hunter world

Chapter 221 Top Players

Chapter 221 Top Players
Chapter 21 Top Players
After the battle, Ye Ci bid farewell to the four dwarves in a hurry, and left the team immediately.She really didn't want to hang out with the corpse team anymore.

After quitting the team, she stood in the arena hall again, where there were many people shouting on the screen, all looking for the team.This time Ye Ci is not looking for NPCs to choose to join the team, but to stand in front of the big screen to see what kind of team there is and what kind of occupation is needed.Although standing in the hall in her golden clothes is really eye-catching, but in order to find a good team, Ye Ci can't care about the eyes of other players watching her.

Among the several competition modes in the Gulan Arena, 1V1 will not call out the team, just go in and play directly, and 2V2 is basically a fixed team, so there are very few people calling out.The teams that shout the most are 3V3 and 5V5, because this kind of team changes the most, and it is relatively difficult to find a fixed team.As for 10V10, they are basically guild organizations, which are invisible on this kind of big screen.Therefore, the shouting teams scrolling on the big screen are basically 3V3 and 5V5, and among the shouting of these two teams, 5V5 is the most.

In fact, when playing Gulan Arena, the best way to save points is 1V1.However, the 1V1 battle mode only lasts for 30 minutes and 30 seconds. There are two decisive factors to determine the outcome. The first is to kill the opponent three times before death, then the outcome will be determined regardless of whether the time is up or not.The other is to waste time. Within 1 minutes and 1 seconds, the player who inflicts the most cumulative damage to the opponent is judged as the winner.To put it bluntly, [-]V[-] is a battle mode that relies entirely on personal skills to slaughter opponents.As long as you are sharp enough, as long as you are coquettish enough, you can finish the opponent within tens of seconds, and then get [-] points.But if the strength of the two sides is equal, it will only be time to wait.

Therefore, although 1V1 is the fastest mode for accumulating points in Gulan Arena, unless players with very coquettish operations choose this mode, other players basically choose 2V2, 3V3, and 5V5.

However, 2V2 has relatively high technical requirements, and the battle time is only a few minutes. Most players who do not have a fixed team will not choose this mode.This leads to a lot of 3V3 and 5V5 teams. If you are lucky, you can meet a good team and play well. If you win more than a dozen games in a row, the accumulated points will be very high.

The opening of the Gulan Arena is actually a signal, which indicates that players from the four continents will soon face-to-face battles.This kind of battle does not need to rely on teleportation or the arena, but a direct face-to-face battle.This is also the central content of Destiny's second expansion piece, "The New Continent".Because of the opening of the expansion piece "New Continent", the Central Continent, which has always been covered by clouds and mountains, will reveal its mysterious appearance. At that time, players from all continents can board the Central Continent.Except for the main city, which is a safe zone that cannot be fought, all other places in the central continent are neutral areas, that is to say, all neutral areas can be killed endlessly.

It is for this reason that apart from accumulating PVP equipment for everyone, the opening of the Gulan Arena is also very important for everyone to hone their PVP skills.No one is willing to be the target of others, so improving one's ability has become an urgent goal.

And most of the players are not aware of this purpose now, they just think that the battle points in the Gulan Arena are for everyone to exchange for PVP equipment, and what is the PVP equipment used for?It seems that they never thought about it, which is why there are so many lying corpse teams.

Although everyone has their own way of playing the game, as far as Ye Ci is concerned, he still despises the existence of the lying corpse team. This kind of team is obviously the representative of getting something for nothing.This kind of players who don't want to make progress and don't want to improve their PVP skills will inevitably usher in a storm-like cleansing of the game after the new expansion pack is opened.Only players who successfully survived this baptism can finally become pillar players of destiny.

Ye Ci basically played 1V1 in her last life, and her PVP skills were also honed from it. She remembers that her best score was 270 consecutive victories in nine games.This result is a high score that has made many players dumbfounded, and even this result has been on the leaderboard of the Gulan Arena for a long time.It is for this reason that Ye Ci is quite confident in her PVP skills, which is also the main reason why she does not want to choose 1V1 after rebirth.

What she needs now is the honing of team skills, not the display of her own skills.Therefore, choosing the wild team's 5V5 battle became her best choice.In this battle mode, she can't help but face enemies with a variety of professional combinations, and she can even meet her own side with a variety of professional combinations.She believes that as long as there are too many people, nothing will happen, so this has become the best way for her to hone her resilience.

