hunter world

Chapter 195 Another Dreamer

Chapter 195 Another Dreamer
Chapter 95 Another Dreamer
When these words were faint and slowly overflowing from the corner of Ye Ci's mouth, Wang Jiangnan actually felt like a dream.That feminine soft voice, mixed with a highly recognizable indifference, seemed to be blown by a cold wind from a distant frontier, just like that broke into his ears, knocking on it one after another His tympanic membranes are hooked into the strings of his heart.

He froze there, just froze there.For a moment, it seemed that all the time had stopped like this. In this world, in this world of mortals, only myself and the woman opposite me were left.

"You..." Wang Jiangnan didn't know how to get back his voice, or his ability to speak.His Adam's apple rolled up and down, and it took him a while to let out a breath, "You, are you, Young Master You?"

His voice was not loud, but it could be clearly felt that there was a bit of haste in his voice.It was a kind of rush that was caught off guard, and it made people stunned. He just stood there quietly, no matter how the machine started up, no matter how many people were buzzing not far away, his gaze and his mind were all caught by his eyes. This indifferent woman was attracted.

"What? Can't you?" Ye Ci looked at Wang Jiangnan's dazed look, and couldn't help being a little funny.In her memory, Wang Jiangnan has always had that lofty appearance, and always been that confident in planning strategies. When was there such a dazed look?Probably this is the benefit of being reborn, she can witness a young man's transformation from human to god.

"I, I have always thought that you are not a simple person, but I never thought that you would be Gong Ziyou." Wang Jiangnan couldn't help but feel a little shy in Ye Ci's shallow smile, his face was slightly stained The red color made his youthful and childish face even more vibrant.

Probably still in shock, Wang Jiangnan did not tease Ye Ci as usual, but seemed a little quiet.While operating the system nervously, he scratched his hair, and smiled a little stiffly: "You, you are different from what I imagined."

Hearing what he said, Ye Ci became interested: "Then how did you imagine me?"

"The first time I heard your voice was because you reported a bug, and the first time I saw you was to fix a bug. You gave me the impression that you are a mature and sharp person." Wang Jiangnan was only immersed in his own thinking, subconsciously Ye Ci's answer.

Are you mature?Ye Ci narrowed her eyes, counting the years she lived in her previous life, she is indeed not too young, "Then I am naive now?"

"No, no..." Wang Jiangnan didn't know why he was so nervous, this was just a player, an ordinary player!Even if her words gave me great courage, even if her words pointed out the direction of my ideal, even if paying attention to her becoming stronger and stronger has become what I am used to doing, even if she appeared in front of me so suddenly, but what is she doing? Just an ordinary player.And I am the planner, the person who should be calm the most, how could I be so messed up?
He turned his head to look at Ye Ci, looked at those sharp eyes, took a deep breath, then calmed down, and said with a light smile: "You are far from the age I imagined. I didn't expect you to be so young, even younger than me."

Ye Ci raised the corners of her mouth and did not answer, because at this time Wang Jiangnan had already made her memory card.She reached out to take the card, then raised her head to look at Wang Jiangnan, put her index finger to her lips and said softly, "Shh, keep it secret."

Wang Jiangnan was slightly taken aback, and when he saw the people next to him, he understood. He nodded and smiled at her: "This classmate, you can try out the machine over there." After finishing speaking, he turned to Ye Ci again. After nodding, he said to the players queuing up over there: "Memory cards can also be made here, come here."

As soon as Wang Jiangnan's voice fell, the players over there immediately rushed over to them.

Ye Ci just nodded, took the memory card, turned around and walked to a machine in the farthest corner, inserted it skillfully, and then entered the machine.

There is not much difference between the game I tried and my own destiny, but because it is an advanced machine, all kinds of feelings are much stronger.Soon, the one-hour trial play time is over, and everyone has a feeling that there is still more to say.

I ate lunch with the staff of Destiny, but because some players came to visit, the headquarters of Destiny also specially arranged a simple welcome party, which turned the meal into a group photo conference, and only saw a group of players pulling each other Players of this kind of work began to take group photos, and the audience was filled with the excited voices of Zhantianxia players and the laughter of the staff of Destiny Headquarters.

