hunter world

Chapter 458 Some Things

Chapter 458 Some Things

Chapter 55Something
Anyway, sometimes, a man is indeed a symbol of strength.Just like now, Ye Ci, who was originally taking the initiative, has been pressed down by Fleeting Years forcefully, his lips are soft and hot, running over hers.Ye Ci hugged Liu Nian's head tightly, and fine strands of hair fell from her forehead and brushed Liu Nian's face, itchy and soft, as if a small hand had been picking at a certain place, unable to tell intolerable.

Fleeting Years was used with great force, but it happened to be within the acceptable limit of Ye Ci.It seemed to be a violent tear, and the situation changed to the extreme.Ye Ci felt that there was a smell of wine in Liu Nian's mouth, as if it had been aged for many years, and people would drown in it immediately after drinking it. His breath was extremely hot, and he just blew it on her face, making her face It seems to be getting hotter.It seemed that no one wanted to end the kiss like this, until Ye Ci felt that she was about to suffocate, and she pushed Fleeting Nian away, but unfortunately, Fleeting Nian obviously didn't want to end like this, even if Ye Ci pushed him away, he still chased after him. Then it continued to fall on her cheeks, and on her lips, pieces of hot water fell one after another.

"No more..." Ye Ci tried hard to say, but, for some reason, her voice sounded like a cat, she couldn't help shaking, and cleared her throat again and again.

"Satisfied?" Fleeting Nian's voice was hoarse, and the faint smell of alcohol echoed between the lips and teeth of the two.

"What?" Ye Ci was taken aback for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and the smile on his lips seemed a little unclear.

"Use my business." Although Liu Nian said so, he was not angry at all, he just added two more fires to Ye Ci's already hot skin.

Ye Ci chuckled, it seems that Fleeting Years knew about the fact that someone came back and left just now, but she didn't feel embarrassed at all, she said: "Humans are born to be used by others. Besides, you Don't you want me to use it?"

"I would be willing to use this kind of use a few more times." Liu Nian smiled lowly, and as soon as he turned around, he pressed Ye Ci against the wall, and immediately pressed his lips against it.However, Ye Ci quickly blocked such a kiss, her eyes were so bright in the dim light, and there was a smile on the corner of her lips: "Using this kind of thing, one time is enough, too many can be It hurts feelings."

Liu Nian's eyebrows raised, taking advantage of this time, Ye Ci slid out of Liu Nian's embrace like a snake, she jumped off Liu Nian's body, suddenly, she felt that the air was quite cold.However, she seemed to understand something in an instant, she couldn't help biting her lips and smiled, and she didn't care about the fleeting time, and walked quickly towards Zhan Tianxia's box, but before she got there, a strong arm came across her waist. He hugged her and whispered in her ear: "Those who use it and leave it alone will be punished."

Ye Ci turned her head to look at Fleeting Years, and saw the burning fire in his eyes, she blinked her eyes, as if she understood something, she was a little embarrassed at once, she bit her lips, then raised her eyes, looking at him with a little frivolity. Fleeting Year: "Then what do you want?"

Liu Nian looked into her eyes, his face was cloudy and uncertain. After a while, he finally sighed, pulled her over and pressed her against the wall, and gnawed a few mouthfuls viciously against her neck. After that, she threw her away, turned around and walked towards Genesis's box, with a bit of forbearance while walking: "Go, go, don't hang around in front of my eyes."

Ye Ci looked at his back without moving, even she herself didn't notice that there was a huge stone in her heart that was slowly and slowly put down.She stretched out her hand and touched her neck, where the hotness of the corners of Fleeting Lips just now seemed to be still there, she watched Fleeting Nian walk into Genesis's box before slowly turning around and walking towards Zhan Tianxia's box, walking , her brows and eyes slowly softened, softly stained with a smile.She couldn't help thinking again, if, if he had insisted just now, would she refuse?can you?won't you?

Really... Ye Ci let out a breath and felt his face getting hotter.It turns out that no matter how real the game is, there is still such a big gap with reality.