There are too many teams shouting on the big screen, but it is still easy to tell whether it is a pre-formed team or a wild team.If it is a pre-formed team, but there is only a shortage of people, there is a fixed team name in front of their words, but if it is a temporary wild team, there will be two "random" team names in front of them. Character.This arrangement allows players who choose teams to choose the team they are looking for more intuitively and conveniently, and it also greatly saves the time for players who are looking for teams and people. It is really a good way.

Ye Ci filtered out the random teams, and only found people in the shouting in the fixed team.

"Fighters in Mobile Phones": Sharp 5V5 team, the team's average equipment is above level 34, the highest record is [-] rounds in a row, come with a sharp DPS of [-] plus +, don't come if you are not sharp!

"Why is it so hard to get a name": professional arena team, 3V3, let's take a coquettish and conscious nanny, please accurately evaluate your ability!

"Little Yellow Ducks Under the Bridge": yesterday's winning streak of 38 games. Team X is looking for a sharp DPS. It needs to be coquettish and aware of the position. The set is above level [-], and above level [-], it is best to come from yesterday's warlock! !
"Peerless Warriors": The 5V5 team comes to a coquettish DPS. It is required to be conscious, above level [-], and can quickly keep up with the rhythm of the team. If you don't have confidence in your PVP strength, don't come!


Although the wild team was filtered out, there are quite a lot of people in this fixed team.Think about it, the current number of Destiny players is about one billion, even if there are 5000 million players in each continent, after removing dungeons, subsistence players, and players with insufficient levels, there are at least 2000 million players left in each continent to play competitive games In this way, it is understandable that there are many teams.

Ye Ci searched in front of the big screen for a while, but felt a little dazzled.You must know that she has always played 1V1. She really has no experience in choosing this kind of 5V5 team, and she doesn't know how to choose to find a suitable team.After hesitating for a while, she finally chose a team that required level [-] or above, equipment that required level [-] or above, and high operational requirements.She felt that since the other party's requirements were high, it meant that her team's abilities were relatively high, so being with such a team should be more worry-free.

So, she joined the team without hesitation.

The name of this team is "Aisheri Perfume". The current team configuration is a priest, a mage, a warrior and a thief. If you add Ye Ci, it happens to be two long-range, two melee and one nanny. It is the most standard team. configured.This kind of team, as long as they don't meet the opponent's team whose entire team is a control profession, it is easy to win.

However, Ye Ci was a little dissatisfied. She always felt that such a well-regulated professional configuration was a bit too easy. According to her thinking, she hoped to join some teams with swords and slant. In this case, she opposed her team Cooperation has been greatly improved.

However, after joining the team, Ye Ci didn't have the habit of leaving the team. For example, in the last game, she had to face the lying corpse team, not to mention, this team that looked very good.

It's just that, for a player like Gong Ziyou to join any team, it will cause quite a stir.Just like Ye Ci is now, when she just entered the team, she heard a few screams. "No way! Did I read it wrong! The player who joins the team is called Young Master You!"

"It can't be that Young Master You!"

"There is only one young master You in our Eastern Continent! There is only one young master You in our entire destiny!"

"I'm so lucky today! You can even call Mr. You by just calling out casually! Oh my god, I'll go offline and buy a lottery ticket later!"

A few people were shouting and chattering, which made Ye Ci not good to answer, and it was not good to not answer, so I had to stand there quietly and look at the few people.The first person who came over was a human priest, male, and he introduced himself: "I am Beiwangjiangshan, priest, and also the captain of this team."

After Beiwang Jiangshan introduced himself, the other three began to introduce themselves without waiting for Ye Ci to speak: "My name is Beauty Tomb, Warrior."

"My name is Long Moonlight, mage."

"I am Return of the Wind and Cloud, Rogue."

After the introductions of several people were finished, Ye Ci said, "Hi, I'm Young Master You, Hunter."

"Are you that Young Master You who often takes the first kill? That Young Master You who defeated the witch doctor Bulu last time?" Man Man Yueguang was the only girl, and girls were obviously more interested in gossip, she hugged With an attitude of breaking the casserole and asking the bottom line, he immediately began to ask familiar questions: "Is that the young master You who was fighting in the iron blood and then went to Tiantianxiang? It is the young master You who was splashed with dirty water on the forum by the iron blood war Is it the son You who was named by customer service No. 094 at the Dragon Dance Conference? Is it the son You who fought against the Fleeting God of the Western Continent? Was it the son who had a scandal with the little-known Zhenshui Wuxiang? You? Is it the young master You who was rumored to have AFKed for a month for some ulterior motive?"

