hunter world

Chapter 158 Birth of Dark Priest Jelly

Chapter 158 Birth of Dark Priest Jelly
Chapter 58 The Birth of Shadow Priest Jelly
After holding on for half an hour, when there were finally 5 or 6 people left, Ye Ci made a decisive decision - to leave the battle.

Everyone revived and rested, and all sat on the ground to eat and drink, while Mi Lu sat next to Ye Ci and said: "It's like this every time. This time the luck is not very good, so half of the blood is knocked out. If you encounter luck When it's good, it can knock out two-thirds of the blood."

"What's the difference between knocking out two-thirds of the blood and not knocking out a little blood." Ye Ci raised the corners of his mouth, looking at Mi Lu and said calmly.

Of course Mi Lu understood what Ye Ci meant. He nodded and sighed: "I know, I have even gone to the black market to inquire about the progress of other guilds, and they seem to be stuck here just like us."

Ye Ci nodded, turned to look at the boss who was still standing not far away, and thought for a while before saying, "Have you tried the control skills of rangers, druids, priests, and priests?"

"I've tried all of them, and none of them can interrupt the reading." Mi Lu was still sighing: "I'm almost doubting whether this dungeon is a bug or not, otherwise I can't get through at all."

"It can't be a BUG. The old one on the forum has already made a lot of noise about this dungeon. If it is really a BUG, ​​the official has already released a patch. However, the official has not made any movement until now, which means that this BOSS will definitely be able to overthrow it. , it’s just that we haven’t thought of a better way until now.”

"I feel like my head is going to explode. Not only me, but everyone in our group is about to lose countless brain cells for this boss, and it still doesn't work. It's too hard." Mi Lu Stretching his legs, he looked at Ye Ci and smiled wryly: "President, I invited you here today, but it's all up to you, you must find a way for us."

"Do you really think I'm a god?" Ye Ci twitched the corners of his mouth, lowered his head, thought for a while, and said, "I still think it has something to do with the control skills of several control professions."

"I've really thought about this, but up to now, all professional control skills are MISS on him." Mi Lu was distressed and anxious, and he told Ye Ci the results of his back and forth experiments, hoping for Ye Ci Words to judge the entire BOSS battle process to get some help.

Ye Ci just smiled, and then said to Jelly not far away: "Hey, violent girl, come here."

Jelly's reputation as a violent doctor has already begun to grow. If she was a well-behaved healer when she first joined the team, then in the days to come, she would basically be lazy in healing, and she would go up as long as she caught the opportunity to deal damage. Output, and the person she is responsible for adding blood, basically will not be full of blood, and hovers between the death line and half blood all the time.

Although this made many players feel anxious at all times, the player in charge of Jelly had a relatively low drop rate. Such a result made it difficult for the commander to say anything, so he had to turn a blind eye and ignore her.Now that Jelly's behavior was condoned by the commander, she used herself more and more as a DPS. She even regretted that she should have chosen Mage as her career choice at that time. Being a DPS is so enjoyable.It's just a pity for those players who have been healed by the jelly. Not only do they have to fight wholeheartedly to stand up for their position, but they also have to spare a lot of heart, worrying about their own lives.

Therefore, every time when commanding and distributing treatment, players who were not assigned jelly treatment would cheer, while players who were assigned jelly treatment... basically had the highest quality—quiet.

It is conceivable that you can ask a priest whose DPS hovers around the top five at any time to guarantee more life?
Probably since then, the number of people calling her Jelly has decreased, but more people have called her Violent Girl. At first, Jelly was not satisfied with this title.Although she loves DPS, it doesn't mean that she really wants to be called that. After she protested many times to no avail, she is at peace with it.

No, as soon as Ye Ci called her a nickname, she immediately ran over: "Call me, son."

"Do you particularly like DPS?"

"Yes, yes, every treatment has a DPS heart, and my heart is beating all the time!"

Ye Ci nodded, and then said: "Go and wash your talents, and become a dark priest."

"Ah?" Jelly's eyes widened, as if she had been knocked dizzy by a pie falling from the sky.

"President, President, our DPS is enough, not lacking in output, but lacking in healing, and now the healing is withdrawn..." Mi Lu was stunned for a moment, and immediately protested, a joke, throwing away that big skill, The pastor is busy replenishing blood and is in a hurry. If he continues to take out the pastor and walk away, isn't it... This is too, too crazy.

"I can't make it anyway, try." Ye Ci smiled and rejected Mi Lu's proposal.

"Really! Really!" Jelly was probably the most excited person, as if she had finally won the lottery that she had always dreamed of, she was so excited that she was incoherent.

Ye Ci nodded, but let her come over, and whispered a few words in her ear, "Can you do it?"

"Yes, yes. As long as it allows me to cut DPS, anything is fine!" Jelly's head was like pounding garlic, and she hurriedly rushed out of the dungeon and returned to the city to wash her talent points.

Mi Lu looked curious: "President, what did you tell her?"

Ye Ci intends to be tricky, and you will know it when the fight starts.

Sure enough, when the fight started, the mystery was revealed.

"Attention everyone! The boss has read the message, everyone is on the defensive!" Mi Lu shouted as soon as he saw Lao Yi start reading the message.

At this time, Ye Ci secretly told Jelly: "Silence!"

Jelly was also a top priest in her previous life, so of course she didn't have to wait for Ye Ci to remind her before losing her skills. Ye Ci's voice had just sounded, and she had already thrown the silence neatly.Although I am still a little worried, after all, before the talent point of dark priest, the silence she throws will be deviated by the boss, although Ye Ci just asked her to fill up the three talents that strengthen silence, but she has to My heart is still up and down.

The reading bar under the BOSS portrait suddenly turned red and was cut off.

This phenomenon made the whole team stand in a daze, not knowing what was going on, and even Mi Lu started to be in a daze, "No, is it because my eyes are blurred!"

"Why are you staring blankly! Hurry up!" Seeing that they were all in a daze, Ye Ci quickly shouted!
After a few seconds of interruption, the action finally resumed!
Two minutes later, the BOSS read the skill again and was interrupted again.Mi Lu guessed what Ye Ci said to Jelly, although he didn't know, but under such circumstances, he only had one thought, the boss and the others definitely got the first kill!
Thank you for your suggestions to Fireworks in the book reviews. Although there is no reply, I have read every one of them.I'll try not to make the cold worse...

I drank a lot of boiled water a day, and kept going to the toilet every 20 minutes. My mother said that I was about to become a bucket of urine...

(End of this chapter)

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