hunter world

Chapter 428 Gifts

Chapter 428 Gifts
Chapter 26 Gifts
In Destiny, except for the Central Continent, although the other four continents have their own styles, and the maps of each continent are also different, but from the perspective of copy arrangement, there is actually no big difference.For example, the number of large, medium and small dungeons below level [-] is the same, the dropped equipment is the same, and the drop rate is the same; for example, the number of large, medium and small dungeons below level [-] is also the same , the drop equipment is also the same, and the drop rate is also the same.As for the large, medium and small dungeons above level [-]... Well, I won’t repeat them, they are all the same, which is why no matter what kind of relationship the four continents have, what kind of differences are there in the geographical environments of the four continents? , However, everyone's equipment is similar.

However, in the dungeons of each continent above level [-], among the various equipment produced, there will be some special equipment in each dungeon.

For example, the "Dora's headgear" in Ye Ci's hands is the unique equipment that only comes out of the third boss of the water demon Dora in the large-scale copy of Pula Water City in the western continent.That is to say, this thing can only be exploded in the western continent, and other continents will not have this thing. Fortunately, this thing can be traded, which also caused its sky-high price in the auction house.Of course, although the other three continents do not have dungeon-specific equipment such as Dora's headgear, there are also unique equipment that other continents do not have.

These pieces of equipment have a common feature that the explosion rate is relatively low, and the BOSS is more difficult to overthrow when it is produced.

So Ye Ci was rather strange, and temporarily put aside the idea of ​​continuing to fight against Liu Nian, holding the headgear and said to Liu Nian standing on Phoenix's back: "Why do you have this?"

"I picked it up." Fleeting Nian said it bluntly, as if that was really the case.

Obviously, this is still a very high-end method to deceive the Virgin Mary in Xiaobaishu, but if the other party is replaced by Ye Ci, it is obviously unreliable.I saw her raising her eyebrows: "Pick it up? Pula Water City is located in the northwest of the muddy swamp on the western continent. It is a 3700-player dungeon. Its third boss is a water demon named Dora, with 2 million HP. Sonic attack, magic defense up to [-], the team configuration to deal with such a boss requires a lot of long-range physical attack professions, not only that, the MT needed by this boss is a mage, not a fighter. And this boss also has the most abnormal one who can Recover blood by yourself, and the team that fell under her skirt has [-] if not [-]." At this point, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Fleeting Nian with a slight sarcasm: "I would like to know, as the unique equipment of this BOSS, Fleeing Nian God, where did you find it?"

Listening to Ye Ci's words, Liu Nian let out a breath and patted his palms lightly: "I admire you, you are indeed an encyclopedia, you understand everything." He spread his palms and said, "Okay, I To be honest, our main elite team went to open up Dora last night, but the long-range DPS is not enough. As you said, Dora is very fierce, there are too many teams to fall under her skirt, and Genesis is not bad, so bet Sharon asked me to go there so desperately, so I went there out of righteousness. Speaking of which, I was so lucky that I got Dora's first kill yesterday, so she dropped this..." Liu Nian pointed Refers to the things in Ye Ci's hands.

"This thing should be very expensive." Ye Ci kept tossing the headdress in his hand, looking at Fleeting Years with eyes as bright as black crystals.

Fleeting Nian smiled and shook his head, and said haha: "No, my roll point is very good, 100 points kills everyone in seconds."

Show off, show off naked!For a person with dark spots on his hands, this kind of brazen flaunting, naked flaunting, a naked flaunting that doesn't care about other people's inner feelings at all!Ye Ci held Dora's headdress and gritted his teeth, almost wanting to throw this rare thing away.

The way Liu Nian looked at Ye Ci was a bit strange, her expression seemed not very happy, even a little angry.He scratched his hair, did he say something wrong?According to the wolf-like eyes of the whole group of female players after this thing broke out yesterday, you should know that they like it very much, and according to the angry eyes of all the men and women in the group after this thing was forcibly occupied by yourself yesterday, you should know how popular this thing is. .Since this thing can be eaten by both men and women, then Gong Ziyou should be within the scope of being corrupted. Why is his current performance a little different from what he imagined?This unscientific.

