hunter world

Chapter 230 pass by

Chapter 230 pass by
Chapter 30 Passing by
After a while, Ortus had almost vented his emotions, and he finally calmed down.He turned around, looked at Ye Ci who was standing aside, and took a deep breath: "Elf, are you interested in hearing a story that isn't too pleasant?"

"Of course, Mr. Ortus, if you are willing to tell, I am willing to be the most qualified listener." Ye Ci saluted again, she did not choose to skip the conversation, because she knew that in such an epic mission In , the stories told by NPCs generally have very important clues, and these clues are not only hidden in the language, but also sometimes hidden in the tone and actions of the NPC, if skipped, it is likely to be skipped Some trivial clues will have a very large impact on the completion rate and degree of completion of the task, and more importantly, it will also have a very large impact on the final reward.

Obviously, Ye Ci's answer made Ortus very satisfied, and he walked back and forth in front of Ye Ci again, but this time his speed slowed down a lot, and his two too long hands were behind his back , that look is a bit old-fashioned.

Ye Ci stood quietly on the side. She is actually a very patient person, especially when encountering such epic tasks, her patience is often longer than ordinary people.

After walking for a while, Ortus jumped onto a broken wooden stake, and then sat down. He looked at the distant sky, where a bright moon was in the sky, but the bright light couldn't illuminate the place. In the dark land, there can only be a piece of silver that looks very desolate hanging in the sky.

Ye Ci checked the map just now, this is the Fragrant Wilderness of the Western Continent.The distribution of monsters here is mainly between 50 and 60. However, most of the monsters are non-active attacking monsters, so there are still many players who form teams to level up here.It is actually quite dangerous for Ye Ci and the others to stop here. If they are discovered by the players in the western continent, what they will face is not just a simple matter of massacre and pursuit.

However, even though this place is very dangerous, Ortus chose to release the mission here, which Ye Ci has no way to change.Ortus is a goblin, no matter which continent he is in, he is a neutral race, so he will not be attacked by players, and only himself is left.

However, for Ye Ci, it is not difficult to hide and avoid the search of players from other hostile forces, so even if Ye Ci is standing quietly in front of Ortus now, she still keeps her eyes open Listening to all directions, as long as there is a slight disturbance, she will immediately take corresponding measures, and she will definitely not let the land of the western continent be damaged here just after she set foot on it.

Ortus looked at Ye Ci who was quietly standing aside, she was respectful and quiet, which made Ortus very satisfied.Goblins are highly intelligent and proud creatures. Before the continent was divided, they dealt with various races. However, goblins didn't like these races. In the eyes of goblins, the most noble race in the world deservedly Goblins themselves, and other races are either too stupid or too stupid to be able to compare with them.

As for Ortus, he is a loyal blood theory. He looks down on ordinary races more than ordinary goblins. This is true of any race, but he rarely shows it.He doesn't like the elf in front of him very much, but compared with ordinary people, this elf seems to be very polite. He doesn't have much ambition or ambition, and he doesn't try to get anything from him. It made Ortus more satisfied, so he became gentle even when talking to her.

"A long time ago, in fact, I don't know how long ago. You know, our goblins generally have a very long lifespan, so time is actually a thing for us. It doesn't matter. At that time, goblins didn't live underground or in hidden places. They lived in a place called Wasoko. It was full of all the energy that goblins needed, ores, power gems, various There are too many kinds of precious black oil. You must think that since it has these things, it must be a place of smog, but you are wrong, there are green trees everywhere, wild flowers and weeds everywhere, There are many, many small animals on the grass, and many, many fish in the river, which is so beautiful. And I was born there.”

Ortus has already entered his own memory, his voice is deep and gentle, his eyes are flickering with a blurred light, it is not difficult to see from the intoxicated expression on his face, that memory is in Ortus It is the best part of my memory.

"I don't know who my parents are, because my teacher De Philai rescued me from the grass. The teacher said that when he got up that day, he heard the sound of a baby crying outside the house. When he went out, he saw I was a baby. And I was crying a lot, but when the teacher picked me up, I laughed at him. In the world of goblins, if no one adopts an orphan, he will be a slave , the teacher couldn't bear to see me face that tragic future, so he adopted me and named me Ortus. By the way, in the goblin language, Ortus means a beloved companion. So, I Not only teachers and children, students, but also his most beloved companion."

