hunter world

Chapter 187

Chapter 187
Chapter 87 Chattering Command
As if he didn't want to lose his dignity in front of this woman, or as if he was trying to fight for something in a fit of anger, without careful consideration, Zhenshui Wuxiang took up the responsibility of this united front command impulsively.

For this result, Ye Ci is very satisfied.In fact, it's not that she can't do this kind of small-scale united front command, it's just that she feels exhausted, and for her, there is really no desirable benefit, so she pushes it whenever she can.And a very important point, she wanted to see how good this Zhenshui Wuxiang's commanding skills were.

According to Yue Qingqiu's report in the previous life, Zhenshui Wuxiang is a powerful character who can command regardless of the dungeon united front, but because his team is too rubbish, he has never been able to stand out.And now Tiantianshang happens to lack such an all-round commander. If Zhenshui Wuxiang is really as powerful as Yueqingqiu's report said, she will have to consider whether the job of digging the wall is worth doing.

After several people reached a consensus, Zhenshui Wuxiang made a little request: "Actually, many people here are here for you. If I command you rashly now, they may not necessarily listen. I would like you to say a few words first." ,May I?"

Regarding this point, Ye Ci is also very distressed. She has been reduced to the background board inexplicably, and now she barely escapes from that embarrassment. If she is talking about something, will the situation be more difficult to deal with?

Zhenshui Wuxiang also seemed to see Ye Ci's concerns, he smiled and said: "Young Master You, you just need to tell them that I am the commander of this battle, and leave the rest to me."

In order to see if Zhenshui Wuxiang is really a good conductor, Ye Ci still agreed.In the map channel, which is getting more and more lively, and already as noisy as a vegetable market, a message suddenly popped up: "The commander of this battle with players from the Northern Continent is Zhenshuiwuxiang. Players who want to participate in the battle should connect to Command channel."

Of course, the person who said this was none other than Ye Ci.

As expected, after Ye Ci spoke, most of the players who came to join in the fun immediately became excited.

"Wow, it's really Young Master You, it's really a real person, this is the first time I've seen a living Young Master You!"

"Hurry up and take a screenshot, hurry up and take a screenshot, Young Master You seldom talks on the public channel, this kind of thing will disappear if you don't take a screenshot..."


Ye Ci's face turned dark, she looked at Zhenshui Wuxiang silently, and Zhenshui Wuxiang touched her nose, not daring to look at Ye Ci at all, it's better for him to quickly solve the problem in front of him at this time.

"The Swamp of Sorrows is a neutral map. We are not against war, but we absolutely do not tolerate indifferent killings. Players in the Eastern Continent have always been peace-loving, but we can't make it easy for others to say that we are cowardly because we love peace, and think we are good. Bullying, isn't that so!"

These words were posted on the map channel, and only a few people responded.Ye Ci focused on Zhenshui Wuxiang's expression. He was not in a hurry or nervous, but continued to incite and interact with everyone.Gradually, there were fewer and fewer people making jokes in the map channel, and more and more people began to listen to him attentively, and even more and more people began to shout: "Real water, go to the command channel !"

"Your team hasn't assembled yet?" Suddenly, another voice came out, it was a guy named Yetong.

"Isn't it gathering?" Someone answered him immediately.

"Then can you hurry up? I'm almost at the west gate. There are many players from the eastern continent behind me. I died several times before I got here. You guys haven't assembled yet. How are you going to fight!"

Yetong's words immediately made the whole map channel nervous. Everyone consciously logged into the map command channel, and few people were typing and chatting in the map channel.Instead, there was chatter on the command channel.

Zhenshui Wuxiang turned off everyone's voice, and began to make pre-war deployments.

In this game of destiny, not only the latest sensory skills are used in the game's screen, but even some details are also very humanized.Just like United Front Channel.In the original game, you can only form teams one by one, and then gather the team leaders of each team. In this way, if it is a large-scale battle, there are only [-] team leaders alone, and command is also very problematic.

But there is a fundamental change in fate.There is a command channel in every map or every mainland channel. No one enters the command channel at ordinary times, but when an emergency occurs, the player as the command can pay 10 to 100 gold coins to open the command channel. Channel, get the highest command authority.Of course, if the command channel is opened for 10 minutes and the number of people in the command channel cannot exceed 100, the command will be automatically dismissed by the system. If you want to enter the command channel next time, you have to wait until 24 hours later.

