hunter world

Chapter 202 Congratulations

Chapter 202 Congratulations
Chapter 2

As soon as this sentence came out, Lan immediately began to sign up for various professions quickly, as if there was no chance if he was too late.However, there are only 8 rangers after all, and these eight places were quickly snatched by the eight people who need them most. , All the talents found that controlling blue is really very important.On the one hand, the commander demanded all-out attack, and on the other hand, due to the lack of connection of skills, the current CD cooldown is messy, and there are not many mana left.

Under such circumstances, there is no choice but to stick to it.

Fortunately, the cooperation of the whole team is not bad. Under such a difficult situation, everyone did not lower the DPS much. While moving at the speed of Ye Ci, everyone carefully calculated their mana and played with limited mana. Highest damage.

Ye Ci naturally knew this kind of embarrassment. She also knew that in such a situation, she couldn't give it a go. In fact, it was more likely to fail. However, she temporarily overcame this idea in her heart.She wants to fight, anyway, whether it is life or a game, in fact, life is a constant struggle, a constant gamble.If everyone is a gambler, then obviously, Ye Ci, the gambler, is more greedy than other gamblers.

Although the team was at such a moment, she still issued a slogan for a strong attack.What, she thought, was driving her to do this?If today she was not facing a member of Tian Tian Shang, or brought another guild to clear the dungeon, would she make such a gamble?The answer is no.Because, in Ye Ci's mind, Tiantianshang is probably the place where she can pamper herself the most. Only here, where everyone trusts her unconditionally and supports her unconditionally, can she take such a bold gamble, otherwise , in other guilds, at least she has to make a good calculation for other people's repair costs.

Although it has been nearly ten years since I played this dungeon, Ye Ci quickly remembered the speed and route of the movement after a few times of thinking, so the long-distance loses blood faster at the first moment. After that, there was basically no continuous blood loss.

However, even so, the healers were still worried, for fear that some big move from the boss would make them flustered.

So far, all guilds have only reached the third stage at most, and no guild can enter the fourth stage at all. Therefore, no one will know what is wrong with the fourth stage, except Ye Ci.The route she is taking now is neither a straight line nor an arc, but a very strange "S"-shaped route. This kind of route needs to be stepped very accurately in order to maximize the advantages of the team.After all, this route was summed up after countless teams dedicated their lives to it in the previous life.

As long as the team fighting Dani leaves this "S"-shaped route belt, it is easy to be poisoned and cause large-scale damage by ice blades.It can be said that this "S"-shaped route is a BUG belt that is reasonable and legal and will not be harmonized by game companies after the painful experience of players in the previous life.No one knows this road, including Datang and the Wolf Clan who are also stuck in the third stage. Therefore, in order to avoid the surprise of most people, when Ye Ci leads everyone to walk again, he will deliberately take everyone to the road from time to time. Take the BUG outside and let everyone suffer a little damage.That is to cover up my foresight and make everyone feel a little more nervous.

In this way, he stumbled all the way, although he was very careful, he hung up two remotes whose equipment and blood volume could not keep up.The others are still safe and sound, it's just that a group of healers are busy brushing blood at any time.

While fighting, Ye Ci carefully observed Dani's health bar, calculating when she would release her ultimate move of this stage - Rapid Ice Blade and Poison Penetration.

"Do you think you can convince me by doing this? You are daydreaming!" Although Dani's health bar was slowly decreasing, she finally stopped attacking Bai Mo and Xiao Bingliang violently, but stood still , stared at everyone coldly, and began to mock their actions viciously.


This is the moment, and this is where all the guilds and teams get stuck right now.At this time, because Dandy will release dozens of ice blades at low altitude, there is no place to hide in the whole field. No matter where you stand, as long as you are hit by three ice blades in a row, your blood is as thick as a cow. At such a moment, there is no doubt that death is inevitable.Not only that, even if you move coquettishly and escape all the ice blades by chance, you can't escape the poisonous penetration of the audience.

The current guild and team play style that is not popular is to take off when they encounter ice blades. Although it will be very flustered at the beginning, at least it can keep a lot of people alive before the poison penetrates, and drink it before the poison penetrates. A bottle of intermediate antidote, used to resist the spread of toxins.

Even Mi Lu and Qing Yanmo used this method when explaining their own style of play just now.