When Ortus talked about De Feilai, the expression on his face became more gentle. Just looking at it like this, Ortus's not-so-good-looking face is not so hideous anymore.

"I have been with the teacher for a long time, from a baby to a grown-up. The teacher is the most intelligent and wise man of the goblin family. Although everyone says that goblin engineering is the basic talent of goblins, but you outsiders don't understand it at all. I don’t know, the real goblin engineering is not accessible to ordinary goblins. The so-called engineering that ordinary goblins know is nothing more than some deceptive tricks in our eyes. Only you stupid foreigners can understand it. So superstitious, and giving a lot of money to those idle bastards." Ortus snorted, he had a pedantic taste of an old pedant, and he always looked down on ordinary goblins, but he did There is also this capital.

According to the book, because goblins are keen to make money, fewer and fewer people are willing to specialize in the essence of goblin engineering, and the real inheritors are only Defilai and his student Ortu. s.Apart from other things, it can be seen from the mechanical sculpture just now that if it was made by ordinary goblins, it would definitely not fly so smoothly, nor would it fly so fast. It's so far away, I'm afraid it's already falling apart.

"My teacher is the last great master of goblin engineering, and I have only reached the stage of the master, and have not been promoted." The gentle light on Ortus's face suddenly dimmed, and it seemed Very sad look.

"Why?" Ye Ci asked a timely question to guide the next task.

"Because, I left Wasoko." Ortus' voice was very deep.

"Isn't Wasoko a very suitable place for goblin engineering research? Since you are the master of goblin engineering, why did you leave there? Did you find a better place?"

"Wausoko is my hometown. Is there any place in the world better than my hometown?" Ortus showed a very sad and mournful expression on his face: "I left Wausuo to avoid being hunted down. division."

"Hunt?" This is strange, it has never been recorded in the book, and this is the first time Ye Ci has heard of it.

"Yes, I have been studying by the teacher's side. The long lifespan of goblins gives us endless time to support our research. I even thought that I would spend my whole life like this." Ortus' gaze once again shone with a gentle light, but there was more or less sadness in this gentle light. "However, I didn't expect that one day, the continent would split, and the claws of the demon king Naga extended to this continent, and also to Wasoko. Goblins are a race that is proficient in engineering. Regardless, those things made by ordinary goblins How rough it is, in the eyes of you foreigners, it is the most exquisite technology. Of course, it is also the same in the eyes of the demon king Naga. The demon king Naga launched a war against the god king Cordley, and the god king called All the races on the continent resisted his aggression, and in that war, the heroes of all races paid a heavy price." Ortus said here, turned to look at Ye Ci and said: "It's like you Dole, the elf king of the race, was also slaughtered, and even his soul was imprisoned by Naga."

Ye Ci's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, Elf King Dole!This is a racial side mission she received, because Dole's map fragments have not been found, so she has not turned in this mission.As for the history of these continental battles, there are no books recorded in the National Library, and even if they are recorded, there are only a few pens. Ye Ci thinks that this may have something to do with the main dark line mission of the game, so the game does not give any information. Direct hints and guidance require players to explore slowly during the adventure.

"Where is Dole's soul imprisoned?" The excitement in his heart made Ye Ci couldn't help asking Ortus.

Ortus seemed dissatisfied that his narration was interrupted, he frowned: "Aren't you listening to the story? Why do you ask this?"

Ye Ci looked at Ortus' expression and knew that what he did made the goblin a little dissatisfied, so he quickly said in a tactful manner: "Dear Mr. Ortus, after that war, our elves There is no more king, the whole elf is split, so..."

Ye Ci's low, sad tone made Ortus empathize with him, after all, he was an NPC who had gone through that war, he sighed: "Yeah, your elves are also quite pitiful, being split just like that. I just know that Dole's soul is imprisoned, but I don't know where it is imprisoned. This is the secret of Naga, how can we know the secret of Naga?"