On the contrary, Ye Ci was sitting alone in the corner with a plate in his hand, quietly watching everyone's bustle, feeling like he couldn't fit in.Whenever this time comes, she feels embarrassed. She has never been a person who can deal with interpersonal relationships, and she also belongs to the kind of stuffy guy. Therefore, on such occasions, she often hopes that the more remote and the more lonely she is. Well, the less attention you get, the better.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" Wang Jiangnan sat next to Ye Ci with a plate in his hand. It cannot be denied that he found out that Ye Ci was sitting here from the very beginning, so he purposely bypassed most of the restaurant to sit for her. by her side, just to have a few words with her.

"The view here is good." Ye Ci looked at the players in Zhan Tianxia and the employees of Destiny Headquarters making a mess, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Wang Jiangnan followed Ye Ci's eyes to look at the lively scene, and then laughed: "Why don't you follow? Your good friend is also there." The person he was talking about was Fang Susu, that girl She has long since abandoned her ladylike appearance and turned into a crazy girl. Thanks to her, the atmosphere in the restaurant is full of joy.

"Everyone has something they are not good at." Ye Ci just quietly lowered his eyes and began to eat quietly.It seemed that the excitement in this area had nothing to do with her, but in fact, all of this had nothing to do with her at all.

"I thought you, the top hunter and the super god, are omnipotent, so it turns out that there are things he is not good at." Wang Jiangnan laughed and started to eat.

"I'm just an ordinary player, an ordinary person, not a great master, why can't I have something I'm not good at?" Ye Ci didn't mind Wang Jiangnan's words, but just twitched his lips.

Wang Jiangnan was noncommittal about Ye Ci's answer, he just smiled lightly, and didn't immediately answer Ye Ci on this topic.It was a while before he said, "I want to thank you."

"Thank me?" Ye Ci was a little surprised, "Thank me for what?"

"As long as you give me three seconds, I will bring you another whole world! I am destiny." Wang Jiangnan didn't answer Ye Ci's words immediately, he put down the spoon slowly, looked up at the corners of Ye Ci's eyes Upturned beautiful eyes, and then said that sentence word by word.

Ye Ci was stunned.What she remembered was that this sentence was a very provocative sentence said by the pastor in the opening CG Wang Jiangnan's incarnation in the second expansion of Destiny: "Another World".And this sentence was exactly what Ye Ci copied to Wang Jiangnan at that time.

To put it bluntly, this sentence is Ye Ci's plagiarism from the previous life, but in this life, he followed the original creator. I have to say, the fate is really amazing.

"What's wrong?" Ye Ci restrained his emotions slightly, and asked lightly.

"I want to thank you for bringing me the direction when I was most confused and at the lowest point." Wang Jiangnan looked at Ye Ci and said very seriously.

"I'm just a player, I didn't do anything." Ye Ci is telling the truth. The expansion pack was actually made by Wang Jiangnan himself in the last life. Those words are also Wang Jiangnan's own voice. Ye Ci has nothing to do with it. What she has done in this life is to take them and throw them to Wang Jiangnan. She is just a tool for copying and has no other effect. Now let her have the cheek to take credit for it. This is something Ye Ci can't do.

Wang Jiangnan seemed to have expected that Ye Ci would not accept his thanks, so he didn't insist on what he said just now, but continued: "In addition, I also want to thank you for turning me from an evaluation machine into an ordinary player. "He looked at Ye Ci's curious eyes and said: "I suggested to the upper management of the company what you said to me, let every planner and everyone who works in Destiny become a player, and then Come to plan, the upper management of the company agrees very much, because of this suggestion, I feel that I seem to be one step closer to my dream."

"So..." Wang Jiangnan took a deep breath: "I want to thank you. It's not a planner thanking a player, nor a player thanking another player, but a person with a dream thanking another for his dream." People with dreams."

Another man with dreams.

This really made Ye Ci stunned.What is her dream?Reborn to get her, what is the dream?
"Another person with a dream? You mean me?"

"Well, it's you, Young Master You. Although you give people the impression that you are superior and a top-notch powerhouse, you are the person I have ever seen who has the strongest passion for life." Wang Jiangnan smiled happily: " You are so serious about everything and care so much, which made me very envious."

Ye Ci has a bit of a black line, what kind of description is this? "Seriousness and care are the manifestation of dreams?" This is really a fresh statement, but Ye Ci has never heard such a strange statement in his two lifetimes.

