hunter world

Chapter 434 Trap

Chapter 434 Trap
Chapter 32 Traps
Ye Ci calmly looked at Qingfeng's back, and slowly turned the dagger in her hand twice, as if looking for the most suitable position, the one that could kill with one blow.Finally, her sword stopped, and the tip of her sword was only an inch away from the clothes on Qingfeng's back.At this time, as long as her hand shakes, or Qingfeng moves slightly, then the sword will fall into Qingfeng's body, blood may splash on the spot, or life and death may be parted, in short, it is an unhappy scene.

Ye Ci never likes to think too much about things.This time is no exception.She held the saber quietly, from her arm to the palm of her hand to her fingers, a force began to penetrate from top to bottom, as if she had been stabbed thousands of times before, this time there was no difference, she raised slightly Taking a breath, with a light flick of the wrist, the saber seemed to be not held in her hand, and stabbed fiercely towards Qingfeng's vest.

On target.Without even a slight deviation, the knife pierced Qingfeng's vest immediately, passed through the gap between his ribs, and nailed hard on the heart, while the tip of the knife pierced through his chest come out.This moment is so fast, it is just a blink of an eye, but this moment is so slow, as long as a whole century has passed.

Qingfeng only felt a piercing cold pass through the vest like this, and then passed in front of him.He didn't feel any pain, or rather, the cold was so fast that he couldn't even feel the cold, and he had already seen the tip of the knife from his chest.At this moment, his heart suddenly stopped, and the blood that was still flowing just now lost all its backbone at this moment, and rushed out like waves, covered the skin, and penetrated the clothes.And in the next moment, the sword had disappeared.

If Qingfeng didn't feel the pain when the sword was inserted into his chest, then the moment he pulled out the sword, he only felt a bone-piercing pain rushing towards his limbs and bones. He could hardly stand still.In fact, he was indeed unable to stand still. He only saw that his health was dropping rapidly, and the system indifferently reminded him that the sword had caused a fatal attack on him just now, and he was instantly killed.At the moment when Qingfeng fell down, he suddenly felt a little unwilling. Although he really intended to use himself as a bait to lure Young Master You out and kill him, he never thought that Young Master You could really kill himself instantly.


This is the most vulnerable place of human beings, as long as they are stabbed with a knife, they will die no matter what.

However, the heart is not so easy to stab.Before deciding to make the bait by himself, Qingfeng and many people in close occupations in the guild had done this business. He stayed still and let the other party stab his heart from behind. If a few people are stabbed accurately, they will be blocked by the ribs and greatly reduce the attack power. As long as he takes a bite of medicine, he will definitely not die.After doing so many experiments, Qingfeng never died once, not because the other party was merciful, but because it was really not easy to stab the heart. Today he relaxed and boldly let Ye Ci appear behind his back.

But when he didn't expect, Gongzi You really appeared, and he really drew a knife, and he really stabbed him!At the most terrifying moment, her sword was thin and long, nimbly piercing through his ribs like a snake, even ignoring the defense of the mithril armor he was wearing, piercing in like a breakthrough , without any hesitation, and after achieving his goal, he withdrew neatly. All of this was so fast, so fast that he didn't even have a chance to react. The picture turned into black and white and gray.Just before falling down, Qingfeng turned her head with difficulty, and looked in the direction of Young Master You just now. The sword just now had already leaked her whereabouts. Even if she was sneaking now, she would definitely not be able to escape the snare he arranged.

Sure enough, he saw Young Master You walking in a little embarrassment among countless brilliant skills, and when he couldn't win by dodging, he would take a few hits, Qingfeng was very satisfied with this.If it weren't for the fact that it was already a corpse, he really wanted to laugh out loud, what a pity.

"No matter what, you can't let Young Master You die outside our encirclement!" Qingfeng calmly issued an order to the guild.


With a flash of Ye Ci's knife, the system heard that she had given Qingfeng a fatal attack, and a long string of numbers, no matter what the number was, it meant that Qingfeng was dead.Ye Ci quickly withdrew the knife, and was about to dodge to leave, but unfortunately, she had already stepped out of the stealth state when she attacked. Although she just raised the knife and dropped the knife to deal with Qingfeng, but this also made the surroundings already arranged All the elite soldiers found their whereabouts. In an instant, countless skills chased after her and rushed over. She dodged left and right, but this is the hinterland of the prosperous age. escape.

However, even if it hangs here, it is good to be able to stop the summoning array of the prosperous age.Thinking of this, Ye Ci looked in the direction of the summoning circle. It didn't matter, and his face turned pale. Not only did the summoning circle not disappear, but there was another player standing where Qingfeng stood just now. , continue the responsibility of the breeze just now.

Although the summoning array in Destiny requires different summoning players depending on the ability of the summoned beast, one thing is for sure, that is, to activate a summoning array requires a player as the main summoner to activate it. When the main player hangs up during the formation, the summoning formation will disappear, and even the summoning scroll needed for the summoning formation will also disappear, which means that the summoning formation cannot be activated again.However, if the main summoner does not die and just hangs up other summoners, it doesn't matter. The biggest disadvantage is that the summoning time will be extended for a period of time, and the summoning array will not disappear. As long as there are other substitute players on top of the dead summoner The location can continue to summon.

Now that the summoning array has not disappeared, what does this mean?It shows that Qingfeng is not the main summoner at all, he is just an ordinary summoner in this summoning formation, a summoner who can be topped by anyone who dies!Ye Ci suddenly felt angry, this Qingfeng, with such a strong mind, dared to use his own life as bait to lure himself to appear, to lure himself to kill him.He must have calculated that he would come here alone, he must have calculated that he absolutely understood the summoning formation, he must have calculated that he would think he was the main summoner, and he must have killed him to stop the summoning formation from continuing .He has calculated everything accurately, so he made a dangerous move and drew himself out.Because he knew that apart from himself, there was no agile profession that could walk freely among the main force of the prosperous age by himself!
More importantly, he was fooled.

