hunter world

Chapter 443 Competition

Chapter 443 Competition
Chapter 41 Contest
I originally thought that after my level dropped to level 1, I should have completely retired from the ranks of game masters.But he didn't expect that the current self seems to be more famous than that time, but this reputation is really not good.For example, the reward order in the mercenary union, the hunting order that comes with the system, and the announcement on the scenery board at the gate of the city... As long as it is a place that can notify the public, Ye Ci is happy to find himself name.

Alas, this is really...

Ye Ci glanced at the scene board next to him again, only to see the notice about himself posted on it, but it seems that there are no people around now, it doesn't seem like someone just started posting his name While here, righteous indignation surrounded the players who swore to take revenge.I don't know if it's been so long that no one caught me, or because my level has climbed up a bit, these people are less afraid to beat the dog in the water.

However, no matter what the final reason is, as far as the current situation is concerned, she is still very safe. Of course, as long as she does not hold up a sign saying that she is Gong Ziyou, no one will recognize her under the protection of the cloak of secrecy. here.She yawned, turned around and entered the oasis city.

The purpose of Ye Ci's coming here is very simple, to download a copy.

As dark players, of course they also have dungeons, but their dungeons are different from mainstream players.Their dungeons are all cities, small dungeons are small villages, and large dungeons are big cities.Of course, this city is not the city seen by mainstream players, but through a special NPC in the city to enter a fantasy that is the same copy as this city.And this illusion is called—Mirror XX.For example, the copy of the current Oasis City is the Mirror Oasis.And this dungeon also has players, but it is also copied from the real oasis city.

As a mirror copy is actually quite interesting, like all copies, the copy is formed when the player opens the copy, but, unlike the mainstream copy, the monsters in the mirror copy are not fixed, but when the player opens the copy At that moment, the real scene copied, that is to say, at the moment Ye Ci opened the mirror oasis, the scenes, players and NPCs in the mirror oasis were the real oasis city at that moment.It's just that the player replicas and NPC replicas that Ye Ci killed in it will not come back to seek revenge after being resurrected, they will die like ordinary monsters and drop experience points and some equipment, but this mirror copy What happened in the mirror oasis has nothing to do with the real oasis city. Even if Ye Ci killed all the monsters in the mirror oasis, it would have no effect on the real players.

The mirror dungeon is the only dungeon that players of the dark system can download. Watching the duplications of players killed by themselves is actually very easy to make people's minds distorted.

Ye Ci raised the knife in his hand and pulled out a black long sword from the chest of a player who seemed to be quite high-level. He reached out to wipe off the blood on it, looked at the corpse on the ground coolly, sighed, and killed her like this Sooner or later, she will become a murderer, well, in fact, according to her current crime value, she is already an out-and-out murderer.

I don't know if it is to compensate the disadvantaged group of dark players, or to quickly achieve the hidden branch in the game. In short, the rewards of the mirror dungeon are very generous, and the experience is so much that it makes people smile, but... this kind of dungeon is Not so easy to pass.There may be gains and losses. From Ye Ci's own point of view, the difficulty of the mirror copy is higher than that of the mainstream copy, and all the monsters in it are of high AI. Fighting them is as good as a normal expert player There isn't much of a difference in fighting.If one can finish a mirror copy smoothly, any pvp novice can get a big improvement in PK proficiency.

However, this level of difficulty will inevitably cause many weak-minded players to withdraw from the ranks of the dark system and re-convert to mainstream players.In this way, the number of dark-type players has become less and less. However, in Ye Ci's opinion, this is not so much a difficulty as a silent choice. Perhaps in the near future, the sudden emergence of dark-type players will There are more masters.Ye Ci has no way of knowing what will happen in the future. After all, the current situation has intertwined too much with her previous life. She can only walk steadily step by step until she can't go any further.

With 76 HP remaining, Ye Ci put away his bow and fell limply on the ground, relying on the puffing and wheezing of Lao Liu, Lao Liu was not much better, his hard skin was listed with big and small Small lots of bruises.Ye Ci raised his eyes and looked tiredly at the No. [-] boss who just fell not far away. This is Flender, the Quartermaster of Oasis City. He is not the most powerful NPC in the entire Oasis City, but he is just an ordinary captain. However, Ye Ci was so tired that Ye Ci almost collapsed from such an inconspicuous little boss.