"No, it is precisely because I have dreams for the future that I have to be serious and care about it." Although Wang Jiangnan is young, he has a unique understanding of life.He was not stingy, and shared this experience with Ye Ci: "If a person has no hope for the future, no hope at all, then how can he still be serious, how can he still care about it, it's just muddling along It's just a day."

This statement is really fresh, but Ye Ci listened very seriously. Although it can't be said that he has benefited a lot, it really gave Ye Ci a lot of encouragement.Although she still doesn't quite understand what her dream is, her seriousness and caress remind herself that she still has motivation for life.

That's it.

Really, that's just fine.

To be able to live again, to be able to do this is already the best.

After the two-day visit to the Destiny Headquarters, Zhan Tianxia and his team stayed in City A for another day, and then flew back to City C.

Bai Mo expressed his warm welcome to Ye Ci's return, but when he saw the few photos Ye Ci took, he couldn't help feeling sad: "I knew you were not a person who does things! I also specially ordered You need to take more photos, take more group photos, look at you, what do you take back! You are simply wasting the rare opportunity to go to the fate headquarters!"

Ye Ci rolled his eyes, he really didn't want to talk to Bai Mo, because of such trivial matters, he turned around and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Although Bai Mo was quite angry at Ye Ci for not completing the task he had given him, he still didn't abuse her and prepared a table of delicious dishes for her to catch the wind.When Ye Ci got out of the shower, she sat down at the table and had a hearty meal. While eating, she commented: "The food in City A is really tasteless, and it's an international metropolis. typical."

Bai Mo snorted, and really despised what that country bumpkin Ye Ci said: "You are a hometown treasure, stay here for the rest of your life, it's best not to go anywhere." Ye Ci picked up a bowl of vegetables, as if Ye Ci had returned from fleeing Ethiopia.

"Fourth passed?" Ye Ci gnawed on a piece of pork ribs, carelessly.Compared with things like going to the fate headquarters, she is actually more concerned about the progress of the dungeon every day.

"Well, it was the night before yesterday." Bai Mo was also gnawing on the ribs: "Yesterday everyone had a rest and didn't make money. Today we agreed to play the fifth child, but I will ask for leave today."

"How is the progress of the fifth wolf?" Ye Ci asked.

"It's not ideal, I'm stuck." Bai Mo threw away a piece of ribs that had already been eaten and took another: "The other guilds are basically still struggling with the third, and they won't surpass us for the time being, but I'm just worried that the wolf clan will Good luck getting the first kill."

"I can give up other first kills, but not this time." Ye Ci threw away the bones, wiped his hands, and took a sip of soup from the bowl.

"Just stick to that?" Of course Bai Mo knew the reason why Ye Ci insisted on this first kill.

"Of course, I've always been the kind of person who always takes revenge. He can make me unhappy for so long, and I will definitely make him unhappy this time." The person who knows best, it is precisely because of this that Bai Mo asks this question.

He sighed. "Liu Chang told me the day before yesterday that Dong Yin came to her and asked her for the strategy of the third child."

Ye Ci snorted, she knew about it, she was not worried whether Liu Chang would tell Dong Yin, after all, no one is born with a bun, after being bullied, one has to keep being kind and beautiful.

"You don't seem to be worried that Liu Chang will say it."

"If she says so, she's a second-hand."

Regarding Ye Ci's statement, Bai Mo is really a black line, but Ye Ci is right in one point, "Liu Chang rejected Dong Yin, come and tell me, let me call her out of the group, I did not agree. The employer does not doubt Well."

"Yeah." Ye Ci expressed indifference to this matter. For her, Dong Yin or Yi Cang are already very distant names.Now she doesn't want to talk to her because the time hasn't come yet, but don't think that she is a soft persimmon, anyone can come and pinch it.

"Right, one more thing."


"A few glasses of light wine and a sad and desolate fallout."

"A few glasses of light wine talking about sadness?" Ye Ci only felt that he had heard this name somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it, so he could only look at Bai Mo inexplicably.

"It's the guild that has no fragrance." Bai Mo narrowed his eyes: "Don't tell me, you don't even know what guild he is in."

Ye Ci hastily laughed a few times, of course she is... I don't know, anyway, her information is from the previous life, and she doesn't remember what guild Zhenshui Wuxiang is in for a long time.She quickly changed the subject: "Let's see, what's going on?"

