The head of the owner of the manor was built into the statue wearing a full set of silver armor in the exhibition hall. When it was discovered, the pale lips of the head were still slowly opening and closing, as if singing .

At that time, Shao Beibei was standing behind Zhou Jinyan, facing the statue, and she was not mentally prepared.

It is conceivable that when the sealed red wax melted automatically, revealing a pair of hollow bloody eyes staring at her, how strong the impact on a new player would be.

She lost her composure on the spot and screamed in panic: "Ah—he's looking at me!"

Zhou Jinyan turned his head abruptly and glared at her sternly: "What are you shouting about?"


"Mr. Zhou, please take care of your customers." Wen Zhuo's expression turned cold for a moment, she moved her eyes to the left, and she had already started to signal to the teammates next to her, "Go, go out, those guards are coming."

Shao Beibei's voice just now really alarmed the manor guards patrolling in the distance. They were following the sound and would arrive soon.

The situation was urgent, and Zhou Jinyan didn't have time to scold Shao Beibei. He grabbed Shao Beibei's clothes with one hand and wanted to take her away, and with the other hand, he tried to get the head of the owner of the manor on the statue.

In the end, Ye Lingchuan was one step faster than him. He held his head decisively and turned around to follow Wen Zhuo's footsteps. His footsteps were windy, and he didn't give him a chance at all.

... Is this really Miss Wen's client?It doesn't look like it needs protection.

On the other side, Wen Zhuo and Tang Chunen were on the left and right, galloping across the river.

Tang Chun'en said anxiously: "A Zhuo, where are we going now?"

"Go to the clock tower of the manor."

"Where is Mr. Ye? Has Mr. Ye followed?"

"Don't worry, he will definitely follow."

While speaking, Ye Lingchuan had surpassed Zhou Jinyan and Shao Beibei who were in front of him, and came to Wen Zhuo's side. He even found time to deal with a guard who was approaching on the way.

"The clock tower is a little farther," he said. "We'd better run faster."

After all the last line of the ballad is: Spirited by the bells of dawn.

At present, all the props related to the first three sentences of the ballad have been found. Based on these clues, it is not difficult to guess that the final mission location should be on the steeple bell tower behind the manor.

Wen Zhuo's eyesight was excellent, she saw three people in front of her at a glance, they were falling together among the tulip bushes, struggling and entangled into a ball.

"Brother Chuan, the housekeeper is over there."

It was indeed John Butler, who seemed to have caught two players who were running around at random, and was planning to catch them back.

The two players were also easy to recognize. They were the hostess and new director who had chatted with Jiang Zhou before. It is estimated that they also came out to find the rose. Unfortunately, Tang Chunen got the rose first.

Wen Zhuo took out the antique knife that had never left his body from his arms, strode forward, and slammed the knife into the butler's back.

When the butler turned over, his expression was full of shock and incredulity. Seeing that he seemed to stand up and resist, Wen Zhuo slashed his throat with his backhand, directly cutting his throat.

The blood splashed on the black tulip petals, and soon disappeared.

She leaned down and examined the corpse's clothes carefully, finally finding a set of keys in an inside pocket.

There are several keys, all similar in appearance, but at least one is the key of the clock tower.

She was still thinking about where to find the key to the bell tower, but now the other party came to her door on her own initiative, and it took no effort to get it.

Seeing her getting up with the key, the hostess and male director, who were covered in flower mud, quickly got up in a panic, and followed behind in small steps.

"Everyone, may I ask... where are you going?"

It seemed that the entire group didn't have much time to talk to them, mainly because there was really no time to explain, because the group of guards roared and chased here again.

At the same time, Tang Chunen discovered that the body of the butler lying there suddenly turned into a black bird in the dark light, and flew towards the sky with a cry.

The cry resembled that of a crow, sharp and intriguing, as if it was giving someone a tip-off.

There was an ominous warning sign in her heart, and she took Jiang Zhou's hand and ran faster: "Go, go, don't fall behind!"

So a group of people formed temporarily, staged the speed of life and death on the bluestone brick road of the manor. The night became thicker and thicker, and the wind sounded like a gust of wind. The sky behind them began to slowly take on a strange light red color.

The dark clouds gathered, gradually blocking the already dim moonlight.

In the next second, thunder and lightning suddenly struck, and the outline of the bell tower in the distance lit up, like a close-up of the camera suddenly zooming in in a movie, which shocked people's hearts.

Ye Lingchuan looked back, he pulled the corner of Wen Zhuo's clothes beside him, and reminded him in a deep voice.

"The witch is coming too."

The so-called witch, of course, refers to Mrs. Kester.

After all the props are collected and the butler is killed, the next step is for the BOSS to come forward.

What the player has to do is to take all the props to the clock tower and find a way to kill the witch.

During this period, be careful not to die first.