She raised her hand and took out the package, but it fell again halfway, so she had to raise her hand and reached into the package with all her strength, and after a few times, she took out a bottle of replenishing life. poured the potion into his mouth.After mentioning the health value of going to see Hades soon, Ye Ci walked to Flender's side, bowed his body, touched his corpse with weak legs, and took out a few pieces of equipment. Then one or two pieces were just right for her level, so she put them on without hesitation.After becoming a player of the dark system, Ye Ci's black hand seems to be a little bit better, I don't know if it's because of the positive and negative. The things used, although the explosion rate is still a bit shameful compared to other dark players, but this has already moved Ye Ci to tears.

After changing the equipment, Ye Ci adjusted the time to look at it, then took out a few huge pieces of rhinoceros meat and threw it to the drooling Lao Liu. The sixth child walked towards the door of the dungeon, and after recording the progress of the dungeon there, she left the Mirror Oasis without looking back.

The sun was so good, it shone warmly on Ye Ci's body, she raised her head and squinted to look at the sun, wishing to take off the loose cloak she was wearing, and spread it directly on the ground to bask in the sun.There were people coming and going in the oasis city, but everyone was walking towards the teleportation stone in one step.Ye Ci is no exception. Although the sunshine here is very good, her goal is also the teleportation stone.

In fact, if the goal is the teleportation stone, it is not necessarily the case. Ye Ci and these players have the same goal, all of which are the Hero Arena in the Hero City of the Eastern Continent.Today, there will be a game that attracts attention-the six-in-five game in the first PVP competition.The two sides of the competition are a player from the southern continent, who has suddenly emerged in this PVP competition, rushing into the long-toothed sheep in everyone's eyes as a dark horse, and the other side is Fleeting Years.

The long-toothed sheep is a ranger, and it is also an agility class like a hunter. However, a ranger is more like a panacea among the three agility classes. It is not as good as a hunter in terms of balance, not as good as a thief in terms of agility, and its DPS output is not as good as the two. , but there are quite a few control skills. The most shameless thing is that this profession also has the ability to increase blood.If an ordinary ranger fights against a hunter, it would be fatal. However, for a ranger who can enter the top ten, Ye Ci believes that he must have something special, otherwise, such a person is really not worthy of being a top player.Before this game, Ye Ci had never watched the game video of the long-toothed sheep. First, he thought it was unnecessary, and second, he really didn’t have time. Therefore, before the start of the game, after knowing the two players in today’s game, Ye Cicai went to the forum to find some battle videos about the long-toothed sheep.

Seeing this, Ye Ci couldn't help but feel better about this long-toothed sheep. He is tall and slightly burly, but he is not necessarily clumsy. The superiority in the body is brought into full play, running faster and jumping higher. Although he sometimes turns around a little slower than himself and Fleeting Years, it can be seen that he has great strength, which fills the gap on the other hand. A weakling who is not born with top-level dexterity, this is indeed a good opponent.

With such a good opponent, Ye Ci couldn't help but ignite a raging flame in his heart, he really wanted to fight him once.I didn't expect that there would be such a top player in the Southern Continent besides the clean water and dust. I was really looking forward to it.Ye Ci couldn't bear it anymore, she wanted to know who were the top ten players after she was forced to withdraw from the audition?She wanted to check it out, but then stopped again.No, now is not the time, wait until the competition is over, she finally left them behind one by one.

Including, Fleeting Years.

Sitting in the arena of Hero City, Ye Ci looked at the 360 ​​big screen in the middle of the venue, from which he could see the live broadcast of the event.Because this PVP competition is really the most important thing in the recent destiny, so since entering the top [-] competition, every event has been broadcast live, players only need to enter the arena in each city and buy a ticket You can see the broadcast.

Because all communication between the two people entering the arena is cut off from the outside world, so they are not afraid of contacting the outside players who are watching the game.

Ye Ci sat quietly in a corner of the Arena of Hero City. She raised her head and looked through the wide robe. The host was introducing the two people who appeared on the stage, and the audience was enthusiastic.

"...The next thing we want to invite is..." The host went through a lengthy introduction, and finally paused like a joke: "Fleeting Years!"

The audience all screamed again, while Ye Ci sat quietly in the crowd. Seeing the silver-haired man on the screen, she couldn't help but soften a little. She sighed: What a pity.

(End of this chapter)

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