hunter world

Chapter 160 The old man who cheated 2

Chapter 160
Chapter 60 The cheating dick
Young Master Qingge seemed to be here to ask about this matter, he didn't say anything else other than that, the two of them exchanged a few words and then hung up.It's just that Ye Ci always feels in his heart that this guy must have other things. However, since Mr. Qingge didn't mention it, she naturally wouldn't rush to ask him. She will come to find her again when he has something to do. .

This is nothing.After the two people pulled up the line, they heard that the people in the team were excited. It turned out that some good equipment had been released. Mi Lu was distributing the equipment according to the DKP. She was too embarrassed to ask for the equipment she could use.

In this regard, Mi Lu is selfless. He didn't give priority to Ye Ci because he was the president and led everyone to the first kill. In his heart, it is natural that the player with the most effort and the most DKP is the most capable Get equipment first.Regarding this point, Liu Chang felt wronged by Ye Ci in private, but Ye Ci felt that what Mi Lu did was extremely correct, so he just comforted Liu Chang and explained to her the serious relationship between them. Mi Lu was very sad about the loot.

Playing games, equipment will be there sooner or later.

Although many people know this sentence, but few people are truly open-minded.Everyone trusts Tiantianxiang, and they all come here. In addition to the harmonious interpersonal relationship here, there is also a very important point that the DKP system here is relatively fair.Otherwise, even if there are many first kills, so what if the gold group is opened early, the dungeon will be cleared sooner or later, and the planned and designed game cannot embarrass the player for a lifetime. Sooner or later, the Chinese guild will suffer from the hearts of the people.

Ye Ci is a person who has been reborn. She has played games from a young age to her heyday, from being amicable to being rebellious, among which she is naturally the most clear about the so-called all kinds of powerful relationships.So in this life, Ye Ci put the most important things in the previous life in the most inconspicuous place. In this life, her goal is to start over, not to be a top person, but to be a team.

Not only Bai Mo understands Ye Ci's approach, but Mi Lu is even more grateful. He originally thought that according to Ye Ci's contribution to the guild, even if there is not much DKP, if the players in the guild are given priority Will not say anything.However, Ye Ci has never broken this rule, let alone reaped any benefits for the group of relatives and friends.

Therefore, in the entire guild that is making progress every day, Ye Ci has unknowingly become a god-like existence in everyone's mind.Of course, such a situation was not foreseen by Ye Ci from the beginning.

The old one's fight is over.Everyone corrected it and started marching towards the second child.

In fact, going directly to beat the second child is undoubtedly going to die, but Ye Ci still hopes that everyone can fight, she can't always use what she got in the previous life to lead Tian Tian Shang, if it is still like that, Tian Tian Shang will sooner or later To become a guild with only her alone is definitely not what Ye Ci would like to see.Therefore, she is more willing to let everyone entangle themselves, destroy the group by themselves, and study continuously by themselves, so that they can make greater progress in future battles and have more ability to respond to sudden events.

No matter how powerful the mobs along the way are, when facing a 50-man army, it is only a matter of time before they fall down.Soon, a group of people had marched in front of the No. [-] BOSS.

No. [-] BOSS is a very special BOSS in the ruined castle. There are six BOSS in the whole ruined castle, but No. [-] BOSS can be skipped or not, because it does not control whether the door of the copy behind is opened or not. See if you want a very special achievement.

However, as Ye Ci who wants to win the first kill in the ruined castle, he must fight the No. 10 boss, because only after fighting the No. 9 boss, the team that gets the first kill in this copy can get the title that is more against the sky—— —The one who is colder than winter.This title does not add any attribute points, nor does it have any experience bonus, but this title comes with a skill - freezing.It can freeze 8 random people within [-] yards of one's own side, causing them to be unable to move for [-] seconds.

In fact, mages also have this skill. It is a control skill, but mages can only control it for 5 seconds, which is a full 3 seconds less than the skill attached to this title.Moreover, there is no occupational requirement for this skill, as long as it is the first team to kill the ruined castle and knock down the No. [-] BOSS, it is possible to have it, so it must be obtained.

Even if Ye Ci was beaten to death, he would never forget that when he besieged a thief with a lower level than himself in his last life, he threw Freeze instead of killing him, but was thrown a title skill Freeze by the opponent, and finally killed himself alive.Then this video was posted on the Internet by the thief, so Ye Ci, the number one mage, didn't know where to hide.

The second child is really not easy to fight.

This is a guy who is much smaller than other bosses.It is said that it is a small pet under the seat of Ahn'Qiraj, the Queen of Ice and Snow. It is all white, with sharp claws on its limbs, and it moves quickly.Its own dodge rate is higher than all the monsters in Destiny.

In fact, there is really no skill in beating it, it just surrounds her in a specific range and consumes her alive.

Not only that, this guy is immune to all physical attacks, and has a very high dodge rate for magic attacks, so to fight this boss, the only way to fight this boss is to let the legal professional drink the potion to grind it to death.This BOSS is really a BOSS that will test the guild's financial strength. Ye Ci remembered that in his last life, to fight this BOSS, at least the guild had spent nearly [-] gold coins for potions.And the equipment obtained may only be [-] to [-] gold, so after the land reclamation, no guild is interested in this boss anymore.

Of course, only Ye Ci knows about this, and she will never tell anyone.Whether the road ahead is tortuous or not, we still need to experience it ourselves to be the most profound.

Sure enough, when a pair fell on the ice ferret, the team immediately complained.

"My God! This guy is so fast! I can't catch up with it!"

"Don't say you are a warrior, I, a thief, can barely keep up."

"Damn it! I finally caught it, and it's actually immune to physical attacks! The legal profession quickly locks it up, and bombards it, it doesn't have much blood!"

"No way! Even the spells are deviated! I only hit one of the five fireballs, and the damage is halved. How can I fight this? It's a waste of medicine!"


(End of this chapter)

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