Afterwards, he felt something flash in front of his eyes, and he subconsciously took it with his hand, and the Dora's headdress appeared in his palm again. Before he could speak, he heard Ye Ci angrily say : "Okay, okay, I know you're lucky, I know ROLL, is it necessary? Is it necessary to laugh at me like that? I'm black, my hands are black and my face is dark, what's wrong! What's wrong!!"

Fleeting Nian was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing in a low voice, and then his laughter became louder and louder.This time Ye Ci was completely pissed off, she stood in the clock tower and jumped: "Liu Nian, you are a big bitch! You are a complete bitch! Look, I will kill you in seconds when the old lady's time turns around." !"

Just when Ye Ci jumped like this, Liu Nian had already arrived at the edge of the clock tower in the Phoenix, and then jumped on the clock tower with a quick stride and stood firmly beside Ye Ci.At this time, Ye Ci was looking at Fleeting Nian fiercely, "Are you here to die? Let me tell you that I am not afraid of you!"

The smile on Fleeting's lips grew bigger and bigger, and finally bent into a beautiful crescent. He grabbed Ye Ci's right hand, and then put the "Dora's headdress" in her hand, and then He pinched her hand and said, "For you."

Ye Ci's chattering lips stopped completely at this moment, she narrowed her eyes at the smile on Fleeting Nian's face, and then said: "What do you mean?"

Liu Nian's good-looking eyebrows raised again, and he scratched his hair with the other hand, as if he was really thinking about the meaning of the so-called "what do you mean?"After a while, he said again: "It means, this thing is from my land reclamation roll, I gave it to you, now this thing is yours."

Ye Ci's expression became rather weird. According to Ye Ci's thinking, or according to Ye Ci's thinking mode, when she heard this sentence, the first question that came to her mind was "Yeah. This bitch in Fleeting Years is here again Showing off his high ROLL points to me." The next question he realized was "Shrimp? Are you giving this to me?"

Therefore, when she just entered the first question, her expression became a little hideous, and when he realized the second question, her expression became a little surprised again. After changing her face for a while, she finally regained her composure, opened her hand and looked at the headdress in her hand for a while before slowly saying, "Give it to me?"

"That's right, it looks like it's for women. Since I got it, of course I'll give it to you." After speaking, Liu Nian looked at Ye Ci's unpredictable expression again with a somewhat uncertain explanation: " It doesn't matter if you don't like it, it's just a headgear."

Ye Ci didn't wait until Fleeting Nian finished speaking, she had already lifted up the headdress, the sunset of Hero City was like the yolk of a huge salted duck egg, so red that it glowed moist and oily.The non-glare red light leaked through the gaps in the pattern on the headgear, Ye Ci squinted at the headgear, and praised sincerely: "This thing is so beautiful."

"Yeah." Liu Nian looked at her back, and couldn't help but soften his eyes, and softened even more.

"I think the people in your group are probably very dissatisfied when you roll this thing." Ye Ci raised the corners of her mouth, her narrowed eyes couldn't see her emotions.

Fleeting Nian scratched his hair, carefully recalling the resentful eyes of everyone when he snatched this thing in a very domineering manner. He rubbed his chin with his hands, and nodded shamelessly: "For my good luck, they always envy, jealousy, hate."

Facing Liu Nian's shamelessness, Ye Ci didn't say anything, she just looked at the headgear quietly, after a while she turned around and stretched out the hand holding the headgear in front of Fleeting Nian.Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the headdress radiated dazzling light, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.Looking at Ye Ci's action, Liu Nian raised his right eyebrow in a strange way. Of course, there was a little dissatisfaction in his expression.

