hunter world

Chapter 247 There will be a period later

Chapter 247 There will be a period later
There will be a period after Chapter 47
"What happened?" Ye Ci found that Fleeting Nian looked at him and frowned slightly, thinking that something might have happened.

Fleeting thought for a while, and then decided to tell her: "I asked Absalom to bring you a copy of 'Hawkeye', but now there is a big earthquake in the western continent, especially the city of Holy Light is in a mess, he temporarily If you don't come, let his wife bring it over, do you mind letting her see you?"

Ye Ci pondered for a while, since Absalom could let his wife bring things over, he must know his identity, but the meaning between the lines in Fleeting Years seems to have another kind of worry that he doesn't know, although Ye Ci has no way of exploring this kind of worry, but she can intuitively feel that Fleeting Nian's worry is directly related to her.She thought about it for a while: "Thanks to Absalom's secret help these days, I was able to complete this task. If I accept his gift at this time, I feel a little sorry."

"The mithril veins of our guild have been discovered." Fleeting Nian looked at Ye Ci and suddenly said.

A trace of surprise flashed in Ye Ci's eyes: "Congratulations."

"But it's still under investigation."

"This search has been going on for a while, please take care of it. Now that the western continent has suffered an earthquake, many unexpected things should happen." Although the eastern continent and the western continent are still hostile, there is no eternal enemy in this world. , only eternal interest.

Fleeting Year nodded. "So, ask her to deliver the book."

Ye Ci raised his eyebrows incomprehension.

"A mithril vein is nothing compared to the cost of the past few days and a book of Eagle Eye. Besides, you can't guarantee that you can explode this book when you return to the Eastern Continent." Fleeting Nian narrowed his eyes and looked at the book. With Ye Ci, he spoke very calmly.

"What? Are you afraid that I will improve my skills?" Ye Ci was a little amused, Fleeting Nian's current appearance seemed to be selling a stranded item.

Hearing Ye Ci's rhetorical question, Fleeting Nian suddenly showed a strange smile. This kind of smile belongs to a kind of pride called the strong, a kind of arrogance called the strong.He clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking at Ye Ci's expression with high spirits and arrogance. "If you don't improve all the time, wouldn't I be too boring?"

Ye Ci raised her eyebrows even higher, and a combative look flashed in her eyes: "Since you are so sure, it seems that I have a guilty conscience if I still refuse." The pride: "Okay, send it here, anyway, compared to the mithril vein, it doesn't seem too much for you Genesis to give me anything."

After hearing Ye Ci's confirmed answer, Liu Nian told Sour Apple the coordinates of himself and Ye Ci.Sour Apple compared her own coordinates with Fleeting Year's coordinates, and found that the two are actually very close to each other, at most a minute's journey away. For some reason, when she thought of meeting Gongzi You, she felt a little bit of anticipation in her heart .Who is that person known as the top hunter in the Eastern Continent?The whip she was swinging hit the horse faster.

"Then, how about giving me to you?" Liu Nian looked at the smile on Ye Ci's lips and the light in Ye Ci's eyes. He was in a good mood, and he couldn't help but want to tease the woman in front of him.

Ye Ci didn't get angry, and she didn't feel embarrassed. Although her heart was already full of black lines, after getting along with Fleeting Years for a period of time, she had a little understanding of this man's bad taste. If it's because of his bad mouth If he is angry, he will be even more proud and happy.In this situation, she just needs to be calm, calm, and calm again.

"What else do you do besides eating and burdening me?" Ye Ci narrowed his eyes and looked at Fleeting Years: "My son You never accepts useless guys."

For Ye Ci's rebuttal, Liu Nian was a bit surprised. He didn't expect that the young master's teeth are sharp and sharp. He laughed loudly, and the hearty laughter spread far: "Little master, I found that you are really interesting."

Sour Apple saw two people from a distance.

She looked a little surprised because of Fleeting Nian's loud laugh.In her memory, she has never heard such unbridled laughter in Fleeting Years. He has always had a calculating fox face. Squinting his eyes and smiling sinisterly is his most frequent smile. Even if he is with Absalom and the others, he is very It's rare to laugh out loud like this.Sometimes Sour Apple even thinks that Fleeting Nian is born lacking in this kind of laughing cells, so now when he sees his heartless smile from a distance, Sour Apple actually has an illusory feeling of being real and fake.

