Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 229 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee

Chapter 229 The Protagonist's Ex-Fiancee (33)

The team members around laughed when they saw the emaciated appearance of the educated youth. They didn't like this kind of person who lied to the girls in the brigade to eat food.

The educated youth blushed from their laughter, had no face to stay any longer, pushed away the crowd and returned to the educated youth courtyard.

As soon as the white-faced educated youth left, everyone turned their attention to Wu Pan again, wondering why she beat Wen Yun.

Wen Yun, who came to touch Ci He Qing, was suddenly slapped, her eyes flashed gloomy, when she looked up at Wu Pan, her expression became aggrieved again, even tears came out, and she covered the half of her face that was slapped road.

"Wu Pan, I didn't offend you. You hit me with the help of the captain for no reason. Aren't you afraid that I will sue you at the commune?"

This brings up the team leader, as if Wu Pan really just hit her because she didn't like her, and the team members who watched the excitement looked at Wu Pan with strange eyes.

Wu Pan didn't have a good relationship with Wen Yun before, so it really didn't make sense to come here to fight without reason.

She can't bully people just because she is the captain's daughter. If she does it, what if their child is bullied?
"That's right, Wu Pan, why are you beating someone? Wen Yun didn't offend you."

Seeing that the team members were pointing the finger at Wu Pan, Wen Yun looked at He Qing shyly again, clearly calling him by name.

"I just accidentally fell down and bumped into Big Brother He just now, Wu Pan rushed over and slapped me, Wu Pan, do you like Big Brother He?"

As soon as these words were said, the team members looked straight at the faces of He Qing and Wu Pan, as if they were so excited that they wanted to see something on Wu Pan's face.

Someone else said with a very understanding look, "He Qing's conditions are so good, and now he is offered an iron job. It's not surprising that Wu Pan likes it."

"It's not surprising. I heard that the Wu family wanted to tell the girl to the He family before, but now I don't know if the man of Wu Pan's family knows that her daughter-in-law is thinking about someone else."

Hearing the malicious speculations of the bums in the village who tease cats and dogs all day long, Wu Pan was so angry that his body trembled.

He Qing also said with a serious face, "I have nothing to do with Comrade Wu, don't blame me for taking people to the Public Security Bureau if you talk nonsense again!"

Everyone in the brigade knew that He Qing had just been demobilized and returned not long ago. He had many comrades in arms and had a lot of connections. Maybe he really knew someone from the Public Security Bureau and sent them in.

Those bums listened, pouted, their faces were full of displeasure, but they didn't dare to speak nonsense.

The surrounding voices subsided, Wu Pan's flushed face from being besieged slowly subsided, and he glared at Wen Yun and said.

"Don't throw dirty water on me indiscriminately, your heart is dirty, don't think everyone is like you."

"Do you think no one has seen you give He Qing something in the past few days? Wen Yun, don't you know how embarrassing you are to please a man who is engaged to you twice or three times?"

Wen Yun's expression changed, but when she thought of giving something to He Qing, she observed that there was no one around, so what if Wu Pan saw it, who can testify for her?

He Qing?He is engaged, and if he wants to have a good name, he will not open his mouth.

When Wen Yun was about to allude to Wu Pan's nonsense, He Qing, whom she was sure could not speak, spoke up.

"Comrade Wen has a hobby of giving things away. I don't have the habit of receiving favors from others. I haven't picked up those things, and I have nothing to do with Comrade Wen. Comrade Wen knows this better than anyone else."

Wen Yun: "..."

Only then did he remember that Wen Yun and He Qing were engaged, and the team members who Wen Yun had tormented them all looked at her strangely.

So this is to bring back He Qing, a promising ex-fiancé, by looking down on that skinny monkey educated youth again?
But looking at it like this, He Qing has integrity. He was disliked by her before, and now he won't remarry and remarry her.

Seeing Wen Yun's face turn red and white, Wu Pan was in a good mood and stabbed her with a knife.

"You are far from Yu Shu. If you want to seduce a man, you have to weigh whether you have the capital, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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