This method is actually not feasible. First of all, you cannot guarantee that all the personnel in a team operate the same way. After all, they will have skilled people, and there must be people who panic when encountering things. Under such circumstances, the ice jumping blade is prone to go wrong, resulting in a large area of ​​death.At this time, a large area of ​​death, not to mention entering the next stage, even if the remaining combat power is infiltrated by the poison, there is no need to preserve it.

Not to mention that the current mid-level antidote is an extremely expensive medicine, and it is priceless in the entire market.

But Ye Ci's method is different from all of them. She stood on the BUG belt and stopped, and everyone also stopped. In fact, they have also experienced the third stage. A few times, but every time I jumped the ice blade, there were a lot of casualties. Now that I have reached this stage again, everyone is inevitably nervous, just waiting for Ye Ci to order them all to take off.

What they didn't think of was Ye Ci's order.

She did yell an order, but this order is not the take-off that everyone is familiar with, but: "All lie down!"

Everyone was stunned for a while, only a few people immediately fell to the ground, and before the others figured out what was going on, they heard Ye Ci shout again: "Everyone lie down! Don't listen to the command for a while Pay the whole regiment's repair fee!"

Just kidding, the current equipment costs more than ten gold to repair once it dies. The whole group of 100 people costs more than 1000 gold, and everyone has died many times. This repair fee is not cheap.

Anyway, people are actually interests animals. Once they hear words related to interests, even if they don't understand what's going on, they still obediently obey the instructions.Just before Dani released the rapid ice blade, all the members of Tiantianshang were lying on the ground like corpses.

And Ye Ci did not forget to remind everyone at this time: "Curiosity is not allowed. All people put their heads on the ground and cannot lift them up until I shout."

Although everyone has a lot of curiosity, everyone knows the power of the ice blade even more. If you don't hold back your curiosity at this time, you may be left without bones after a while.Therefore, no one looked up, and everyone kept waiting in this ridiculous and stalemate posture, just like playing with one, two, three wooden figures when they were young.

Dani's whistling voice could be heard over and over again.That means that her ice blade is about to pass, followed by the arrival of poison penetration.

Because the ruined castle you are walking now is not the elite version, so it is not as difficult as the elite version. In this copy, as long as you lie on the ground, you can also avoid the large-scale skill of poison penetration, but if you go to the elite version of the copy Here, there is no way to escape just lying on the ground. The only way is to take medicine, and the current shortage of medicine makes everyone temporarily discouraged from the elite version of the ruined castle.

I don't know how long it will take to maintain this posture, and Danni's voice can be heard in everyone's ears: "It seems that I am going to deal with you seriously, you ants who disturb my cleanliness You guys, I must make you pay the corresponding price."

Ye Ci looked up, and sure enough, Dani started to slowly walk towards the middle of the pool where she was standing at the beginning. This time was about 20 seconds, and this also marked that everyone was about to enter the fourth stage.

"Everyone stand up and retreat to a place 24 yards away from the boss. Remember that the attack below should not get too close to the boss under any circumstances!"

At this time, the system's battle preparation prompt appeared in front of everyone's screen: "We are about to enter the fourth stage of battle, please pay attention to prepare for battle, the countdown starts in ten seconds!"

"The fourth stage is coming soon. Everyone has never played the fourth stage. Try to stay away from her as much as possible. Even if the team is wiped out this time, at least we have achieved a staged victory. We know how to enter the fourth stage. Stage!" Although Ye Ci couldn't clearly tell everyone that the way to play in the fourth stage is to stay away from the boss as much as possible, he still changed to a more subtle method to tell everyone the correct way to play.

This statement is obviously very convincing. No one doubted this statement, and immediately retreated to a place 24 yards away from Danni, but no one dared to make a move, just stood there quietly waiting for Ye Ci Give orders.

"Oh, what's going on? I seem to be a little tired." When Dani walked towards the seat in the middle of the pool, she suddenly rubbed her temples with her hands, showing a tired look.After she sighed, she said again: "However, even if I'm tired, I still can't tolerate your mocking me!"

After finishing speaking, she walked towards everyone slowly again. Her steps were extremely slow, but a huge light golden circle appeared around her, emitting white smoke slightly. Even if you didn't know what it was, everyone I still understand that it is best not to get close to this circle.

Ye Ci first launched an attack on Dani, and sure enough, she can hit the blood now, and she ordered: "All the long-distance fire-focusing bosses, her blood is still 20%, there should be no fifth stage , everyone, don’t get close to that circle!”

