hunter world

Chapter 267 Slaves

Chapter 267 Slaves
Chapter 67 Slaves
"How much level has Kazuki Blossom's Goblin Engineering reached?" Ye Ci suddenly said without beginning or end.

"It's about to reach the advanced level. As long as someone gives him follow-up materials, it is guaranteed that he will reach the level very quickly, but..." Bai Mo paused slightly: "You came to him for the purpose of attacking and defending the city. City machinery."


"This blueprint is hard to find, at least you can't buy it in the market. The major guilds have already seen the advantages of this goblin engineering, and each of them has raised a group of such life players. Moreover, the major guilds There are many more people in the auction market than our guild, so it is not easy to grab things from them. Take our guild as an example, from the establishment of the guild to the present, all kinds of things we have grabbed from the auction The blueprints add up to no more than [-] copies, which is insignificant compared to the huge amount of blueprints released every day." Bai Mo sighed: "Some precious blueprints only have one, and they can only be handed over to a life player. Learning. Although I also know that it is better for the most precious formula to be in the hands of a few people, but if only one person masters it, it will greatly affect the progress of the production. Especially for the formulas of senior life skill masters, most of them require several With the cooperation of professional skills, if we can have a few more recipes at this time, the problem of slow production progress can be greatly alleviated."

Ye Ci naturally understood what Bai Mo said. She couldn't help but think of Mara's skills, copying blueprints and copying documents. If these two skills can be used, it can solve Bai Mo's troubled problems, not only that , and can also copy some outdated but relatively rare formulas and skill books in the world for sale, which can not only make a lot of money, but also secretly stimulate the major guilds, which is a good way.

However, the prerequisite for doing all this is to bring Arauna, Mara, and Yoran out of the Doro tribe.And now she just vaguely mentioned the idea of ​​taking Arauna away to Darufar, which has already made the old man so scrupulous. If she proposes to take the whole family away, I wonder if the old man will agree. Would he directly use that artifact to knock himself to death?
Thinking of this, Ye Ci felt completely unsure.She can control the way she wants to go, but she doesn't have the ability to control the judgments made by the system and what to do. Although she already feels that there is a great chance of taking Arauna away, but until the last moment, There are no fixed numbers for everything, and it really can't be included in the plan, which makes people have to worry.

"What's the matter? It seems that you also have troubles?" Anyway, Bai Mo is worried about these problems now, and there is nothing to worry about, and these things can't be solved in a short while, but it seems that Ye Ci's appearance is not going well, So Bai Mo also asked.

"It's not a worry, it's just that I'm not sure about the result." Ye Ci told Bai Mo the truth about Arauna's family. Sure enough, Bai Mo was very surprised, and he said repeatedly: "It's incredible, it's incredible .”

"Why?" Bai Mo rarely showed such an expression, and Ye Ci couldn't help laughing: "Yo, my cousin also has such a surprised expression? I thought you were always smiling."

Bai Mo stretched out his hand and patted Ye Ci on the head, as a response to her words, but then he said: "It would be great if we could bring these three people. Then as long as Kazuki Blossom can reach master level engineering We don’t have to worry about not being able to defend the mithril vein.”

Ye Ci nodded: "That's right, Yolan is a master builder, he can build offensive and defensive buildings, such as arrow towers and city walls, to surround the mithril veins, and Mara can copy the blueprints, so he can get more A kind of offensive and defensive machine blueprint or architectural blueprint, as long as Kazuki Blossom's defensive machine is manufactured and placed on such an offensive and defensive building, are you afraid of others attacking?"

Bai Mo also agrees very much: "Although I don't know what the future will be like, at least for now, this kind of design is not open to one man." He thought for a while, and stood up: "Let's do it, I will let it rain in time. Hire some engineering players and construction players, and plan ahead."

Ye Ci let out a sigh of relief: "This is certainly good, but I don't know if I can take the three members of this family away."

"Do your best and obey the destiny." Bai Mo patted Ye Ci on the shoulder, put his bowl into the kitchen, and went into the house to prepare for these things.

