hunter world

Chapter 243 Discovering De Philae

Chapter 243 Discovering De Philae

Chapter 43 Discovering De Philae

"I said, to do this kind of task, you should call it Fleeting Years, why don't you call that pervert!" Rose, the black iron dwarf, ordered another very tricky task, and quickly ordered the other three people to run errands. He himself sat down beside Absalom and began to drink the spring water to moisten his throat, which was too dry.

"If I call him, won't my son be watched?" Absalom yawned, he was a little sleepy, and he has not logged off for today, he really misses his soft bed.

"Young Master You can cause any storms, she's the only one." Qian Chang whispered and didn't believe Absalom's words: "It must be Liu Nian who values ​​sex over friends."

"If you know it, don't point it out, okay? If you point it out, I will feel very sad. Why have I been called brothers and sisters with such a guy for so many years? I am more sad than ever for my level of judgment." Absalom laughed .

Singing and laughing, he is not really blaming Fleeting Years, but, compared with Fleeting Years, he is not familiar with the books in the National Library, such unfamiliarity, imperceptibly slows down The speed at which tasks are done.If it were the Fleeting Year guy, they might have reached their current progress in a day.Singing and whispering, he also yawned with Absalom, and leaned against a wooden box in the camp to sleep for a while. Suddenly, he remembered something again: "By the way, I seem to remember that the white fairy tale has been chasing fleeting years, right?" .”

"Such a well-known thing, you actually use the word like? You are really sorry for your gossipy heart." Absalom gave him a low-pitched look, expressing extreme disdain for his deliberate pretending to be pure. .

Singing and whispering, he didn't care about Absalom's disdain: "I usually don't care much about things that don't have a score." He paused: "Flowing Years really like Gongzi You."

"Probably." Absalom sniffed, "If this kid can lure Young Master You to the western continent, I will be prosperous."

Qian Chan whispered and rolled his eyes, obviously he didn't take Absalom's daydreaming words to heart at all, he just said his own feelings: "I'm just saying something, I just thought of it."


"If the white fairy tale knows about Fleeting Years, will there be any rebound in my mind now?"

"Who knows." Absalon is obviously not interested in this kind of woman's emotional problems at all: "I think that if you discuss this topic with Apple, you will discuss a lot of secret things. If you ask me, it is a waste of time. There is no explosion." Point, no passion, what are you talking about?"

Singing and whispering, seeing that Absalom hadn't thought about it in this direction at all, he pondered for a while before slowly saying: "I'm not interested in her feelings, I just think that White Fairy Tale is a bit extreme. , I'm a bit of a horny person, usually it's not a big deal, everyone has their own faults anyway, but when it comes to this matter, I'm always a little uneasy."

"Uneasy?" Absalom also noticed that the meaning in Qian Chang's words was definitely not simple, so he raised his spirits and looked at Qian's voice: "You mean..."

"I seem to have heard Apple once say that the white fairy tale has been fond of Fleeting Years for 13 years, but has been unable to ask for it. This kind of emotion will make a person crazy. If this time, she knows Fleeting Nian is with Young Master You, or she knows that Fleeting Nian likes Young Master You..."

"You mean..." Absalom frowned.

Qian Chang groaned and nodded: "Don't forget, she is a member of the main team. Although she is not a manager, but she has a good relationship with Apple, it is impossible to guarantee that she knows many secrets of the guild. If she knows this , can go with the flow, that is definitely the best solution, whether it is good for Fleeting Years or for her, it is the best ending, but... What if she is extreme at that time? She will take revenge on Fleeting Years then ?”

"Although Genesis now occupies half of the western continent, it doesn't mean that our position is very stable. In addition, the prosperous age is coming soon. If they choose to land in the western continent, it will make things worse for us. things." Qian Chang Whispering has always been very careful, in the words of Fleeting Years, Qian Chang Wow Yin is a pessimist, he must consider the worst side of everything when he does anything, and then make a corresponding response It will not act until it is deployed.

"Are you afraid of the white fairy tale rebellion?"

"Usually, I don't think she will, but at this time, I can't guarantee it." Qian Sing whispered and saw members of his team running towards them from a distance, and stood up: "Although, I knew It's impossible for her to forget about it, but at least it's better to be on guard against her in the future, especially Apple, so don't let her slip up."