And the person standing opposite Liu Nian was a little short in stature, and her red body was full of evil spirits. She was holding her hands on her hips, staring at Liu Nian with raised eyebrows and narrowed eyes, as if she was very dissatisfied with Liu Nian's smile now.

Is that person Gong Ziyou?

Liu Nian heard the sound of horseshoes from a distance, turned his head and saw Sour Apple riding a black horse galloping towards the two of them, he waved at her, motioned her to come over, then turned his head and looked Ye Ci said with a smile all over his face: "Young master, I think you should change to another horse. Look at your little horse with a broken leg. It will almost die from running."

Ye Ci snorted, she was somewhat embarrassed by what Fleeting Years said just now: "I am a poor man, I can't compare with Fleeing Years God, I have a broken leg horse and ride well."

Fleeting Nian raised his eyebrows, summoned a white unicorn, then took off the rein from above, and handed it to Ye Ci: "Take it."

"Ah?" Ye Ci was very surprised by Fleeting Nian's move, she looked up at the white unicorn, she really thought it was beautiful, but Fleeting Nian's words still made her shake her head immediately: "No."

"What? Don't like it?" Liu Nian looked at Ye Ci's face with a smile that was not a smile.

At this time, Sour Apple had already run to the side of the two of them, and she jumped off the horse neatly, but when she heard Fleeting Year's words, her jaw almost fell to the ground.Fleeting Nian actually wants to give away that white unicorn?No!Is this the red rain in the sky and the sow climbed the tree?This unicorn is a fleeting favorite, let alone giving it away, it is impossible to ask him to ride it.I thought back then that I asked Fleeting Nian so shamelessly to let him take me to ride this unicorn, but I didn't expect Fleeing Nian to refuse it with the bad excuse of 'his unicorn doesn't take women'. Of course, White Fairy Tale also wanted to Ride, but I'm not ashamed to bring it up.

He is willing to give away such a precious thing today?

Sour Apple looked at the sky, and it was indeed a magnitude [-] earthquake...

Ye Ci looked at the sour apple that she saw, and the woman was looking at Fleeting Time's behavior with a shocked face, which obviously showed that this thing was extremely precious.The unicorn is an extremely rare mount, and it can be upgraded. It can even participate in battles after being upgraded to a high level. It is definitely one of the high-level mounts that players dream of. It obviously took a lot of effort to get this mount in Fleeting Years.

"A gentleman does not take away the beauty of others. What's more, I have a fourth child." Ye Ci smiled and pushed away the rein that Fleeting Nian handed over.

Liu Nian bowed his head and thought for a while: "Okay, I won't force you." After that, he looked at the sour apple, and stretched out his hand: "Give me the book."

Only then did Sour Apple come back to its senses, and took out the "Eagle Eye Technique" from the package and handed it to Liu Nian.Then he began to look at the son Youlai who was known as the top player in the Eastern Continent in front of him.

She is much younger than I thought, she looks like she is only in her early 20s.However, there is a shrewdness hidden in those eyes that cannot be ignored. She is not beautiful, and her skin is a little pale, but the whole facial features come together to have a domineering beauty. Although she stands there calmly, But there is a faint aura from her body, which makes people feel shuddering.

Ye Ci found that Sour Apple was secretly looking at him, so he looked at her generously, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am Gongzi You."

Sour Apple was slightly taken aback, she didn't expect that Young Master You would take the initiative to say hello to her, after all, there was a stinky and treacherous god of fleeting time by her side, Sour Apple already thought that all the great gods were a little arrogant, but she didn't expect that Young Master You would be a little bit arrogant. different.

She also stretched out her hand, shook hands with Young Master You lightly, and showed a sweet smile: "Hello, I am Sour Apple."

Fleeting Nian looked coldly at the place where the two shook hands, and then slammed the back of Sour Apple's hand with the skill book in his hand with no expression on his face.There was a crisp cracking sound, swearing that Fleeting Years didn't have any feelings of pity.

"Oops!" Sour Apple was hit hard, and immediately withdrew his hand in pain, and checked the back of his hand.

Ye Ci was also a little surprised by Liu Nian's sudden move, but Liu Nian smiled and said to Ye Ci: "Young master, this is Absalom's wife, it's better not to get too close."

"Ah?" Ye Ci was puzzled by what Fleeting Nian said.

"I heard that idiots are contagious." Liu Nian raised his eyebrows, ignoring the sour apple on one side and jumping up to scold Liu Nian for being unkind.

Ye Ci looked at the two people and couldn't help laughing. She was somewhat envious of the way Liunian and Absalom got along with each other. People who can talk like this must be good friends.

