hunter world

Chapter 379 Serious Injury

Chapter 379 Serious Injury
Chapter 77 Serious Injury
Ye Ci looked at Young Master Yi, and suddenly felt that she was himself yesterday.

In the past, she also imitated Fleeting Years like this crazily, and even rushed forward desperately in this life to have a showdown.No, maybe I'm not as crazy as her. Her imitation has always been kept in the deepest part of her heart, and she is careful, unlike her, who dares to show it so openly and tell everyone, what's wrong with me just imitating?From this point of view, she is actually much braver than herself. After all, how many people in the world can bear the humiliation and fight against the word "cottage" like this?

Facts have proved that heroes do not ask where they come from, whether it is a copycat or a copy, as long as you can stand out, no one will ever care about your origin and your purpose.

The son in front of him, Yi Xianglai, is also an extremely high-end player. There are not many such players who can beat himself to such a state of embarrassment. Count it with your fingers, one for fleeting years, one for autumn water, and one for poison , and the young master Yi in front of him is also one.However, the embarrassment is the embarrassment, and the outcome is still undecided.

Ye Ci lowered his eyes and looked at the Void Dragon under Young Master Yi's feet. It was still breathing heavily and uncontrollably. It didn't ease because Young Master Yi stopped to rest for a while, but it became more intense.It seems that the air battle just now has reached the limit of the Nether Dragon's physical strength. If it continues like this, it may enter a state of injury.Ye Ci wants to fight again, but the situation of the sixth child is not necessarily any better. It has many wounds on its body, some of which are quite deep, and even bubbling fluorescent blue blood. If it goes on like this , I don't know how long it can last.

The sixth child probably sensed Ye Ci's hesitation, so he raised his head and let out a loud dragon chant.Ye Ci's heart trembled slightly, and then she smiled clearly, and released her fully drawn bow without hesitation.It was an arrow without any skills attached, it was fast and sharp, and it rushed towards Young Master Yi with a scream.

A cold expression appeared on Young Master Yi's face. When she watched the arrow shoot towards her, she manipulated the Nether Dragon to dodge it, and then drew the longbow towards Ye Ci. Unleash one skill after another.

Ye Ci was not in a hurry to counterattack, but, while dodging in the air at the fastest speed of Lao Liu, he would throw back an arrow from time to time, sometimes it was a normal attack, sometimes with a skill, it looked like he was running away in a panic .

Young Master Yi also knew that her Nether Dragon couldn't stand such a violent movement. She chased Ye Ci and shouted, "Young Master You! Is this the secret technique for you to become the SOLO King? Fighting with others will only hide!" Do you dare to stop and fight me upright!"

Ye Ci turned back to look at Young Master Yi, her annoyed expression made Ye Ci smile, and she said flatly: "I've been fighting you upright all this time, haven't you? Did you see me looking for help? Or I used a BUG that you don't know about? Why isn't it upright?"

"Don't run if you have the ability! Stop!" The Void Dragon's physical strength was getting weaker and weaker, and Young Master Yi was getting more and more impatient.

Ye Ci stopped suddenly, looked at Young Master Yi in the distance and smiled: "Okay, stop." After finishing speaking, the arrow with venom in her hand had already shot past.

Young Master Yi didn't expect Ye Ci to stop suddenly. She knew that Young Master You must know that her Void Dragon's physical strength must have reached its limit, so she moved so fast.According to Young Master Yi's conjecture, Young Master You must have directly exhausted the Void Dragon's physical strength, dragged it down alive, and then fled away.However, she never thought that Young Master Yuhui suddenly stopped at this moment, turned around and shot an arrow at herself.

In her desperation, she didn't react at all, she didn't even dodge subconsciously, and an arrow was pierced into her chest. Fortunately, she was still a little short of a vital attack, although the arrow It took away a lot of his life, but it wasn't a fatal injury.It's just that the poison attached to the arrow caused her little life to drop continuously.While manipulating the Dragon of the Nether in an "S" shape to dodge the damage that Gong Ziyou might bring next, she poured several bottles of red bottles into her mouth fiercely, pulling her blood line that was falling continuously up. .

Young Master Yi's movements were fast, and Ye Ci's movements were even faster, taking advantage of the moment she poured the blood bottle into her mouth, Lao Liu suddenly jumped in front of it, and sprayed it with a mouthful of dragon's breath!
Although Young Master Yi is wearing a mithril shirt, after such a mouthful of dragon's breath, the blood line she just brought up began to drop rapidly again, making her in a hurry, so she could only retreat temporarily, while avoiding such a dragon's breath, she continued to drink red bottle.