"I have to find a way to get her out of the main force." Absalom also began to realize the seriousness of this problem, and he also stood up, with his hands folded in front of his chest, thinking about this problem carefully. It is not easy to let the white fairy tale have any redundant thoughts.

"By the way, regarding the consortium's capital injection, several consortiums have already contacted me. Take a look. I always feel that none of them are particularly ideal. Should we wait a little longer or just make a decision?"

"Wait a little longer, I always feel that the wind direction is about to change." Absalom took a deep breath: "If this mithril vein is real... I think the entire game structure will be rewritten for our Genesis. "

There is no doubt about this.

As soon as Ye Ci went online, he received a message from Fleeting Years: "Go straight ahead, there is nothing strange in front of you."

"How far do you want to go?" As soon as Ye Ci went online, he saw the countless selves radiating from the countless mirrors, and felt that his head was about to explode, and the pain was severe.

"You'll know if you keep walking." Liu Nian smiled, and didn't answer Ye Ci's question directly, but told her an ambiguous answer.

This made Ye Ci feel a little strange, but he was not uneasy.For Gong Ziyou, under any circumstances, she will not be restless or impetuous, because negative emotions such as restlessness and impetuousness often bring people the worst situation.After experiencing the last life and this life, Ye Ci has already calmed down a lot, and it seems that nothing can make her feel really nervous.

She led a group of teams, cleaned up a few more monsters, and found that the corridor of mirrors seemed to have come to an end.The front is very bright, like sunshine, but it doesn't seem to be sunshine.

Ye Ci ran fast and rushed out from the mirror corridor, and there was another turn in front of him, heading to the right.In this way, she has actually passed four turns towards the right, that is to say, her current direction is actually the same as the direction she just entered after entering the iron gate.

After turning the corner, Ye Ci was stunned.

There are many lights on the long and straight corridor, and the floor is covered with high-grade jacquard carpets. Although many years have passed, the patterns on it can still be clearly seen, which is magnificent.And at the end of this road, Ye Ci saw a person sitting there quietly, listening to a dark red bat on his shoulder.

For some reason, Ye Ci suddenly had a very strange feeling in his heart, it was a warm, soft, and comfortable emotion.It was like a person who had been walking in the dark for too long suddenly saw a glimmer of light, and she was actually a little excited.

It was such a strange and alien feeling.

Ye Ci had never felt this way before, and she couldn't tell which category she belonged to.But she doesn't want to think too much. Sometimes she keeps thinking too much about things she can't figure out, and instead gets into a dead end. This has never been something Ye Ci would do.Ye Ci sometimes does things by intuition, because human intuition is often more accurate than the results of your rational analysis. It is a special ability that humans are born with.It was as if, without thinking about something, she knew where there were traps and where it was safe. This was her intuition.

And now, her instinct was to let her go.

That's exactly what Ye Ci did. She slowly walked towards Fleeting Years, getting closer, getting closer.

Finally, she stopped at a place close to Fleeting Years.

Liu Nian looked up at her with a bright smile, that smile really resembled the most proud and enchanting peach blossom on the branch in spring, indescribably bright and seductive.

Ye Ci exhaled slowly, but that breath condensed into a white mist in front of her, sticking between the two of them.She stretched out her finger, and tapped lightly on the transparent glass in front of her, making a bouncing sound, which seemed very thick.

"We probably won't be able to open this thing." Liu Nian shrugged his shoulders, and reached out to knock on the cold glass: "I've tried it just now, and it's all MISS."

Ye Ci turned his head and looked around, and found a huge majestic and gorgeous palace gate not far away: "There should be a BOSS inside."

"Probably so." Liu Nian moved his shoulders, stood up, and stretched his waist, "I didn't drive it, I was afraid that after I drove it, I would go straight into the battle." He turned his head and looked at Ye Ci , smiled and said: "Let's go, young master, open that palace gate and see, what's behind it?"

Ye Ci looked at the smile on Liu Nian's lips and unconsciously brought a smile on her face. She nodded, turned her head and walked towards the palace gate.

