hunter world

Chapter 440 Vertex

Chapter 440 Vertex
Chapter 38 Vertices
Although this is a battlefield now, when the wind blows, it is as beautiful as a paradise.Ye Ci squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. In the gloomy sky, it seemed to be cracked, and light shot out from the crack in the cloud, illuminating the surrounding dark clouds with light, rippling softly The golden light is a kind of beauty with strong contrast, a kind of beauty of alternating light and dark, a kind of beauty born out of a cocoon, so beautiful that it is dazzling.

Ye Ci sat on the rock opposite Fleeting Years, squinting his eyes and looking into the distance, as if he had turned into a statue.And Fleeting Nian looked at her quietly, as if the noisy war in the distance had nothing to do with him. Of course, in fact, from Fleeting Nian's point of view, these battles really have nothing to do with him. The reason why he is sitting here It's just because of Young Master You.

After a while, Ye Ci suddenly said without beginning or end: "I met Naga."

These words really came out very suddenly, very out of nowhere, even Fleeting Nian, who had been concentrating on watching her, was taken aback for a moment before realizing what she was talking about.He blinked his eyes, then raised the corners of his mouth, and said to Ye Ci: "And then?"

"Then?" Ye Ci finally withdrew her gaze from the distant clouds, looked at Fleeting Nian intently and calmly, then she put her hand on the corner of her lips, and bit the piece of cake that Fleeting Nian just gave her with her teeth. The middle finger of the pair of gloves pulled hard, and her hand came out of the glove. She raised her hand, shook the smoke-like ring in front of Fleeting Nian, and said: "He gave me this thing , used to help me achieve this victory."

"Summoning so many monsters is the skill of this ring?" Talking to the same top players saves time and effort compared to talking to ordinary players. Ye Ci didn't even say anything in detail, and Fleeting Years already learned by analogy. What did Ye Ci want to tell him?

"Well, it's a perverted skill." Ye Ci raised the hand with the ring to his eyes, squinted his eyes and looked at the ring on the finger carefully, speaking very calmly, as if the ring brought more The shock is really just a joke that can't be calmed down, there is really nothing worth discussing.

Fleeting Nian paused for a moment, his dark eyes became deeper, and he asked slowly: "What about the conditions? Naga probably won't give you this thing for nothing, right? It's impossible for any NPC to do that, let alone Stop talking about naga."

"I don't know yet." Ye Ci sighed, put down his hand, and met Fleeting's eyes: "Naga will naturally find me when the time comes." She shrugged her shoulders: "Look, we It's just a player, but Naga is the ultimate boss of the epic mission, so I can only do what he says."

Looking at Ye Ci's helpless look, Liu Nian suddenly couldn't help it anymore, he bent down and laughed haha: "It's the first time I see a character who can make you so helpless, even if he is an NPC, he is very capable .”

Ye Ci was noncommittal about Fleeting Nian's comment, she just sighed: "How should I put it? It's not that I can't do anything about it, it's just that this NPC is really too high IQ, he will always be able to directly address your weaknesses, well, I'm just a person with weaknesses. people, so they were taken advantage of.”

"I'm looking at you. I'm very happy to be used."

Ye Ci tilted her head and thought about it. She remembered the excitement when the tide of alliance players and the monsters she summoned rushed into the defensive encirclement of Shengshi. Her eyes couldn't help but bend, as if Like a crescent moon that just climbed out, she pursed her lips and nodded: "Indeed, I was really happy to see people in Shengshi turning their backs on their backs just now." She opened her eyes again, looked at Fleeting Years, and made an innocent expression , Spreading his hands: "You said, isn't the meaning of fighting a war just to see the opponent fail? Just like, isn't the meaning of listening to live singing the same as listening to broken sounds?"

Liu Nian paused for a moment, and then laughed louder. He put his hands on the rock behind him, and his hearty laughter went straight to the clouds. He kept repeating Ye Ci's argument, and nodded while repeating: The meaning of listening is to see the other party fail, and the meaning of listening to the scene is to hear the broken sound, sure enough, sure enough, this is the real meaning of these things." He laughed again for a while, then gave Ye Ci a thumbs up and said: "I can't see it, Emperor Truth."

Ye Ci also laughed along with him, it was a very relaxed laughter after all the burdens were put down.

