Showbiz Escape

Chapter 10 City of Zombies 10

Chapter 10 City of Zombies 10
To reach the research room stipulated by the mission, one must first pass through the metal labyrinth underground in the mental hospital. In addition, one has to deal with hundreds of zombies shuttling through it.

Generally speaking, for this kind of scene task, players must form a team, otherwise it will be difficult to pass smoothly.

Zhao Meitong would never have dreamed that she would be led by two big bosses, Ace of Hearts and Ace of Spades at the same time—although the two big bosses are currently immersed in each other's acting world and cannot extricate themselves.

Ye Lingchuan tied the rope around his waist and dragged the rubber boat forward quickly. The submachine gun in his hand fired wildly, forcing a gap in the pile of zombies.

Because the rubber boat was in the middle, Wen Zhuo was slightly separated from him, and with the dense zombies in front of him, he didn't have time to turn around and look around for a while, so Wen Zhuo didn't have to hide.

"Mr. Ye, remember to turn left, this part of the route passes in a zigzag."

"it is good."

While showing him the way, she fired continuously with a semi-automatic rifle, almost killing a zombie with one shot, without missing a single shot.

The skulls of this group of skeletal zombies are extremely hard, and the bullets hitting the face are as blazing as hitting the shield. Their speed and jumping ability have obviously evolved again. The soles of the feet are like springs, and they can go over the top of the head on the spot and hit the rear target directly.

So she had to be busy shooting in mid-air to minimize the risk so that no zombies would sneak attack Zhao Meitong.

Zhao Meitong raised her hand. The gun fired several times, and the hit rate was about one-sixth, provided the distance was close enough.

She was nervous and incoherent: "Is there a game called Plants vs. Zombies before? These things are almost the same, but unfortunately I don't have a nut wall. I can't even compare to the first-order pea shooter!"

"Forget about the wall of nuts and the pea shooter." Wen Jue guessed that the bullets in her gun were about to run out, and quickly handed over another gun with a full load of bullets, "Go on. "

Unexpectedly, Zhao Meitong hadn't freed her hand to pick up the gun, but a zombie was already leaping vigorously by stepping on the metal pipe next to her, hitting her side like a torpedo.

The gray and shriveled face of the zombie was like a man-eating plant that had lost moisture and was on the verge of withering. When it opened its big, stinky mouth towards her, it also showed its fangs full of fine steel nails.

Only a few inches, just a few inches to bite through her thin neck.

At that moment, the time seemed to be frozen, and all she could see was the face of the infinitely magnified zombie, and the hollow and rotten eye sockets seemed to suck her into the abyss of death every minute, and she almost fainted.

At the critical moment, Wen Zhuo turned the muzzle of the gun to the temple of the zombie, and pulled the trigger decisively.

The blood that smelled like swill splashed all over Zhao Meitong's face in an instant. Before she could react, she was pushed by Wen Zhuo.

"Don't be in a daze, or you will die if you are in a daze again." Wen Zhuo frowned and reminded, "Little ancestor, the chainsaw I found for you is not a decoration, it is for you to protect yourself in close combat, even a god like you can't handle it."

Zhao Meitong retched, wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve, and nodded mechanically.

"oh oh."

Then, while speaking, another zombie descended from the sky, leaving only sparkling white bones with claws sharper than a dagger, grabbing viciously at the top of her head.

... I don't know why the npcs in these games also watch people order dishes. Obviously Wenzhuo is also nearby, but they just want to set her as the target.

Wen Zhuo grabbed Zhao Meitong's collar and took a step back, barely avoiding the opponent's attack. She originally wanted to shoot the zombie, but Zhao Meitong suddenly came back to her senses, picked up the chainsaw and swept towards the zombie. past.

This time the momentum was there, but the head was still not enough. It was cut diagonally from the zombie's waist to the shoulders, like a rain of blood.


Zhao Meitong yelled as if venting, and it seemed that she was not afraid after shouting.

Hearing the shout, Ye Lingchuan, who was leading the way, noticed that the two were falling behind, turned his head with a sullen expression, and immediately determined Wen Zhuo's location.

"Miss Wen, are you all right?"

Wen Zhuo was helping Zhao Meitong calm down, trying to stop the latter's arm from shaking. When she heard the call, she turned around and quickly put on a weak and tough expression.

"Fortunately, fortunately Tongtong and I hid quickly and were not bitten."

"Follow up quickly, there is a turn ahead."

"it is good!"

Wen Zhuo's eyesight was sharp, and he noticed that there were zombies coming at the turn on the other side. Judging from their travel paths, they probably would collide with him.

She reached into her backpack, took out the smoke bombs, and threw them far away with a wave of her hand.

The smoke and bombs rose into a vast white mist, covering a large area of ​​vision. Taking advantage of the zombies temporarily losing their direction and target, the three of them bent down and raced to pass the turn of the pipe maze.

"We have to speed up." Ye Lingchuan raised his voice, "The range of activities of those zombies in the distance seems to have expanded."

At this time, the journey has already traveled more than half, and the difficulty has increased accordingly. If you observe carefully, you will find that the zombies who originally had a fixed range of activities are gradually breaking through the restrictions and expanding their paths outward.