Immediately, all the long-range and gorgeous spells began to be thrown towards Dani.Because of lying down just now, everyone kept returning to mana, and that neutral position actually restored most of everyone's mana, at least it was enough to set fire to the boss.

"Then what about our melee combat?" Hearing that Ye Ci was only ordering long-distance combat, the melee combat in the team began to worry. You must know that although there are only about 35 melee combat members in Tiantianshang's team, the equipment and attack power of these 35 people But they are quite powerful. If they don't exist in the fourth stage, it may not be so easy to pass this dungeon.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first, you know, I haven't been to this book before." Although at this stage, melee combat is not used, but Ye Ci still can't answer rashly, so he can only tell lies to convince everyone.Later she said: "All melee throwing knives at the boss!"

Although the close combat is very unhappy with this little damage, since the commander has made a decision, everyone can only implement the decision of the commander.

This kind of long-distance focus fire didn't last long, and suddenly everyone saw the system start flashing in front of everyone: "Cocks are cold in winter, the Ice Queen Dany you irritated, she stared fiercely!" Take a look!"

This is it!

She waited for so long, just waiting for this DBUFF.In fact, Dani has not been too lethal after entering the fourth stage, but she still has a very domineering DBUFF, which is the current one-angry gaze.If the player hits this DBUFF, within 30 seconds, the attack power and defense power will be doubled, and they will be able to resist the erosion of the angry circle of fire, but after 2 seconds, they will definitely die.Therefore, the play style of this fourth stage is to let the player who hit this DBUFF rush into Dani's circle and attack in an all-round way, and then die directly after 30 seconds.If the players don't rush into the circle to appease Dany's anger, after 30 seconds, all the players will be directly killed by a "killing blood" ultimate skill.

"Winter's dick is very cold, did you get any DBUFF?" Of course Ye Ci can't directly call the winter dick is very cold to enter the circle, so she directly declares that she is very familiar with this dungeon, so she called Dani's name Start asking immediately.

It’s very cold in winter. He’s a good thief in Tiantianxiang’s elite group. Although he’s very good at handling, his face is very dark, and his ROLL equipment has never exceeded 10 points. poor one.

"Hitted a DBUFF called Angry Gaze, 30 seconds countdown, the following prompt is that the attack power and defense power are increased by 2 times, which can resist the erosion of the circle of anger!" The dick is very cold in winter, although the face is dark, but the consciousness is very good, After hearing Ye Ci's inquiry, he immediately understood Ye Ci's Ye Ci, and answered Ye Ci's question in the shortest time.

"Okay, you enter the circle quickly, attack the boss, remember not to save mana, don't be afraid of OT, zoom in!" Ye Ci immediately gave an order.

In winter, when the chicken is very cold, he immediately rushes into the circle and starts attacking the boss.Tangtangtang saw his blue only half-pipe at this time and hurriedly asked Ye Ci: "President, do you want to give winter a blue?"

"Need not."

"Why, the half-pipe blue can't last long." Tangtangtang was very surprised.

Of course, Ye Ci couldn't say it directly, so he shook his head and sighed: "I guess he may not need it anymore. I don't know what effect that DBUFF will have in the end, so let's wait until 30 seconds later."

Then she gave another order: "All the healers also attack, use your attack skills, even if you can't deal much damage, hit hard!"

Originally, it was very cold in the winter, and he rushed into the circle, but he was a little bit worried, because Gong Ziyou didn't arrange treatment or T to follow up, he was very afraid that he would be killed by the boss with one move.But when he got close to Dani and kept throwing a few skills, he found that the boss just kept moving at her own slow speed and didn't respond to his attacks. Throw it on the body of the BOSS.

The double attack and defense power is really domineering, looking at the damage he caused to the boss, the gorgeous numbers make the penis very cold in winter, and he feels a sense of accomplishment.It's a pity that this sense of accomplishment didn't last long, because after 30 seconds passed, he heard his system prompt saying: "You fell down because you were afraid of Dani's anger!"

Immediately afterwards, he heard his character scream, and he fell under Dani's pomegranate skirt, seeing darkness in front of him.He immediately said: "I just said, how could the BOSS give such a good buff, it turned out to make you crazy at the end, it can only be awesome for 30 seconds, and after 30 seconds, it will be directly dropped by the buff."