Ye Ci nodded, thinking about it too, since it is the main theme of the game, the dark thread task is an important background that supports the game's continuous progress, how could the answer surface so quickly?Now that she knows that Dole's soul is imprisoned by Naga, then other things are slowly waiting for opportunities. "Sorry, Mr. Ortus, for interrupting your story, please continue."

Ortus nodded: "In that battle, the advanced technology of our goblins made the naga suffer a lot, so after that battle, he commanded his minions bloodthirsty undead and evil orcs to destroy the entire Wo Soko is under control." Having said this, Ortus became angry: "No! It's not that they controlled Wasoko, it was they who controlled that bastard Chel! His life actually betrayed the entire race!! In order to obtain the most profound and sophisticated secrets of goblin engineering, Naga and Cheer captured my teacher De Philai! The teacher left me a message before he took it away, so he kept it I was imprisoned even if I didn't. I escaped from Wasoko, but the teacher was imprisoned in the deepest part of Chel's palace!"

Ortus became more and more emotional: "The teacher is my father, my benefactor, and my closest partner and relative in this world, but I left him and wandered on this wild continent For so long, I couldn't find a way to save him! In the end, I had to reach an agreement with Moore, and he helped me find someone to rescue the teacher, and I..." Ortus paused when he said this Obviously, he didn't want to tell Ye Ci what kind of agreement he had reached with Moore, the lord of Black Mud City.

His eyes narrowed, and he continued: "After a long wait, I finally got you, Elf."

"I am willing to serve you, Mr. Ortus." After such a long mission description, Ye Ci finally received the mission. "But where is M. de Philay? How shall I find him?"

"If I remember correctly, he should still be in the goblin palace in Wasoko." He took out a compass and handed it to Ye Ci: "This is my exclusive goblin compass, as long as you hold it , after stepping into Vosoko's domain, it will be able to lead you to my teacher all the way."

Ye Ci took the goblin compass and took a closer look. It was indeed produced by the master-level goblin engineering.

"Go, elf, if you can bring out my teacher, I will certainly not treat you badly." Ortus stood up from the stake, then pointed at Ye Ci with one hand and said, "As long as you blow Ring that spoon, and I'll be there soon. Good luck, Elf."

After finishing speaking, Ortus's not tall figure gradually disappeared in the night, and even the mechanical carving disappeared.Only Ye Ci was left standing alone in the Youxiang Wilderness.

In the current four continents, there is actually no map of Wasoko. Ye Ci can conclude that after the war, the map of Wasoko has fallen, but where is Wasoko now?She opened the task reminder and read it page by page.I finally found this sentence in the corner of the quest: Wasoko used to be a beautiful place, but it has disappeared now. Those who want to pursue it may wish to go to the blood field to find clues.

Wilderness of blood.

It is a huge map located near the city of Holy Light, the main city of the western continent. The terrain there is complicated, with many monsters and high levels. It is not a good place for players to level up. Not only that, but because there are no supply points there, players Generally, you will not choose to level up in that place.

However, players generally do not choose to level up there, which does not mean that there are no players there.Ye Ci believes that the game of Destiny now has as many as one billion players. Even if there are 5000 million players in each continent, it is impossible for each of these 5000 million players to not choose the blood field to level up.After all, there are many monsters there, and the refresh is fast. As long as you can find a suitable method, it is a good place to soar your level.It's just that there are relatively few people there, which is a good help for Ye Ci to sneak into the bloody wilderness.

On the Western Continent, Ye Ci couldn't open the teleportation point, and he couldn't blatantly ride on the fourth child. The only way to get from one map to another was to walk there.

Fortunately, Youxiang Wilderness is also on the edge of the City of Light. As long as Ye Ci touches the edge of the map carefully, he will be able to enter the map of the City of Light - Ke Duolin in a few hours.