Friends who have a very good relationship, this is really enviable.Involuntarily, she began to miss those people in the Eastern Continent wearing Tian Tian Up hats. I haven't seen them for so many days. I don't know what happened to them?

"I promise you, Eagle Eye." Liu Nian stretched out his hand and pushed Sour Apple's head, so that she could only shake her limbs, but couldn't hit herself. Passed it to Ye Ci.

Ye Ci looked at the two of them with a smile, and was no longer polite. He took over the Hawkeye technique, opened it and learned it.Afterwards, she took out a bone whistle, put it in her mouth, and blew vigorously, and then heard a goblin voice: "Hey, elf, we meet again."

Ortus' appearance was still so unique. He squatted on a huge rock, with a scary smile on his lips, and a pair of big eyes staring at Ye Ci.

And Ye Ci also smiled: "Yes, Mr. Ortus, we met again. According to the agreement, I brought the person you are most looking forward to seeing." Then Ye Ci took a step back and put De Fei behind him Leo came out.As imagined, after Ortus and De Feilai met, after a brief shock, the two began to cry in each other's arms, and staged a touching scene of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Ye Ci stood on the edge of Fleeting Years and quietly watched the two of them reminiscing about the past, while waiting for his own reward.And Liu Nian turned his head to look at Ye Ci beside him, there was something more incomprehensible in his eyes, he smiled softly: "Bon voyage."

Ye Ci's heart trembled slightly when he heard this sentence, have a good trip?Isn't that right, all the best, she's about to leave.

For some reason, Ye Ci actually felt a sense of loss in his heart.She seemed to have just arrived in the western continent, but in a blink of an eye, she was about to leave.She looked at Fleeting Years, and at that beautiful face with brilliant peach blossoms, she also hooked the corners of her mouth, and said coolly, "Take care too."

While they were talking, the meeting between Ortus and De Feilai also came to an end. De Feilai came forward to salute Ye Ci and Fleeting Years, expressed his thanks, and then disappeared.Ortus said to Ye Ci: "Elf, we are about to set off to go back, let me know if you are ready."

Ye Ci nodded, and was about to leave when someone grabbed her arm.Ye Ci looked back, and saw that Liu Nian let go of her arm, looked at her and sighed softly: "Young master, don't you have anything to say?"

Ye Ci was stunned for a moment, looking at Liu Nian's face with a slight smile, a little strange bitterness appeared under the root of his tongue.She tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "I wish you all the best in digging out the mithril veins, and I also wish your Holy Light City can be restored and rebuilt quickly, and I also wish that the first-level defense system of your western continent will be disarmed quickly."

What Ye Ci said made Sour Apple appreciate it, she nodded vigorously, although he is hostile to the mainland, but Gong Ziyou is a sincere person, what he said is too to the point.

But Liu Nian frowned with some dissatisfaction, he bent down, put his face close to Ye Ci, and whispered in her ear: "Don't you have anything to tell me?"

Fleeting Nian's voice was warm and soft, and the gentle breath penetrated into Ye Ci's ears like a bug, making her feel numb in her ears unconsciously.However, the words of Fleeting Years made her feel a little unspeakable, sorry?Awkward?Or is there something unclear about it?In fact, there are more or less.

Ye Ci's body stood there motionless, and after a few seconds of stunned, she took a step back abruptly, her pale complexion was also stained with a few traces of blush, she turned her head, without looking at Fleeting Years. Walking towards Ortus, he said dryly as he walked, "Oh, yes, I also wish you a good life. When we meet next time, I will reap your life."

Liu Nian found that Ye Ci's ears were a little red, and there was some strange sweetness in his heart, but his mouth was still very bad.He spread his hands and sighed: "Oh, young master, you clearly said that you won't touch me next time we meet..."

"I only said I won't kill you, I didn't say anything like hands and feet!" After spending a few days with Fleeting Years, Ye Ci has somewhat understood the tone of Fleeting Nian's speech. If he is misled by the meaning in his words, he can only Just let him sit aside and be happy.So Ye Ci turned his head and calmly pointed out the meaning of Fleeting Time's misinterpretation.

"Well, you clearly said you wouldn't kill me." Liu Nian seemed very generous, as if he didn't have the same knowledge as Ye Ci at all, and admitted what Ye Ci said very frankly, as if the skinless and shameless person just now was Ye Ci, not him.