Ye Ci is still eating, but obviously he has lost his appetite.Seeing Ye Ci's worried look, Ye Nantian couldn't help but patted her hand and said with a smile, "Little Ci, come on, don't make things too difficult for yourself, just remember that no matter what time, your parents are behind you and will support you Enough."

Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, staring at Ye Nantian in a daze.

Zuo Xiaolan also patted Ye Ci's head with a smile and said, "Yes, we are a family, no matter what the reason, no one can separate us, so you just go ahead and do it."

Family, family?Ye Ci suddenly realized something like a revelation!It turned out that she had forgotten this matter all along, and she forgot such an important matter!Ye Ci stood up abruptly, smiled at her parents, "Mom and Dad, I got it! I got it!" She ran straight to her room, leaving Zuo Xiaolan and Ye Nantian behind. He was there in a daze, not knowing what Ye Ci understood.

Ye Ci went online and walked quickly to the door of the tent at Arauna's house.Looking through the gaps in the animal skins on the tent, I saw Yolan was filling the broth and putting it in the hands of the two children. By the way, she was stroking the heads of the two children lovingly. The softness between her eyebrows Ye Ci is very familiar with love and kindness, because her parents also treated her with such eyes and kindness!
She actually forgot such a thing.Yoram, Mara, and Arauna, they are a family!Although Ye Ci has been talking about one family and one family, he never thinks of them as a group, but divides them into three individuals, compares them separately, and thinks who is right for them The more loyal you are to yourself, the less loyal you are to yourself.It wasn't until now that she felt that she had made a big mistake. She shouldn't have seen the three of them separately from the very beginning. If she saw the three of them as an individual, I'm afraid this matter would be much simpler.

Thinking of this, Ye Ci couldn't help but her heart was surging. She stretched out her hand, opened a piece of animal skin, and walked into the tent.

"Ah, you're here. I just stewed broth. Hurry up and drink a bowl. It's very cold on the mountain in winter. Drink a bowl of broth to warm your body." When Yolan saw Ye Ci coming in, he hurriedly greeted her sit down.Arauna on the side also immediately saluted Ye Ci, but Ye Ci didn't make him stand up, but motioned him to sit down and eat quickly.

After a few days of getting along, Mara became more familiar with Ye Ci, so she hurriedly helped Yolan get a bowl and filled Ye Ci with broth.

Ye Ci took the bowl, thanked the family, and started to drink the soup.Although the real body is full of wine and food, the body in the game is still exhausted. Drinking this bowl of broth seems to immediately relieve her physical fatigue and slowly restore her physical strength.

Arauna looked at Ye Ci quietly, and suddenly said, "White Elf, do you have enough ore?"

"Well." Arauna has been following Ye Ci, and naturally knows how much ore she took, so Ye Ci didn't hide it from him.As for why Arauna asked such a question, Ye Ci thought she could make a rough guess.

"So, are you going to buy a violin for Lia soon?" Arau held the bowl of broth tightly in his hand, with bright eyes, looking at Ye Ci as if trying to restrain his emotions.


"White Elf, do you know what Leah's greatest skill is?" Arauna asked after thinking for a long time.

"What is it?" Ye Ci didn't answer Arauna directly, but just looked at him with a smile, and glanced at Yoran and Mara beside him without showing any trace.The faces of the two of them were slightly lonely. It seemed that they already knew what Arauna was going to say.

"The most powerful thing about her is that she can lead people away from this island." Arauna lowered her voice, her expression and look were very mysterious, as if Ye Ci really didn't know about it.

In order to match Arauna's mood, Ye Ci also pretended to be surprised, she looked a little surprised: "Ah, this ability is really amazing!"

"Yeah, I heard that this ability is passed down in Leah's family. Leah's grandma's grandma's grandma helped Thaku leave..." Arauna showed a little complacency when he said this. Naturally, no one else would know Helia's secret.

Ye Ci is really not clear about this question, but for Ye Ci, it is obviously not important to know whether this question is clear or not.What matters is what Arauna has to say later: "So, as long as I return the money to Leah, I can get out of here?"

