hunter world

Chapter 183 Someone Is Really Looking for Death

Chapter 183 Someone Is Really Looking for Death

Chapter 83 Someone Really Wanted to Die

On the level leaderboard, the highest level is now level 35. However, it is not ruled out that there are many people who do not want their names to appear on the level leaderboard, and choose not to participate in the ranking.For example, Ye Ci, although there are not too many people in this way, no one can guarantee that the level of the players here will be lower than the player level on the leaderboard.

However, despite what he said, Ye Ci believes that at least on the map of the Swamp of Sorrows, there will not be more than 3 players above level [-], or she might be the only one.This is also the reason why she passed by alone in the Swamp of Sorrow so confidently and boldly.

Although not everyone can see the level, but everyone can see the cool mount.In the game, there are generally only a few ways to get a cool mount, either very rich, very strong, or very lucky.Pets like Lao Si that can be used as both pets and mounts are actually very rare in the entire game. Although Ye Ci is not sure whether other hunters have such pets besides his own, but, She believed that in the entire Eastern Continent, there was probably only one of them.

Because of wearing a deceitful brooch, Ye Ci's current outfit is grey, and it looks very ordinary. Although the fourth child's crotch is very cool, it still makes people drool.

In Destiny, there are various mounts, but not every kind of mount will be bound, and many mounts can be dropped due to death. Therefore, in the later stage of Destiny, those who ride rare mounts Players must be extra careful in the wild, if they are not accidentally hung up and exposed, it will be really worth the candle.

Ever since entering the map of Swamp of Sorrows, Ye Ci has seen players from the Northwest Continent everywhere. They are in small groups, leveling honestly, neither making trouble nor fighting, and seem to be very quiet.Although Ye Ci is very keen on collecting honors, she really doesn't have the heart to do it at this moment.First of all, they were scattered too widely, and secondly, she was concerned about the task, and it was only serious business to go back to open up the ruined castle after finishing it.

However, there is such a saying that when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog the teeth.She was riding the fourth child and was running quickly along the road in the middle of the map towards the Black Mud City, but she was suddenly beaten by someone.

"You were attacked by XXX, a player from the Northern Continent." The system prompt came immediately, because the other party was a player from the Northern Continent, and his name was hidden, so the name of the prompt Ye Ci received was also hidden.However, for Ye Ci, it doesn't really matter who hit her, what matters is, who is so owed to provoke her, looking for death?
In fact, someone really came to seek death.

She didn't stop the fourth child right away, she just looked back while running, and saw, in front of a shallow water beach by the roadside, there were several red players standing there, and one of them was also a hunter. Maintaining a shooting posture, while several other players, mages are already chanting spells, and warriors are sprinting towards her.

If Ye Ci's guess is correct, the sorcerer must be singing the sheep transformation technique.Although the hunter hit him with a miss just now, it proves that their level is at least 7 levels lower than his own, but the spell of changing sheep is hard to say. If he is hit, he is afraid that he will be beaten Well, it would be too embarrassing to be rendered helpless by such five or six players.

When Ye Ci thought so, the soldier had already charged to Ye Ci's side.As a result, Ye Ci received another system prompt: "You were attacked by player XXX from the northern continent." Her battle prompt indicated that she had missed the stun effect caused by the warrior's charge just now.

Obviously the MISS of the two attacks made these players a little surprised, especially the soldiers were stunned, but Ye Ci didn't care what they were thinking or discussing at this time, and directly pulled the fourth child to quickly turn around and head towards the direction of the mage. ran away.

Seeing the hunter running towards him, the mage quickly cast spells while running, singing faster and faster.Ye Ci unceremoniously raised the crossbow, and released a chain of arrows towards her. At this time, the mage's skills were chanted, and the golden light shrouded Ye Ci's body. As I became shorter, my field of vision became much lower, and I ran around uncontrollably.

Ye Ci is no stranger to this effect. She was a top mage in her previous life. This situation can only explain one problem, she was turned into a sheep.The target turned into a sheep by the mage cannot be attacked, otherwise it will be released from this state immediately. Logically speaking, at this time, various professions should stand up and start dealing with her.Of course, the five or six players from the northern continent actually thought so, but they didn't expect that the situation this time was a bit special.