Ye Ci sneered: "Okay, then save your life until we meet again." When Ye Ci said this, he had already stepped on Ortus' aircraft.

"Well, young master, I look forward to seeing you later." Liu Nian sighed, but there was no worry on his face, he was still a ruffian with a hippie smile, and he even blew a kiss to Ye Ci.

This action caused Ye Ci to fight a cold war, almost falling off Ortus' aircraft, and Ye Ci finally exploded under the blown kiss: "Liu Nian, you are dead! What will happen later?" , we will meet indefinitely in the end, if I see you again, I won't kill you, I won't be called Gong Ziyou!"

But Liu Nian laughed, looking at Ye Ci's darkened face, he didn't care at all, and even spread his hands: "Come on, don't take pity on me just because I'm Jiaohua..."

This time, not only did Gong Ziyou's face turn black, even Sour Apple's face turned dark.

Ye Ci grabbed Ortus, blushing and yelling at Liu Nian: "Liu Nian, you bitch! Bitch! Bitch! You are the cheapest bitch I've ever seen!!"

And Fleeting Nian took out a piece of silk from somewhere, and waved it at Ye Ci as a handkerchief: "There will be a period later, I will miss you!"

Ye Ci was still talking non-stop, judging by the look on her face, it shouldn't be something nice to hear.It's just that the sound of Ortus' aircraft was too loud when it started, completely covering her voice.In this way, her figure finally disappeared from the sight of Fleeting Years and Sour Apple.

Standing there, Sour Apple felt goosebumps all over her body. God, she couldn't believe her eyes just now, let alone her ears just now. These actions and words were all the words of that fleeting time who had no interest in women. come out, make it out?

This is too creepy!
She stretched out her hand and pinched her own face, the pain made her grin her teeth, it seems that this is not a dream, this is the truth.It's just that when did fleeting time become like this, why didn't she know the slightest bit?Sour Apple just wanted to laugh at Fleeting Years, but found that the moment he lowered his eyes, there was a touch of loneliness on his face.

This made the sour apple's sneer so swallowed, she thought, she knew why Fleeting Nian was like this.

"You can't bear her." Sour Apple stood behind Fleeting Years, exhaled, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Although they are different from men and women, and because of the white fairy tale, she doesn't have a very harmonious relationship with Fleeting Nian, but they have known each other for more than ten years, and she still knows what kind of person Fleeting Nian is.In fact, fleeting time just doesn't want to let myself be too immersed in that kind of lonely emotion.

"Why? Want to talk to someone about what you've seen and heard?" But in the blink of an eye, Liu Nian changed into his usual fox-like face again, squinting at the sour apple, playing with the stick in his hand There was no unicorn rein given away, but the danger of killing was full of eyes.

This kind of fleeting time is not common. Usually, even when Sour Apple mentioned the white fairy tale, fleeting time would just ignore it indifferently.But this time, such killing, such indifference, was strange.Sour Apple suddenly realized that that Young Master You might be more important than Liu Nian thought.She was slightly taken aback, and smiled wryly, but she was not angry. She reached out and brushed her hair: "I will never care about the matter between you and the white fairy tale anymore."

"There is nothing between me and her." Fleeting Years has always been very clear about this matter: "She is just my junior high school classmate, that's all." When he mentioned that name, there was a stranger's indifference between his eyebrows and eyes: "I don't even want to have anything to do with this guy if possible."

"I made a slip of the tongue." Sour Apple felt more and more bitterness in her mouth, she nodded: "I will never get involved in the white fairy tale again, so it's okay."

"This has nothing to do with me." Fleeting Nian stepped onto the white unicorn: "Thank you for running here to deliver books." He wanted to leave after saying that.

But how could the sour apple let him leave so easily?She quickly stopped Liu Nian: "Do you care about that Young Master You?"

Liu Nian stopped in his tracks and was stunned for a while, then turned his head to look at the sour apple, showing a kind of complacent arrogance, with a flamboyant smile on his lips: "She is the woman I like."

After saying that, he didn't stay any longer, and rushed towards the Holy Light City.

Only the sour apple was left standing there, she thought about the young master you just now, and the fleeting time just now, and she sighed a long time.I finally understand that some things are indeed very mysterious, and these things are definitely not considered to be changeable, just like her, in the end it is just powerless to recover.

Sour Apple smiled, climbed onto the black horse, gave the horse's buttocks a hard slap, and galloped towards the City of Light following Fleeting Nian's back.

But in a blink of an eye, the blood wilderness returned to that silent posture again, just like his usual posture.

