Come against the wind, exchange your glory

Chapter 676 Solitary battle in Mozhou

Chapter 676

"The three of you have a lot of criminal records. Coincidentally, I have conclusive evidence for each of them. It has not been a day or two since the government of country M has been eyeing the fat meat of the three of you. As long as I hand in anything, I guarantee , within three hours, all your property will be looted." JOE boss said calmly, imperceptibly giving people a strong pressure.

"What exactly do you want to do?" the ship king asked with a trembling tone, biting the bullet.

"Who is the person who helped you get everything back in the middle of the night and early in the morning?" JOE boss asked this question with a bit of gnashing of teeth in his tone.

The three leaders are all silent.

"Heh, it's hard to protect yourself and you still want to not betray that person. You have a bit of conscience, but why didn't you think of that conscience when you committed a crime?" Boss JOE said as he stood up and kicked the three leaders over.

"Since you don't say anything, you will all rot in prison for me."

Seeing that he had lost patience and wanted to leave, the three leaders were in a mess with each sentence.

"It's us from the fourth force, the leader of the blood-eating organization, the IS Gang."

"Who are you talking about?" JOE boss suddenly shouted, staring back at them in disbelief.

The three leaders shrank back in fright, and replied tremblingly: "Iss, the leader of blood food, he investigated the crimes committed by the Mozhou criminal group in country M, and wanted to cooperate with us, so he helped us. I thought he wanted money. , the assistance of weapon mercenaries, I didn’t expect it to be nothing, his men only said that at nine o’clock tonight, let us prepare a hundred cruise ships.”

"The three of you stay here and follow their plan. Now mobilize other ships and mercenaries to follow me." The boss of JOE moved like the wind, and walked away before the words fell.

Bang-won walks over with the file and tries to stop him.

"Your injury..."

"It's okay, let me ask you, why did the people from the alliance take over this mission?"

"Impossible. Although people from the Alliance are also investigating this matter, the matter has already been taken over by us, and they cannot intervene. Jin Yan also said that she did not issue a mission," Bang Wen strongly defended.

"Then tell me, why has he already left for Mozhou?" JOE boss spat out a puddle of blood as he spoke, not knowing whether he was anxious or angry.

"He? Is that your sweetheart you said before? You returned to JOE, and the mission with the League is to prevent him from facing danger?" Bangwen couldn't manage the files anymore, so he helped him up and walked to the infirmary.

"It will take at least three years to disband the alliance, but I don't want to see him in a desperate situation for a day, and his life is hanging by a thread. This is the only way. Do you know what I regret the most?"

"Yes, back then, I didn't become the representative of the alliance, and caused make him suffer for so many years..."

"I know the big love, save your breath, and you will be in command of the next battle, which is also considered unlucky for you. The first mission to resume work was difficult, and you were beaten half to death."

"You too, you still fight if you can't win, I really don't know why." Bangwen chattered while helping him deal with the injury.

Don't close your eyes and adjust your breath, take off your upper body clothes, there is not a complete place on your body.

When Bangwen saw it, he couldn't help but gasped, "Isn't it too cruel to steal your heart? But from another perspective, he can crush you unilaterally. I really don't know who else in this world can beat you." Win him? Hey, no, there is another person, Xing Yan, Xing Yan is recognized by the League of Nations, the ceiling of combat power recognized by the Alliance, do you think he can win?"

Han Wu would bump into him even if he pulled the wound, gritted his teeth with a sullen face and said, "Next time we meet, I will definitely defeat him."

"Hey, why didn't I realize you were so competitive before?" Bang Wen teased, not seeing the shocking waves in Han Wu's eyes.

Just listen to his murmur when he was in a coma: "When a person walks a long and dark road, he can only keep his head down. Only when I emit a strong and dazzling light can he come to meet the light and stay for me."

(End of this chapter)

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