In fact, Ye Ci's target is not her, but the Nether Dragon under her crotch. She just discovered that the Nether Dragon is not equipped with protective equipment. The Nether Dragon's defense is not the strongest among the dragons. , at least much weaker than the holy dragon, its main attack method is the flying stabs on the tail, and a few magic attacks, which are not comparable to the attack power of the holy dragon. The Nether Dragon, who had already reached the limit of his physical fitness, felt better.

Sure enough, the Nether Dragon couldn't dodge in time, and after receiving the dragon's breath, it let out a mournful cry, and saw it curled up and trembling, and even Young Master Yi, who was affecting its back, couldn't stand upright .Young Master Yi wanted to fight back, but he didn't expect that after the dragon's breath, the Nether Dragon was in great pain, trembling all over his body, and even had the idea of ​​turning around and running away. She quickly scolded the Nether Dragon, although he managed to stop it The idea of ​​running away, but Young Master Yi also discovered that there is an additional DBUFF called "fear" on the attribute of the Nether Dragon, and the most disturbing item of the adverse effects brought by this DBUFF is—moving Speed ​​decreased by 30%.

The most important weapon for her to fight against the Holy Dragon is the speed of the Nether Dragon, and now that the speed of the Nether Dragon has dropped, her only advantage comparable to the Holy Dragon has disappeared. Although Young Master Yi really wants to continue fighting Ye Ci fights on, but she is not such an irrational person, she knows that if she continues now, she may endanger the life of the Nether Dragon.Compared with fighting, the life of the Nether Dragon is of course more important. After all, Young Master You can't run, but after the death of the Nether Dragon, it is not so easy to resurrect it.

Although she saw that she was about to win, if she didn't give up the fight at this time, she would lose more than she gained!Young Master Yi quickly weighed the pros and cons, and could only say regretfully: "Young Master You, look forward to the next battle!" After that, she manipulated the Void Dragon and was about to leave, but she hadn't expected it at all. Before Zhilong was about to leave, he let out a fierce cry, then raised his tail, and the row of sharp flying thorns immediately stood up, and flew towards Young Master You.

When Ye Ci saw the void dragon raised its tail, he hurriedly pulled Lao Liu and flew towards the sky.Others don't know, but she understands that the dragon race is the most warlike biological race, bar none.Not only that, the Dragon Clan is also very narrow-minded, it will hate its opponents deeply, and will attack desperately when it sees a chance, until it dies.Now this attack of the void dragon is probably the spontaneous reaction of all kinds of reluctance since it has failed in this battle.

This blow is enough for Ye Ci to drink a pot.

The sixth person who reacted faster than Ye Ci.It belongs to the dragon family. Although it did not grow up with its own kind since childhood, the things inherited in the blood cannot be forgotten. The moment he saw the void dragon raised its tail, he had already made a decision. With an instinctive and loyal reaction, he flew towards the flying thorn's path, trying to stop the flying thorn.

The dragon's scales are extremely thick and hard, and they are the best armor. However, the dragon's tail thorns are harder and sharper than its scales. Few dragons can withstand the flying tail thorns of their own race.The sixth child was no exception. Those few flying thorns were all nailed into its body. Although they didn't nail into any vital parts, they hurt his muscles and bones. There was even one nailed right next to his heart, which hurt him so much. He screamed terribly, almost rolling his body.

After releasing its tail sting, the Nether Dragon screamed again and turned into nothingness.This is not death. If the dragon family dies, the body will fall directly and disappear, which can only mean that it was seriously injured and entered the pet space to rest.

Young Master Yi didn't expect the Nether Dragon to react like this, so when this series of changes happened, she was stunned for a moment, and then, as the Nether Dragon disappeared, she also quickly landed towards the ground .And she looked at the sixth child who was screaming in pain in the air, and smiled knowingly, this battle is only a draw.

Compared to Young Master Yi's ease, Ye Ci felt very distressed, her sixth son, her holy dragon!The loss in this battle was too great, and the sixth child was actually injured. What is even more depressing is that it was only a tie...

She didn't want to stay in the air anymore, in case another air knight appeared again, she didn't have the ability to fight again.While comforting the painful sixth child, she stumbled towards the fortress.Finally, she landed in the fortress on Lao Liu. However, Lao Liu doesn't have the ability to find an empty place to land now. Seeing that he has reached a safe place, it directly fell from the mid-air, crushing several rooms. house, and Ye Ci was thrown directly from its back. If it wasn't for her quick reaction, she might also be thrown to the ground and half dead.

(End of this chapter)

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