The speed of Ye Ci and Fleeting Years is basically the same. When standing at the door of the palace gate, the two of them reached out to push the palace gate at the same time, but they got such a prompt from the system message: "This is a gorgeous palace. The palace gate, every trace on it records the great past of the goblin, and there seems to be a faint sense of danger from behind the palace gate. You stand in front of the palace gate and don’t know whether to move forward, but the robot you manipulate But it becomes slow under such a powerful danger. What is here that can make a robot without a brain so terrifying? Although the back of the palace gate seems to be full of dangers, but your heart is full of curiosity, with With this kind of curiosity, you pushed open the palace door without hesitation. Oh, my God, all the robots collapsed the moment you opened the palace door, looking at the robot that helped you fight together just now , but now it has turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron, your heart is full of pity..."

Since entering the copy of Wasoko, every time you have to experience something important, the system will have such a piece of guidance information. This piece of information cannot be skipped. However, if you can listen to this piece of information carefully If you read it, you can often find the key points of the things you will encounter next from this piece of information.

"Is there a powerful goblin or a powerful robot inside?" Fleeting Nian asked.

"It's a robot." From the guidance information, Ye Ci was not sure what would happen, but she still answered according to her intuition.

"I think it's a goblin." Fleeting Nian had a different opinion: "Shall we make a bet?"

"You seem to like gambling very much. Are you a gambler?" Ye Ci glanced at Fleeting Years, neither saying yes nor no bad, but there was a little playful arc on his lips.

"Aren't you a gambler?" Liu Nian was not at all surprised by Ye Ci's words.

Ye Ci listened to Fleeting Nian's rhetorical question, but did not answer, but raised his eyebrows, as if refuting Fleeting Nian's certainty.

"If you weren't a gambler, you wouldn't have come to the western continent. If you weren't a gambler, you wouldn't have continued wandering in the bloody wilderness after you met me. If you weren't a gambler, you wouldn't have threatened me with mithril veins. Absalom..." There was a deep smile on the corners of Liu Nian's eyes and eyebrows, he folded his hands on his chest, looked at Ye Ci on the other side of the glass and continued: "If you were not a gambler, you would not agree to join me Into Wassoko."

Ye Ci raised his eyebrows even higher, thinking about what Fleeting Years said, it seems that he didn't say anything wrong.

"Admit it, young master, in fact, you are a complete gambler like me."

"Maybe what you said makes a little sense." Ye Ci seemed to be in a good mood, she didn't refute Fleeting Years, "So, what's your bet?"

Fleeting Nian didn't speak, he tilted his head and thought for a while, "I haven't thought of it yet."

Ye Ci turned his head without saying a word, pushed open the door vigorously, and walked in first.

Liu Nian watched her back disappear behind the palace gate, took a deep breath, pushed the palace gate open and walked in.

Just as Liu Nian and Ye Ci entered the palace gate, they heard the palace gate suddenly shut, locking them in a confined space. Ye Ci looked back and knew that the palace gate would not open again unless Can defeat the boss in front of you.

But which one is the BOSS in front of you?
A row of machines stood in front of Ye Ci and Liu Nian. Although these machines were silent now, they were full of strength. Even standing in front of them, they could feel their danger.The physique of these robots is different from all the robots I have encountered before.They are even taller, and the material on their bodies is very good. Just now, under the lights of the palace, there was a cold metal light.

After this row of robots, Ye Ci saw another goblin wearing a royal robe, standing on a platform with his back to two people, holding a scepter in his hand, and in front of him was a crystal coffin, inside the coffin There was a corpse inside, with dark skin and pointed ears. It looked like the remains of a drow.The goblin in royal robes stood in front of the coffin, with a bright light shining from his right hand, which directly covered the top of the coffin. He was chanting words, as if he was doing a sacrifice.

And behind this coffin, there is a very large robot, which is seventy or eighty yards high, so that Ye Ci and Fleeting Years need to look up at it.So many monsters, are they all BOSS?If they are all BOSS, then this dungeon is really cheating. I didn’t meet BOSS along the way. In the end, I met such a bunch of BOSS. Does the system treat them as fun?
"Find De Feilai, find De Feilai!" Just as Ye Ci and Fleeting Year were looking at everything in front of them, Ye Ci heard the goblin compass start to send out a prompt, she quickly took out the goblin compass from the package, and followed the Looking at the direction and distance from the prompt above, sure enough, on the head of the largest mechanical giant, there is a goblin who is busy doing something, it seems that that is her target.

