Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 212 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee

Yu Shu, who was planning to go into the water, felt distressed when she heard that there would be something biting in the river, and dared not say that she was going to catch fish in the river.

When Zhou Qiang tried his best to catch more fish than Shen Mu, Aunt Fat found out that he had come to help Yu Shu catch fish, and she had a headache.

She is not an educated person, but many years of life experience told her that the longer she spends with the people in the sky, the more delusional she will get. She might as well be this villain and break the mind of this stupid son as soon as possible.

After the fat aunt called Zhou Qiang to go to work, the fish caught by Shen Mu and Yu Dongdong and his children were almost half of the bucket, and the fried fish was enough for them to eat.

"When I'm done frying, remember to come to my house to eat." Yu Shu held the bucket and said to Shen Mu who had put down her trouser legs and was about to go to work.

After saying hello, Yu Shu returned to Yu's house with a group of children.

She doesn't cook very well, but these snacks taste good, and she likes them very much.

After cleaning the fish, marinate it for half an hour, then wrap it in batter and fry it. After a while, the aroma attracted a few children playing in the yard to come to the kitchen and look at the pot eagerly.

Yu Shu shared strips for them to satisfy their cravings, and poured the fish into the pan to fry it again. Soon the small fish became golden and looked crispy and delicious.

"Go eat."

For these little helpers, Yu Shu, who didn't catch any fish, was very willing to give them enough to eat, and gave some to Aunt Yu.

After eating half a bowl of fried fish, Yu Shu looked at the sunset in the sky, greeted Aunt Yu, and went to the field with her centimeter.

The team members and educated youths who had finished their work saw her coming, so they hurried over to watch her count the centimeters.

Yu Shu thought they were afraid that she, the scorekeeper who worked on the first day, would make a mistake in recording their centimeters, so she took everyone's centimeters on board more seriously, and showed them back to show that she hadn't scribbled on them.

This seriousness made Shen Mu's eyes faint with a smile.

But the eyes of those team members and educated youths were like those on her body, and they were eager to talk to her.

As long as Yu Shu looked at them, her face and ears turned red, and there were some incoherent scenes, Shen Mu's emotions began to fluctuate uncontrollably again.

"Shen Zhiqing is full centimeters, right?"

When Yu Shu came to Shen Mu's place, she glanced at the work he had assigned, and thought to herself that he was working pretty fast. The time spent catching fish didn't seem to affect his work speed at all, which was obviously faster than the educated youth she registered just now. Adapted a lot faster.


Seeing that Yu Shu was sure, Shen Mu lowered his head to register. The tender back of his neck was reflected in his pupils. He looked closely and saw that the fair skin was a little red. His eyes flashed, thinking of the clothes Yu Shu wore in the morning. Gray clothes.

A little harder clothes can make the skin red, so delicate?Shen Mu thought about it, and counted the money on him again.

In addition to being able to have an egg a day, can I still have some money left over to buy softer clothes?

After registering the centimeters, Yu Shu showed Shen Mu as usual, and said something in a low voice when she turned her head to the person.

"Don't go back to the Educated Youth Court for a while, I'll bring you fried fish."

Getting closer to him, Shen Mu smelled more clearly the fragrance on her body that didn't resemble cream or toad oil. He, who was clearly just trying to catch fish for others, looked at her with watery eyes, and nodded in a strange way.

After registering everyone's centimeters, Yu Shu squeezed her sore hands, looked up and looked around, saw Shen Mu standing not far away, and curled the corners of her mouth.

When he walked over quickly, he saw that Shen Mu didn't wait for her to move forward, his steps were neither slow nor fast, and he didn't look back at her, as if he wasn't waiting for her.

Yu Shu froze for a moment, feeling aggrieved for no reason.

She also walked home ignoring others, letting out a low snort, pinching her fingers and thinking, the fried fish left for him can be eaten by Yu Dongdong, and it's fine if Shen Mu doesn't eat it.

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