"I also asked someone to inquire about it. Not all of it is true, but it should be close to ten." Before speaking, Bai Mo found the best excuse for whether his gossip was accurate or not, and then began to narrate slowly. . "Just like what you said, Zhenshui Wuxiang is a person who attaches great importance to emotions, but other people are not, at least not all of them. When your post came out, there were overwhelming speculations about the relationship between Young Master You and Zhenshui Wuxiang, Naturally, this kind of speculation will spread amidst a few cups of light wine and desolation. At first, it was only spread in private, but then it was directly put on the surface."

Bai Mo picked up another piece of pork ribs, and his unhurried look gave him the pleasure of commenting on a story: "You need to know how many glasses of light wine the dungeon of the guild was pushed to the back of the ruins, Lao Yi, their main players Once he knew that Zhenshui Wuxiang and Gongziyou were very familiar, of course he was very dissatisfied. He felt that Zhenshui Wuxiang was not interesting enough, so he accused him openly and secretly that if he knew Gongziyou that well, he would at least take them through the ruined city. Not only has Zhenshui Wuxiang been ineffective in commanding, but he also hid this matter, so he must be trying to climb another branch. It was immediately fried, and a trivial matter turned into a major issue for the guild."

Ye Ci hooked the corners of his mouth: "People, they all live for profit, so the most stable relationship in the world is the relationship of interests, and the most unstable relationship is also the relationship of interests. They know that there are greater interests hidden Of course you will be dissatisfied with time, it's understandable. How should Zhenshui Wuxiang answer?"

"He naturally denied that he knew you very well. He made it very clear that he only met you once, that is, when he fought in the northern continent. He didn't say more than ten words in total. These are the speculations of other players. Yes, I hope the people in the guild believe him, he is not hiding his relationship with you, and he has no intention of changing jobs."

"This explanation is really stupid and pathetic in this case."

"Yeah, no one believed it. Even his good friends, no one believed it. This incident has been going on for a few days, and the whole guild is about to collapse. Leave." Bai Mo said with a smile about the current situation: "How do you plan to clean up the mess now?"

Ye Ci smiled, put down the bowl, and stood up: "Dear cousin, you wash the dishes today~"

"Hey, hey... this is obviously your business."

"Go wash the dishes!" Ye Ci squinted his eyes and gave Bai Mo a look, then turned and walked towards the house.

Only Bai Mo was left silently protesting the unfair treatment.

After logging into the game, Ye Ci first opened his friend list to see that Zhenshui Wuxiang is online.She exhaled, as long as the person is online, she is most afraid that if he is not online at this time, it will be useless.

Just when Ye Ci was still thinking about how to contact Zhenshui Wuxiang, she received Yue Qingqiu's secret: "Wow, where have you been fooling around in the past few days! You haven't been online for so many days, I thought you Hiding because of the scandal!"

"What scandal?"

"That's right, you have a lot of gossip. A few days ago, you were in love with Fleeting Years. These days, you have an underground relationship with Zhenshui Wuxiang..."

"Yue Qingqiu, you don't want to take money anymore, do you?" Ye Ci has always had his own way of dealing with Yue Qingqiu's gossip.

"Oh, my boss, I was wrong. Look, I just want to say hello to you and care about your recent movements. There are absolutely no other bad intentions. Boss, don't be angry~~" Just mention When money comes in, Yue Qingqiu will be very spineless: "I'll come to you today, mainly to tell you that you asked me to find out the matter, do you have time now? Let's find a place to meet?"

"Why do you meet me when you're free?" Ye Ci's current thoughts are mainly on the issue of the ownership of Zhenshui Wuxiang, and naturally he doesn't care much about other things.

"Hey, hey, boss, you haven't forgotten the matter you asked me to investigate, right? I'm here to deal with business." Yue Qingqiu immediately yelled, if the boss doesn't admit it now, he will be at a big loss, you know This time he didn't take a deposit.

Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered what Yue Qingqiu had been asked to do.She thought for a while, and then returned to Yueqingqiu: "I don't have time right now, just wait, I have other things to do right now, and I'll contact you naturally when I'm done."

Now that he got an accurate answer, Yue Qingqiu would not stay here any longer, he simply agreed to Ye Ci, and then he was about to close the thread.But he didn't want to be stopped by Ye Ci again, so he couldn't help laughing: "Boss, have you changed your mind, and now you plan to let me go, we can pay the goods?"

"By the way, help me find out something."

Seeing Yue Qingqiu's money-loving face, Ye Ci felt that it was a bit unreasonable not to use it.