Manman Yueguang is a very capable elf, she looks very beautiful, and her mouth is even more powerful, her tongue is like rolling a ball in her mouth, in just a short while, she said a lot, even out of breath. Without panting, he sorted out all the gossip that happened to Ye Ci since he entered the game.

The corners of Ye Ci's mouth twitched when he heard this, his head was full of black lines, and he didn't know how to return.

It's faster than talking, she doesn't have the ability to catch up with the long moonlight, but she doesn't envy this ability at all.

Long Moonlight is not only quick-spoken, but also obviously impatient. Seeing that Ye Ci didn't answer, she asked again and again: "Are you that young master You, aren't you?"

Although the question of the long moonlight is also a question that Beauty Tomb, Beiwangjiangshan and Fengyunhui want to know, but under such circumstances, not only Ye Ci has black lines all over his head, but even the other three people have black lines on their faces. superior.Beiwang Jiangshan quickly elbowed the long moonlight, hoping she would stop talking nonsense, you must know that the person standing opposite is not an ordinary player, but a top hunter who is well-known in the entire game, how much should be given to the other party A little bit of face, right?

"Oh, Jiangshan, why are you bumping into me?" Manman Yueguang obviously didn't realize the meaning of looking north at Jiangshan, she just turned her head and glared at him, and then looked at him with an eager, confused and excited look. Looking at Ye Ci, it seems that the existence of Ye Ci has now become her greatest goal and pleasure. "Are you that Young Master You!"

The corners of Ye Ci's mouth twitched to the point of cramp. Finally, under the eager eyes of the long moonlight, she replied stiffly: "It seems that duplicate names are not allowed in the game."

This answer has actually confirmed all the questions of Long Moonlight.Originally, Ye Ci could only answer with "um", but she felt awkward in her heart. If she nodded directly, wouldn't it be tantamount to admitting the unbearable past that the female mage said?It was terrible!

"In that case, you are Mr. You! The real Mr. You!" Man Manyue became more and more excited, she rushed over immediately, grabbed Ye Ci's hand, held it tightly, An unstoppable enthusiasm stared at Ye Ci.

Ye Ci was never used to this kind of enthusiasm, not to mention that this kind of enthusiasm came from a stranger she didn't know at all, which made her shrink back a bit.She subconsciously began to pull her hand, but Manman Yueguang held it so tightly that she couldn't pull it out at all.

"I've always thought, if I meet the real young master You one day, I must ask her a question!"

"What's the problem?" Ye Ci also began to succumb helplessly under the heat that seemed to be igniting a prairie fire. She felt that the best way now was to get rid of this gossip mage quickly. way to fight.

"After you married Liu Nian, did you marry to the Western Continent? Or did Liu Nian come to the Eastern Continent!" Man Man Yue Guang blinked those beautiful green eyes, and asked a question that almost made Ye Ci vomit blood.

For a moment, Ye Ci only felt that all the blood rushed to the top of her head, and then her blood vessels were about to burst, her eyes became a little blood red, but looking at the long moonlight with an innocent expression on her face, Ye Ci There is always no way to lose your temper at a stranger.She could only take two deep breaths, and after suppressing the nameless fire, she withdrew her hand abruptly, and said coldly to Manman Yueguang's eager face: "I'm not familiar with Fleeting Years!" .”

"Oh, celebrities usually don't know their lovers well in order to avoid scandals!" Man Man Yueguang had an expression that I already knew.

This made Ye Ci go crazy, and she looked at the moonlight and the few people with cold eyes: "Are you guys playing in the arena or are you going to continue talking nonsense?"

There was already a strong warning in the words, and anyone with a little bit of emotional intelligence could feel the displeasure of this huntress known as the Great God.Beiwang Jiangshan nodded immediately, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a dry smile, "Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to war."

Wang Wang Jiangshan moved very quickly, and immediately started the countdown to the battle.And everyone immediately entered a state of preparation.Don't look at Manmanyueguang's gossip, but her position in team PVP is really good. Even Ye Ci, who was once a top mage, couldn't help but say something good when she saw her position.
Five people jumped off the starting point and rushed towards the plain in the middle of the field.