The stealth of a hunter is not as high as that of a thief. Especially in the western continent, there are players from the western continent everywhere. She will never initiate any conflicts with these players in the western continent unless it is absolutely necessary.What's more, the more entanglements with the players in the western continent, the more time you will spend on the western continent, and Ye Ci has not forgotten that her exploration time for the mithril veins is only ten days, and it is only ten days before the new expansion pack. There are still 30 days left before the opening, and the fate of the prosperous guild is imminent. She has no time to waste.

It was for this reason that Ye Ci dared not take the main road. Although walking along the main road in the middle of the map would not encounter monsters, it would be too dangerous.She stalked, leaning against the edge of the map towards Kedolin.If she doesn't meet a player on the road, she can still kill two monsters, but if she meets a player, whether it's a single or a group, she will go around.

After sneaking for several hours, Ye Ci finally touched the intersection of Kedolin and Youxiang Wilderness.There is a very strong stone bridge here, the gentle river flows under the stone bridge, and there are many wild flowers and aquatic plants growing on the bank and in the river, which looks peaceful and tranquil.After all, this is near the main city of the western mainland, and there are high-level guards everywhere, so it couldn't be safer.

However, such a peaceful and tranquil appearance was extremely fierce to Ye Ci. On the huge stone bridge that could accommodate four carriages passing in parallel, the three-step one post, two-step one sentry accounted for more than 100 HP Wan's 65 elite guards, and all of them are triggered and linked, as long as Ye Ci accidentally attracts one, then hundreds of guards on this bridge will rush over.At that time, Ye Ci thought, even if he had wings, he might not be able to fly out.

Not only that, but their level is five levels higher than Ye Ci's. With such a level, ordinary concealment and stealth will definitely not be able to fool them.What's more, these guards all have the ability to detect, even if Ye Ci can sneak under their noses, I'm afraid they can't hide from the ability to detect.

From this point of view, it is almost impossible to pass through the bridge.

The only way to go is under the bridge.

But there is a river under the bridge, and Ye Ci can't sneak into the river if she jumps into it, she has to swim across.However, there are also many patrolling soldiers and monster-fighting players by the river. Although none of them expected that there is a hunter from the Eastern Continent lurking beside them now, after jumping into the water, the emanation from their body That kind of dazzling red light, if you don't want to be noticed, it's just a dream.

Ye Ci just squatted in a clump of low plants beside the bridge, thinking carefully about how he would pass this level.After thinking for a while, there was still nothing to do. In the end, in desperation, Ye Ci could only use the deception brooch.The deceitful brooch can disguise the player as a player from a hostile continent, but there is a limit, it can only be used once a day, and it can only be used for half an hour each time. Not only that, it cannot enter the main city, because the guards in the main city are Can't be fooled.

Ye Ci originally wanted to keep the effect of this fraudulent brooch for half an hour and find a small town to replenish it when there is no medicine and consumables today, but now it seems that it is impossible.If she didn't use the deceitful brooch now, it would be here today.

After weighing this point, Ye Ci didn't hesitate any more, and turned the deceitful brooch directly, disguised himself as a human thief from the western continent, and calmly stood up from the low plants.Rogue was originally a shady profession, so there were too many things to hide and hide. Her appearance did not attract the attention of other players and guards.In order to speed up the journey, Ye Ci recruited the little red horse.Although the speed of the little red horse is really slow enough, it is still faster than two legs. She doesn't have the courage to recruit the fourth child in this place, so just go slower.

Climbing on the horseback neatly, Ye Ci tried his best to restrain the tension in his heart and walked towards the bridge.

It has been experimented that the deceitful brooch can fool NPCs, but it is still unknown whether the deceptive brooch can fool the NPCs of the opposing camp.Ye Ci raised his heart and tried his best to appear extremely calm, like an ordinary player, galloping across the middle of the bridge with his horse and whip.

In fact, the deception brooch is still very effective. When Ye Ci ran past the eyes of hundreds of guards in the middle of the bridge, none of the guards found out that Ye Ci was a counterfeit. They still stood there majesticly, No one noticed that a player from the Eastern Continent had entered Kedolin, the map of the main city, Shengguang City.

"You discovered the Yark Bridge."

"You discovered kodolin."

