Chapter 759 The Second Order ([-])

Now that we've talked about this, it's hard for Jin Xian to stop him.

Han Wu strode in a hurry, and soon came to the elevator entrance.

The elevator stopped on this floor, the door opened slowly, and it was clear who was coming, the passive skill of grievance was triggered quietly, Han Wu pursed his mouth, his eyes were flushed, and he looked pitiful.

It's a pity that Bing Ci can't see it now, Su Lian saw it, showing a meaningful smile.

"Something happened, I will leave it to you for the time being." He briefly explained a few words and took the elevator downstairs.

Han Wu didn't feel wronged anymore, he grabbed Bingci's hand and checked it up and down, and found no trauma, let alone slack off.

"It's not injured, it's just that the eyes can't see it now, but it will recover by tomorrow night at the latest." Bingci said in a low voice.

Although Han Wu was angry, he was not willing to attack her, so he took her hand and walked back to the room slowly.

As soon as Jin Xian was about to close the door, he saw the person who had gone and returned, holding one by the hand. Just seeing the sunglasses that didn't fit Bingci's personality, he knew it, and his expression became nervous, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it will recover soon," Bingci didn't want to say more, but could only comfort him.

Han Wu helped her to sit on the sofa, and took the dinner from Jin Xian to feed her.

"Has the captain eaten yet?" Bingci was worried that he hadn't had dinner yet.

"Take care of yourself," Han Wu said angrily, scooped up a spoonful of soup and handed it to her mouth. He also realized that what he said was serious, but how could he not be angry.

Bingci opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

At this time, Jin Xian came out to smooth things over, "I'll get someone to deliver another copy. The younger brother is looking for you as soon as he wakes up, so he doesn't even care about eating."

Han Wu glanced over coldly, Jin Xian couldn't help but shuddered, and only dared to complain when he exited the door: "You brat doesn't know what's good or bad, I can see that you are interesting to people, but with your unpleasant personality, Deserves to be single."

Bing Ci took a sip of the soup, and Han Wu routinely asked her whether it was salty, spicy or not.

"It's okay, not salty." Bingci replied solemnly wearing sunglasses.

Han Wu pretended to be relaxed on the surface, and continued to feed her tremella soup.

"Eat more meat, take a big bite, hiss, eat more..."

Just feed one meal, don't think about it all the time, chasing and coaxing to feed.

"I grew two centimeters taller again, because I eat two more dinners than you every time, open my mouth, the last bowl, I promise..."

"Little brother did a good job, keep up the good work, now please make an evaluation of the captain, my service," Han Wu put away the tableware and put his hand in front of Bingci to act as a microphone for her to express his feelings.

Bingci smiled and accompanied him to make a fuss, first came a wave of rainbow farts, "The service is super good, of course, the main thing is the good people, I seriously doubt that today's dinner is so delicious because of the addition of special seasonings."

Han Wu couldn't help laughing, raised his hand and asked: "Oh, what special seasoning was added?"

"Extremely handsome."

"Pfft, my little brother has learned how to speak softly after going out." Han Wu smiled and pinched Bing Ci's face, without exerting any force, but still left two red fingerprints on her porcelain-white cheeks.

"But I'm so handsome and I don't even have a date, alas," Han Wu began to hint again.

Bingci is also very distressed about the fact that a certain great god is excellent in everything but can't find a partner. He has no idea what the problem is and has no way to start.

"If I can't find a partner in the future, the two of us can make do with it, right?" When Han Wu said this, his whole heart was in suspense.

Bingci meditated for a long time, and the brows wrinkled unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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