Ortus' aircraft was very fast. Although the Blood Field was in the hinterland of the western continent, it didn't take long for Ortus to bring Yeci to the southern continent of Gale Canyon.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened.The earth seemed to be shrouded in a huge shadow. Ortus was still squatting on the bridge pier. He looked at Ye Ci and snorted: "Elf, you are doing better than I thought."

"Can I consider this a compliment?" Ye Ci shrugged and smiled easily.

Ortus sneered and didn't speak. Compared with the face of ordinary goblins, his facial features were more peculiarly distributed, which made him look a little ugly. Therefore, when he made any expression, it was difficult for people to understand. Find out what's really going on in his heart.Moreover, Ortus obviously didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Ye Ci on this issue.He reached out his hand to touch the package, and then a gilded hardcover book appeared in his hand: "I don't have anything to thank you, but if I don't thank you, it seems that we goblins are too stingy So, I will give this book to you." Then, Ortus threw the book directly to Ye Ci.

Ye Ci immediately raised his hand and grabbed the book.This book is very thick, much thicker than the work notebook that De Feilai sent.The book cover is brown, and it reads "Goblin Siege Mechanics" in gilt letters, and the pages inside are not made of ordinary paper, but thin sheepskin. damaged.

When Ye Ci read this book, his heart almost skipped a few beats!

sky!It turned out to be goblin siege mechanics! !
You know, this book appeared in the previous life, but the fate has been in operation for the sixth year, and it was found from a treasure chest of a powerful BOSS, and it is only a broken page. The chance of producing the broken page of that copy is only [-] percent, plus the difficulty of the copy is very high, and it takes thirty broken pages to make up a book, so even if Ye Ci is reborn, there are not many copies of this book in the whole destiny.

And now, just over a year after the game was launched, she actually saw this book and got it!How could Ye Ci not be excited!
In the third expansion of Destiny, at that time, people from all over the world will pour into this game, and the game has also developed a powerful city warfare system, so that players can get more and greater benefits from the game .The initial city battles were all crowd tactics, and it was actually very difficult to capture a city, but when the book "Goblin Siege Mechanics" was published, city warfare completely bid farewell to the backward situation of crowd tactics , began to appear siege machinery, the appearance of such construction machinery, so that the war is absolutely one-sided, and soon, siege machinery will be widely deployed.

The widespread application of siege mechanics has also allowed many players who specialize in mechanics to catch a smooth ride. Their wages and social status immediately rose, and in the later stage, it was even difficult to find one person.

However, this is all a late game situation.

Ye Ci carefully recalled the events of his previous life, and recalled that the player who did this epic mission didn't seem to get this book.Although the player didn't announce all the quest rewards, if he got this book, then the siege machinery will definitely not come out so late.

You must know that in the last life, this epic mission was the first to be completed, and the completion time was probably two years after Destiny was opened, that is to say, it was a little later than the time to do this mission now.However, the remaining pages of Siege Mechanics did not appear until six years after Destiny opened the server. If the anonymous player got this book during this mission, he would never rot it in his hands In a few years, even if you can't use it yourself, you can definitely earn money for the rest of your life if you sell it to a big guild.

However, there is no such situation, so it can only be explained that the player of the year passed this book in the task reward.Ye Ci thought, this probably has something to do with the degree of completion of the task of completing Wasoko.Although Ye Ci doesn't know how many players who completed this epic task in the previous life did the copy of Vosoko, but she still feels lucky that if she didn't have a bad idea at the time, maybe this heaven-defying reward Just passed by myself.

He looked down at the item notes of the book in his hand.

"Goblin Engineering Mechanics": The most profound subject of goblins, and it is also a concentrated expression of the wisdom of goblins, epic level.Unbound items can be circulated [-] times, unlimited number of times to read, requires a master level of goblin engineering.

Epic equipment.Although it cannot be carried on the body and has no special effect, its potential economic effect cannot be ignored!It's a pity that the level of use of this thing is too high.It actually requires a goblin engineer master level to read it.You know, even players who have reached the advanced level of engineering are very rare among current players.

However, it's okay to leave it alone for now, having this thing is equivalent to a guarantee of making a fortune.

From doing the task to now, this task reward is probably the most satisfying for Ye Ci. She happily put the book into the package, then looked up at Ortus and said, "Thank you for the gift."

"You don't need to thank me. If Wosoko hadn't disappeared, I wouldn't have given you this book." Ortus waved his hand, and didn't seem particularly concerned about Ye Ci's sincere thanks.

