Chapter 72
After determining the basic strategy, Wen Zhuo and Ye Lingchuan acted very quickly. They grasped the time difference when the guards turned their backs to the patrol, left the room one after the other, and ran to the target room No. 2 nimbly.

When they ran to the door of Room 2, one of the guards turned around. Fortunately, as they expected, the door was unlocked and could be opened with a light twist.

At the critical moment, Ye Lingchuan pushed the door with one hand, walked in with Wen Zhuo in the other hand, and closed the door again before the other party found out.

It was probably at that moment that his arms were too tightly hugged, so close at hand, Wen Zhuo looked at him sideways.

"Brother Chuan."

"...I'm sorry." Ye Lingchuan realized later, and quickly let go of his hand, with an apologetic look in his eyes, "It wasn't intentional."

"I know."

The atmosphere was inexplicably delicate. The two looked at each other, but before they had time to say anything, they suddenly heard a commotion in the corridor, followed by nervous shouts from the guards.

"Without Madam's permission, you are not allowed to go out late at night!"

It seems that someone went out at random and was discovered.

Worried that it was Jiang Zhou and Tang Chunen who were discovered, Wen Zhuo opened the door to peep out. As a result, in just a dozen seconds, the lights in the corridor were completely dark. I don't know who tried to destroy the lights.

She vaguely heard a man shouting: "Let me go! Someone went to Room 2 just now, I saw it all, why didn't you go and catch them?!"

OK, it's not Jiang Zhou and Tang Chun'en. Those teammates should be safe for the time being, and they probably have already climbed down the third floor to the courtyard.

In addition to the four of them, there are two players in Room 5 and Room 10 living on the third floor. According to preliminary judgments, one of the players managed to turn off the corridor lights, and the other player wanted to fish in troubled waters, but unfortunately he couldn't find it. Good timing, unfortunately caught by the guards.

Ye Lingchuan said in a low voice: "It seems that as long as the guards don't see them, they won't trouble us."

Otherwise, the player's whistleblowing would have been so obvious, and the guards didn't intend to come to Room 2 to check, so the two of them are safe for the time being.

Wen Zhuo nodded: "Before the lights come back on, let's go upstairs now."

"it is good."

The two walked out of the house lightly, groped forward against the wall, and soon set foot on the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is the so-called forbidden area in the housekeeper's mouth.

Because Mrs. Koster's privacy and secrets are hidden there.

While Wen Zhuo and Ye Lingchuan were busy scouting the fourth floor, Tang Chunen and Jiang Zhou twisted the curtains and sheets into a rope, and finally climbed along the wall to the ground along the third floor window.

Jiang Zhou landed first, and he instinctively stretched out his hand to help Tang Chunen.

Tang Chunen thanked very naturally: "Thank you."

"I thought you would think I was nosy, after all, an excellent bounty hunter can do everything by himself."

"..." Tang Chunen couldn't help giving him a blank look, "You are really boring."

This man's yin and yang problem, when will he be able to change it?
The goal of the two is very clear. According to the song "the only star in the endless dark night", the next step is to find a flower of a different color among the black tulip bushes in the garden.

Of course, this is only Tang Chunen's guess at the moment, and she hopes her guess is correct.


The night was dark, the faint moonlight was hidden behind the clouds, and the wind in the manor was tense and tight.

Tang Chunen was exploring the way ahead, and worried that some unknown creatures would suddenly appear here, or something unexpected happened, so he called Jiang Zhou's name every few seconds to make sure that he was still following behind him safely.

Later, Jiang Zhou simply took her hand: "Instead of being so verbose, why don't you take some practical actions. Which is more important, useless professional ethics or the safety of customers?"

"...I found out that the fastest growth in the game is the thickness of your skin."

"Because I also discovered that doing this is the prerequisite for smooth communication with you."

Without Wen Zhuo and Ye Lingchuan in charge, as long as the two acted alone, they would inevitably quarrel as they walked, until there was something serious that could attract their attention.

Like now.

Tang Chunen stopped abruptly, and she held Jiang Zhou's hand instead, pulling him to stand against the wall together, covering her figure with two olive trees.

It seems that someone is not far away, squatting in the tulip bushes and talking in a low voice.

She held her breath and listened carefully to the other party's conversation.

One of the girls with a slightly thin voice was complaining: "Please, can you do it? Looking for a different flower in this big black tulip in the middle of the night, is it crazy to think so? I spent so much money to hire You, I didn't let you play with me."

Then there was a girl with a neutral voice, who obviously answered very angrily: "You unlucky customers always seem to have a little misconception, thinking that we are a service industry, and the money you spent is called entrustment. Since you entrust me, you should listen to me." Command instead of trying to command me."

"Hey, what's your attitude? Can't I just give you some advice?"