It's not hard to imagine that with this development, they will have to deal with more and more zombies until they get out of hand and are eventually overwhelmed by the zombie crowd.

Not to mention whether physical strength and endurance can be achieved, the point is that their ammunition is far from enough to wipe out all the zombies here.

... So next, it was the moment of the three people's life-threatening run.

The maze of pipes was set up with twists and turns, with both ascending and descending. Zhao Meitong felt as if she was receiving some kind of wild survival training. She was so tired that she was out of breath and her legs were weak.

She couldn't understand how Ye Lingchuan could walk like flying while dragging a rubber boat that weighed several kilograms, and how Wen Zhuo could even run with him while carrying a backpack.

There was a cry in her voice: "I'm so fed up, haven't I got out of the maze yet? I can't run anymore..."

"You have to run if you can't run." Wen Zhuo replied extremely coldly, "With this intensity, you will cry. I'm afraid you will lose every game in the future—can you spend money to hire people every game? Usually more Let's go to the gym."

"How long do I... how long do I have to work out to get to your level?"

"I suggest that you set goals that are not so unrealistic."


Facts have proved that the route Wen Zhuo suggested at the beginning is indeed the optimal route. At least this route avoids the areas where the zombies are most concentrated. In addition, the speed and efficiency of the three people passing through are fast enough, and those who have been relieved Before the restricted zombies had time to catch up, they were already approaching the exit of the maze—also the entrance of the waterway.

Ye Lingchuan quickly untied the rope around his waist, and with Wen Zhuo's assistance, lowered the rubber boat to the surface of the water.

He went up to try it first, and made sure that the boat was stable enough before reaching out to her.

Wen Zhuo pushed Zhao Meitong up first before boarding the boat.

As soon as Zhao Meitong's feet touched the inside of the rubber boat, she lost strength and collapsed, panting like an engine. She was so tired that it seemed abnormal for Wen Zhuo to behave too plainly.

In desperation, Wen Zhuo had no choice but to bend down, pretending to be too tired to stand upright, and acted out with true feelings.

Ye Lingchuan asked worriedly: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." She nodded with a sigh, put away her backpack, and picked up one of the oars, "I can hold on."

"It's fine if I come to row the boat, and you rest." He took the oar in her hand, and said in a soft tone, "But don't fall asleep, and always pay attention to the movement around you. I guess this waterway is not safe, so I can't tell. There will be zombies in ambush."

"Okay, I remember."

Ye Lingchuan propped up with his oars, and the rubber boat sailed away from the shore. Wen Zhuo turned his head to look at the group of zombies in the pipe maze. Seeing that their prey was about to escape, they were so anxious that they were going crazy, and they roared and rushed towards this side.

She raised her gun and shot, blasting the head of the zombie at the front. In order to show that her marksmanship was not very accurate, she deliberately shot two more shots, but the result was still quite accurate, and by the way, she also killed the zombies behind.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Lingchuan accelerated with the oars, and the rubber boat drifted into a dimly lit tunnel along the direction of the current.

He said, "Miss Wen, you have good marksmanship."

"Don't be so polite, just call me Wenzhuo." She deliberately added, "You teach well."

"I teach, but I still have to rely on your own study and comprehension. After all, I'm not very good." Ye Lingchuan praised sincerely, "Although you don't participate in many games, in my opinion, you are better than many men. The players aren't bad either."

"You will never imagine how much potential a person can be stimulated under the influence of the desire to survive." Wen Zhuo smiled and explained the problem lightly, "If I am asked to run so far, I still have to shoot Fighting zombies, I'm afraid I'd have collapsed long ago—but now, when I think that I will be bitten to death by zombies if I don't try my best, I have to live no matter what."

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to pass the level this time. I hope it can bring some help to your screenwriting career."

Zhao Meitong, who was lying there pretending to be dead, suddenly opened her eyes when she heard this. She looked at Wen Zhuo, a little surprised.

"So you're a screenwriter? What kind of play have you written? Maybe I've acted in it."

Wen Zhuo was afraid that she would lose her mind, and if she continued to talk, she would reveal her secrets, so she cut off the topic neatly.

"Definitely not. I've been with the group all year round. If you acted, I won't forget."

"Not before, maybe I will have the opportunity to act in the future."

"Even if we don't know each other, what's the use?"


Wen Zhuo cast his eyes on Ye Lingchuan, and wished solemnly.

"I hope Brother Chuan can also take on a drama that I like when I go back this time."

Ye Lingchuan said with a helpless smile: "It's just a game victory, so it probably won't be so immediate."

"I believe that good actors will always be discovered by Bole."

"Leverage your good words, let's encourage each other."

The two of them only had time to chat up to this point. In the next second, they suddenly felt that the light in front of them was a little bit brighter, and then there was an unknown low growl, and the water was getting faster and faster.

Ye Lingchuan immediately raised his vigilance: "Be careful, something seems wrong."

Before the words were finished, a zombie with blue phosphorescence all over its body jumped out from the bottom of the water, and its claws slammed on the front of the rubber boat.

It seems that they want to overturn the boat directly.

(End of this chapter)

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