hunter world

Chapter 388 The Unpretentious Bow

Chapter 388 The Unpretentious Bow
Chapter 86 The Unpretentious Bow
The elves are not the aborigines on the Majia continent, but they were once the largest number of foreign immigrants.Of course, that was a long time ago. I don't know how much time has passed by now. The once prosperous elves have withered to the point that only the white elves are left.The other elf races either disappeared completely, or hid in the deep mountains and forests without communicating with the outside world, or became the minions of the devil.

Standing in front of this elf temple, Ye Ci looked around, looking at the almost endless ruins, it is not difficult to imagine how brilliant the crystal wall was before the elves were disintegrated.Since the death of the last elf king Dole, the elves have been torn apart, and this huge and splendid elf temple has completely lost its former splendor. After years of disrepair and the devastation of nature, this great temple has completely become ruins.

However, even though this place has become a ruin, standing here can still vaguely feel its sacredness.

Ye Ci shuttled back and forth on this huge ruin, and recorded all kinds of details here on the map.Fortunately, because this is the Elven Temple, even if it has been turned into ruins, it seems that all the monsters living in the Rocky Mountains are still afraid of the power here, so there are no monsters in the Elven Temple.

However, being so quiet and safe made the ruins feel desolate.

The former Elven Temple was a huge building complex with many houses. Although it was in ruins now, it was still not easy to find one thing.Ye Ci wandered through some abandoned houses. The bow he was looking for was fruitless, but he turned over many rusted boxes. These boxes were basically locked. Fortunately, Ye Ci had a master key in his hand. Opened them one by one, and made a big sweep.

These boxes were left by the elven priests who served in the temple, and they are probably items that they considered precious. Perhaps, before leaving, these elven priests also thought about coming back to get these things, but in the end they had no chance Go back to the temple again.So these boxes were left in the temple permanently, and the rust continued with the ruins of the temple, until the arrival of Ye Ci.

Ye Ci searched out a lot of precious potions and some rare fruits from these boxes, but those rare fruits that used to have great effects have long since shriveled due to the passage of time, and only those well-sealed potions In the passage of time, it finally stayed down.In addition to these consumables, there are also some books, but most of the books have been corroded and shattered when touched. Ye Ci searched so many boxes and only found a few usable books.

Most of these books record the history of elf temples, and there are some obscure spells, which are very ancient elf languages. Ye Ci has not yet found an NPC who learns this language, so he can't read it smoothly, he can only vaguely understand it. I can recognize some symbols, but what I can piece together are some ballad-like things, and I don't know what effect it will have after reading it.

After spending a lot of time in these houses, Ye Ci finally found the main building of the Elven Temple.This is a huge piece of rubble, with some pillars and roofs scattered on it. On these remaining pillars and foundations, there are many signs that Ye Ci is familiar with - four-leaf clover.This is the ancient elf emblem, it seems that this is undoubtedly the main hall of the elf temple.
The emblem is a unique pattern that each race has, and each race is different.For example, the human is the griffin, the dwarf is the holy sword, the undead is the rib and so on.The emblem is an extremely noble symbol in the race, and it will only appear on very important buildings, weapons, equipment and some utensils.It's like the four-leaf clover of the elf's emblem. Yeci has only been seen on the clothes of high-level elves. Other ordinary elves are not worthy of having such an emblem.

Here, the emblem of the four-leaf clover is everywhere, which shows how important this temple is in the eyes of the elves, and even a floor tile is a treasure that people value.

Ye Ci walked through the overgrown square, and soon came to the ruins of the elf temple.However, she looked around, but she couldn't find the gate to enter the ruins. The place where the gate turned out to be was also blocked by bricks, stones and rubble, making it impossible for people to enter.Ye Ci stood at the entrance of the ruins and raised her eyebrows. It seemed that God was destined not to let her enter through the main entrance. She could only see if she could enter from other places.

After walking around the ruins for a few times, she finally found an entrance in a corner, but this entrance was very low and not big.There is an iron railing above the entrance, but after so many years, the iron railing has long been corroded, and Ye Ci just raised his legs towards the iron railing With a light kick, it shattered into several pieces and fell into the mouth.