After the huntress was knocked off her mount, not only did the mount not disappear, but it also roared and ran towards them, which made the first few people who provoked the trouble look at each other.

"What are you doing in a daze, attack quickly!" The hunter as the captain yelled, and other people also started to release skills at the fourth child, but the results were all MISS, or dozens of blood damage, This kind of injury made several people look at each other in blank dismay.The hunter can only issue an order: "Run quickly, don't fight!"

Several people started to disperse with a whoop.

In the team chat, they discussed anxiously: "What's going on! Didn't you take her off the mount? Didn't you turn her into a sheep? Why is her mount still rushing towards us?" Because the mage of the sheep has short legs (the legal profession is the slowest moving speed of all professions, so it is commonly called short legs. Of course it does not mean that the player has really short legs...what am I explaining=.=), and runs at the end of everyone However, she is not the first person to attack Ye Ci, so the highest hatred is not her.While she was talking like this, she only saw the fourth child rushing past her and chasing after the hunter.

At this time, several of them had already beaten the fourth child, but facing the rough-skinned, thick-skinned and bad-tempered fourth child at level 42, not only did they not injure their own lives, they even became toys to chase after. After Ye Ci fell off its back, it immediately ran towards the direction of several people.Originally, it just ran for a while, but these people kept throwing skills at it along the way, which made the fourth child completely angry. It roared, accelerated its speed, and suddenly released a group skill, which shocked everyone. The blood bars of the few people who were far away from it suddenly dropped by more than half.

"What the hell is this? It's attacking so fiercely! I'm going to be chased to death by it!" Several players who were close to the fourth child screamed in fright.

"how could I know!"

"Is it true that her mount is her pet?" The priest running behind everyone said, she didn't attack, so the hatred is still relatively small now, will the fourth child catch up with her in a while.

"Are you kidding? Mounts are pets. There has never been such a pet in the whole destiny. How could we meet it!" the thief replied.

"If you don't know, it doesn't mean you don't have it. You are illiterate. There is one pet like this in the Eastern Continent. It's that young master You. Don't you go to the forum every day and don't read gossip?" The soldier who was about to catch up with the fourth child ran away Road to the thief.

Suddenly the soldier was taken aback, looking at Ye Ci who was still turning around like a sheep, he said in a panic: "This person can't be Mr. You..."

"Bah bah bah, you don't want a crow's mouth. Young Master You has been busy pushing the dungeon recently and making progress. How could he come to the Swamp of Sorrows!" Another dwarf mage interrupted, "Maybe it's a bug, she needs a mount If it can’t be collected, we can report it…”

In fact, when the soldiers put forward that point of view, everyone was sure that they had provoked the wrong person.Still, when the gnome mage made the point, they couldn't help but hope that they could get away with it.

However, the time to transform into a sheep is over at this time, and Ye Ci turns back into a human form.She looked at the few players who were being chased further and further away by the fourth child, and sighed. Most of these people thought that the fourth child was a cool mount, and they saw that they were alone, so they could get some honor points by solving themselves Not to mention, maybe the mount can be exploded.I didn't expect to touch a stone in the end.

Now if I'm chasing the past, I'm really tired, but it's just for a few honor points, and it's really not worth it compared to my precious time.Ye Ci blew a whistle in the direction where the players in the northern continent were fleeing, and the fourth child immediately turned around and rushed back towards her.Her most important task now is to quickly find Moore, the lord of Black Mud City, and she is too lazy to waste time with these players around level 30.

Several players were still running, when suddenly they heard a long howl, and the low growl that was originally following behind them became farther and farther away.

The warrior was still rough-skinned and thick-skinned. He looked back bravely, and then stopped: "Come on, don't run away, I was called back by that huntress."

Only then did the few people stop, and looking back, the fourth child had already rushed towards the place where they had just fought, shaking his head and flicking his tail.Several people quickly bent down and hid in the low bushes, observing the situation over there, in case the huntress got on the mount and came back, they would have a distance to deal with it.

However, after watching for a while, they didn't see the huntress coming back, she must have left, so they let out a long breath.

"It's too mysterious. I met such a guy for the first time in a sneak attack. Fortunately, she didn't pursue it. If she did, our little experience today would be wasted." The dwarf mage sighed and patted The chest looks really lucky.

(End of this chapter)

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