As Ye Ci galloped on horseback, the system kept mentioning Ye Ci's exploration of the western continent more and more.There are high rewards for exploring maps on hostile continents, especially places close to the main city's map. Exploring the maps here often gives you a lot of money and honor in addition to considerable experience.Therefore, as long as you are brave enough and confident that you will not die, you can explore on the map of the hostile continent. With that experience and honor alone, it is not difficult to upgrade.

Since deceitful brooches cannot enter the Holy Light City, Ye Ci will not approach the Holy Light City without any hassle. She opened the map and ran towards the nearest place to the Blood Wilderness.She only has half an hour, and she can't waste it at all. It's best to reach the Blood Field before the deception effect of the deceitful brooch expires.

There are obviously more and denser players in Kedolin than in Youxiang Wilderness.Ye Ci can meet one or several players in almost two steps, and the red scene in front of him is really a bit thrilling.

From Kedolin to the Blood Field, you have to go along a circuitous path in the west of Kodolin. Because this path is close to the Blood Field, there are many high-level monsters. However, the players here are obviously group The team came, guarding the refresh points one by one and staring quietly at the arrival of the ghouls.In the previous life, Ye Ci had been to the Holy Light City several times, and she had also been to the Blood Wilderness several times, so she still had some memories of the terrain here. This kind of memory allowed her to arrive at this path quickly without taking any detours.

Unlike the sunny weather in Holy Light City, as soon as you set foot on this path, the light immediately dimmed, as if you had entered a dark underworld where the sun never appeared.

"You found the rotten trail." The system diligently reminded Ye Ci to explore another map.

Ye Ci looked up, only to see dead trees on both sides of the rotten path, and many dead bodies hanging on top of the trees, and under these trees, ghouls often crawled out from the ground, crawled Go up the tree and eat those corpses.The whole atmosphere was disgusting and terrifying. It was impossible to imagine that such a map was actually on the edge of Shengguang City. People had to feel that this was really ironic.

Most of the players who have just entered the game of destiny will be frightened by the spookiness of some of his maps. There are many male players and more female players.However, as the game progressed, the courage of the players seemed to be tempered more and more. Ye Ci even saw many seemingly weak female players expressing their skills towards those horrible and hateful ghouls. , and then calmly stepped forward to search for loot from their corpses.

If the game was just started, such a situation must be very scary, but after a year of training in the game, it seems that all players have become numb.

The monsters here refresh very quickly, and the experience is very objective. Even if the players in a team kill together, everyone's experience is very thin, but the refreshment quickly makes up for everyone's shortcomings.It is for this reason that a team of five or six people gathers at each refresh point on the rancid alley, guarding the refresh point.

When they found other players coming to the rancid alley, these teams would tell each other that there were already people here.

When Ye Ci rode the horse and passed the rotten path, she immediately heard such a prompt. The players in the western continent said, "Please let me go. There are already people here. If you want to kill monsters, please find another refresh point."

"Rang Rang, Rang Rang, the sword is ruthless, and the wrong wound is irresponsible."

"There are people at this refresh point, and you need another place to level up!"


Along the way, there are so many shouts to declare their sovereignty. It seems that in order to upgrade quickly, the so-called friendship of mainland players is actually a fart.Ye Ci whipped the little red horse's butt vigorously, hoping that this guy could run faster, because she had less than 3 minutes left to cheat.

There are so many players on the rotten path, and the terrain on both sides is not suitable for fighting. If the deception brooch fails here, then what awaits her is not a good result.

"Hey, is that thief going to the Wilderness of Blood?"

"No way, you dare to go to the Bloody Wilderness alone, without a nanny, you're courting death."

"Maybe he is rich and carries a backpack full of blood bottles."

"Tch, do you think that kind of place is accessible to everyone? Think of yourself as a player against the sky."


Seeing that Ye Ci's back didn't stop, but instead flew all the way towards the blood field, many leveling players started whispering.After all, the level of danger in the bloody wilderness is not comparable to that of the rotten road. There are too few players like Ye Ci who go alone.

Ye Ci didn't care what these players said, but just ran towards the blood field with a sigh of relief.