"Is there any reward?"

"Yue Qingqiu, have you fallen into the eyes of money? Let me tell you, a person who values ​​money too much will die without knowing how to die." Ye Ci snorted, and for Yue Qingqiu's miserly attitude The appearance expressed the strongest protest and contempt.

Yue Qingqiu sobbed a few times, but didn't care about it.In fact, he likes to deal with Gong Ziyou very much. She understands the market, and although she won't pay a penny more, she will never let herself suffer. More importantly, she does things cleanly, and she doesn't default on a penny of the payment. Moreover, this woman can be regarded as his benefactor, who rescued himself from the poverty line of food and clothing.So no matter from which aspect, Yue Qingqiu attaches great importance to the cooperation with Young Master You.

It's not because of the name Gongziyou, it's just that he really likes this person's temperament, which suits his appetite very much.

"Help me find out where Zhenshui Wuxiang is now, don't tell me you can't find it, your ability..." Ye Ci opened his mouth and blocked all the escape routes of Yueqingqiu, leaving only Yueqing Qiu hesitated for a while before agreeing to investigate.

Soon, about 10 minutes later, Yue Qingqiu contacted Ye Ci again. However, according to this person's habits, he would usually talk nonsense about the so-called gossip before talking about the serious business to be satisfied.Naturally, this time is no exception: "Hey, let me tell you, are you having an affair with Fleeting Years, or with Zhenshui Wuxiang?"

Ye Ci only felt his temples twitch, what was it all about.She remained calm, because the more intense you respond to this kind of thing, the greater the chance of being misunderstood. On the contrary, if you treat it coldly, it will make people consciously bored, so they give up pursuing this matter.

"Who do you think I should have an affair with?"

"In terms of strength and fame, I think it's very suitable for Fleeting Years, but you two are too strong, and this kind of head-to-head couple usually won't last long. So, you and this little-known Zhenshui Wuxiang are not bad, At least as far as I know, this person has a good temper. Besides, he is a good man, and he is really complementary to a master like you. Of course, of course, this is my opinion. The important thing about this matter is , What do you think?" As soon as Yue Qingqiu heard that there was gossip to talk about, he immediately took out his best friend, and the attitude of a good friend made Ye Ci's heart ache.

Ye Ci smiled, although Yue Qingqiu couldn't see her expression, but she could still hear the strong mockery and displeasure in her voice: "I said, Yue Qingqiu, you shouldn't This kind of shady profession of selling news. You should open a marriage agency, I think you have great potential."

Yue Qingqiu rubbed his nose. He is a smart man. After hearing Ye Ci say this, he naturally understood that these two things are all speculation. There is really no reason to gossip, so he gave up and said Ye Ci. Want to know the answer: "Zhenshui Wuxiang is currently fishing in Booty Bay, at the coordinates 732:60:114. It's a bit remote there, and I don't guarantee that he will still be there if you go there."

Ye Ci just wanted to know where Zhenshui Wuxiang was, as to whether she could meet him, or what he was not particularly interested in doing, so she interrupted Yueqingqiu mercilessly, closed the dialogue, and rode on The fourth child ran towards the nearest teleportation point.

Fortunately, she opened the map of Booty Bay, so one of the great benefits she got is that no matter which map is on the eastern continent, it can be directly transferred to the map of Booty Bay, otherwise one stop after another Turn, don't know when it will be.

Arriving in Booty Bay, and just appearing in town, all the guards saluted her with respect.

Because Booty Bay is an exploration map, it will become a neutral map after it is opened, so players from any continent can board this map.Of course, apart from players from the Eastern Continent, it is still difficult for players from other continents to board this map, because their continent must also be opened to explore the map. It is open to mainland players who explore the map.

Although this is a neutral map now, because players from other continents have not found the unexplored map of their own continent, Booty Bay is still a scene of the world for players from the eastern continent.All players are here leisurely and happy.

After all, outside of Booty Bay is a large leveling map for monsters around level 30, and Booty Bay will refresh a lot of experience missions every day, making it crowded with leveling players.Although the streets are not crowded with each other, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is bustling.

Young Master You has always been a person who never sees the end of the dragon.It is really difficult to identify her by equipment, and it is even more impossible to rely on appearance, so the only way for players to identify Gong Ziyou now is when she appears riding the fourth child.