At this point, everyone has a comprehensive understanding of the boss's attack behavior in the fourth stage, and the players who will be called later don't need to be reminded by Ye Ci, and they just rush into the circle by themselves and make the final brilliant performance.

Bai Mo said sadly while throwing the throwing knife, "I suddenly feel that the current feeling is not good at all."

"What's the matter?" The little hand who could only throw the knife from a distance was cold and asked in every possible way.

"Don't you think we are now betrayed members of the underground party, who are facing the torture of Little Japan. As long as he rolls his name, we are equivalent to announcing the death penalty. This is simply waiting for death. This kind of It's too painful." Bai Mo said very sadly.

But I got the full support of Xiaoshou Bingliang: "That's right, I thought I was the only one who felt this way, but it turns out I'm not the only one who has it, and now I'm looking forward to her calling me, but also afraid of her calling me, I'm torn! "

The chat between two people is a normal chat, so everyone can hear it.Everyone looked at the dead bodies all over the ground, and they unconsciously felt the same way.

"The tide is surging, you angered Dani, the Ice Queen, and she gave you a hard look." Although everyone was expecting that the next roll call would not be their own, it would still be their turn.Finally Dani named Chaoshui Taotao, as the first ranger to be named before he entered the circle, Ye Ci immediately ordered: "Tideshui, push Lan to the least legal profession!"

Chaoshui Taotao also understood that this was the last thing he could do for the team, so he quickly pushed Lan away, and rushed into the circle without hesitation.

Ye Ci's gaze never left Danni's health bar. While looking at her health bar, she looked at the number of people left now, and calculated how much time was left to bring down the boss. On the one hand, she had to continue The output is really a bit busy.

Fortunately, everyone now knows that it is time to give it a go. Throw all the monomers and medicines on the body, hit the biggest attack possible, and let yourself do as much as possible for the team before falling down. Create a little damage.

About 2% of the blood volume is left, and there are 9 people left in the whole team. Looking at the corpses all over the floor, Ye Ci is actually under a lot of pressure. 2% HP doesn't seem like much, but under such circumstances, it's really unknown whether it can be achieved with only 9 people.

In fact, this problem is not only known to Ye Ci himself, but to all members of the regiment, whether they are alive or have fallen.Now the living people are still attacking desperately, and all the people lying on the body are on the ground and start to cheer everyone up.

Because "dead people" can't speak, so you can see the dialog boxes on the corpses one after another, all of which have words of cheering up, white flowers, Ye Ci looked at it at a glance, although in some Messy, but still warm in my heart.

This is probably the team, and this can probably accommodate her team.

Just thinking about it, Yu was called in time.Jiyu is considered to be well-equipped among legal professions. After being called, he immediately ran towards the circle, stuffing monomer into his mouth as he ran, and it seemed that he had made a last-ditch effort.

Timely Rain is worthy of being the main magic class. His 30 seconds contributed a lot of DPS to the whole team, and directly beat the boss to 1.4% of the health bar left.The moment he fell to the ground, he shouted: "My lord, hold on!"

However, before he finished speaking, he heard that Ye Ci was also named.

Immediately, the whole group began to make jokes at him, and because of this incident, Jiyu became a veritable crow's mouth worthy of the name of Tiantianxiang... Of course, this is a later story.

As soon as his name was called, Ye Ci dashed into the circle without hesitation, then summoned the fourth child, and started firing at Dani with all his strength.

Only the last 30 seconds left.

Ye Ci used all the hunter's skills without hesitation. For a while, the surroundings of Danni were full of splendor, and even the other players who were lying dead were dumbfounded.Everyone sighed, Young Master You's outburst was simply showing everyone the advanced skills of a hunter!

All kinds of splendor, all kinds of splendor, all kinds of high damage, dazzling people, even if they are not hunters, they are also excited by it. It turns out that advanced skills are so overbearing.

However, it only lasted 30 seconds in Domineering. Despite such a high attack, Ye Ci still couldn't completely kill Danni. With only 0.2% of her HP left, she completely fell down with the fourth child.

Although he was unwilling, he did not bring Danni down after all. Ye Ci, who was lying on the ground, could only hope for future generations.Counting this as the second time she died in fate, she did not feel wronged at all, and she felt a sense of sincere satisfaction rising from her heart to die with her team.

The next one to be named is jelly.

As a violent priest known for his domineering DPS, Jelly did not disappoint Ye Ci. With 9 seconds left in the DBUFF, he and the remaining 6 people completely defeated Dani.

