hunter world

Chapter 251 Task Lock

Chapter 251 Task Lock

Chapter 51 task lock
"Let's go, you can just mine the mines, and don't worry about anything else." Ye Ci cleared his throat, covered up his gaffe just now, and followed the fourth child to clear the monsters.

Kazuki Blossom did not miss Ye Ci's embarrassment, he discovered that the SOLO king of the Eastern Continent was not as demonized as the forum said.

"Hurry up, monsters will be spawned later." Ye Ci walked a long way, and found that Kazuki Blossom was still standing there, so he turned around and yelled at him.

Kazuki Blossom came back to his senses, and immediately rushed all the way: "Here we come."

This is probably the happiest time for Kazuki Blossom to mine. He doesn't have to worry about whether he will be in danger, nor does he have to worry about the ore being robbed, he just needs to dig with his head down.It's just that he was somewhat strange while digging, why did Gong Ziyou bring him to mine?
Yishuhuakai sat beside a piece of selenium silver mine and ate bread to replenish his energy. He quietly raised his eyes and saw Gongziyou sitting not far from him. Her eyes quietly swept across the area. As long as any monster spawns at this time, it will definitely not be able to escape the bow and arrow in her hand.There is also that huge dinosaur standing beside Gongziyou, panting heavily, and the red eyes are a little frightening, especially when he faces himself with his big ugly face, Kazuki blooms immediately You can feel that this guy is not friendly to him at all.

He was eating bread, and two dark porcupines appeared not far behind him. Ye Ci immediately directed the fourth child to go up to solve the trouble.Then she picked up some general equipment and a twenty-slot backpack from the corpse, and she casually traded this backpack to Kazuki Blossom.

Kazuki Blossom stared at the backpack and was stunned. He glanced at Ye Ci, a little embarrassed: "I, I don't have money to buy it."

"You don't need money, just keep it." Ye Ci threw the backpack to Kazuki Blossom: "For a life professional player, the important thing is to have a big backpack. Wouldn't it be a waste if you didn't come out for a trip?"

"But... our contract says that all the spoils belong to you..." Yishu Huakai is a relatively honest person, and he will not go beyond the regulations in the system contract at all.

Ye Ci couldn't help laughing, this Kazuki Blossom is really a bit pedantic, "Since the spoils are mine, I can give them to whoever I want, you just take it."

Now that Ye Ci has reached this point, Kazuki Blossom is too embarrassed to continue to refuse.

Time passed quickly, five or six hours passed in the blink of an eye.Kazuki blossomed, the more he dug the mine, the more uneasy he felt. While digging, he looked at Young Master You, the nervous expression on his face was in stark contrast to Ye Ci's composure.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Ci is not a stone either, after being stared at by Kazuki Blossom with such terrified eyes for several hours, she finally asked.

Hearing Young Master You's words, Kazuki Blossom felt that he could finally let out a long breath, he turned his head to look at Young Master You, and asked with a little anxiety: "I, I only have one hundred gold."

"I know."

"You led me to dig the mine here for so long, but it's very, very loss-making." Kazuki Blossom immediately puffed up her chest and said courageously, "I, I don't have any extra money for you."

Ye Ci narrowed his eyes, looked up and down Kazuki Blossoms, and then smiled softly: "I am really at a loss, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten."

"I just said, I, I, I don't have any extra money for you..." Kazuki Blossom's original courage collapsed because of Ye Ci's calm and nonchalant attitude. An honest person is most afraid of taking advantage of others, now that Young Master You has opened his mouth, he doesn't have the courage to say the following.

Yishuhuakai knew that Young Master You not only lost money today, but also lost a lot of money.Although Yishuhuakai didn't know how much Young Master You was worth, but once he saw from the forum that if the Grand Council wanted to ask Young Master You to make another dungeon, the price would be hundreds of thousands of gold coins, and Young Master You might not be able to go.But today, he spent a hundred gold to buy Young Master You for basically a day... This, this account...

Based on the market price on the forum, Young Master You is worth at least 30 gold today. Even if they didn't play a dungeon today, they can get a 15% discount, which is still [-] gold!
15 gold! ! !
Kazuki Blossom calculated with his fingers in his heart, his current net worth is less than one thousand gold, and 15 gold is simply a fantasy for him.All of a sudden, he felt that today was a bad day... If it wasn't because he was dazzled by the name Gongziyou at that time, he would still be asking people to form a team in the small town of Blair, even if he was looked down upon by others. It doesn't matter if you laugh at it, but you won't be in debt of 10,000+...