"You are weak in intelligence and physical strength, and you still think you can give advice to hunters? You are so good, why don't you just cancel the order and break through the level as you like? Why do you want me?"


Tang Chunen seemed to have realized something, and turned his head to whisper to Jiang Zhou: "That person seems to be the bounty hunter of the heart group, and there are quite a lot of hunters who brought new clients in this round."

Jiang Zhou nodded: "Sure enough, you hunters have bad tempers."

"Isn't that so irritating to you smart-ass customers?"

The bounty hunter had good hearing, and he actually heard their whispers, and stood up vigilantly and looked this way.


The matter has come to this point, it is not easy to hide, Tang Chunen pushed Jiang Zhou's shoulder reproachfully, and leaned out from behind the tree helplessly.

"Don't mind, we are also players. We happened to pass by... Eh? You... Are you Zhou Jinyan?"

Under the moonlight, a tall, long-haired, shawl-shaved beauty stood there. She was dressed in black casual clothes, looking glamorous and sassy, ​​very recognizable.

Tang Chunen can recognize it at a glance because it is so recognizable. This is the self-media beauty blogger she follows every day. She used to be a popular Internet celebrity, but later got into a lawsuit with the company, and now she is a bit out of date. , but she is still his fan.

That's right, it's "he". This beauty is actually an indisputable boy.

So, you never know what your fellow hunters are doing in reality.

Zhou Jinyan was also surprised to hear someone call out his real name so easily, and he took a serious look at Tang Chunen.

"We know each other?"

"You don't know me, but I'm your fan." Tang Chunen said straightforwardly, "Before participating in this game, I just watched your latest beauty makeup video."

"Damn it, I thought my fans had run away long ago, but I still meet you here."

Tang Chunen smiled: "At present, maybe we can still be regarded as colleagues."


"I said, we are colleagues." She repeated patiently, "I am also the hunter of the hearts group."

There is no doubt that Zhou Jinyan was shocked when she saw her client, Jiang Zhou, coming out from behind the tree.

"Isn't that who? The one who played in "West Town Wolf" and won the best actor?"

Tang Chunen emphasized: "His name is Jiang Zhou."

"That's right, Jiang Zhou!"

At this time, Zhou Jinyan's client, a little girl with a ponytail, also appeared from among the tulip bushes. She hadn't even changed out of her dress, and approached with small steps, holding the corner of her skirt.

"Oh my god, Jiang Zhou! Teacher Jiang, I'm your fan. I didn't expect to be able to participate in a game with you. It's such an honor!"

Seeing that she was obviously planning to rush over to hug Jiang Zhou, Tang Chunen raised his hand subconsciously, politely stopping her.

"Miss, it's more important to complete the task, and chasing stars is unnecessary."

The little girl was upset: "Who are you, why do you refuse for others?"

"She is the bounty hunter I entrusted." Jiang Zhou said in a cold voice, "So you want to hear me reject it more?"


Tang Chunen glanced at Zhou Jinyan, who immediately understood and introduced in a low voice.

"This is Shao Beibei, a member of the No. 5 group that debuted on a talent show on a certain platform—it is said that she is not good at singing, dancing, or rapping. She is purely beautiful and can cry to make people love her. Fans spend money on it."

"Oh, no wonder."

Shao Beibei suddenly became angry: "I'm still here, is it appropriate for you two to speak ill of me in person? What's wrong with being beautiful? I'm beautiful, and fans are willing to spend money on me. I don't care if the king of heaven comes!"

"Who cares about you? I don't care about you." Zhou Jinyan raised his watch in front of his eyes, making a point, "Do you want to cancel the order immediately? It just so happens that I don't care about you anymore. I'm not a motivated person anyway, and I don't care about deducting those It doesn't matter whether you drop the ranking or not."

"...Wait!" Shao Beibei was worried that he was serious, so he quickly pressed down, "There's no need to be so impulsive, right? I didn't mess with you!"

"Then can you shut up and do as I tell you? Are you always so annoying in your group?"


Shao Beibei turned around angrily, and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Trouble solved, now Zhou Jinyan has the time to chat with Tang Chun'en. It's not difficult to understand, no matter who you meet here, you have to get to know each other, especially if the other party is a fan of yours, so you will naturally get closer psychologically.

"Are you here to find flowers too?"

"Yes." Tang Chunen gave an affirmative answer, "I think there must be a flower of a different color among these black tulips."

"Looks like you spelled that ballad too."


"Then we can look for it separately." Zhou Jinyan said, "Whoever finds that flower will return to the original place and share it."

There is a gloomy and weird atmosphere everywhere in this manor. I am afraid that the subsequent tasks will not be too easy to complete, and forming an alliance can be regarded as a bargaining chip for customs clearance.

Sometimes, only sincere cooperation can win-win.

(End of this chapter)

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