Arauna was stunned, Yoran was also stunned, and Mara was even more stunned. The three of them just looked at Ye Ci quietly, as if she was a stranger.

"What? Am I wrong?" Ye Ci shrugged.

"No, no, I'm not wrong. After you bought the violin for Leah, Leah will definitely send you out of here." Arauna lowered his head, looking a little sad.

Ye Ci reached out and stroked his hair, comforting him with a smile: "What's wrong? Can't bear to let me go?"

Arauna looked down at the broth in his hand, as if making up his mind.But Yolan said slowly: "White Elf, this child Arauna likes you very much, I hope you can stay forever, do you have to leave?"

Ye Ci nodded: "Yes, Yolan, I am an adventurer. For me, the more beautiful and wider world is outside, outside this island, outside this sea..." Ye Ci said Before she finished speaking, she was quickly interrupted by Mara on the side: "But, don't you think our place is very beautiful? We have dense forests, we have a wide sea, and you can even hear mermaid singing, how beautiful it is Ah, why did you leave? Is the world outside so beautiful?"

Ye Ci knew that Yoran and Mara's urgency was not because of him, but because of the decision Arauna had made, so they were so anxious.For this, Ye Ci could only look at Mara with a gentle gaze, and said slowly in a soothing tone: "Mara, you are right, this place is very beautiful, the sky is blue, the forest is green, the people They are also very kind. Although I don't have a good impression of mermaids, I can't deny that they are very beautiful and their singing voice is very beautiful. In the outside world, some places are full of flowers, but some places are barren. There are snow-capped mountains and In the desert, there are forests and waterfalls. In the outside world, the scenery is different every step you take. Although it is very good here, the blood of adventure flows in my veins. I like the unknown Life, I crave, that excitement."

"Stimulation?" Mara didn't quite understand Ye Ci's words, she just tilted her head and looked at Ye Ci.

"Yes, you don't know what stimulus you will get in the next moment, maybe it's danger, maybe it's a good harvest, maybe it's suffering, you never know. However, it is precisely because you don't know that you feel that the world is like this. It’s not like here, it’s always blue sky, green trees, and beautiful mermaids.”

Yolan listened attentively to Ye Ci's words. She has never left this tribe since she was born. The outside world is a very strange thing for her.She suddenly smiled bitterly: "I think I know why my husband yearns for the outside world so much until his death. Maybe, he is also an adventurer."

"Mom, you can't say that, if you say that..." Mara's eyes were rippling, as if she was about to roll tears.

Arauna reached out and held Mara's hand, shaking his head gently: "Mara, stop talking."

Mara bit her lower lip. Even though she was very young, she knew a lot.She lowered her head, very sad: "Brother. Back then, Taku also longed for the outside world, but in the end, only the mermaid brought back his news. He left and never came back. If my brother is also like It's Taku, will you remember me and mom?"

Ye Ci saw that the opportunity was ripe, so he showed a look of surprise: "Wait, wait, Arauna, do you want to leave here?"

"Yes!" Arauna raised his head immediately when he heard Ye Ci's question, without hesitation and firmness.

"But, but, Darufar probably won't let you leave." Ye Ci shook his head: "I think he attaches great importance to you, and he is Taku's younger brother, so he probably doesn't want Taku's affairs to happen again. occur."

"Yes, yes, brother, the White Elf is absolutely right. Lord Darufar will not allow you to leave." Mara was stopped by Yoran before she finished speaking, and she lightly pointed at Mara. She shook her head lightly, then sighed: "Mara, stop talking, your brother has the right to decide the future."

Mara bit her lip and lowered her head, tears welling in her eyes.

"White Elf, I need your help." Arauna looked at Ye Ci, as tenacious as a man.

"My help?" Ye Ci pointed at herself, acting innocent, but she actually asked knowingly.

"White Elf, please take me out of here!" Arauna put down the bowl in his hand, walked to Ye Ci's side, knelt on one knee on the right, put his left fist on his chest, bowed his head, and said very sincerely. "If you are willing to take me away, I will swear to make myself your slave forever and never betray you!"