Tears all over the face...

Of course, Ye Ci didn't know how much Kazuki Blossom had thought of threatening her in her heart. She just found that Kazuki Blossom suddenly became very depressed. He sniffed and sat down. On the ground, I don't even want to dig mines.

"Is your backpack full?" Ye Ci raised his eyebrows, it shouldn't be full so soon.

"No." Kazuki Blossom's muffled voice.

"Then you go on, why don't you let me dig it for you?" Ye Ci looked at Kazuki blossoming inexplicably, what's wrong with this man?Why does it feel like someone's spine has been pumped for a moment?

"I'm not in the mood."


Kazuki blossomed and sniffed again, raised his head, and looked at Ye Ci pitifully: "Young Master You, I really only have a hundred gold, and my property is only 120 gold, and all I can give is a hundred gold." , I have to rent the remaining [-] gold for the laboratory... For the money, I can only make something and pay you back slowly."

"What money?" Ye Ci was baffled by Kazuki Blossom's words. Although Ye Ci must pay attention to every penny, he never thinks too much about things, because that would be too much time-consuming for Ye Ci.Of course, there is no way to know Kazuki Blossom's thoughts of thousands of turns in such a short period of time.

"I owe you 15..." Kazuki Blossom almost cried.

"15?" Ye Ci was getting more and more confused about what Kazuki Blossoms would say. She even wondered if she had seen this guy before and lent him a large sum of money. Otherwise, where would the 15 come from? ?However, it shouldn't be, why does she have no memory at all.

"If you had said earlier that you were Gong Ziyou, I wouldn't beg you to form a team..." Kazuki Blossom couldn't help feeling sad when he thought about how long he had shouldered such a heavy debt in his gaming career. , he was very sad.

"Oh?" Ye Ci narrowed her eyes, just watching Kazuki blooming lightly, she really wanted to know what was going on in this guy's head.

"According to the forum, your worth of a dungeon is 30. I rented you for a day today. Although it's not a dungeon, it costs at least 15. 15 gold coins, what should I pay back..." Kazuki The more Huakai talked, the more sad she became, and she was blindly immersed in her emotions.

Ye Ci quietly watched Kazuki's flowers bloom, and she suddenly felt that this is a very nice person.Moreover, he is an honest and second-guessed person. Such people are really rare in today's society.Such a person is actually quite simple, as long as he looks for things, he will keep moving forward, and he rarely cares about other things. Therefore, such a person is more likely to succeed.Ye Ci didn't know how Master Qingge in the previous life finally reached an agreement with this honest and simple person, but if what he said just now was the truth of Kazuki Blossom, she thought, she has There is a way to incorporate this guy into his guild.

This is really falling asleep and meeting the pillow.

If she encounters such a thing, if she can't even trick Kazuki Blossom into signing a contract with herself, then she will have to wonder who the second person is.

"What to pay?" Ye Ci's eyes narrowed even more, and the corners of her mouth even curled into a calculating arc. She quietly watched the sad appearance of Kazuki blossoms, and said indifferently: "Take people Pay it back."

Kazuki Blossom was stunned for a moment, then choked on saliva, he coughed violently, his face flushed, as if he was about to cough up his lungs.

Ye Ci was a little confused, did she say something wrong?

Kazuki Blossom stood up suddenly, took a few steps back, and then tightly grasped the collar of his somewhat tattered novice uniform, looking at Ye Ci with a wary face, with a red face With a look of indignation, he looked at Young Master You in the distance, paused every word, and replied loudly: "I have my bottom line, no matter how poor I am, I will never, no, sell myself!"

Seeing Kazuki Blossom's cautious expression, and listening to his sonorous and forceful words, Ye Ci's face turned dark.Where did this guy go...

Kazuki Blossom looked at Ye Ci with a dark face, sat there without saying a word, biting his lips fiercely: "Even if this is a game, I will never do such a scandalous thing! Me, I won't promise you!"