In 50 seconds, the Wilderness of Blood was already within sight, and Ye Ci had even seen the blood-red sky in the Wilderness of Blood.

The time is getting closer and closer, and the little red horse's footsteps are really not good, Ye Ci can't help but feel a little regretful, if only I had spent more money to buy a better horse, but she didn't think of her at all. One day I will not be able to ride the fourth...

There are still dozens of yards away from the blood field, and Ye Ci still has 37 seconds left.

It should be enough, there are no players on this rotten path, even if there is not enough time, no players will find it.

Twelve seconds to go, a few yards from the field of blood.Ye Ci's heart almost reached his throat, don't meet any players passing by, don't meet any players passing by!If there are players passing by here, it is easy to alarm other players on the rancid path, and unnecessary trouble will be caused.

While thinking this way, Ye Ci suddenly saw a player riding a unicorn speeding past him.This person's speed is extremely fast, but this person's face seems to be carved into Ye Ci's eyes with a knife, making her breathing stop suddenly!
She can't be so unlucky!You will meet the person you least want to meet in this place!

Although Ye Ci had known for a long time that as long as she set foot on the land of the western continent, she would have a high chance of meeting this person, but she still had some luck in her heart.The western continent is so big, and she is only doing missions, how could she be so unlucky to meet him?

However, it turned out that she was indeed unlucky, and when she was unlucky, all the bad things came together.If she hadn't met this person now, maybe she could have been around for a while, but if she met this person, Ye Ci only felt that his sky was dark...

NND, what kind of shit luck is this!

That's right, this person is Fleeting Years.

Although Fleeting Nian has already reached level [-], gems that increase critical strikes will drop on the Blood Plain. Fleeing Nian is still very keen to collect gems when there is nothing to do.Now his package is full, and the durability of his equipment is almost gone. The most important thing is that there are not many arrows left on him, and Xiao Wu has no food. If he continues to fight, he will not only run out of food Absolutely, Xiao Wu is also going on strike to protest.So Liu Nian packed up his things and prepared to go back to Shengguang City to replenish.

The Blood Plain is a place that Fleeting Years often visits. He has long been familiar with the place where it is safer and will not attract too many monsters.He summoned his own white unicorn, quickly got on his horse, and then galloped all the way towards the Holy Light City.

Today, Fleeting Year's harvest is very good. Not only did I pick up four Weixia crit gems, but I also picked up a flawless power gem. Take it back to the Holy Light City and find a synthetic NPC to synthesize it. Maybe you can get a higher quality gem. gem.Fleeting Nian felt elated when he thought that his bow would soon be inlaid with a perfect crit gem.When he was happy, his running steps became more light.

Soon, he saw the rotten path from the field of blood.There is a pass there, looking from the Wilderness of Blood, I feel that there is a dense darkness there.The rotten alley is probably Fleeing Year's least favorite place. The environment there is dark and smelly, which is really annoying, but he also admires the players there, who can farm monsters and level up in such a place full of rotten smell. And it lasted for many days, it's really... so great.

Just as he was about to rush into the rancid alley, Liu Nian suddenly saw a player running from the opposite side.This is a male thief, the equipment on his body is dark in color, and there is nothing good or bad at a glance. However, the horse under his crotch is not a good thing, it looks like a rotten street product.

He has no company.

Going into the wilderness of blood alone?

Thieves should be able to.But it has to work well.Although there are not many players who solo monsters in the blood field, there are still fifty or sixty. They each guard a place, and they still recognize them more or less in Fleeting Years. It's just that this person's face is very strange, as if he has never seen it before.

However, Fleeing Years has no doubts. After all, there are so many players in the Western Continent, and everyone has a different way of playing the game.Even if this thief wanted to come here for some excitement and send him to his death, Fleeting Years couldn't stop him.

After all, the same rice feeds a variety of people, and besides, it seems that it has nothing to do with fleeting years.

Fleeting Nian has never been a nosy person, but he just saw this thief from a distance, analyzed it according to common sense, and didn't think about it any more.His unicorn was extremely fast, and soon missed the thief.

Suddenly, in a flash, he seemed to see something...

(End of this chapter)

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