Ye Ci is not an idiot either, the things she concocted with her own hands have turned her into a prominent figure on the forum, if she continues to ride the fourth child in the city at this time, it will be a trivial matter to be surrounded by crowds, if It is a headache to be brought to the forum by good people again.

Although Ye Ci wanted to use this kind of negative public opinion to force Zhenshui Wuxiang to withdraw from his current guild, but he never thought of implicating himself too deeply.After all, not everyone is willing to try such idiotic things that harm others and benefit oneself.

After entering the city, she consciously changed into a maroon pony, and ran all the way towards the coordinates given to her by Yueqingqiu.

After rushing to the port, facing the vast water surface, Ye Ci realized that the coordinates were not on land, but on the water surface or on the rocks on the other side of the port.But there is no hesitation at all, since the matter has come to this point, she is bound to win this person, Zhenshui Wuxiang, so no matter where he is, even if it is a sea of ​​swords and flames, she will find him out and use him for herself.

After getting off the horse, Ye Ci plunged into the clear water of Booty Bay.Because the scenery of Booty Bay is really beautiful and the sea water is very comfortable, there are often many players swimming here. Ye Ci's sudden plunge into the water did not attract the attention of other players who were fishing near the port. It's just another player who comes to swim.

Following the coordinates all the time, Ye Ci didn't dare to hear anything for a moment. After swimming in the water for nearly an hour, he saw a person sitting on a huge rock on the bank of the red cliff from a distance. An ordinary fisherman in a hat, holding a fishing rod in his hand, is sitting in the bay under the golden-red sun, fishing leisurely.

Who is this person if he is not Zhenshui Wuxiang?
Ye Ci secretly let out a long breath, and finally found this person, fortunately, fortunately, this person did not stop playing games because of recent incidents, otherwise Ye Ci would not know what he was going to do It's good to be sad.

She quietly soaked in the sea water, staring at the real water without fragrance in the distance for a while, and finally swam over.He didn't choose to go ashore near Zhenshui Wuxiang, Ye Ci chose to go ashore by a huge rock a little distance away from him.After landing on the shore, she took care of her equipment so that they wouldn't look drenched and embarrassed, and then she pretended to be okay and walked towards Zhenshui Wuxiang.

There was a rustling sound in the grass.Zhen Shui Wu Xiang didn’t look back. It’s been a whole day since I’ve been fishing here. The sound is nothing more than the sound of some harmless small animals rushing past, or the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves and grass. Noteworthy.

He still kept his eyes on the water quietly, watching the colorful float float up and down with the waves.It was as if the sadness in his heart could not be settled for a moment, and it had been like this, without stopping for a moment.

"I heard that a kind of shellfish called colorful shells can be caught in the water of Booty Bay. There is a certain chance that colorful pearls can be caught. How many have you caught?" Ye Ci stood behind Zhenshui Wuxiang, Looking at his back, he asked with a little smile.

Zhenshui Wuxiang suddenly heard this voice, and felt jittery, as if being hit by something, his whole body tensed up.This voice is not familiar, but it is definitely not unfamiliar. Even speaking, for the most recent period of time, this voice surrounds his ears like a nightmare all the time, making him wish that time can go backwards, back to the On the day when all the entanglements have not happened, it would be good for him to see her forever.

Ye Ci saw that he didn't turn his head back, but the relaxed and comfortable back suddenly became tense, and he knew that he definitely heard what he said, but...

Ye Ci smiled slightly.In fact, she quite understands what Zhenshui Wuxiang feels in her heart now, the most unbearable thing for a person like him is the emotional blow. "What? Didn't get any of them? I still want to charge a high price for a few more."

Zhenshui Wuxiang knew that it was impossible for him not to look back forever, although he now had a strong urge to dodge others, but he couldn't do it.After all, what's the matter with a big man trying to hide from a woman.

Therefore, he tried his best to appease the monstrous waves in his heart, took several deep breaths, and seemed to have found the usual stability, then slowly turned his head and looked at the person who brought him the most recent life-changing. Instigator.

She is still so quiet, although she has a smile on her face, but she feels so alienated, so alienated that people hardly dare to get too close.At this moment, Booty Bay happened to be setting sun, and the golden-red sunlight hit her face softly, dispelling her original hostility and making her look so approachable, as if, standing now The person here is not some cusp young master You, but just an ordinary huntress.

(End of this chapter)

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