hunter world

Chapter 169 The Enemy Is the Person Who Knows You Best

Chapter 169 The Enemy Is the Person Who Knows You Best

Chapter 69 The Enemy is the One Who Knows You Best

The kite rented by Lily is obviously for sightseeing. The routes chosen are all with beautiful scenery, and you can see the most majestic buildings on this map. If Ye Ci came to visit Champion City at high altitude today, he might still feel that The kite is flying a little faster.

But today is not the case. Now Ye Ci is using kites to harvest people's lives. It would be fine if no one chased her, but now there is a fleeting year chasing after her.In fact, it is reasonable to say that the speed of human movement can never catch up with the speed of this kite.It's a pity that the route designed by Lily's kite in Champion City is a shrinking spiral.Therefore, as long as Fleeting Year finds a suitable position, you can see the kite that Ye Ci is riding is spinning round and round in the sky according to a fixed line, and the turning is getting smaller and smaller, and it is about to fall.

Ye Ci has never felt as passive as he is now, at least not after rebirth.Because she couldn't leave the kite, there was very little room for her to move around. To aim at Fleeting Years in such a small space and ensure that she would not exceed the range of the attack was really too difficult.Not only that, but the important thing is that she can't dodge flexibly because of the limited space, so she always has to worry about whether Fleeting Nian's next skill will hit her.Fortunately, she rushed to the level recently, there should be a few levels difference between the two of them, although Fleeting Year's attack is still powerful, but due to the level penalty, his hit rate is not too high, otherwise, she might be a living target. He was shot dead.

What Ye Ci can feel, Fleeting Years will naturally know.After he released a few skills but did not get a response from Ye Ci, he understood that the thing Ye Ci was riding on was definitely not something she could control. People are themselves, and they will not let themselves shoot and kill casually like they are now.

Not only that, from Fleeting Years' point of view, not only is Gong Ziyou's mobility restricted, but more importantly, she still has a long way to go when she lands, so as long as he can control the position of the skill release and pay attention to avoiding it, then It is not difficult to shoot and kill Gong Ziyou directly.

It's just that it's a bit unsatisfying.From Liu Nian's point of view, in the fight with Gong Ziyou, the important thing is not who puts the other to death in the end, but the thrilling confrontation and intrigue in the process.This is the competition between masters. It is really meaningless to just massacre like now.

What's more, Gong Ziyou is a woman. In Destiny, female characters are weaker than male characters in terms of strength, and of course they are relatively higher in agility than male characters.What I'm doing now is really a bit unkind.

It's just that when Fleeting Nian shot Ye Ci with a few arrows, he discovered another problem. He had more misses against Ye Ci's attacks, at least much more than in the last fight.Her equipment doesn't seem to have changed much, so that can only explain one problem - now Gong Ziyou's level is at least 3 levels higher than her own.

Otherwise, his hit rate would not be so low.

This can't help but make Fleeting Years look at each other again.Although he doesn't like leveling very much, he also knows that in online games, the first level is overwhelming. If you want to remain invincible, there is nothing to say except technically. To keep up.So he was diligent in leveling, but he didn't expect that Gong Ziyou's leveling speed was not slow.

When they faced each other last time, judging from the hit rate, the level of the two people was about the same. It hasn't been much time until now, and Gong Ziyou has surpassed him by at least three levels. He really wants to know what this woman is. The local leveling went.

Although Fleeting Years has a lot of considerations here, but the skills in his hands are not merciful at all, and they shoot at Ye Ci one after another.Over there, Ye Ci could only pour one bottle after another of the blood-enriching potion into her mouth. You know, she usually didn't carry many blood-boosting potions because she was too confident, and they were usually for emergency use. How could it be like now? This is for saving your life in such a mess!

Ye Ci gritted her teeth, and could only keep driving the Enhanced Spirit Monkey Guardian to increase her dodge rate, otherwise, the medicines on her would really not be able to withstand it.

There is an end to the cheating time, and the last place where Lily's kite docked was the top floor of the auction house in Champion City.This is considered to be a relatively high place in the Champion City. Although it is nothing compared to the royal palace, compared with the six years of non-stop leaping on the roof, her current position can be regarded as an advantage.

The blood is not full yet, but there are only two bottles of blood-enriching potion left on her body, Ye Ci dare not use it anymore, she can't be so conceited when fighting Fleeting Years, she must keep something to save her life.So she jumped off the kite while wearing first aid bandages.This first-aid bandage was made just now. Although compared with Dahong, the healing effect is indeed a little bit worse, but it is better in quantity. Ye Ci wrapped three of them in succession, and the health bar immediately rose from 10% to 80. %.