The gate of the clock tower is covered with thick rust, and the keyhole is hidden in it, which is almost indistinguishable, and it is even difficult to insert the key in.

Wen Zhuo tried the keys he got from the housekeeper one by one, but they all failed the first few times, and in just this moment, Mrs. Kester had locked the location of everyone.

The originally beautiful and elegant blond woman has now turned into a terrifying witch in a loose black robe. Her long gray hair is gray and dry, half covering her wrinkled, old and withered face. Surrounded by the radiant light, the blood-stained face of a young girl loomed.

The souls of those dead girls wept, while the witch grinned grinningly. Her hands stretched out from her cuffs, revealing sharp and sharp nails. In an instant, a strong wind blew up, sweeping a radius of tens of meters near the bell tower.

Coincidentally, at this time, two more players who were alone ran towards this side, maybe they were in a panic, or maybe they wanted to fight hard. In short, before they could get close to the clock tower, they were swept up by the vortex of the strong wind and thrown down again , and finally fell to the ground, his brain burst, and he lost his breath on the spot.

"She's here! She's here!" Shao Beibei was anxious to pull Wen Zhuo's collar, and scolded loudly, "Are you okay? You can't give the key to someone else!"

Before the words finished, Ye Lingchuan suddenly stretched out his hand without warning, and pushed her towards Zhou Jinyan's direction against his neck.

"Mr. Zhou, right? If you can't control your client anymore, I'll throw her out to sacrifice to the witch."

Zhou Jinyan also saw that he had withdrawn his strength, otherwise he would have pushed Shao Beibei into the vortex of the wind, and Shao Beibei would end up just like the two players just now.

Is this really a customer?No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it.

He scolded Shao Beibei in a low voice: "Someone got the key, wait patiently, don't you understand? You just have a long mouth?"


"Believe it or not, I'll let you fend for yourself right away?"

Probably because he was startled by Ye Lingchuan's cold eyes and scolded by Zhou Jinyan just now, even though Shao Beibei was full of grievances, he didn't dare to act rashly again, but obediently stood within his protection range.

In just a few seconds, Wen Zhuo tried out the correct key, she turned it to the right, and then pushed open the cobweb-covered door of the clock tower.

The damp dusty smell rushed towards the face, mixed with the indescribable sour and bloody smell, which immediately made the hostess retch, and she hurriedly cooperated with everyone to close the door again.

It seems that it is just closed, but it is actually locked automatically, which means that from now on, unless the final task is completed, it is impossible for them to go out from the clock tower.

The oil lamps on the wall were gradually lit up one by one, and they could clearly see all kinds of abstract decorations hanging on both sides, as well as the oversaturated horror picture frames, which seemed to describe the skinning and gouging of eyes and other massacres paintings.

As Tang Chunen walked up the winding stairs, he took a decorative dagger wrapped in a leather case from the wall, and handed it to Jiang Zhou.

"I don't know what will come out later, you use self-defense."

Jiang Zhou took out the dagger and found that the sharpness of the sword was beyond imagination. She was really good at picking: "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Tang Chunen said, "If it goes well, you will be able to return to the real world after clearing this round, and I will be able to retire—I hope this game can help your career."

He paused, probably wanting to laugh, but in the end he didn't say anything, and he couldn't quite laugh.

Whether he is lucky or disappointed, only he himself can understand.

With Tang Chunen's reminder, the rest of the players also picked things from the walls to make weapons, and took whatever they could. In contrast, Ye Lingchuan's focus was obviously elsewhere.

"Wen Zhuo." He called her name in a low voice, "Did you hear any strange sounds?"

"...Well, I heard it." Wen Zhuo stopped in front of a painting frame, and she carefully observed the contents of the painting, "Come and see, what is painted in this painting?"

In that painting, it was clearly the exterior view of the clock tower, or more specifically, the exterior view of the top floor of the clock tower.

The copper clock on the top floor of the clock tower seems to be broken, but there are eight evenly distributed circular grooves on the dial, as if something should be inserted into it.

The narrow rooftop in front of the bronze bell is arranged like an altar, the golden plate in the center is empty, and the crystal cover is also empty.

"Embed eight pearls into the copper bell, place the head of the manor owner on a golden plate, and put roses in a crystal cover, and the task will be completed."

However, the theory is the theory, how can the actual operation be so easy?

Facts have proved that the strange voice Ye Lingchuan heard just now was not a hallucination.

The knocking sound coming from the inside of the wall gradually became dense like raindrops, and at this moment, the witch who was locked outside the bell tower and could not enter had gone completely mad with rage.

The ground under the feet trembled, and the lights of the oil lamps collectively flickered for a moment. When they re-ignited, the walls on both sides shattered, and countless charred black skeletons sealed inside rushed out, trying to drag the living people to hell.

Boundless scarlet blood poured down, pouring down the entire staircase in an instant.

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