Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 201 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee

The fat aunt glanced at her son who couldn't fart in front of Yu Shu, sighed in her heart, and said nothing.

Father Yu heard Aunt Fatty's words, and saw that the team members and educated youths were indeed just like their own daughters.

Especially those boys, Father Yu was afraid that some blind-eyed would abduct the girl, so he turned sideways to block Yu Shu from the back, and said with a frown.

"Go to work, what to look at!"

As he said that, Yu's father warily called Yu Shu to go home, feeling that everyone present wanted to snatch his daughter, but the daughter was too handsome, which was also a kind of trouble.

Yu Shu looked back at the face that appeared in her dreams from time to time, nodded, and walked forward beside Yu's father.

The educated youths who had been watching the shrinking backs of the two could vaguely hear a voice that was soft to the heart.

"Dad, is that an educated youth from the countryside?"

The educated youths didn't hear Father Yu's reply clearly, it was as if they heard the kind captain saying that they were not good people?
The educated youths who have always been law-abiding and went to the countryside in accordance with the regulations shouted that they were wronged. They wished to throw down their hoes and chase after Yu Shu to tell Yu Shu that they were sitting upright. How could they not be good people?

For the educated youths who have always wanted to maintain an alienated relationship with the team members, after seeing this girl who is so beautiful that it makes their hearts itch, they feel that they have all gone to the countryside, then they are members of the team, and their roots are actually moved. No no.

When Yu Shu's back was no longer visible, a group of educated youths were absent-minded, and anyone with a discerning eye could see the trance on their faces.

But it's normal to be in a trance after seeing that beautiful face, and you only need to worry if there is no reaction.

"Ma'am, what's the name of the captain's daughter?" An educated youth who had a good social life with the team members asked the fat aunt as he handed a fruit candy.

It was just asking for a name, and besides, they lived in the brigade, so it would be a matter of time before they knew it, and now that she said it, she got a fruit candy for nothing, the fat aunt grinned happily and stuffed the candy into her pocket and said.

"Yu Shu, my name is Yu Shu, isn't that a nice name? It was given to me by a teacher back then."

Yuan Sheng tasted the name in his heart, and said with his lips bent.

"It sounds nice."

It sounds so good that he wants to whisper these two words in people's ears.

This is also a daydream, the fat aunt gave Yuan Sheng a look, and went to work.

When Yuan Sheng returned to the educated youth, some sharp-eared educated youth heard him ask Yu Shu's name, and said in a non-yin and yang way.

"We are educated youths, and the team members reject us very much. If we want to marry a girl, it's strange if they are willing."

Yuan Sheng is a handsome guy with a short shaved head. His good family conditions allow him to bring a lot of money even if he goes to the countryside. His eyebrows are full of arbitrariness that other educated youths who worry about their future life do not have.

He listened to the yin and yang words, his expression didn't change a bit.

"Gold and stone are what make gold and stone open. If you don't do anything and wait for people to dislike you, you must be a fool."

What he said seemed to be saying that the other party was a fool, which made the educated youth's face turn green and pale.

The educated youth who did not speak were thinking, how could they beat Yuan Sheng, and how could they please the captain.

In their opinion, Yu Shu's pretty appearance should fall on them, the educated youths from the city.

Otherwise, the head of the brigade can't let the daughter live in the brigade for the rest of her life, cooking and washing clothes, making her white skin yellow and rough.

They were thinking about whether they could marry Yu Shu back, and they were eagerly thinking about their life after marriage, and their faces were full of rippling colors.

Aunt Fat turned her head, but gave them a heavy blow with one sentence, bringing them back to reality.

"Returning gold and stones will open gold and stones, don't toss about, Ah Shu has already agreed to others, so it's your turn."

Fat Auntie's words successfully made the educated youths stiffen, their eyes widened in disbelief, and Yuan Sheng, who was always smiling, lost his smile.

The handsome figure who had been ignored by everyone fell to the ground with the hoe in his hand, and there was no response when he threw the hoe at others, only the words that Fat Auntie had promised others were left in his ears.

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