Ye Ci actually thought this way a long time ago, but she didn't expect that this sentence would come out of Arau's own mouth, which still surprised her somewhat.She quietly looked at Arauna who was kneeling in front of her. He performed the highest etiquette of the Doro tribe, and it was also the most respected etiquette.It is the highest courtesy that one person can offer to another.

She looked at Arauna for a while, then stretched out her hand, helped Arauna to sit beside her, and said with a serious expression, "Arauna, do you really want to leave?"



"I want to be a hero like Taku! I don't want us Doro people to be so unknown. I want everyone to know that we Doro people are not a useless race driven out by humans and barbarians. We Doro people It is one of the best races in the world. I don't want us Doro people to continue to be controlled by power and tempted by demons as we are now. We can obviously protect ourselves. So I want to leave, I want to experience, I I want to be the second Taku, no, I want to be a greater hero than Taku!!" Arauna's voice was not loud, but it was resounding, so that Ye Ci, my family, couldn't help but cry for this NPC applauded for his ambition.

"I can take you away." Ye Ci looked at Arau's dark eyes, and answered cautiously after a while.After hearing his answer, Arauna's eyes flashed with ecstasy, but Ye Ci's next words made him nervous again: "But..."

"But what?"

"But I can't accept you as my slave." This was the decision Ye Ci made after hesitating for a while.

"Why!" Arauna obviously found it inconceivable. In his pure thinking, he just felt that if he was not Ye Ci's slave, he would not be able to leave here, nor would he be able to see the outside world.Therefore, Ye Ci's answer like this is tantamount to indirectly rejecting his request, which naturally made Arauna very helpless: "I hope you will do your best, I will!"

"No, whether you like it or not, I can't agree." No matter how much Arauna insisted, Ye Ci refused to agree to Arauna, because at the moment just now she suddenly thought of a way to take the family away together.Sometimes refusing doesn't mean not wanting, and agreeing doesn't mean accepting. The word "rejection and welcome" is a very intriguing word.

"Why! You have to give me an answer!" Arauna was very anxious. He actually had a very strange feeling for Ye Ci. He admired and feared Ye Ci at the same time. Bing, but also seems a bit reckless and uninhibited.

And Ye Ci doesn't shy away from these things, she knows that it's just because Arauna's favorability for her has not reached the point of loyalty, if she has reached this point, there will be no such situation. "Actually, the answer is very simple." Ye Ci looked at Arauna, then at Yoran and Mara, with tolerance and a smile in her eyes: "Because, as a hero, he should not be a slave."

Different from the Chinese people's tolerant thought of "Heroes don't ask where they come from", on the Maga Continent, identity is very important. If a hero or warrior has a dishonorable background, it is very important for his growth. not good.Ye Ci thought of this and decided not to accept Arauna as a slave, because she wanted to maintain Arauna's pride, and let Yoran and Mara give her their all.

Sure enough, after these words were uttered, there was silence in the tent.After a long time, I heard Yolan's low cry. She knelt in front of Ye Ci and gently rubbed Ye Ci's instep with her hair, and Mara did the same.Yolan said: "My master, thank you, thank you for allowing my son to have the dream and journey of becoming a hero, my son cannot be your slave, but my daughter and I, we are willing to replace him as your slave." Slave, we are willing to serve you all our lives, my master!"

"So does Marla, Marla thinks just like Mom!"

Ye Ci quietly took a look at Yolan and Mara's favorability towards him, which has reached the highest point of loyalty. It seems that as long as she shirks and plays hard to get, she can also take Arauna down.She quickly helped Yoran and Mara up, and shook her head: "How is this possible? How can I promise you if I can't even promise Arauna to be a slave? What's more, it's useless even if I agree to your request." , I always want to leave here, and you will not leave your hometown, so..." Ye Ci smiled and shook his head in rejection.

Arauna looked at his mother and sister, and suddenly said, "Can you take us out of here together?"

"Together?" Ye Ci blinked his eyes, looking very surprised, but he couldn't help being happy in his heart, it's almost done, finally it's almost done.