Ye Ci's face darkened even more.She really wants to be a warrior now, so she can split this guy's head with a swiping of a knife, and then see what's inside.In addition to the two, is there some other device in his mind that humans don't understand? Why can't he talk to him at all?
"Hey Hey hey……"

"I will never give in!" Kazuki Huakai interrupted Ye Ci's words even more coldly, her expression was no different from that before her sacrifice. "Even if you are the SOLO king, you must not be the overlord!"

"Aren't you thinking too much?" Ye Ci's face was darkened, and a fleeting time suddenly appeared in her mind, what would happen if it was a fleeting time and encountered this situation?They should just ask Xiao Wu to go up and kill this guy. It doesn't matter whether he is a master-level national treasure in the future, as long as he can shut up immediately.

"I didn't! You told me to pay the debt with someone!" Kazuki Blossom shook his head, extremely angry.

But Ye Ci only felt that she was talking like chicken and duck, and finally she rolled her eyes and said, "Kazuki blossoms, do you have persecution paranoia?"


"I just want to recruit you into the guild. Didn't you say that you owe me 15? Then you can join the guild and give me a part-time job to pay me back. What kind of dirty thoughts are hiding in your mind, and they have gone to the ends of the earth?" .” Ye Ci folded his hands on his chest and frowned watching Kazuki blossom.

"Ah?" Kazuki Blossom felt embarrassed when he heard Ye Ci's explanation. He was so embarrassed that he almost wanted to find a crack in the ground. His face went from red to white, from white to black, and from black to green. In the end, it turned blue, and I was so ashamed that I wanted to kill it directly.However, he still felt that he had to argue for himself: "It's you who said it too dirty."

"Dirty people see everything as dirty." Ye Ci had never lost to a few people when it came to verbal fights, let alone Kazuki, who was a bit of a dick.

Kazuki Blossom was even more ashamed, so he could only change the subject: "What did you just say? Join the guild?"

Kazuki Blossoms only knew that players could join the guild in life. The purpose of Kazuki Blossoms to join the guild is actually quite simple.He heard that the guild can be helped to bring the collection materials, so he doesn't have to spend the one hundred gold fee to find someone to take him, which is great.Therefore, he still recommended several guilds, but when others heard that his life skills were only elementary, they all shook their heads and rejected him.So now when Ye Ci mentions joining the guild, Kazuki Blossom is quite enthusiastic.

"Don't you owe me 15? I don't want to ask you for it anymore. Anyway, you can't pay it back." Ye Ci was confident when he said that Kazuki Blossom owed him 15 gold coins. Anyway, someone had already mentioned that. It came out, and she didn't lose anything, so she justified this debt that didn't exist at all without feeling a little bit guilty.

Kazuki Blossom lowered his head, he really couldn't afford it.

"Then you can come and become a professional life player every day. I can supply you with all the materials you need. You only need to focus on your skills, and then I will pay you according to your output. You see how?"

"Can you still get paid?" Kazuki Blossom blinked, looking very surprised. Destiny was the first game he played. He heard that players who played life could make a lot of money in the later stage, but he didn't hear that it was still a game. Can get paid. "You don't ask me to collect debts, but pay me my salary, is there such a good thing in this world?"

Ye Ci frowned, what kind of strange person is she talking to again?Does he understand what the economic system of the game is like?Why are their conversations always full of so many gimmicks...

"Are you going to do it or not?" Ye Ci felt that he had no patience to continue spending time with Kazuki Blossoms. He was different from those guys who were not vegetarians like Yidou Cake. He seemed to have no idea about the whole game. He was just someone who knew how to do engineering. Xiaobai, if you continue to spread the basic knowledge to him like this, Ye Ci thinks that one day and one night may not be enough.After thinking for a while, she decided to leave this burden to the patient people like Jiyu.

"Can you really get paid?"


"Okay, okay!" Kazuki Blossom was very excited, he thought that it would be at least several years before he could earn money, but he didn't expect to be able to receive a salary now, which is great! "Then I will go with you..."

Looking at Kazuki Blossom's excited appearance, Ye Ci suddenly felt a faint sense of guilt creeping up her heart, she seemed to be cheating a gamer and a relatively second-rate gamer...she would be Won't be punished?However, this sense of guilt has just climbed into her heart, and Ye Ci immediately shakes it off. She even feels that if such a strange flower like Kazuki Blossom continues to stay in the game without captivity, it will definitely harm many people. .Maybe Young Master Qingge thought the same way back then...

Look how great she is.