There are more than 500 pieces of venues in the Gulan Arena.Each map is different, and every time you enter the arena, you will be randomly assigned a map.There will be some BUFFs in these maps that are beneficial to the player's battle, and of course there will be some DBUFFs that are harmful to the player's battle. As for what it is, it all depends on one's luck.

The map that Ye Ci encountered this time was a very simple map, a basin.The two teams came to the middle basin from their starting points to start the battle. This kind of map has a limited area and is flat. In fact, it is a test of the player's cooperation and positioning awareness.And there are many glowing balls on the high platform beside the basin. These are various BUFFs, some are good and some are not, and only after you eat them, you will know.

As far as Ye Ci is concerned, these BUFFs are generally not eaten. Although eating beneficial BUFFs is extremely helpful for victory in the battle, the distribution of BUFFs on the map is half and half.In other words, you only have a 50% chance to get BUFF, and the remaining 50% you get will be DBUFF. Although it means high risk and high reward, but in the case of only 5 minutes to end the battle, Ye Ci I don't want to take this risk at all.

So, when everyone in the team was eating buffs, she had already jumped into the basin.

Find a position with an open angle, and sneak around.All of this was done in the blink of an eye, while the other four were still eating buffs on the table.

"Young master, why don't you eat BUFF!" Manman Yueguang found that Ye Ci jumped to the basin without eating BUFF, and quickly reminded her: "From the side road there, you can go up and eat..."

Before she finished speaking, a line of golden words jumped out before everyone's eyes.

"Player Young Master You successfully killed one of the opponents!"

The few people who were still eating BUFF looked at each other subconsciously, they couldn't believe it, there was such a fast speed.They just saw Ye Ci jump into the basin from before their eyes, how could they have killed a person in just a dozen seconds.

"Player Young Master You successfully killed one of the opponents!"

"Player Young Master You successfully killed one of the opponents!"

When the four of them were still in a daze, immediately two golden characters flashed in front of them again, causing them to look at each other.No, this is too fast!They couldn't care less about eating the BUFF anymore, and immediately jumped down.

And the moment they jumped, two words flashed before their eyes again, one golden and one red.

"Player Young Master You successfully killed one of the opponents!"

"The player looked north and was successfully killed by the opposing player Fleeting Years!"

Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, Fleeting Years?

To meet him in this place!This is too wicked!But in fact, she couldn't allow her to think too much. She found the place where Beiwang Jiangshan hung up, and then quickly looked in the opposite direction. Sure enough, she saw a small figure running towards her on the platform. .

She immediately ran in the opposite direction.It's a joke, if Fleeting Nian gets too close now, he will be entangled at all.And judging from the current running direction of Fleeting Years, his goal is not only himself, but also the few remaining teammates.

The death of Beiwang Jiangshan is fatal for a team, especially for a combat team that often relies on nurses.Obviously, after Beiwang Jiangshan fell, the remaining three people immediately panicked and ran without any purpose.

As soon as Ye Ci saw this situation, he knew that they were not PVP veterans, at least not when dealing with emergencies.In fact, Ye Ci thinks so, somewhat wronged this team, after all, which team can not mess up after their team's healer is instantly killed by a top hunter like Fleeting Years?
"The thieves and fighters go up to the stage and fight close to him. When fighting hunters, you can't run around, you can only fight close to the body. Don't you have any common sense?" Seeing the three people running more and more chaotically, Ye Ci could only run and talk to Fleeting Years at the same time. Shooting at each other while shouting in the team channel.

"The opponent is Fleeting Years..." Manman Yueguang obviously did not expect that he would meet the top god in the Western Continent who was comparable to Gong Ziyou. He was in a hurry, and even felt like giving up: "How can we fight..."

"What's wrong with Fleeting Years! He's a hunter, not a god, why are you so nervous! Don't scare yourself!" Man Man Yueguang's words immediately lowered Ye Ci's evaluation of this mage by two levels. With this mentality of bullying the weak and fearing the hard, what kind of arena are you playing in! "Soldier, thieves, hurry up and get close to you!"

"Received!" Compared to the discouragement of the long moonlight, Beauty Tomb and Fengyun Return seemed much calmer. Under Ye Ci's cold voice, they quickly recovered their usual level and climbed up quickly. After getting off the platform, he followed towards Fleeting Years.