Such an arrangement not only saves the trouble of external software, but also effectively controls boring people from occupying the channel, which is a good way.

After the commander opens the command channel, the player who enters the command channel will be defaulted to participate in the battle by the system, and all his information will be counted by the system into the command and coordination interface of the command channel.In this interface, the commander can easily see how many players are participating in the battle, and how many players of each profession.After a little sorting, you can see the level of each player and the number of GS equipped on them, so that the commander-in-chief can have a more intuitive understanding of the deployment of all players.

Not only that, the commander-in-chief of each command channel can also assign up to fifteen sub-commanders to help him direct the battle.Then the commander-in-chief can divide all players into battle zones on the coordination interface and hand them over to the sub-commanders below.

As for the speech in the command channel, it is also very strict.

Before the command has no control, all players can speak in the command channel, but when the battle starts, the command will turn off all free speech.Only the voices of the commander-in-chief and sub-commanders can be heard on the entire channel.The voice channel of the command is divided into the general command channel and the sub-command channel at the same time.Both the commander-in-chief and sub-commanders can speak on the channel of the commander-in-chief, but there is a time limit for the sub-commanders to speak on the channel of the commander-in-chief.Each sub-command has no restrictions on the command channel in his own theater, but he cannot speak to the command channels of other sub-command theaters.As for the speech of the commander-in-chief, all players can hear it, or they can jump to the sub-command channels of each theater to speak.

In other words, in a battle, the commander-in-chief is the supreme authority.As long as this battle is not over, no matter how high your level is, no matter how good your operation is, no matter what kind of master you are, you will be restrained by the commander-in-chief.

Ye Ci quietly listened to Zhenshui Wuxiang report the number of people in the entire command channel, and had to deploy before the battle.Sure enough, not many players are working on this neutral map.According to the overall planning interface, more than 95% of the Eastern Continent players on this map have joined the battle, but even so, there are only less than 4000 players.

You know, on such a map, the default number of players the system can accommodate is between 50 and 100 million, and the current number of players can only show that the map of Swamp of Sorrows is really thin, and it is indeed a place with few people. ghost domain.

Since there are not many players in the Eastern Continent, presumably, there will not be many players in the Northern Continent. Compared with the battle in Champion City, this battle is indeed a small battle.

Although there are only about 1 players in the central and western continents in the battle of Champion City, it is really a difficult battle in view of the intricacies of the city map and the lack of players in the eastern continent.

According to Ye Ci's experience, the siege battle and the field battle are definitely not on the same level.After all, field battles can be run casually, and various terrains can be used at will, but it is much more cramped in the city.What's more, our players in this battle are all ordinary players, while the enemy's players from the northern continent are ordinary players like our players. Compared with the elite players from the western continent last time, there is really no comparison.

In this way, apart from considering Zhenshui Wuxiang's command technique in this battle, other things are less likely to attract Ye Ci's attention.

Zhenshui Wuxiang made the pre-war deployment in an orderly manner on the command channel. Although he was so nervous that his voice changed a little when he first spoke, but after speaking for about 3 minutes, his whole state relaxed a lot , Judging by his personal state, he has calmed down a lot.

Soon, the battle kicked off.

Because most of the conductors that Ye Ci usually comes into contact with are rigorous and serious, especially the two guys Mi Lu and Qing Yanmo probably watched Ye Ci’s conductors too much, and they smell like a replica of Ye Ci. Although the conductors talk more, But it was absolutely meticulous, and definitely had a sharp style, so when Ye Ci came into contact with Zhenshui Wuxiang's command, he still had a big discomfort.

Unlike the conductors that Ye Ci usually meets, Zhenshui Wuxiang's conductors are relaxed, teasing, chatty, but very logical, making people feel very happy to listen to.

"Baotuan, students standing on the hill in the northwest direction, I am asking you to stand together in a group, not to line up there to be guards. Do you know how to hold a group? Just stand at the point where you divide the command, what? I can't see that you are in command, so I will let him take off his clothes and dance for you, so as to cultivate his sentiments, okay? Brothers and sisters, get together! Once you are in a group, start fighting. All of your theaters are legal professions and don't fight. What are you doing? What is a mage? A mage is a fortress. Don’t worry about others, just hit them. As long as you have a mouthful of blue left, use your strength! Don’t be afraid of OT, OT is mine. After the battle, I will dance for you. ?”

(End of this chapter)

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