Bringing Yishuhuakai to the guild residence, Ye Ci immediately handed over the hot potato to Jiyu, and told Jiyu that he must give Yishuhuakai very generous treatment and sign a long-term contract. I am more afraid of debts, so Yishuhuakai's contract has the highest liquidated damages in the entire Tiantian Upward Guild...

Of course, after many years, when Kazuki Blossom realized it, he strongly condemned his innocence and Young Master You's shamelessness, but at that time, he had no hope of turning back. Exploitation" continued to go all the way to the dark, and enjoyed it...

Of course, it's just a later story.

After sending a tree to bloom, Ye Ci headed towards the habitat of the ghouls. Counting the time, it was time for the Black Iron Dwarf to explore the mithril veins, and it was time for her to collect her own battle fruits.After tossing and turning among several teleportation stones, Ye Ci soon came to the habitat of the lemurs. She recruited the fourth child and ran all the way towards the Mithril mine.

The habitat of the ghouls was still as desolate as ever, without even a single player. Walking on the steam-spraying sand, Ye Ci only felt a little hot, and the rising earth atmosphere filled the entire plain with thick smoke. A choking sulfur smell.

Soon they arrived at the coordinates of the Mithril vein, and when they were about a hundred or two hundred yards away from the destination, Ye Ci got off the fourth child and threw an eagle eye at the coordinates of the Mithril vein to observe the surrounding situation.Then she discovered what she didn't want to see.From a distance, I saw a few dark iron dwarves still busy in front of the Mithril vein, and beside them, a team composed of about ten players didn't know what they were doing.

Hawkeye can only see but not hear, so Ye Ci entered a stealth state and approached the Mithril vein, about [-] yards away from these players, she found a rock and hid it closely. Observe the movement of these players.

These dozen or so players include fighters and knights, thieves and nurses, mages and hunters, and they are well equipped.However, there is no dungeon near here, there is only a mine in the Black Mountain Canyon, and Ye Ci can't figure out what they are doing here.

Looking at those players from a distance surrounded by the three black iron dwarves, Ye Ci couldn't help but sink in his heart. Could it be that they had already discovered the Mithril veins by themselves and reaped the results of their battles?

When these players turned around, Ye Ci could tell from the guild badges on their chests that they were iron-blooded people!

Isn't it true that enemies don't get together!

Although she was very worried about the situation of the mithril veins, Ye Ci still calmed down. She had to find out what happened here and deal with it. If she didn't care about anything, she would kill them first, and if nothing happened, it would be reported. If something happens, it will be very bad.

So Ye Ci got a little closer. Her actions made the thieves of the team seem to feel something. He looked back, but found nothing.

"What's the matter?" The mage of the team asked quickly when he saw the vigilant look of the thieves.

"It's nothing, I felt wrong, the fog here is too heavy, it is easy to interfere with perception." The thief said to the mage after confirming that no one was there.

The mage nodded and said to the priest, "Hidden Dragon, have you found anything?"

"It's really strange. I talked to them, and all their answers were 'I have nothing to say.'" The priest named Hidden Dragon scratched his hair very strangely.

"I said, did you remember wrongly?" The soldier in the speaking team, holding a big sword, yawned: "You also said that you discovered it by accident a few months ago, and you also It’s just a glance, will I remember it wrong!”

"No way." Hidden Dragon was also quite puzzled: "But I clearly remembered that this female dwarf named Jasmine was in the camp. How could she be here this time? Isn't it normal... besides this The female dwarf ignored me completely, and I always felt that something was wrong." Hidden Dragon is a person who is very sensitive to NPCs and tasks. Although he doesn't know what's wrong, he always feels that there is something wrong with it, just let him analyze it. He couldn't figure it out either.

"I thought it was some kind of hidden mission. It's nothing to do for a long time..." The hunter grunted in a low voice, looking very dissatisfied.

Hidden Dragon's face turned red, and it could be seen that he also lacked confidence.And another priest from the same team also snorted: "Okay, there is a level [-] map nearby, let's go leveling." Then he turned his head and said to the hidden dragon standing there: "If you don't understand some things, don't talk nonsense. It will cause everyone to come to see you, but nothing will be achieved. You think everyone is just like you, just wandering around with nothing to do. If you continue to do this, be careful, our team will fire you!"