Time is money. At this time, Ye Ci didn't care about his own blood, so he ran towards the edge of the roof.The most important thing for her now is to find a chance to fight back against Fleeting Years in the shortest possible time, and she must not let time slip away in vain.

The houses in Champion City are not all of the same height, they are scattered in different heights, so running on the roofs is definitely different from walking on flat ground.Not only do you have to jump at any time, but you also have to fully estimate the distance between the roofs of the two houses and the distance between the heights, otherwise you will accidentally fall to the street.What's more, if you fall on the street in normal times, you can still do some emergency measures. Now the entire street is full of scuffles between the two sides. If you accidentally fall, you have to be careful, otherwise you will be beaten to death with a random club.

It is for this reason that even if Liu Nian knows where Ye Ci landed, even a master like Liu Nian must be careful when walking on thin ice, otherwise he is really afraid of losing his life.

This is really an excellent opportunity for Ye Ci.

She looked up, and there was a clock tower not far away, and the location of the clock tower was still very close to where Fleeting Nian was running.Without thinking carefully, Ye Ci's body has already made the best decision instead of her brain.She took a few steps back, then rushed forward quickly, leaping over the edge of the auction house roof, and rushed towards the clock tower like an arrow.

It is really not an easy task to control her falling body while rushing towards the clock tower. Fortunately, her limbs and senses have been sharpened, and any slight negligence will be subconsciously avoided. This allowed her to land on the most accurate position at the fastest speed.

Ye Ci slammed on a corner of the clock tower wall with one foot, and then used the inertia of the other foot to quickly run along the wall towards Fleeting Years.From a distance, she seemed to be running directly on the vertical wall as if she had escaped the gravity of the earth, but only Ye Ci knew that this was because the inertia of rushing over could not last long.

Fortunately, the wall of the bell tower is not wide, and soon she rushed from one corner to the other, and at the moment when her body was about to fall, she kicked the corner with both feet, and her body was like The off-string arrow rushed towards the direction of fleeting years.

That's it, attack range!While Ye Ci was running and jumping, she had already replaced the strengthened monkey protection with the strengthened falcon protection. Not only that, but she had to strengthen the hunter's mark, which was already bright red on the top of Liunian's head.In the blink of an eye, the chain arrows, multiple arrows, and poisonous snake stings all flew towards Fleeting Years!

Although Fleeting Nian has been running and jumping cautiously between the roofs, his eyes never leave Gong Ziyou for a moment.So the moment Gong Ziyou's figure flew out from the roof of the auction house, he was already ready to shoot.It has to be said that in terms of utilizing natural conditions, Gong Ziyou has an advantage over him. Just look at the moment when she rushed from the roof to the clock tower, and then rushed over from the clock tower to throw a skill at herself. It was as gorgeous and sharp as a handful of precious stones. The dagger is so beautiful that I can't help but applaud myself.

A good opponent is not only the most beautiful pursuit in life, but also the person who knows himself best.

This sentence could not be more suitable between Ye Ci and Fleeting Years.Just as Ye Ci can predict Fleeting Nian's next actions with 80% accuracy, Fleeting Nian's prediction accuracy for all Ye Ci's thoughts and actions, and even her response is also 80%.

So from the moment Ye Ci jumped up and threw the Enhanced Hunter Sting, Fleeting Years had roughly predicted what skill Ye Ci would release next, so he didn't run in the direction of Ye Ci, but quickly Jump towards the left rear.

While jumping, a series of his skills had already been released towards Ye Ci.

Ye Ci turned around in the air and dodged, and because of this dodge, Fleeting Nian also avoided several of Ye Ci's skills.It's just that he didn't expect Ye Ci's multiple arrows to be able to shoot up to 7 arc-shaped arrows at one time. He didn't grasp the angle well, and he was shot by two of them, and his blood bar was immediately empty by one-third.

Sure enough, the first class crushes people to death.Fleeting Nian looked at his health bar and frowned, and he didn't hit Ye Ci every time when he released his skills, but she not only hit him every time, but the damage value was much higher than his.

If things go on like this, the situation will be really bad for him.

Liu Nian narrowed his eyes slightly, stretched out his hand and whistled at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly a huge vampire bat appeared beside him.

Ye Ci sneered, are you the only one who can recruit babies?She also blew a whistle, but what made her vomit blood was that the system prompted her to reply: "This place is not suitable for summoning land pets."


(End of this chapter)

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