The two had just entered the palace, and it seemed that they hadn't entered the battle range yet, so everything in the palace was as usual, and nothing special happened, so the two of them could take this opportunity to look at the environment here.

As usual, this is the palace of Wasoko, and it is also the place where the goblin king Chell lives. Judging from the splendor and unique shape in front, it is difficult to connect this place with the palace.This place is not so much a palace as it is a machine factory. There are many parts scattered everywhere, and there are still unfinished machines. However, under these greasy parts, it seems that the majesty of the original palace can be seen.But looking at it now, Ye Ci feels that this place is really not much different from a car repair car.

There was a smell of motor oil in the air.Ye Ci felt a little uncomfortable, she lowered her head and pressed her nose lightly, the smell of engine oil made her dizzy.Liu Nian, who was standing beside Ye Ci, looked at her, took out a bottle of green potion from the package and threw it to her: "Drink this."

Ye Ci took the potion and looked at it, only to see that it was a fragrance fragrance.

In Destiny, in addition to some normal potions, pharmacists can also make some weird things, for example, this smell fragrance is one of them, this thing has no other use, it just makes your body feel better after drinking it. become more fragrant.And according to the different fragrances, the smell fragrances will also have different effects. For example, the smell of rose can increase the intimacy of women during courtship, the smell of tuberose can attract more designated monsters at night, and the smell of mint can increase the intimacy of women. Others can refresh the mind... Generally speaking, scent fragrances are perfumes that can be drunk, and each bottle can last for two hours.

These things seem to be some boring uses, but the price is frighteningly expensive, so ordinary people will never own these luxuries.

And the bottle that Fleeting Nian gave Ye Ci happened to be mint-flavored. She looked at the bottle of scented fragrance in her hand, and she was very strange: "You still carry this thing with you?"

"Anyway, it's in the guild's warehouse. I just took it casually. Who knows it will come in handy." Liu Nian shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.Ye Ci's head was full of black lines, this guy must not know that this thing is very expensive...

"Do you know how much this thing costs?" Ye Ci opened the lid, and a fresh smell came out of the small bottle, lingering around Ye Ci's nose, and immediately made her feel dizzy a lot better .

"About [-] gold per bottle." Liu Nian smiled as he watched Ye Ci drink the bottle of fragrance fragrance.

Ye Ci almost sprayed out the scented fragrance that she drank, her face was flushed, and after swallowing it hard, she stared at Fleeting Years: "You know the price and give it back to me!"

"The so-called medicines are produced to be eaten by people. If they are not used or used to play their due role, but put in the warehouse for people to see, then the medicine will cry." Fleeing Years Speaking of nonsense, he spread his hands: "Besides, I am willing to give it to you, what's the matter?"

The talk of Fleeting Years made Ye Ci feel that his head was full of black lines.She suddenly felt that she and Fleeting Nian must not be from the same planet, otherwise why would it be so difficult for the two to communicate?She froze in place for a long while, then pulled the corners of her mouth helplessly: "Okay, you don't need to pay me for the last item you sold, anyway, it's worth tens of thousands of gold, so it's worth the money for this bottle of medicine."

Fleeting Nian just laughed, but the light in his eyes was extremely disapproving, but before he had time to speak, a huge alarm sounded: "There is an invasion of foreign enemies, there is an invasion of foreign enemies!" A lot of little robots came flooding in like a tide. Their levels were not high, basically around level [-], but there were too many of them.Ye Ci and Liu Nian had no choice but to immediately enter the battle, using large area damage skills to clean up these little robots.

Don't look down on these little robots, Ye Ci and Liu Nian fought very hard, and took two bottles of expensive high-level instant recovery potions in the process, and finally restrained these guys.Fortunately, there is only one wave of this trendy little robot, otherwise, Ye Ci and Liu Nian would have to die here.

Just after dealing with this group of little robots, before the two of them had time to rest, they heard a high-pitched and thin voice coming from directly in front of the two of them: "Look, what kind of person broke into my room?" The palace! Interrupted my sacrifice!!"

