hunter world

Chapter 181 The Gap Between Elementary and Advanced

Chapter 181 The Gap Between Elementary and Advanced
Chapter 81 The Difference Between Beginner and Advanced
Ye Ci packed up the bottles and cans on the table and started to walk outside the pharmacy.By the way, he despised Bai Mo: "First of all, I was not grown up by you. Before you came here to fool around, we only met each other during winter and summer vacations at most. Secondly, hold me in the palm of your hand for fear of falling, and hold me in your mouth for fear of melting. The person who got it is my father, not you." She said and threw a few intermediate strength potions in her hand to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo subconsciously took what Ye Ci threw over him, looked carefully, and couldn't help applauding, it's really a good thing!This is the panacea for fighting BOSS and overthrowing MM.

"You are at most a cheap picker. You will only follow me every day and pretend to be a flower protector. Don't be shameless there."

"Flower protector?" Bai Mo tilted his head and looked at Ye Ci walking out, giggling: "What kind of flower are you? Overlord flower!"

Ye Ci immediately turned his head and glared at Bai Mo, this guy is really cheap: "Bawanghua is also a flower!"

"Well, Bawanghua is also a flower." Bai Mo nodded again and again. For this kind of thing, he has never competed with ladies. He is a gentleman.However, seeing Ye Ci walking towards the guild conference room, he couldn't help asking: "Hey, Bawanghua, where are you going?"

"It's none of your business." Ye Citou didn't know how, he gave Bai Mo a blank look, and continued to walk towards the conference room arrogantly.

Bai Mo stood behind her and smiled.Ye Ci has always been such a hard-spoken and soft-hearted child. In fact, she is more worried about the progress of Mi Lu and Qing Yanmo than she is, and more worried about the progress of the entire dungeon than him, especially after the wolf clan overthrew the No. [-] boss. Did not say.No matter who complains, no matter who is worried, she always says that the dungeon will be broken sooner or later, and uses it to comfort others, but Bai Mo knows that she is worried.

This guy has always been like this, he can't express his emotions at all, and he is so arrogant that it makes people feel cute.

Now she went to the conference room because the elite group was meeting there, and everyone was trying to find a way, so she must be worried.

Ye Ci stood quietly outside the door of the meeting room and listened to the discussion of everyone inside, and had no intention of going in.Suddenly, I saw Mengmeng standing up with a height of 1.7 meters. Cough, of course, she was standing on a chair, otherwise, no one would have seen her.

"I thought of a way!" Mengmeng, who is 1.7 meters tall, has obvious bruises under her eyes, and it seems that she didn't sleep yesterday. "The focus of our entanglement now is the BUFF on the person after the boss roll call. We have no way to remove the existing skills, but there has been no progress, so I wonder, is the direction we are thinking now wrong?"

Qing Yanmo was slightly taken aback when Meng Meng was 1.7 meters tall. He and Mi Lu looked at each other and said in unison: "Dream, continue talking."

Dream is 1.7 meters tall. In fact, she has always belonged to the role of being led in the dungeon team. Although she has a high output, she really has nothing to recommend in the direction of command insights, so after hearing the words of the two commanders, Instead, I got a little nervous.

Let go of the girl on the side and cheer her up in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, speak slowly."

"When I was sleeping last night, I remembered what Xiaoyou said to me. In fact, it is not necessary for us to solve the difficult problems in the game. Maybe we can take the initiative to attack. Maybe that's the case. There will be more opportunities. I was thinking, it seems that we have been solving problems passively." She paused slightly and lowered her voice: "At the same time, I also discovered one thing, Xiaoyou took us through Dungeon, all the problems encountered in that dungeon, she used the proactive method to solve the problem, and as long as we are not the dungeon under her command, we will be soldiers to cover up the water and soil, and will not take the initiative to solve the problem."

Dreaming of being 1.7 meters tall made Qing Yanmo and Mi Lu fall into deep thought. Indeed, they have always had this problem. Although no one is aware of it, this problem has always existed.Mi Lu even remembered that once a copy of the video he conducted with Qing Yanmo was uploaded on the official forum, and most of the people in the back were full of praise, saying how sharp Tian Tian Xiang was and how precise the command was. They are very proud.

However, there was only one comment that made Mi Lu and Qing Yanmo feel stuck in their throats.Until now, Mi Lu can clearly recite the anonymous comment: "The teamwork is good, and the command is in place. However, this level of command is still a little short of the senior command, and it is not far from the top command. 01:30 Clicked."