"No! I don't believe it! I don't believe I will fail!! No, I'm just too tired!" Dani covered her face and let out a shrill scream, although her blood bar was already empty, But because of the plot, she still talked nonsense, so she didn't fall down immediately.

And Jelly followed behind her buttocks and kept throwing skills, and she was frightened while throwing them: "Why isn't she dead, why isn't she dead! Why isn't she falling down! Will she go berserk!"

The words were just out of the mouth, and they immediately drew everyone's anger to stop them.

"Jelly, shut your crow's mouth!"

"If he really goes berserk, you will be the first to be buried!"

"If the jelly goes berserk, you will bear all the monomer and repair costs today!"

"Hey, hey, aren't you? I'm also worried." Jelly looked aggrieved, she was telling the truth.

Ye Ci also let go of the command system, allowing everyone to speak in the system instead of typing. For a while, the voice system was full of excitement.Of course, everyone was waiting for Dany to fall in fear.If she doesn't fall down, the system will not consider her dead, and they will not be judged as having cleared the ruined castle every day.Therefore, at this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on Dani, and no one did not want her to fall down quickly.

However, the plot after Dani's death was a bit long, which made the members anxious.

But Ye Ci lay on the floor with peace of mind, not worried at all.With the experience of overthrowing this BOSS countless times, she is not nervous at all that Dani will go berserk, resurrect, and believe in Brother Chun with full blood.She will fall, soon.

"Damn, is she dead or not!" As one of the few people who survived, Bai Lu Weishuang, the ranger, directly drew out his dagger and followed Dani's back and stabbed Dani's buttocks vigorously: "If you don't die, I'll let you chrysanthemum first!" Blood!"

"You're so obscene!" Jelly, who was also by Dani's side, expressed the strongest contempt for Bailu being frost.

And the remaining few people, whether it was long-range or close combat, all went to Dani's side and directly used the weapons in their hands to beat Dani most shamelessly.

Ye Ci glanced at them with black lines all over her head, and after thinking for a long time, she finally didn't speak. Although every boss has its own dignity, it seems that she shouldn't stop these boring people from venting their emotions.In the end she simply did not look at them, out of sight and out of mind.

"I think, I need to take a break. Really, really..." Dani finally walked to the front of her seat while talking nonsense, her body fell limply, and finally the whole person threw herself on the seat like this up, quietly.


"do not know."

When a few boring people continued to "molest" Dani's body, the system message rang.

"Congratulations to the 'Tiantian Upward' guild for killing the ruined castle in the normal-level 100-person team dungeon for the first time in the world. The rewards are 2000 guild reputation, 20000 prestige points for major cities in the world, and 15000 gold coins. Let us remember the hero's name!"

"Congratulations to 'Moshuishen' for leading the 'Tiantian Upward' team for killing the ruined castle in the normal-level 100-person team copy for the first time, rewarding 500 Blackstone City reputation points and 8 talent points. Achievement 'Evil ordinary! Ruined castle! Top five!' !His name will be recorded in the annals of destiny!"

"Congratulations to 'Gongziyou' for leading the 'Tian Tian Shang' team to kill the ruined castle in the normal-level 100-person team copy for the first time, rewarding 500 prestige points of Black Rock City and 8 talent points. Complete the achievement 'Evil ordinary! Ruined castle! Top five!' ! Her name will be recorded in the annals of fate!"

"Congratulations to 'Little Cold Hands' leading the 'Tiantian Upward' team for completing the first kill of the normal-level 100-person raid ruined castle, rewarding 500 prestige points in Black Rock City and 8 talent points. Achievement 'Evil ordinary! Ruined castle! Top five!' !His name will be recorded in the annals of destiny!"

"Congratulations to 'Let go of that girl' leading the team of 'Everyday Upward' for killing the ruined castle in the normal-level 100-player team dungeon for the first time, rewarding 500 prestige points in Black Rock City and 8 talent points. Complete the achievement 'Evil ordinary! Ruined castle! Five A!'! His name will be recorded in the annals of fate!"


Ye Ci is not the head of the group, so he did not receive systematic inquiries.As the group leader, Bai Mo certainly wouldn't hide this situation. He probably denied it immediately when the system asked him if he wanted to hide his ID.Of course, Bai Mo would not let go of something as flamboyant as this. This is a good opportunity to improve the reputation of the guild.

