Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 205 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee

Father Yu didn't speak, but after dinner, he went back to the house and gave Yu Shu a few peach cakes.

"There is nothing delicious at home, only a few pieces of peach cakes left. I will go to the commune tomorrow to weigh some meat and ask your mother to make braised pork."

Yu's father's love is introverted, he won't say anything that touches his heart, he will only do things that make people's heart warm in silence.

"Thank you Dad, I'm not hungry, I was full just now."

Yu Shu didn't go to pick up the peach cakes, she was indeed full, and she bought them for Yu's father and Yu's mother, how could she eat the last few pieces.

"Is that enough cat food? Don't fool your dad, the chickens fed at home eat more than you."

Father Yu put the peach cakes on the table in disbelief and went out, very fast, as if Yu Shu would stuff the peach cakes back again, making Yu Shu dumbfounded.

Now that it was getting dark outside, Yu Shu lit the oil lamp and put the peach cakes in the tin box that used to hold biscuits.

Then I took a pen and sat at the table, looked at the manuscript paper on the desk and thought, I have to be more diligent, at least let the family realize the freedom of peach cakes and meat.

When Yu Shu was writing in the night in the house, the educated youth from the Educated Youth Academy took a shower and lay on the bed thinking of that face that would not lose its color in the art troupe. She didn't feel sleepy at all, but the more she thought about it, the more energetic she became .

"You said that Comrade Yu's marriage cannot be withdrawn?" Someone asked suddenly.

This question makes everyone not stand up, think about it carefully.

Comparing their hearts to their hearts, if they had a fiancee who was as beautiful as that, they would wish to spend all their money, bow down immediately, and marry her back.

They didn't believe that He Qing could go back and marry another woman coldly after seeing Yu Shu.

They are only glad that He Qing has never even met Yu Shu, otherwise they would have nothing to do with them.

The few educated youths who didn't have much chance, secretly prayed that He Qing had better not come back before retiring the engagement, or had a woman there.

Anyway, they will please the captain, marry Yu Shu in his place, and be the captain's good son-in-law, as long as he lives his good life.

Yuan Sheng, who was counting the bills, snorted, rolled up the money and bills and put them away.

"Why can't I get back? It's wrong to use life-saving grace to get Comrade Yu to get engaged to a man he's never met, and retiring the engagement is to set things right!"

Yuan Sheng was the richest in the Educated Youth Academy, and he had invited everyone to eat meat. The educated youths had a good impression of him, but now listening to what he said, he felt a little uncomfortable.

An educated youth who came from the same place as Yuan Sheng asked tentatively.

"Yuan educated youth, did you take out the money and tickets?"

"Let me lend it to the captain's family to set things right. I don't see this kind of feudal dross that is a life-saving grace. Besides, He Qing saved the captain. No matter how you say it, there is no reason to return the life-saving grace of your daughter's life. "

It was Yu's father who was rescued by He Qing, this is the information that Yuan Shengxin found out.

Yuan Sheng is not a person who is not clear-headed. It is true that he wants to marry Yu Shu, but they have nothing to do with each other now. What is going on with him paying the money ticket to the He family, and what others will say about Yu Shu.

Therefore, it is best to give the money ticket to the Yu family in the name of borrowing.

The educated youths listened and looked at each other, they didn't believe Yuan Sheng's high-sounding words at all, and they couldn't see the feudal dross. There were two married couples in this brigade, why didn't I see what he said.

Everyone knew the source of Yuan Sheng's money, but no one said, everyone's purpose was the same.

Confidence to a roomful of opponents who aren't fed up.

When the educated youth fell into silence, the door creaked, and Shen Mu came in with steam on his head, obviously he had just washed his hair not long ago.

The still quiet educated youth saw him, frowned, and said in disgust.

"Shen Zhiqing, this dormitory is not a place for you alone. It's such a big bunk. How can we sleep if your hair is so wet and the mattress is wet?"

"That's right, as expected of the grandson of big capital, it's selfish."

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