Chapter 505
Also at this moment, Li Lou gripped the hilt of the sword hard, the Frost Sword was half out of its sheath, and everything in the world resumed its movement.But a crescent moon still flew out of Li Lou's sword that was not fully unsheathed. The crescent moon flew forward at the speed of light, and the light faded after flying nearly a hundred meters.

However, the things that were skipped by the crescent moon were all cut off by the sword light at the same time.

When Li Lou opened his eyes, he saw the tree closest to him falling down on him.

Leaping back, from the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of Xi Future standing there at some point, clapping: "Not bad, you understand faster than I imagined."

Li Lou thought of Zhaoyan, if not for Zhaoyan's sword, she might still be drawing the sword mechanically, practicing speed.

Although the power of the half-sheathed sword was good this time, Li Lou knew that there were still many things she didn't understand and needed to practice.

"You're halfway through the second lesson, and I'll practice with you next." Xi Future's smile at this time was particularly friendly.

But the sixth sense told Li Lou that the danger was coming: "Teacher, how do you plan to practice?"

Xi Future smiled even wider, with his right hand behind his back, and his left hand stretched out towards Li Lou: "I will offer one hand, and you will go all out. As long as you can successfully draw the sword, this lesson will be considered a pass, and we can start the third lesson." .”

"You only offered one hand?" Li Lou looked at Xi Future in shock, and what Xi Future extended was his left hand, which was weaker than the right hand he was used to.

"Are you ready?" Xi future nodded to show that Li Lou understood correctly, looked up at the scorching sun, it was only 14 o'clock in the afternoon: "You have seven hours to draw your sword."

"She's crazy!" Ai followed Li Lou all the time, looking at Xi's future posture, completely ignoring Li Lou.

Although Li Lou is not strong now, it is still lethal to go all out.

But looking at the future, she is very confident, and confidently gave Li Lou seven hours to complete this task.

The fighting spirit in Li Lou's heart was indeed aroused. After saluting to Xi Future, he quickly grasped the hilt of his sword and prepared to draw it.

Because of this contest with Xi Future, as long as she successfully draws out her sword, she wins.

However, as soon as his hand touched the hilt of the sword, before he could tighten his fingers, Xi Future came over and slapped the back of Li Lou's hand with his palm.

The back of Li Lou's hand hurt, but he didn't want to remove his hand from the hilt of the sword. He tried to pull out the sword all at once, but Xi Future's attack was even faster. He slapped Li Lou's chest with his palm and sent her flying. The shock made all the internal organs ache.

"Fuck, are you alright?" Ai Fei was concerned in the ear of Li Lou who was slapped and fell to the ground for a long time.

The fighting spirit in Li Lou's eyes was even worse, and he unconsciously pressed his hands on his chest to try to relieve the pain.

Xi Future had a gentle smile like a spring breeze on his face, but the damage Zhao Zhao had dealt to Li Lou did not relieve him at all.

Every time Li Lou tried to draw his sword, Xi Future would always hit Li Lou with a palm and blow her away. Even if Li Lou used the eighth sense skill, Xi Future would still catch up to him.

Not to mention drawing the sword, except for the beginning, she couldn't even touch the hilt now.

With only one hand, Xi Future can beat her so that she has no power to parry. The left hand holds the blade of the Frost Sword. The sword is in her hand, but Xi Future controls it.

A crushing unilateral beating was staged on the back hill of the Department of Criminal Justice until the sun set.

Li Lou used his skill spiritual power, his whole body was trembling at this moment, his spiritual power was also exhausted under high description, and he almost couldn't even hold the sword.

In comparison, Xi Future is relaxed, his hair is not messed up, and he smiled brightly at Li Lou, encouraging him, "Go on."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Li Lou's reaction, he jumped towards Li Lou. Li Lou's experience of being beaten was conditioned to hold a sword in his left hand, and borrowed Frost Sword to block Xi Future's palm.

Xi Future raised his eyebrows in satisfaction, and said, "As a swordsman, you and the sword are one. It's only four hours, think about it."

Li Lou raised his eyes and looked at Xi Future, thinking about this sentence carefully.

At this moment, her whole body was soaked in sweat, her hair was sticking to her cheeks, and she seemed to be lifted from the water.

After savoring these words carefully, the Frost Sword trembled in her hand as if she had sensed it.

Li Lou could feel the connection between Frost Sword and himself, and thousands of threads merged into one strand.

Li Lou still held the sword in his left hand to block Xi Future's palm, but Xi Future didn't stop, Li Lou retracted his sword to resist, and Xi Future's palm hit her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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