Hidden Dragon was so speechless by the pastor that he couldn't lift his head, so he just stood there silently.Then all the players recruited their mounts and left, but Hidden Dragon was still standing there, talking to Jasmine and the others without giving up, but obviously he didn't do the pre-quest, and Jasmine and the others wouldn't bother with it at all, so, again After a while, he could only recruit the mount and left in the direction the team left.

Ye Ci was still hiding behind the stone. After all the players had left, he threw an eagle eye spell and looked around. After finding no one, he walked towards a few black iron dwarves.

"Ha, look, who is this?" When Ye Ci appeared, the first person who spotted her was Hal, and he greeted Ye Ci warmly, not counting greetings, and even put down the prospecting equipment in his hand , walked towards Ye Ci: "My good friend, I have a piece of good news that I must share with you!"

"Dear Mr. Hal, it must be a very pleasant thing to see you so happy, I am willing to listen to you." Dealing with these NPC leaf words is actually very good, some people seem to be born for games , just like the lyrics of the number line, although she is not very good at dealing with people in reality, she seems to have her own unique set of skills with the NPCs in the game. How to get close to this NPC is the best way.

Just like the three NPCs in front of me, Jasmine is a bit like a fledgling child, full of curiosity about everything, and will never give up until she reaches her goal, while Dudu is a timid guy who is very excited when encountering good things, but When encountering bad things, or continuously hitting his enthusiasm, he will easily become negative. Fortunately, he is more afraid of Jasmine and Hal.And Hal is a guy who is passionate about mining. The most important thing in his life is mining. As for other aspects, he is very informal.

When facing the three of them, it is necessary to pay attention to different speaking skills and methods, so as to get the greatest benefit.

"It's about that mysterious mineral vein, you know! This really excites me, I must tell you about it!" Haer laughed, his voice was very loud, as if Like thunder.And when he said this, two options suddenly popped up in front of Ye Ci: Do you want to hear Hal tell about his discovery?
One, listen now.

Two, listen to it later.

Ye Ci originally wanted to choose to listen immediately without hesitation, but when she had to choose, she paused slightly and did not continue.She suddenly thought of one thing, that is the priest named Hidden Dragon.Now that this player has noticed the changes here, although no one believes him and he is very hesitant, he still won't deny his judgment so easily.

This is human nature.

Man is a very difficult creature to convince, even if he convinces himself, it is quite difficult.

That hidden dragon was able to bring so many people here to look for Jasmine in the first place, which shows that he believed in his own ideas at the beginning, but now although he is suspected by others, judging from his expression and unwilling words It can be seen that he simply agrees with the denials of other players.

Even if he leaves now, no one can guarantee that he will not come back.Even if his heart is shaken now, no one can guarantee that he can completely change his opinion.If he won't come back, it's certainly a good thing to admit what other players said, but what if he doesn't?

Although I don't know what the previous Prosperity Guild's process for the Mithril mining pre-mission was, but it can be seen from the fact that the Hidden Dragon players have been with Jasmine and the others for so long and have not found a gap to continue the mission. already locked.

There are many kinds of missions in Destiny. Quests such as Mithril Vein are unique missions, and each unique mission will have its own mission lock.The so-called mission lock means that every time a mission reaches a certain stage, the mission will be locked, and only those who meet various conditions can open it, and the most important of these various conditions is that it can only be performed by the player who triggered the mission. unlock.Once this kind of task lock is unlocked, it cannot be locked until the next task stage arrives, and the task lock is automatically locked.Otherwise any player is accepting this unique quest.

As the name suggests, the unique mission can only be accepted by one player once. Therefore, once the player accepted the unique mission in the previous life, he would spend a lot of time and experience to complete the mission at this stage. You will only rest after the lock is locked. Otherwise, once the task lock is unlocked, if someone robs the only task, it will be ineffective every day.

Now it is obvious that this task is locked. Although he has reached the condition that can be triggered, Ye Ci hesitates for a while and will definitely not unlock it for the time being.After all, the mission is now safe.She is the only person to unlock this task. As long as she does not unlock this task, the mithril in the eastern continent will always be locked underground and cannot be mined, even if it is a prosperous age, the result will be the same.

And if she triggers this task lock now, it would be a trivial matter to be discovered by Hidden Dragon. The important thing is, how can the current Tiantianxiang people guard this mine vein!Although she has a good relationship with large guilds such as Wolf Clan Datang, Zhan Tianxia, ​​etc., the relationship is good because they have no conflict of interest.If once the secret of the mithril vein is known to outsiders, but she can't have a huge deterrent to defend here, then she will make a wedding dress for others with this mithril vein.