Ye Ci shook his hands fiercely, causing his fingers to sink into the flesh of his palm, exposing the veins on the back of his hand one by one.But now is not a good opportunity to get angry, the opportunity is fleeting, she has completely lost the opportunity to interrupt the summoning formation, if she can't retreat this time, it will be a big loss.

While running fast, she glanced coldly at the summoning array, then withdrew her gaze and ran towards the periphery.

Although Ye Ci is a top player, and Ye Ci certainly has the ability to take the head of an enemy general among thousands of armies, but after alarming the entire army of Shengshi, she may not have the ability to retreat completely.In fact, fate is a very fair game. No matter how strong Ye Ci's personal ability is, she still can't beat an elite team with more than a few thousand people.

Therefore, Ye Ci didn't last long, and he had exhausted his life to the end.At the end, when she fell down, she found that he was not far from the place where Qingfeng fell just now, she couldn't help smiling wryly, sure enough, she still underestimated Qingfeng and Shengshi.It is not without reason that this guild has been able to dominate for so many years. It is obviously wrong to think that you can mess up the other party with your own power.The picture in front of her lost color more and more, and finally turned into black and white.Ye Ci looked at the sky, and found that the sky was calm and blue just now. Some time ago, there were a lot of air riders. They circled and flew, far and near, but it could be seen that they just popped up on time.

When I have a lot of self-confidence, I am still missing a move in the end.Ye Ci let out a long breath. The only thing she felt lucky was that she didn't summon Lao Liu just now. If she killed Lao Liu, she would really cry to death. You have to know whether to revive a dragon or a dragon? Shenglong is definitely not that simple...

Now, the most important thing is to tell Bai Mo about the situation here.Ye Ci had just made up his mind to tell Bai Mo about the current situation, but he saw a figure walking into his black and white field of vision, this person was Qingfeng or whoever he was.I saw that he had stood up alive again, except that there was a hole in the chest of his robe, it was impossible to tell what had happened just now, it could be seen that the priest had revived him as soon as he hung up.

Qingfeng slowly walked to Ye Ci's "corpse" and looked down at the woman lying on the ground. Her face was still pale as usual, and although those amber eyes were not closed, they also turned gray. Her long silver hair spread out in all directions, and a simple and delicate golden headdress on her head was extremely enchanting.Qingfeng couldn't help exhaling a long breath, squatted down, and looked down at Young Master You who was lying in front of her. Although she was considered dead in the game, the player actually has a certain vision, and She can also hear the conversations of living people, but she cannot move or speak.

Qingfeng confirmed that Gong Ziyou must be able to see himself now, and at the same time confirmed that she must be able to hear his words, so he smiled slightly with a tone of relief: "Young Master You, you know, in order to kill you How much effort did you and I spend?"

Ye Ci was speechless. She looked at the sky rider in the distance and sighed. She was so greedy. If she hadn't relied on her own concealment and being a reborn person, she probably wouldn't be greedy to stop the summoning formation Bar.Hey, to put it bluntly, this is the so-called drowning, most of them are people who can swim.

Although Young Master You who was lying on the ground did not answer Qingfeng's words, Qingfeng continued as if venting his anger: "I know you are not willing to die like this, but you killed so many people in our prosperity, I just let you die." I also feel very unwilling to die you once. It's just..." Qingfeng said here, heaved a long sigh, and then smiled bitterly: "I think I only have this one chance to kill you."

After that, Qingfeng straightened up and said to the people around him: "Keep an eye on her corpse, don't let her resurrect to pick up the corpse again."

This is natural.

There is no second Young Master You in Tian Tian Shang, and there is no second Young Master You in the Eastern Continent, not even the entire Eastern Continent. As long as her body remains here, no one can stop it. The Summoning Circle of the Prosperous Age.Although Gong Ziyou is not the only top player in the entire Eastern Continent, but he is the only one who can come and go in the prosperous camp with an agile profession like her and can come and go without a trace, restraining her, today's Suo The city of Doma is already in the pocket of Shengshi.

Ye Ci lying on the ground was really a little frustrated, this Qingfeng was really too thieves, to think of such a way.It seems that today's battle will undoubtedly be lost every day.She sighed, and then connected to Bai Mo's secret language. Bai Mo immediately connected as soon as he received Ye Ci's secret language, and asked very concerned, "Are you okay?"

Ye Ci looked at the black and white field of vision with a wry smile, and sighed: "It's good, the grass on the side of Shengshi Camp is quite soft."

Bai Mo was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized what happened: "What did you say! You died!"

"Isn't this nonsense? There are thousands of Glorious Age Elite League players here, can I not die?" Ye Ci only felt breathless, and then she said half-jokingly: "I have two news now, one is good and the other is good. Bad, which one do you want to listen to first?"

Bai Mo really admired the fact that Ye Ci still had the intention to joke around. While thinking about how to retrieve Ye Ci's body, he said, "Okay."

"I killed Qingfeng among thousands of troops." Ye Ci said.

Bai Mo looked up at the sky, is this good news?Well, there is really such a thing as good news. The enemy general was killed by one's own vanguard, which is encouraging and good news anyway.He paused, then asked, "What about the bad news?"

"Bad news..." Ye Ci prolonged his voice, looked at the still shining summoning circle with his peripheral vision, and said slowly: "He is not the main summoner."

(End of this chapter)

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