Jelly saw Ye Ci wandering in again, although she was still singing, but her eyes were fixed on her all the time, until she sat down, she threw the microphone to someone else, and posted it embarrassingly , squinting a pair of cat-like eyes looking at Ye Ci.Ye Ci was embarrassed by her, and glared at her: "What are you looking at. I don't have flowers growing on my face!"

"It's true that there are no flowers." Jelly nodded, and then said with a smirk: "However, you seem to be full of spring smiles."

Ye Ci immediately stretched out his hand and pinched Jelly's cheek, with a smile on his face: "Whoever you say is laughing, whoever you say is laughing!"

"Look at your face, isn't it right?" Jelly is not afraid of Ye Ci, she swung her hand away with one paw, and stuck it on it shamelessly, and leaned close to Ye Ci and said: "Go! For so long, did you do something shameful?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ye Ci was so teased by Jelly that she almost burned up, and her cheeks became hotter and hotter: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Oh..." Jelly dragged out her voice, her eyes rolled around, and she accidentally touched Ye Ci's neck, where there were a few red spots. She felt as if she had discovered a new world, and she reached out to touch it, and her mouth was even worse. Extremely: "Ah, the God of Fleeting Years is really impatient, he was wiped out after only a short while!"

After being touched by Jelly, Ye Ci seemed to remember that Fleeing Nian had kissed her neck a few times just now. She thought it was just a kiss, but she didn't expect to leave traces of crime. Almost immediately, her hand was gone. Lifting it up, he covered the hickey on his neck, and stared at Jelly with wide eyes.Jelly just looked at it like this, under the dim light of the box, Ye Ci's already red face became redder, redder, almost bleeding.It looked like she was about to run away, Jelly smirked, how could such a fun thing be let go, she grabbed Ye Ci's hand, and said again and again: "You don't really know what that is, right? This place is a little bit…”

She had a concerned tone, but the expression on her face was full of gossip, which made Ye Ci feel more and more embarrassed.She gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words: "No."

"Ah! The God of Fleeting Years didn't make a move!" Jelly was even more surprised. Fortunately, she lowered her voice, otherwise, she would have been strangled to death by Ye Ci in the next second, and then she sighed again: "Flowing Years I'm afraid the Great God can't do it, it's all like this, and I still haven't done it..." But under Ye Ci's gaze that was about to eat her, she coughed seriously, cleared her throat, and stuck Ye Ci even closer. He said very cautiously: "Master You, have you ever thought that if you have reached this point, if you don't go on, there will be problems with the other party... If you don't solve this problem well, you will become a widow."

Ye Ci finally couldn't bear it anymore, she stretched out her hand, and ruthlessly twisted it down on Jelly's waist, Jelly immediately screamed like a pig, causing everyone in the room to turn towards the two of them Looking over, Ye Ci withdrew his hand calmly, while Jelly waved her hand aggrievedly with two bags of tears in her eyes: "It's okay, it's okay."

There was nothing wrong with it, and everyone soon forgot about it.Only Jelly was left rubbing her waist and pouted at Ye Ci and said, "Young Master You, you will suffer retribution."

This is the second person to say that she will suffer retribution this evening. Ye Ci couldn't help thinking, could she really be punished?Thinking of this, she couldn't help laughing again.Ye Ci leaned his entire back on the back of the sofa, looked up at the luxuriously decorated roof, and his thoughts flew to nowhere.When she came back to her senses, Fang Susu patted her on the shoulder and said, "I think you are tired from walking around the streets today, but you can still sleep like a dead pig under such noisy conditions."

Ye Ci raised her confused eyes, looked here and there, only to realize that everyone was about to leave, and seeing her eyes full of smiles, she asked in a daze, "What time is it now?" gone?"

"Hurry up." Fang Susu yawned, and stretched out his hand to pull her: "Go back quickly, you fell asleep, but I'm going to die of sleepiness, let's go back to sleep quickly."

Because she was tired and drank a lot of wine, Ye Ci's head was not very bright yet, Fang Susu said what she said, she got up and followed her to the hotel honestly, met many guild members on the way For the others, everyone greeted each other cordially, and it was harmonious and beautiful, but it was a pity that she didn't see the people from Genesis coming out.She didn't know whether to leave first or not, she didn't think much about it, her mind was really confused, she was very sleepy, and when she returned to the hotel, she didn't even take a shower, and fell asleep on the bed.