As for Ye Ci, who was in urgent need of this first kill, naturally he would not stop Bai Mo from doing so. Ye Ci always hoped that the more the guild would benefit from such things, the better.She turned off the recording of the video, and the next thing is to resurrect and touch the corpse. She doesn't want to let Liu Shukuang know about it.

"Ah! The first kill, the first kill!!" Because Ye Ci had let go of the voice system, although everyone was still in the corpse state, they were already screaming crazily. The joyful voice almost pierced Ye Ci's eardrum Yes, she hastily turned off the voice system.

Because the dungeon has already been cleared, everyone is not willing to wait for Jelly to save people one by one. Anyway, it is very close to the resurrection point. Everyone is resurrected, and then they run away to the corpses.

As usual, Ye Ci didn't touch the corpse, so she ran behind without haste, even if she ran to a place, she didn't have to rush to see the corpse.After that, fill up the blood first, and then slowly start to resurrect the fourth child.

At this moment, her secret language channel was already ticking. Even if she didn't watch it, she knew who sent it.Most of them are the presidents or commanders of major guilds, who come to inquire about purchasing strategies.

She didn't answer at all, and directly yelled at Bai Mo, "Mo Shui Shen!"

"What?" Bai Mo was preparing to touch the corpse piously at this time, when he suddenly heard Ye Ci calling him, he turned his head and connected to her secret language: "Do you have any instructions?"

"The major guilds are asking me to buy videos and guides. You know what to do."

"You've already sold the strategy, right?" Of course, Bai Mo knew Ye Ci best, since Ye Ci said this, he immediately guessed Ye Ci's real intention.


"Who did you sell it to?" Bai Mo was curious, and then understood: "You must have sold it to Liu Shukuang."

"Why are you so smart?" Ye Ci laughed.

"That's right, no matter who I am, I'm a genius cousin." Bai Mo immediately poked a hole in the sky with his arrogant tail. "How much did you sell for?"

"Twenty three and two million."

"It's not that high." Bai Mo smacked his mouth: "It's only over 400 million in real currency, so many individual points, and the union's expenses..."

"Real currency."

Suddenly, there was no sound from Bai Mo.Ye Ci looked up, and Bai Mo rolled his eyes and fainted immediately.

Bai Mo and her family are not really wealthy families, they are just well-to-do. I have seen 10,000+, and more than 2000 million. That is a huge wealth that has never been heard of.It was so sudden from the sky, no wonder Bai Mo was about to faint from excitement.

Ye Ci twitched the corner of his mouth, not wanting to talk to the ignorant Bai Mo anymore, and directly refused all private chats with him.When she saw Liu Shukuang's private conversation, she immediately connected to his private chat without hesitation.

As soon as he connected to the private chat, he immediately heard Liu Shukuang's excited voice, as if the one who got the first kill was not Ye Ci but Liu Shukuang. "Congratulations, congratulations, Young Master You, I really congratulate you."

Ye Ci twitched the corners of his mouth, pulled out a fairly noticeable arc, and replied flatly: "Congratulations and congratulations. But are you congratulating me, or congratulating yourself?"

Liu Shukuang didn't pay attention to Ye Ci's ridicule. He had dealt with this woman several times, and he had already seen through it. It's better not to respond to this woman's poisonous tongue, otherwise he would be mad at himself. Sooner or later.

"I have already sent you the money, 500 million gold coins, you should be able to receive it after you make the copy."

"Okay, I'll contact you after I click." Ye Ci nodded, as if she wasn't particularly keen on this.

But Liu Shukuang couldn't hold back his excitement: "Then when can you give me the video?"

"I will contact you as soon as I check the deposit. Of course, I need to explain this to the guild members. After all, this is the result of everyone's cooperation." Ye Ci is not as anxious and excited as Liu Shukuang After all, this incident had a relatively large impact on her.

Although Liu Shukuang was in a hurry, he also understood the reason why he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he didn't urge Ye Ci after all, but just maintained his demeanor: "Okay, I'll wait for your news." After saying that, he was still a little worried , and did not forget to add: "Of course, I hope you don't make me wait too long."

Ye Ci smiled, and turned off the voice system without responding to Liu Shukuang.She raised her head to look at Bai Mo, the shallow-sighted guy finally woke up slowly after being tossed by a group of people, and when he opened his eyes, he gave her an "OK" sign from a distance. gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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