The two raised their heads and looked in the direction where the voice came from. It turned out that the person who spoke was the goblin standing in front of the crystal coffin. He had been facing the two people with his back just now, making it difficult to see its appearance, but now when he Turning around, his appearance is immediately visible.Unlike ordinary goblins, this goblin has two strange horns on the top of its head, not too big or too small, probably exactly the length of his fingers, and outside the horns is a gorgeous crown.

This person, none other than the king of the entire Wasoko, sold all the future and destiny of the goblins to the goblin king of the bloodthirsty undead and evil orcs—Chell!
"It turned out to be two white elves! Hypocritical white elves!" Cheer looked at Ye Ci and Fleeting Years and let out a sharp laugh: "I hate you white elves, it is you hateful, selfish and threatening white elves who Let my Resnifin sleep forever!" Cheer stood on the high platform, waving the scepter in his hand: "Guards, guards, kill them quickly! Don't let them disturb the soul of Resnifin!! "

This is the boss, the domineering one started the battle without giving Liu Nian and Ye Ci a chance to react.

With the wave of Chell's scepter, all the robots standing in the front of the row began to light up red, and the one on the far right stood up, and walked towards the two quickly with vigorous steps. rushed over.Ye Ci and Liu Nian looked at each other, then nodded, quickly separated, recruited pets to disrupt the robot's attack, and then the two began to attack the robot from left to right.But this guy is much more difficult to deal with than those guys outside. Its eyes are red light bulbs, and it is disturbed by the fourth and fifth, which makes the guy upset, and only a loud buzzing sound can be heard His right hand turned into a huge chainsaw and began to swing towards the fourth child.

"Oops!" Ye Ci's heart sank. Although this guy's saw will not instantly kill the fourth child, it will definitely cause great damage to the fourth child, so she blew a whistle quickly, wanting to call the fourth child over , but she was a step too late. When the fourth child retreated, he was still cut by the saw. Only the fourth child screamed. There was a deep gash in his body, and blood flowed out .Ye Ci was heartbroken for a while, and hastily gave up the attack in his hand and began to treat the fourth child. Although the blood volume has increased, the wound will not heal until it is bandaged with golden sore medicine.

Although the fourth child was seriously injured, but the fourth child was also an epic creature no matter what, and he was somewhat irritable. How could he just let others bully him like this!I saw him running up quickly, jumping up suddenly, kicking the robot's chest with an extremely powerful back, and after landing on the ground, the thick tail swept across and hit his chest directly. on the legs.

In fact, these robots have not been fully completed, so they are not the best combat power. Although the attack power is very fierce, the defense power is still somewhat lacking, which allows the fourth brother to take advantage of the loopholes, so that they are built up twice, that The robot fell to the ground and struggled continuously.

"You solve this quickly, I'll set the trap." Fleeting time calculated the time, the two robots just took about 40 seconds, although it has not been completely settled, but now it is considered to have no attack power, and the next A robot will stand up in about ten seconds.He immediately rushed to a group of robots and planted a few traps, then retreated and continued to attack the fallen robot. After a short time, the robot turned into a pile of broken parts.

The two of them had no time to rest, and the fourth child's injury could not be treated, so they heard a rumbling sound, and another robot also stood up and ran towards the two of them, but before they could take a few steps, they were killed by a robot. The Frost Trap slowed down, and as it walked forward slowly, two people and two pets kept throwing skills at it.

Frost traps to control the speed of the robot is obviously a highly feasible method. Without much time, the second robot was brought down again.The next robots fell down soon after Liu Nian and Ye Ci kept releasing traps and concentrating their firepower.

"Damn white elves, you actually destroyed my guards! I'm angry, I'm angry! Are you going to continue to destroy my love with Resnifer! I tell you, you are delusional, Resnifer She will always be my bride, the queen of my goblin kingdom, she will never go back to that dirty and corrupt forest, the most suitable place for her in this world is here, right here!!" Cheer saw herself All the robots fell down and fell into a very angry state. He waved his scepter and kept cursing.