Sure enough, it has something to do with the completion of the copy.

"Now that Vasoko is destroyed, and the goblins are scattered, I don't know if I want to use this book again, I don't know that I have to wait until the year of the monkey. Instead of this, I might as well give it to you. I hope you can come in handy. We Goblin, the happiest thing is watching the machines I made change people's lives." Ortus's expression on his face was a little gentle, and when he really talked about his favorite things, his character was a little irritable The goblins also seem a lot more peaceful.

He stood up from the pier and said to Ye Ci: "Go back and tell Moore that I will find a way to do what he entrusted to me."

Sure enough, that Moore was definitely not simple. He also contacted villain organizations like the Dolan Thieves Society, and also contacted neutral races like elves. What is his purpose?Moreover, Moore and the city lord of Red Lake City are good friends, so what is the relationship between them?

In the last life, this mission didn't seem to have any impact on the entire world of destiny, but Ye Ci can't guarantee that it will be the same in this life.After all, she had already discovered the difference.

Although my heart was full of doubts, Ye Ci still respectfully agreed to Ortus' order: "I will truthfully tell you what you said to Mr. Moore, respected Mr. Ortus." After speaking, Ye Ci Just ready to leave.

But she didn't want to, Ortus suddenly stopped her again.


"What, Mr. Ortus?" Ye Ci turned to look at Ortus. Logically, there is no mission now, but Ye Ci is still very enthusiastic about the summoning of NPC, especially the summoning of this special NPC.

"I heard from the teacher that you mentioned the Dragon Clan to Chell?" Ortus seemed a little hesitant, and asked after thinking for a while.

Alarm bells rang in Ye Ci's heart, Dragon Clan!This race has only been mentioned by NPCs after the release of the new expansion pack. For example, there has never been an NPC who mentioned the dragon race so early, but now Ortus actually took the initiative to mention the dragon race. What does this indicate?
Although countless thoughts crossed Ye Ci's mind in an instant, her face remained calm, and she smiled quietly: "Yes."

"Where did you learn about this race?"

Ortus obviously hasn't been to the main cities. You must know that there are many books about the dragons in the libraries of the main cities, and there are museums that display the skeletons of the dragons. Therefore, for players It is said that although the Dragon Clan has not appeared until now, it is not uncommon.

"There are records about dragons in the national libraries of each main city. Although they are just furs, they are still very exciting." Ye Ci smiled slightly. He looked at Ortus and nodded, no more preparations. When he said something, he silently added another bombshell: "And, I have seen Ultra with my own eyes."

"What!" Sure enough, Ortus screamed, his eyes widened, obviously the news that Ye Ci gave him was too shocking, and he couldn't digest it at all, so he could only keep like this Standing on the bridge pier with a dumbfounded posture: "You said you are the queen of the Myron clan, Otla!"

"I don't know its identity, but... she is very beautiful." Ye Ci just smiled and reminded Ortus that he was talking too much.

Sure enough, Ortus immediately closed his mouth. It was not difficult to see from his vigilant eyes that he didn't want Ye Ci to know too much: "You, how do you know that it is Ultra!"

"Red scales, silver feathers between the eyes, this is the record in the National Library, I think, I am not mistaken, after all, there are not many dragons with feathers, and the dragon with feathers between the eyes is even more unique. "Ye Ci still smiled slightly.

Ortus closed his mouth tightly, frowned and looked at Ye Ci. After a long time, he said slowly, "Elf, tell me where you saw Ultra."

"In Black Mud City." Ye Ci nodded: "Otra flew over the Swamp of Sorrows and headed for the Central Continent."

"What! What the hell is Moore doing!" Ortus was almost furious, and he seemed to be talking too much. Of course, after he said this, he also found that he had missed it, so he waved his hands again and again: "Okay, okay Now, go, Elf, let's say goodbye!" After finishing speaking, Ortus hid himself in the shadows and disappeared without waiting for Ye Ci to say anything.

Dolan thieves, goblins, and now a dragon clan, not only Ortus wanted to know what Moore was doing, but even Ye Ci began to strongly want to know that behind all this, the black mud city that has no people at all What the hell is the city lord Moore doing?


Dear friends, thank you for your pink tickets. Now Fireworks is only four or five votes away from the top one. If you still have pink tickets in your hands, please support Fireworks again. I love you~~O(∩_∩) O~
(End of this chapter)

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