Walking in from the entrance, there is a staircase extending downwards. The sunlight cannot shine through the dense leaves, so Ye Ci can only walk down.Fortunately, the elf's night vision ability is good. After getting familiar with the dark light, she can easily see the environment inside the entrance.

Obviously, this is a sewer. Although the entire temple has been in disrepair for a long time, the sewer has not yet collapsed, but there is no such a big water for a long time, leaving only shallow water on the stone slab.Ye Ci ran quickly in this sewer, while vigilantly sensing the surroundings, as long as there was any trouble, she would immediately launch the deadliest attack.

However, it is obvious that the divine power of the god of nature worshiped by the elves still remains here, and it is also feared by all the monsters in the Rocky Mountains. Ye Ci did not find any monsters in the sewer.It's just that the road here is really tortuous, and the road is also very confusing. Ye Ci bumped into the wall several times before finding the intersection.

Climbing up from the sewer, the first thing you enter is the third basement of the Elven Temple. This should be the storage room of the elves. There are more than fifty rooms distributed in the huge first floor, but each room is covered. Lock, Ye Ci only managed to open the doors of three rooms that had been corroded to the point of disrepair, and found a lot of grain inside, and she couldn't open any of the other rooms, even with the master key. She had no choice but to give up her plan to raid all the houses.

Follow the road all the way to the second floor.The second floor should be the residence of the elves who served in the temple. There are a large number of rooms, and the layout of the rooms is similar, with bookshelves, desks, and simple beds.However, the books on the bookshelves had already been reduced to ashes, leaving only empty bookshelves, desks and the bed.But these are all made of wood, and when Ye Ci stretched out his hand to touch them, these things instantly turned to ashes.Nothing valuable was found on this floor, so Ye Ci could only go to the first floor.

There are several huge rooms on the first floor, but the iron generals are also hung on the rooms.Not only that, these exquisitely shaped doors have not become dilapidated due to the passage of time, on the contrary, they are just like newly built ones, but these doors are covered with a lot of dust, and there are many magic circles on these doors. same thing.Ye Ci tried to use the master key to open these locks. The locks could be opened, but she got the news that the door could not be opened because of the seal, so she had to give up this idea.

Leaving the first basement floor, and walking up to the first floor above the ground, here is the huge ruin that can be seen from the outside. It has long been dilapidated from the outside, and it is not much better from the inside to the outside. go.Through the huge corridor, you came to the inner court.The inner court was also a dilapidated scene, with dust and spider webs everywhere, but Ye Ci was attracted by the deepest scene just as soon as he entered the inner court.There is a holy altar, which is spotless. In front of the altar, there is a golden lampstand with seven holes, and huge white candles are burning on it.

It was as if the elf temple had never been down and out. The cleanliness on the altar was incompatible with the dilapidation in the inner court.The most eye-catching thing is the huge elf statue behind the altar, which is the goddess of nature worshiped by the elves.As for Ye Ci, all her attention was on the bow in the hand of the goddess of nature.

It was an unpretentious bow, like the weapon used by the most common newcomers in Novice Village.But Ye Ci knows that this is not the whole truth, the more precious things in the world, the more ordinary their appearance, which will also make many people who only pay attention to appearance miss these things.

Everyone knows that a person cannot be judged by his appearance, but often everyone cannot escape this cycle. He always likes to believe in the beautiful things he sees before his eyes, and dismisses the ordinary and simple things.

Ye Ci thought, this thing is probably the same.

She walked to the edge of the altar, stood in front of the altar, looked up at the statue of the goddess of nature, and felt that she was more and more beautiful.Ye Ci looked at the statue for a while, and began to think about the practical problem, that is, how would he take down the bow from such a tall statue?Climb up or hook down with a cat's paw?
After thinking about it for a while, Ye Ci decided to climb up by himself. After all, using cat's claws might destroy this sculpture, which is really a pity.

However, when Ye Ci decided to climb up and take action, the system prompted: "You can't pass through the barrier."

(End of this chapter)

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