She didn't believe that the old guilds such as Datang, Wolf Clan, and Zhan Tianxia wouldn't be tempted to see the Mithril veins, and she didn't believe that in the prosperous age in the future, they would put such a piece of fat on their lips and wouldn't take a bite!
After much deliberation, Ye Ci finally chose the second option. She decided that she would lock this mine underground until Tian Tianxiang was unable to protect it.She even made up her mind to take the time to go to the southern continent and lock the pre-quests of the Mithril vein there. It would be best to do the same with the northern continent!

Since she had already told Genesis about the mineral veins in the western continent, Ye Ci didn't have any intention of getting them back.Even if she is strong, she can't compete with a guild, especially an old guild like Genesis with millions of people. She will never be so stupid as to backtrack.

As long as she locks all the Mithril veins in the remaining three continents, it means that she has grasped the economic lifeline of the future destiny.

Thinking of this, Ye Ci couldn't help but her blood surged, she squinted her eyes, and clenched her fists tightly, as if what was being held inside was no longer nothing but a powerful destiny in the future!
"Hal, I just went to the southern continent and brought back a lot of dark beer for you. I wonder if you are interested?" Ye Ci refused to listen to Hal's story, but when he heard that there was dark beer And Gourmet, Hal and Molly and Dudu all seemed very happy.

Their IQs are not the highest among NPCs, but they are not low either. Therefore, there is naturally no way to know the twists and turns in Ye Ci's heart, but there is one thing they can feel, that is, Ye Ci. Ci is very polite and friendly to them, and has helped them complete many tasks, so this is a friend worth making.

With such thoughts, the intimacy of the three people with Ye Ci has increased, and even Ye Ci's reputation among the black iron dwarves has also increased.

Ye Ci only thought that she was really smart. Before she left Hurricane City, she suddenly remembered these NPCs and brought back dozens of bottles of dark beer. Although it cost hundreds of gold, the huge effect of these beers It's not something that can be bought with a few hundred gold.

After the few people had eaten and drank enough, Ye Ci promised them to visit them again after a while. The three drunken black iron dwarves had obviously forgotten to share the mithril vein with Ye Ci, leaning against the rock I fell asleep soundly, very happy.

And Ye Ci turned around and sneaked into the mist of the ghoul's habitat.She was hiding near the three black iron dwarves, waiting quietly. She needed to make a final judgment on her guess. Will the player named Hidden Dragon come back?

Waiting is a very painful thing, especially when Ye Ci has a lot of things to do. Waiting is even more tormenting. There were a few times when Ye Ci couldn't help but give up, but after thinking about it , she still calmed down, although other things are also very important, but this matter is obviously related to the height that can be achieved in the future, she must stick to it.

She took a deep breath, and the impetuousness in her heart left her like this, and she just squatted in a hidden place and waited quietly.I don't know how long it took, Ye Ci heard the sound of trampling horseshoes galloping from a distance.

This kind of sound wasn't loud at first, but this ghastly plain is too quiet, and Ye Ci's perception is so high, at least one or two hundred yards away from him, Ye Ci has already heard the horse's hooves. There was a crisp sound on the hard rock.

She bowed her body further, and looked through the cracks in the rocks, only to see the three black iron dwarves exposed in her sight, and Ye Ci could clearly see every move that happened there.But her location is something that ordinary players can't find and perceive at all. It is because of this that Ye Ci can observe people more confidently and boldly.

As the sound of horseshoes got closer, Ye Ci saw a priest wearing a robe rushing into the field of vision. This person was not the hidden dragon who just went to Heifeng Mountain with those members.After he rushed into Ye Ci's field of vision, he got off the horse.

There were three black iron dwarves lying on the ground in disorder. The three of them were so drunk that they would not wake up for a while.And there are a few empty beer glasses beside them, which shows what the culprit is for these people to become like this.

Huh, huh, huh, I'm asking for pink tickets~~ If you still have tickets, please vote for Fireworks. It's the end of the month, and Fireworks only has 4 or 5 votes and they will soon be overtaken by others. I beg everyone to throw pink tickets. ~~Star Eyes~~
(End of this chapter)

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