"Yes, together." Arauna nodded: "To be honest, I am the only male in our family, if I leave and leave my mother and sister in the tribe, I don't think I will be at ease. "

"Didn't Darufar take good care of your family?"

"It is true that Lord Darufar takes special care of us orphans and widows. However, Lord Darufar is the leader of the entire tribe. Even if he takes care of us, there are many things that he can't care about. I am in the tribe, and my mother and sister are still To be bullied, if I leave, I'm afraid their life will be more difficult. So, if you agree, I want to take my mother and sister to leave together. This way they can see me at any time and don't have to worry too much Already." Arauna seemed to have grown up at this moment, and his considerations were very mature, he was no longer a boy who was determined to go his own way just for his own likes and dislikes, but really like the pillar of a family.

"What do Yoran and Mara think?" Naturally, we can't just listen to the opinions of Arauna, but we should also listen to the opinions of the parties involved: "Do you agree to leave the tribe with Arauna?"

Yolan looked at Mara and thought for a while before slowly saying: "Although for me, I have never left the tribe, and I don't know what is outside the tribe, but if the master is willing to take us away, I don't mind If we are, we are willing to leave the tribe with Arauna. We are a family, and if there is no special reason, we are not willing to part."

Ye Ci nodded, so far, all the developments made her very satisfied: "Well, if you insist, I can take you away."

After Ye Ci said this sentence, Ye Ci immediately heard three system messages.

"Yoran, a member of the Doro tribe, becomes your slave."

"Mara, a member of the Doro tribe, becomes your slave."

"Arauna, a member of the Doro tribe, will be your bodyguard."

Guard?Ye Ci was slightly taken aback. In her previous life, she had only heard of the mercenary system and the slave system, but she had never heard of this guard. Could it be that the system that was not triggered in the previous life has actually been triggered in this life?While Ye Ci was thinking about it, he received another system message: "Due to your hard work and seriousness, you have discovered the slave system and the guard system. Do you need to publish your ID?"

"No." Of course, the more low-key this kind of thing is, the better. If more people know that they have slaves and guards, I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

"Through the unremitting efforts and serious research of *** players, the slave system and the guard system have been discovered. Now the slave market and the guard market are open in major cities. Players are invited to experience the new gameplay in the game. I wish you a happy game. After Ye Ci refused to release the ID, such a message jumped out of the world immediately, which almost immediately aroused heated discussions among the major guilds and all players.However, these don't seem to have much to do with Ye Ci.

Because, what Ye Ci is most concerned about now is how to tell Darufar that he wants to take away his three people.After thinking for a long time, she decided that it would be better to clarify this matter with Darufar as soon as possible, because now she has discovered Nob's secret, and she has already been to the illusion, I am afraid that Nob will know soon This matter, if you don't clarify the matter of leaving before this, I am afraid it will not be so easy to leave.

Ye Ci first went to buy the violin that Leah needed, and then bought some of the most worthwhile recipes from the grocer. After spending the last ore on his body, he went to Darufar tent to go.However, before reaching Darufar's tent, she saw Arauna standing under the moonlight, looking at her quietly.

"What's the matter? Arauna? Why are you standing here?" Ye Ci was a little curious, stepped forward and asked.

"Master, I know what you are going to do. I want to go with you on this matter." Arauna saluted Ye Ci. Since he became his own bodyguard, he has behaved more politely , and very polite.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Arau Nabanon didn't know what he was going to do, and he still insisted on following, Ye Ci was a little worried that this would not be good.

"I confirm, Master, I know what I'm doing. I have obligations to the tribe." Arauna said very affirmatively, it seems that even if Ye Ci ordered him to go back to his tent now, he would not agree would agree.Guards are not the same as slaves. Guards have the right to make decisions on some matters, but slaves do not. Slaves will obey the master's arrangements [-]%, no matter what is wrong or right.

"Okay." Ye Ci nodded, anyway, she also wanted to make a deal with Darufar by taking advantage of Nob's affairs, and sell a favor to Darufar, so that he can let the family of three willingly go.She was afraid that what she said alone would not be very convincing, but now if Arauna was added, it would be easier to convince Darufar.