Ye Ci raised the corners of his mouth, and said slowly: "Without a mirror, I will look crooked, please help me."

This answer obviously made Liu Nian stunned, and then a bright smile bloomed on his lips, and then he stretched out his hand, took the headdress, and turned his eyes from the top of the headwear to Ye Ci's. face, and finally smiled.There seemed to be a pool of water rippling in his gaze, which was so bright that it made people's hearts flutter.He carefully arranged the headgear, and carefully put it on Ye Ci's silver hair. Ye Ci also lowered his head slightly, unprecedentedly soft.

Fleeting's fingers gently stroked Ye Ci's smooth hair, and the afterglow of the setting sun covered her hair, dyeing the silver hair with a layer of red, and even dyed Fleeting's fingers. golden red.A strange feeling like a little bug crawled into Ye Ci's heart. She felt that Fleeting Nian's fingers brushed her hair, and that little bug-like itch spread more and more in her heart, slowly Yes, full, she quietly raised her eyes to look at the person in front of her, from her current angle, she could only see his chest, which was rising and falling gently, suddenly, the little bug-like feeling suddenly flooded.It actually made her feel for such a moment that this moment of time is the best.

Perhaps it would be better if it lasted longer.

"Okay." Fleeting Nian finally put on the headdress with a little nostalgia. A sigh of incompleteness overflowed from the corner of his lips, and he looked at the headdress from left to right, which was perfectly placed on Ye Ci's hair. Then he smiled slightly and put down his fingers.

Ye Ci let out a faint groan, raised her head, and without looking at Fleeting Years, she just lowered her eyes and stretched out her hand to gently and carefully touch the hair ornament on the hair bundle. After a long time, she used a thin Said in a silky voice: "This is the first time someone has given me something besides my parents and Bai Mo."

Fleeting Nian's chest seemed to be hit hard by something, and Ye Ci's voice as thin as gossamer was painful.He looked at Ye Ci's face with unprecedented pity, maybe Gong Ziyou was never as hard and strong as she appeared on the surface, but that fragile side was never seen by others.He lowered his head, stretched out his hand, held Ye Ci's hand, and smiled lightly: "Well, I will give you something later, as long as you don't mind it."

The words of Fleeting Years made Ye Ci stunned again, it's so strange, she seems to have a lot of chances to be stunned today, she can feel the body temperature of another person spreading from her fingertips, it's so hot that she can't stop All the pores are open, braving the ocean of warmth.She hooked the corner of her mouth and said nothing.

And Fleeting Nian seemed to be unable to change his damn temper at this time, and added another sentence: "Actually, if I don't have Bai Mo in front of me, I think I will be happier."

The smile on Ye Ci's face froze, this person, what a habit.She twitched the corner of her mouth and looked at Fleeting University with a feeling that you are shameless, "Bai Mo is my cousin, his mother and my mother are sisters." She heard herself say this, although it was true, but she didn't know Why, Ye Ci always feels that what he said now sounds really unpleasant.

Fleeting Nian narrowed his eyes, and the smile on his lips exploded even wider, but he had an expression of wanting to be beaten because he was cheap and good-looking.Fleeting Nian's heart couldn't help bubbling outside, his eyes kept looking at Ye Ci, is this an explanation?Is this an explanation?Then, he took a breath, snorted, still a little dissatisfied, and muttered in a voice that only two people could hear: "So what about cousin, that's also a man..."

Ye Ci frowned and wanted to say something, but couldn't find the right words, so he could only look at Liu Nian's face and sigh, and cursed bitterly: "Hey, you are really annoying. .”

"Little son, do you know what a woman means when she tells her man that she hates it?"


"Actually, what she meant was that I like it." There were sparkling things in Fleeting's brows and eyes, extremely dazzling.

Ye Ci stared at him dumbfounded, and finally shouted after a while: "Fleeting Year! Go to hell!!!"

Under the setting sun, Ze Yang let out a burst of hearty and satisfied laughter, reaching the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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