Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 207 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee

It was the first time for a group of educated youths to look at her so closely, unlike yesterday when Yu Shu was on the road, they could only stand in the field and look at people from a distance.

This time, it was so close that they could vaguely smell the scent of soap or something from her body, but it smelled very good anyway, so they couldn't help but want to take two steps forward and get closer to smell it clearly.

Shen Mu, who was originally standing at the back, saw Meng Lang's appearance, her eyes turned cold, she squeezed forward, and said to Yu Shu who was registering her name.

"Shen Mu, a hoe."

Hearing the name, Yu Shu raised her eyes, and saw that it was indeed the man she saw yesterday, who was also the person she and He Qing divorced in her dream. She trembled as she looked at the man's slender eyelashes.

Thinking of the delicate imprints on her body in the dream, Yu Shu, who dared to stare at people when she was far away yesterday, is now only a hand away from the other party, so she hangs her head in cowardly, daring not to do any small moves.

"Get it yourself."

The more scared Yu Shu was, the softer her voice became. Now that she said this, it was as soft as a sugar in her mouth, and it sounded like she had been bullied for a long time and her voice was too tired.

Shen Mu listened, her throat became dry unconsciously, looking at the top of her hair, Shen Mu, who came out of the educated youth courtyard after drinking water, hummed like rolling in the sand.

He went to the warehouse and took out a random hoe, and saw Yu Shu wrote his name on the notebook, neatly and beautifully.

He saw that he hadn't come out after him, Yuan Sheng couldn't wait to imitate him and squeezed up to talk to Yu Shu, with a bright smile on his face that girls like, Shen Mu somehow didn't want Yu Shu to use the voice just now to talk to Yuan Shu Sheng spoke.

Fortunately, Yu Shu didn't seem to like this kind of talkative man, and her voice was clearer without the soft-boned voice. After asking Yuan Sheng's name and farm tools, she lowered her head and registered.

Shen Mu walked into the ground with a hoe in his hand, but the corners of his lips raised an arc unconsciously.

The people working in the field today are in a strange state. They have just started working for a short time, and their necks and faces are flushed.

Zhou Qiang was also in the same state. Seeing this stupid son digging in the ground, digging here and there, looking bad, the fat aunt pinched his hand.

"What are you thinking? Look at where you have dug this land?"

"I dig again, I dig again."

Zhou Qiang regained his senses from the pain of being pinched, his face turned redder when he saw the hole he had dug, scratched his head, and quickly filled in all the holes that were not in a row.

Seeing his stupid appearance, the fat aunt dug slowly and said.

"That girl, Ashu, was assigned by the commune to be the scorekeeper in the team, and she was dizzy when she was handed out a farm tool. Waiting for Ashu to count the centimeters, I see that you, a strong labor force, only did work for a few centimeters all day long. Do you know how to be ashamed?"

Now I don't go to university, after I finish high school, the local commune arranges jobs for students with a high school degree.

Yu Shu was lucky, she was the only one in their team with a high school degree, and the team lacked a scorekeeper. Yu's father went to the commune to get a few newspaper articles that his daughter had published, and she would be assigned the job. up.

Yu Shu will be the scorekeeper in the brigade from now on!
The news spread quickly throughout the brigade. Those team members and educated youths who were still immersed in the joy of the beauties distributing farm tools to them, working drowsy, changed their eyes, and the softly swaying hoes became more powerful.

Zhao Xiujuan looked at Yuan Sheng and these male educated youths before and after, and looked at another female educated youth, Sang Xiaozhen, and whispered together.

"Are these male educated youths crazy? Don't you think that if they work hard, little girls will fall in love with them?"

Sang Xiaozhen has a different opinion, "Comrade Yu is very good-looking, but in the brigade, at most, he will marry into the commune. We educated youths are all from big cities. If we can go back, the brigade leader will find an educated youth. It's also possible to be a son-in-law."

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