And at this time, the system guidance message sounded again: "You have exhausted untold hardships and finally killed all of Cheer's guards. They turned into a pile of scrap copper and iron. Cheer is very angry. Chell is the most proud guard, so he vowed to take revenge, he will detonate the strongest fighters to destroy you. You look up, oh my god, how can there be such a tall robot in the world, you stand on it The tiny thing in front of you looks like an ant. You feel terror, an unprecedented terror, but at this moment, there is no chance for you to feel terror again. You look at Cheer in panic, could it be that you are going to die here today? Is it? But at this moment, you suddenly saw a familiar figure, and your spirits were lifted! Isn’t this the most famous engineer in the Goblin Kingdom, De Philai? You lower your head and think, maybe you can finally use his help Defeat this terrible monster..."

"You hateful white elves, I want to let you know the consequences of interrupting my meeting with Resnifin. I will turn you all into meat! Come on! My strongest fighter! Tell them what death is , What is fear, what is never seeing the light of day!" Cheer continued to yell with pride, Liu Nian and Ye Ci listened to the guide message while watching Cheer's performance, and began to discuss how to get rid of this big guy.

"That guy is a level 65 monster. If the level penalty is added, will our hit rate be 50%?" Fleeting Nian looked at the huge robot and frowned.

"There should be." This hit rate is really not high, it will greatly reduce the attack power, Ye Ci also felt unprecedented pressure.Can this huge thing be brought down just by the ability of the two of them?

"That De Philai came out." Fleeting Nian suddenly saw a goblin jumping off the head of the huge robot. He must have the equipment of Feather Fall, and he landed on the ground lightly like a feather, and then He ran towards Chell.

"My most respected Majesty the King, the Iron Warrior has not yet been completed, and it is really not suitable for operation at this time..." De Feilai looked very melancholy.

"Defy Lai, this is my kingdom, and it is what I say it is! Don't talk nonsense to me, quickly activate Iron Warrior for me!" Cheer must kill Ye Ci and Fleeting Years now, not caring about De Fei Lai's persuasion.

"However, my most respected Majesty the King, if the Iron Warrior is forcibly activated in this matter, it will bring losses to the entire palace and the kingdom!"

"So what! My dearest Resnifer is far away from me, I don't care about other things, I only want them to die now, they interrupted my reunion with Resnifer!" Cheer said His eyes turned red, and he seemed to be on the verge of anger.

"Your Majesty the King..." De Philai was still pleading bitterly to Qier, but obviously his pleading could not shake Qier anymore, Qier even waved his staff towards De Feilai, the golden yellow The huge blue gem at the top of the staff gave off dazzling light, and these lights turned into a powerful force, approaching De Philai, rushing De Philai far away, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Go! You are not a great engineer here, you are just my slave! A slave must be obedient!!" Cheer seemed to be crazy.

De Feilai seemed to be injured, lying on the ground trembling, Ye Ci quickly ran over and helped him up: "Dear Mr. De Feilai, how are you doing?"

De Feilai's fall was obviously not light, and after hearing Ye Ci's eager questioning, he opened his eyes hard to see who was talking to him.After some difficulty, he pulled back his distracted gaze, and focused on the people in front of him. These were two hunters, two white elf hunters, and there was a familiar aura about this female elf.

"Ah, it's an elf..." De Philai exhaled slowly. He looked very old. Although goblins have a long lifespan, it doesn't mean that goblins will not die. On the contrary, many goblins even Died before reaching adulthood.Goblins as old as De Philai are really rare. "I haven't seen an elf for a long, long time, especially... a white elf."

"Mr. De Feilai, do you know a goblin named Ortus?" Ye Ci looked at De Feilai and asked cautiously.

When De Feilai heard this name, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his cloudy eyes. He seemed a little excited, grabbed Ye Ci's hand, and asked eagerly: "Elf, my elf, please Tell me, how did you know the name Ortus?"

Although De Feilai asked this question, it is obviously not an opportunity to talk about it at this time, but how to explain it?Ye Ci suddenly thought of the goblin compass, maybe this thing can let De Philae know the relationship between himself and Ortus.She reached out and took out the goblin compass from the package, put it in De Philai's hand, and asked, "Dear Mr. De Philai, look, do you know this thing?"

"Find De Philae, discover De Philae!" The goblin compass flashed red in De Philae's hands, and kept calling...

(End of this chapter)

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