Fleeting Years obviously didn't know that his opponent had Gongziyou after Ye Ci killed his first teammate. He immediately became very excited, and his sloppy movements became full of passion and enthusiasm. Strength, rushed towards the basin quickly.And then he heard that two of his teammates were killed again, which made him quicken his pace and rushed to the mouth of the basin. Before he could find where Young Master You was, he directly chose a player and killed him instantly with a few arrows. he.

In Fleeting Years' consciousness, since Young Master You greeted him, if he didn't say hello, he would feel really sorry, wouldn't he?What's more, he has always been a polite person.

Just now Ye Ci was able to kill four players so smoothly, a large part of the reason was that Fleeting Years didn't pay attention at all.And when Fleeting Nian wanted to follow the same pattern and kill the other four players under Ye Ci's nose, it was not so easy.

After fighting with Young Master You for half a minute, he took the time to kill the mage who had been interfering with him, and the remaining two melee classes gave Liu Nian a bit of a headache.It is not difficult to fight one against three, but now the time is too short, it is really not easy to fight against Gong Ziyou and decide the winner in less than 3 minutes left.

Fortunately, the hunter's agility and speed are higher than that of the fighter, and his balance is even higher than that of the thief. Therefore, even if the fighter and the thief are close to each other, it is not particularly difficult for him to leave.

Ye Ci has been tightly locked on Fleeting Years.However, she soon discovered that, unlike attacking other players, when she and Fleeting Nian were fighting, there was no level penalty, which meant that Fleeting Nian's current level was almost the same as her own, and it could even be said that they might be the same level, reached level [-].

This doesn't surprise Ye Ci at all. You know, she hasn't played the game for a full month. If Fleeting Years doesn't let Fleeting Years improve her level in this month, this person who was called a hunting god in her previous life is really It's a bit of a misnomer.

Ye Ci's attack was very powerful, but Fleeting Years didn't show signs of defeat at all. Even though Beauty Tomb and Fengyun Returned by his side relentlessly pestered him all the time, it didn't make him mess up. On the contrary, his position became more and more Accurate and steady.Suddenly, Liu Nian's footsteps paused, as if a flaw had been revealed, and Ye Ci immediately followed, wanting to put the other party to death, but he didn't expect that Liu Nian didn't give her this chance at all.His footsteps faltered, and the whole person jumped backward quickly for a long distance, and during his jump, all attacks were ineffective.

Leap back!

Ye Ci was shocked!This fleeting time actually got this skill book!

The backward jump can be said to be a magical skill in PK. The cooling time is 25 seconds. It is to stop the forward steps quickly and then jump 20 feet quickly. During the jumping process, all attacks can be ignored.In the hands of hunters, this skill is not only a magic skill for PK, but also a magic skill for life-saving.Just like the current situation, Liu Nian suddenly jumped twenty feet, and jumped out of Ye Ci's attack range, and Ye Ci wanted to rush up and put Liu Nian within her attack range again, which meant that she was organizing an attack, This obviously interrupted Ye Ci's attack fluency.As for Fleeting Years, after he leaps back twenty feet, he can also organize an attack immediately. If the attack is strong enough and luck is good enough, he can directly attack a soldier and a thief who were close to him now. Get rid of.

In fact, he did the same,

After jumping [-] feet after the fleeting time, he quickly retreated backwards. While retreating quickly, he used a combo skill towards the warrior who was rushing up after him. He fell to the ground without waiting for the warrior to get close.At this time, Ye Ci also followed, and he was about to bring himself into the attack range, but Liu Nian calmly recruited Bat Xiaowu, and let it fly towards Ye Ci whistling.

Taking advantage of the time when Ye Ci summoned the fourth child to fight the fifth child, Fleeting Nian avoided the thief's attack with a few feints and flashes, and cut the thief's limbs a few times with a melee dagger and short sword After crippling him and losing his blood, he rushed towards Ye Ci!

This series of movements was too fast, so fast that Meirenzhong and Fengyungui could see clearly, and they just fell down like this.Until they fell down, they didn't actually understand how Fleeting Nian dodged his attack and brought himself down.

This is the difference between premium and top.

In Destiny, proficiency in skills can only be regarded as the basic quality of an advanced player, and the ability to use the quality of the body itself to achieve some subtle dodges in the game is a must for top players.