Fang Susu brushed her blow-dried hair and looked at Ye Ci who was sleeping on the bed, thinking very unkindly, what are you doing today?So tired?Looking at the dim light of the bedside lamp, she saw the hickey marks on Ye Ci's neck sharply, and immediately smiled lewdly. Forget about doing business, it's so rippling, so rippling...

This turmoil lasted until the next morning, when Ye Ci and Fang Susu went to have breakfast together, Fang Susu specially ordered a brown sugar egg for Ye Ci, Ye Ci looked at her with a strange face: "You came to that ?”

"No." Fang Susu ate the bread with a calm face.

"Then why are you ordering this?" Ye Ci's expression became even weirder when he saw the waiter carrying brown sugar eggs in front of him.

"Something for you."

"I didn't come either, okay?"

"You lost a lot of blood yesterday. You exhausted your energy. Your man doesn't know how to feel sorry for you. My sister doesn't know how to feel sorry for you. Are you not too miserable?" Fang Susu looked at Ye Ci with a look on her face She cared seriously, but how Ye Ci looked at her, she felt that she was full of madness to gossip, and she really wanted to make people gossip.

After hearing these words, her complexion turned black as expected, and got darker, and finally turned black into a pan.

Although Ye Ci is a free and easy person, she doesn't care much about what others say, but she feels that she still needs to make a statement about this matter. After all, she can't come back as a guest of the Whole Pig Banquet without eating pork and giving An a free one.So, with her extremely dark face, she said to Fang Susu seriously: "Susu, you think too much."

Fang Susu continued to eat bread and drink milk, glanced at her with big eyes, and nodded as if I understood: "Well, well, there are quite a lot of people who don't bleed for the first time, but you are always It took a lot of physical strength, let's make up for it."

Ye Ci's face, which was already extremely dark, turned dark again. She pulled the corners of her mouth and took a deep breath, desperately suppressing her desire to scream, and said to Fang Susu again: " I said you were thinking too much, and there was nothing like what you thought."

Fang Susu froze for a moment, lowered her head and chuckled a few times: "Oh, don't be embarrassed, I understand, everyone is young, I won't say anything."

Ye Ci finally didn't want to explain anymore. At this time, the more she explained, the more she would be smeared, that's all, she can think whatever she likes.She sank her thoughts, sighed, and looked at the bowl of brown sugar eggs in front of her, but she couldn't eat it no matter what.After being stunned for a long time, she finally stood up and asked for a bowl of mixed sauce noodles.

The so-called four-anniversary activities are, after all, some common routines.

The morning is the fourth anniversary meeting. The first half is to review the game in the past four years, and the second half is to look forward to the future development trend of the game.The venue was full of people, Ye Ci saw that there were two thousand if not three thousand, it was so dark, she sat in the middle and a little behind the seat, it was the site of Zhan Tianxia, ​​she felt sleepy after listening to it.If I were to say that I was familiar with the things in this fate, I'm afraid no one would be able to beat her, and I still felt tired after going back and forth for such a familiar thing.She leaned on the back of the chair with her head tilted, and fell into a drowsy sleep within a short while.

There is a buffet at noon, the dishes are good, and the cold drinks are even better.It was probably because of yesterday's incident that Ye Ci couldn't let go of it. When she was eating, her eyes were very bright. When she saw the person in Genesis, she immediately slipped away, but she didn't dare to stay and meet Fleeting Years.It was a bit strange for Jelly to see her brisk appearance, but Ye Ci never had any rules to follow in doing things, and Jelly didn't think too much about it. She sat next to her as usual in the afternoon, watching the huge screen on the rostrum from a distance. In the video released, the eyes are straight.She kept bumping Ye Ci with her arms: "Hey, hey, look, this expansion is really shocking."

Ye Ci, who was already drowsy, narrowed her eyes and looked at it, only to feel even more sleepy. She has visited these things thousands of times in her previous life, so there is nothing shocking about them.She yawned, muttered something and fell back asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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