The two of them have never told anyone about this matter, but they have always taken it to heart.However, the more they studied, the more they couldn't figure out what that person meant.How far are they from the senior command?Until today, if the dream is 1.7 meters tall, they finally found the crux of the problem.

"Don't be angry, I'm not saying that your command is not good." Meng Meng, who is 1.7 meters tall, scratched his hair, seeing that the two of them were silent, he felt that he had spoken too much, so the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while. "That's right, that's right, let's talk about boss No. [-], because of Xiaoyou's words, I think we are always solving the problem of getting buff after the boss roll call, because we can't solve it, so we destroy the group again and again, and get stuck Can't go here."

"Dream, I have a question. We all understand what you mean, but have you ever thought that we can't interrupt when the boss's skills are reading, how to solve this?" Jelly nodded and asked herself The problem.

"I've thought about this too, so the solution I came up with is not to undo the DBUFF for the person named by various healers or support professions, but let's solve him directly." Meng Meng, 1.7 meters tall, accepted Jelly's words, and then said his own Method.

"You mean we directly set fire to the people who hit the DBUFF?" Qing Yanmo looked surprised.

"Yes." Mengmeng, who is 1.7 meters tall, nodded and confirmed: "Anyway, people who get the DBUFF will definitely die, and they will uncontrollably implicate people who didn't get the DBUFF. Why don't we call the name of the boss, and we will immediately focus on him. The boss probably every Roll call every 3 to 5 minutes. As long as we can guarantee everyone’s output, I calculated that in about 20 minutes, at most six to seven people can die to pass this boss, and this boss moves very slowly. The attack is not very painful, so if everyone cooperates well and fills up the positions of the dead players quickly, we should be able to pass."

Dreaming of being 1.7 meters tall made everyone fall into contemplation. This is indeed a new way of playing. They were either whispering or discussing the feasibility of this method in groups of three or five. In short, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room A hot scene.

Ye Ci looked at the situation in the room and smiled slightly, then turned and left the conference room.It seems that she had good luck, Mengmeng, who is 1.7 meters tall, accidentally said the correct way to fight this boss, so I believe that the fourth child will be taken down by Tian Tianshang soon, so she doesn't have to worry anymore.Moreover, the words about dreaming of being 1.7 meters tall must have inspired Qing Yanmo and Mi Lu, allowing them to see the gap between themselves and senior conductors and even top conductors. Maybe the list of top conductors in the future will be rewritten based on this.

"Why don't you go in?" Bai Mo who came after him looked at Ye Ci who was leaving and asked.

"They solved the problem by themselves, so I don't need to come forward." Ye Ci smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Bai Mo's shoulder: "Master President, wait for the fourth brother's five armors to be collected."

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Ci's surprised face: "Why? So sure."

But Ye Ci didn't speak, just walked towards the NPC who said: "You're right, being bored in the guild every day is not like Gongziyou's style."

"Where are you going this time?"

"God knows."

In fact, Ye Ci is now planning to go to the Black Mud City in the Swamp of Sorrows to find Moore, the lord of the city. After all, Sakagal gave her an epic mission. If she keeps doing nothing for nothing, she will feel that I am extravagant.

In particular, now is a good day with good weather, everything in the guild is going well, and the fight with Iron Blood is on track. There is nothing to worry about for the time being. If she doesn't find something for herself to do well, I am so sorry for such a beautiful day.

From Red Lake City to Hei Mu City, say whether it is far or not, or whether it is close or not.If it is a straight line, it is very close. However, there is a gray mountain range between the two cities, which separates the two cities. Unless the flight system can be used to fly over, the current players can only fly around. It takes more than a dozen maps to reach Hei Mu City.

Black Mud City is one of the few territories in contention on the Eastern Continent.The city lord here, Moore, is a neutral guy, so on the land of Black Mud City, players can also see players from other continents, and fighting here is a common thing.

Ye Ci is not afraid of PK, but she knows that this trip is not an easy task, so before leaving, she brought all the things that should be prepared and brought, so as not to forget something and come back to pick it up. It's cheating.

Recruited the fourth child, climbed onto his back, dragged out a few pieces of barbecue and stuffed it into the guy's mouth, the guy was so happy that he shook his head and tail, and responded positively to Ye Ci's order to run away.

Probably because the fourth child was too attractive. Anyway, when he was galloping on the streets of Red Lake City, someone would stop and salute at any time.Although Ye Ci didn't care about this kind of treatment, the fourth child enjoyed it very much. The more people saw him, the more excited he was.

Ye Ci was a little uncomfortable being bumped by the fourth child, so he wanted to protest, but suddenly received a message from a stranger: "Young Master You, are you busy now?"

(End of this chapter)

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