It's as if Beauty Tomb and Fengyun Huihui didn't understand how Fleeting Nian killed them no matter what, they deeply understood one thing, that is, the gap between themselves and the so-called top players is really like a bottomless gully .

Meirenzhong and Fengyunhuihui didn't see Fleeting Nian's actions clearly, but it doesn't mean Ye Ci didn't understand clearly.In fact, although they are far away, thanks to the good eyesight of the elves and the professional expertise of the hunter, Ye Ci can clearly see the series of actions of Fleeing Years.She can know the back jump, and naturally she can also know the feints and shimmers that only top players can learn.

Although she has always regarded Fleeting Nian as her number one rival, at this moment, she has to admit that Fleeting Nian is indeed worthy of the title of God of Hunting.He has grown faster than he imagined. You must know that during the last battle, Fleeting Years did not know the two instinctive skills of feigning and shimmering at all, but in this meeting, not only did he know it, but he could use it well So seamless!

This month's time was always delayed by myself.

Now that both sides have thrown away all resistance, there is no reason not to have a good fight.

The fourth child and the fifth child are actually old acquaintances. Now that they meet again, it can be said that the enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and they fight together without waiting for Fleeting Years and Ye Ci to command.Fleeting Nian's skills are good, and Xiao Wu also becomes more powerful. After several battles, Xiao Wu obviously knows that this ugly guy who looks fierce can't fly, which greatly increases his pride invisibly. It is even more hateful to circle around the fourth child, completely flying the fourth child as a kite.

And the fourth child is not a vegetarian, he pretended to be fly by Xiao Wu as a kite, but he dodged all the skills thrown by Xiao Wu. Instead, when Xiao Wu dived down, he jumped up at the right time and bit the Dude flying around, teach him a solid lesson.

It's different from the old four and the young five who are already fighting fiercely.

Both Liu Nian and Ye Ci jumped to the bottom of the basin, neither of them started fighting, they stood quietly at the farthest attack distance of both sides, staring at each other intently.Although they were standing there, their muscles, their blood, and each of their bones were screaming and charging.

The so-called duels between real top players don't actually have so many gimmicks, and the outcome is often determined within one or two moves.

Fleeting Nian was wearing a dark golden suit, which looked like an absolutely high-end PVP suit, while Ye Ci was wearing a golden yellow suit, and the two clothes had a dazzling brilliance at the bottom of the basin filled with yellow sand.

A leaf from nowhere blew over and passed between the two of them.

As if they had received an order, the two of them almost moved together when the leaf passed by.They all jumped up, and the arrows in their hands quickly approached each other!

too fast!
Sitting on the high platform because of being disabled, Fengyun returned and witnessed the duel between the top hunters.He didn't even dare to blink his eyes, for fear that he might miss something.However, he still felt that it was too fast.Whether it's their positioning, the deployment of their skills, or even the way they attack, they are so fast that it is dizzying.

Fengyunhuihui has always felt that he is actually a good player. Whether it is PVE or PVP, even if he can't reach the top level, at least he can be considered a top player.Therefore, his fascination with the so-called top gods does not actually exist.He has always felt that there is not much difference between top players and players like them. The real difference is only in experience, or the proficiency of skills. As long as he works hard, he will be able to reach that level one day. degree.

However, today he witnessed the battle between Liu Nian and Gong Ziyou with his own eyes, and only then did he realize how outrageously wrong he was.

Suddenly, a thought appeared in the mind of the returnee: The so-called top players may not be achieved by hard work.

This kind of battle between top experts, watching live and watching videos is definitely not a concept.Only by watching the scene will there be a more shocking and frightening feeling.Although he is a thief, although he is close combat, but facing the battle between Fleeting Nian and Gong Ziyou, he can still feel how mysterious it is.

He obviously looked at the attack that was sure to hit, but he just dodged it.Obviously, he thought that the movement would definitely happen, but he just swayed past it.

Both of them have reached a level of precision in predicting each other's skills and actions!Looking at it like this, Fengyun Huihui even felt that it was impossible for these two people to decide the winner in just 5 minutes.

At this moment, winning or losing suddenly became unimportant.Fengyunhuihui feels that the most important thing now is that he can learn more skills about top players from these two people, and this is the biggest gain.

The wind doesn't seem to want to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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