Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 215 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee

Yu Shu has to go to work during the day, and she has to spare time to write and revise articles at night. It feels like time flies.

The team members and educated youths in the brigade started to sow the seeds after digging, and after a few days of exhaustion, they could feel more relaxed.

Not long after the seeds were planted, it rained heavily, but before the team members were happy, the rain gradually became too heavy, and one night Yu Shu could hear thunder when she was lying in bed all night.

On the second day, Yu Shu didn't see Father Yu, and Mother Yu looked sad.

After she asked, she found out that last night's lightning struck the nearly century-old tree in the Educated Youth Court. The tree was felled and smashed to the ground.

Fortunately, the two of them were not serious, they had gone to the hospital to get medicine, and they would be fine after a few more days of care, otherwise Father Yu would probably be blamed by the commune as well.

"Which two educated youths were injured?" Yu Shu asked casually after taking a sip of porridge.

Yu's mother: "It's the former educated youth and the Lin educated youth who live in the same room."

It's not the person she thought, Yu Shu's heart dropped when she mentioned it.

After drinking half a bowl of porridge, Yu Shu realized that she was actually worried about the person who beat her in her dream life, and Yu Shu was annoyed at herself for not living up to it.

But it's also strange that Shen Mu doesn't look like someone who can beat people, why would he make his wife's whole body covered with marks at night.

Or did Shen Mu change his temper later, or did he pretend too well in front of her?
Yu Shu ate the porridge with the pickles. It was a pity why she never dreamed of Shen Mu beating her violently. If she did, she wouldn't have to be so awkward and entangled in what mentality to face Shen Mu.

Because yesterday's rain was heavy and some people were injured, so they didn't go to work today. Father Yu and some reasonable people in the brigade held a meeting to discuss how to arrange for the educated youth.

Trees have knocked down the walls of the Educated Youth Court, and it costs a lot of money to repair the house.

These years are difficult for everyone. Although their brigade can basically have enough to eat, they have to spend so much money to repair houses for educated youths. They have no relatives and no reason, and the house is not for them. Who is willing to take this money? .

So after discussions and discussions, the team members did not agree to use the brigade's money to build houses for the educated youths. As for their housing, they lived in the team members' homes.

There are almost two hundred households in their brigade, how many educated youths can they live in?
The educated youths have an idea of ​​where to go, but how to get the team members to agree that the educated youths live in their homes is another problem.

After all, if you live at home, you have to eat food. You can't let the team members pay for this food, right?

Seeing the news, he came to the team office and clamored not to accept the educated youth team members. Yu's father slammed the table and made a decision. Whoever accepts the educated youth will get ten centimeters a month, and the food will be transferred to his house.

This remark made people who were originally unwilling to have educated youths come to their house moved their minds. With a quick turn of their clever eyes, they told Father Yu that they would take in three female educated youths.

Female educated youths can't eat much food, but they can help with cooking and washing dishes, and they can earn ten centimeters a month for free. They make a lot of money.

The other team members also thought of this, and after they had finished grabbing the female educated youths, they were disappointed for a moment and snatched the male educated youths to live at home.

Male educated youths eat more, but they can do more work than female educated youths, and they can also do heavy work. If they watch them while eating, no one can take advantage of them!

After about ten minutes, the educated youths like Jiang Lanxiang had places to go, and only Shen Mu was left.

Father Yu said as he looked at the team members who were regretting that they were a step too late.

"Shen Zhiqing doesn't have a place to live yet, who of you wants to take him in?"

When the team members heard the name, they slapped their lips in disgust.

"This educated youth has that background. Five generations of our family have been poor peasants who are responsible for their duties. If people live in the house, my ancestors have to climb out and scold me."

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