Darufar was still the same as usual, sitting quietly in front of his huge table, which was full of various books. Under the bean-like light, Darufar's snow-white hair and beard were dyed With some golden color on it, it looks very divine.The magic staff was quietly leaning against the chair on his right, as long as he stretched out his hand, he could get it. Ye Ci looked at the staff, fearing that he would never get it in his life.Forget it, anyway, I have gained a lot from coming here this time, so don't be too greedy.

Darufar felt Ye Ci walk into the tent, he didn't raise his head, just continued to read his book, but said slowly: "I heard that you have already bought Lia's violin."

"Yes, my lord Darufar."

"Are you ready to leave?"

"Yes, my lord, I have wasted too much time here, I still have a lot of journeys to continue, so, sorry, I need to continue on my journey." Ye Ci replied in a very standardized language According to Darufar, Ye Ci will not play tricks on such a high-intelligence NPC, lest if he is caught, he will be retaliated by the NPC.

Darufar nodded, then closed the book in front of him, raised his head, looked quietly at the boy standing behind Ye Ci, and said after a long time: "What about you? Arauna, you too Has a decision been made?"

"Yes, Master Darufar, I have also made a decision. I want to leave here with her and go to the outside world to see, just like Taku back then." Arauna's voice was not loud, but However, it could be heard that there was unbreakable persistence in his voice.

Darufar seemed to be a little old when he heard Arauna's words. He just sat there, let out a long breath and closed his eyes: "It's been so many years, I thought I wouldn't hear Someone said to leave the tribe, but I still heard it. The last time I heard this sentence, I was a boy like you, Arauna, and Taku stood in front of me and said this to me , I am proud of him. After so many years, now you tell me like this, I..." Darufar paused slightly, and then showed a kind smile on his face: "I am also proud of you .”

Arauna was nervous at first, but after hearing Darufar's words, he immediately relaxed.And when he relaxed, the only reaction was to stare blankly at Darufar, unable to say a word for a long time, and then said after a while: "Is this so? Lord Darufang, Are you really proud of me?"

"Of course, my children, for those who have the courage to take this step, I am proud of you, and..." Darufar paused for a while, then looked at Ye Ci, and continued Said: "You can move forward for your dream, what a proud and happy thing. Arauna, I look forward to the day you become a great shaman."

Arauna was even more surprised: "What! Are you talking about a shaman, not a warrior?"

"Why a warrior, aren't you a shaman?" Darufar stood up, holding the staff that made Ye Ci salivate in his hand, and walked slowly in front of Ye Ci, he looked down at Ye Ci Words, sighed, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "I think, what you said is right. People should pursue their own dreams, and I can't keep him here. Their family, just Please, White Elf."

Darufar's words made Ye Ci very surprised. He didn't say anything yet, but Darufar knew everything. This is the real bug...

However, despite the surprise in his heart, Ye Ci nodded and agreed to Darufar's request.Then she glanced at Arauna behind her, and said to Darufang: "Dear Lord Darufang, actually, I have another thing to tell you today."

"what's up?"

Ye Ci sighed, and then told Darufar all about what he and Arau saw in the dark cave and what happened in the illusion.Shocked expression appeared on Darufar's face: "What! You say that Nob actually, actually colluded with Saga!"

"No, it shouldn't be Saga, it's just an illusion, and the only thing in the illusion is Saga's maid Sith."

"It's all the same." Darufar lowered his face: "I only know that there is a sealed heart of flames under the dark cave, and I have been guarding it carefully for so many years, not letting any demons have a chance to get close But I didn’t expect that Nob actually colluded with the devil to steal this heart of flame! What the hell is he thinking!”

"I'm afraid, Nob is coveting your position." Ye Ci sighed, and slowly pointed out the main point of the matter.After all, judging from the whole incident, Darufar has lived for too long. Although he is powerful, it is inevitable that there will be some restless people under his command.

Darufar stared at Ye Ci closely, and couldn't say another word.

In the night sky of the Doro tribe, there is a bright moon, and the bright moonlight quietly shines on this ancient tribe, which seems to be quiet and hides ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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