The two sat on two rocks facing each other, and laughed without any scruples, as if they were about to shed tears.This kind of ease and joy is nothing like the bloody battle that is still going on at the front line. Amidst their laughter, it seems that the dark and annoying clouds in the distance are slowly letting go, casting a more dazzling golden light. fell down.

After a while, Liu Nian looked at Ye Ci with a smile and asked, "What do you need to summon so many monsters?"

"Soul." Ye Ci shrugged his shoulders: "However, I haven't figured out where this soul came from."

"Then what did you use to summon these monsters?" Fleeting Ting Ye Ci said this, his brows were slightly frowned, he thought he knew something.

"I have no other strengths, only experience." Ye Ci smiled and sighed, but she didn't see any resignation in her at all.

But Liu Nian blinked his eyes and sighed secretly. It was indeed so. After a while, he shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Then... how much experience did you spend on yourself? It should be quite a lot. How many levels?"

"53." Speaking of this free and easy word like a leaf, I can't help but feel a tearful face, this is really cheating, real cheating.This answer obviously surprised Fleeting Nian. He stared at Ye Ci with wide eyes, as if he was looking at a monster. Will do the same."

Fleeting Years was speechless, he thought for a while, indeed, if he was in Ye Ci's position today, at this juncture, at the opportunity to have such a skill, I'm afraid he would choose this without hesitation.In fact, sometimes, one's own interests are the last thing to care about, he thought, he and Ye Ci are indeed the same kind of people, so he was surprised and distressed by Ye Ci's current result, but he understood.Because to repeat, he thought Ye Ci would do the same, and if it was him, he would do the same, this is probably the fate of people like them.

People who are called top players are destined to be burdened by ordinary players, whether you like it or not.

Even though he thought so, even though he was so sure, even though he understood Ye Ci so well, Fleeting Nian couldn't resist asking: "Do you regret it?"

Ye Ci kept smiling like this, she shook her head resolutely, without even a second of hesitation: "No."

"Even if no one will ever know that you did all these things today, don't you regret it?"

She nodded: "Yes, even if no one will ever know, do you know why?"

Liu Nian sighed, how could he not know, he thought, they are a group of people: "Because you are Gongzi You."

"Yes, because I am, Young Master You." Ye Ci spoke out clearly and word by word. When she said her name, she increased her strength a little. Maybe Fleeting Years will never know how important this choice is to her. What, but it doesn't matter, he was right.Having said that, she looked at Fleeting Years suddenly with a bit of melancholy, and she sighed: "It's just that there are still regrets in the end."

Fleeting Nian immediately understood what Ye Ci meant. He understood Ye Ci's thoughts. In fact, she was holding back all her energy in this PVP competition. She wanted to compete with herself in the final. In this situation, she had no choice. It is a pity not to say.However, he looked at Ye Ci's lips and slowly curved into a smile: "I have been moving forward, and I will not stop and wait for you just because of this matter."

"I know." Ye Ci took a deep breath, jumped off the rock, raised his arms, stretched his waist, and squinted his eyes at the clouds in the distance, letting that pass through The golden light shrouded her body, as if the whole person had become a sculpture coated with golden light: "But it doesn't matter, I will work harder to catch up with you." Then she lowered her arms and turned her head Looking at Fleeting Nian, he was serious and persistent, and called him very cautiously: "So, Fleeting Nian."

"Huh?" Fleeting Nian just looked at her with a smile, and the characters slowly overflowed from his nasal cavity, like a small bug burrowing into a person's blood and bones, which made people feel a little drunk.

Ye Ci smiled and jumped a few steps, stood beside the rock where Liu Nian was sitting, slightly raised her head to look at Liu Nian who was sitting on the rock, her face seemed to be glowing, those amber eyes were so bright , as bright as glass beads.The corners of her mouth moved, and she said slowly: "So, you must always stand at the top and don't let others have a chance to catch up with you. I will catch up with you in the shortest time, and I will catch up with you in the shortest time The time is longer than yours." She laughed again: "If you can wait for me, please stand at the top of the world and wait for me."

The color of Fleeting Year's eyes became deeper, he leaned forward, and brought his face closer to Ye Ci, and finally, he covered the soft corners of his lips, using only The voice heard by the two people whispered softly against Ye Ci: "Okay, I will wait for you at the top of the world, wait for you to catch up with me, wait for you to surpass me."

In the end, everything turned into a beautiful spring like water...

(End of this chapter)

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