search for someone, you should go to the Tianya Haijiao Guild. How can you find me? I am a little ranger..."

Ye Ci just squinted at Yue Qingqiu and laughed, if other people would be fooled by him like this, but Ye Ci would not.In the previous life, Ye Ci and Yue Qingqiu had a good relationship. Although it was a relationship of interest, this relationship was precisely the strongest relationship in the world, so she knew exactly what Yue Qingqiu was doing, otherwise she would not This person is the first thing that comes to mind when deciding to bring down someone.


"I'm really just a little swimmer..."


"This matter, this matter really can't be done^..." Yue Qingqiu's complexion has changed, he is suffering in his heart, he almost wants to cry when he looks at Ye Ci.Sister, don't test my endurance, my willpower is actually very weak, really, really...


"Boss..." Yue Qingqiu's face was flushed red, tears were almost falling down.

"After the matter is completed, I will give you another 50." Ye Ci leisurely looked at Yue Qingqiu's distorted face and smiled.Now she suddenly remembered what Yue Qingqiu once said to her, there is no such thing as persistence in the world, persistence is only because of insufficient bargaining chips.

Now she wants to see how long Yueqingqiu can last.

Yue Qingqiu's face suddenly flushed red, and then he stood up with a heroic expression, and let out a long sigh of relief: "Who do you want to investigate?"

Ye Ci didn't speak anymore, the corners of her mouth turned up fully showed that she was in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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