Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 255 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

The guest blushed badly, his eyes were still fixed on Yu Shu, Wen Youzhi came over and stretched out his hand to signal to him.

"The customer checks out here."

Wen Youzhi stands in front of the boy. He has a superior figure. He is wearing only a thin short-sleeved shirt. He can clearly see the smooth lines on his hands. He looks like a sports student. He is half a head taller than this guest. His view is blocked.

The boy was dissatisfied with Wen Youzhi's behavior, but he was embarrassed to pull him away to talk to the beautiful lady boss, so Wen Youzhi had to take him to pay the bill.

When I left the store, I was still thinking that his roommate should live in the courtyard for a few days. As a good roommate, I should visit him more times to let him feel the love of roommates.

There are a lot of customers today, except for a few orders on the Internet, other customers come to the store to buy, most of them also bought roses.

Yu Shu squeezed her aching hands, happy for the money she earned, and wondered why so many people bought roses if it wasn't Valentine's Day?

"Sister, rest for a while, I'll take care of it." Wen Youzhi watched Yu Shu pinch her wrist, put the flowers on the table and took the scissors in her hand and said.

Yu Shu was indeed a little tired. Her white and tender fingers had trimmed too many bouquets, and her hands felt a little swollen.

The few guests who were still waiting to take home the flowers wrapped by the beauty herself were not happy with Wen Youzhi's words, but they also felt sorry for Yu Shu who was too tired, so they could only sullenly let Wen Youzhi handle the flowers they wanted to buy.

Some guests who thought they were in good condition came to talk not far from Yu Shu.

"Miss Boss, your flowers are very good. It's not worth selling at this price. Can you make money?"

Because the original owner didn't have a lot of money, he also bought flowers from the most cost-effective purchaser in City Y. Although the selling price was a little lower than other flower shops, it was definitely not a loss.

Yu Shu pinched her fingers and responded to the compliment, "Fortunately, if you like it, sir, you can come to the store to sell it often."

She was also worried that the business wouldn't make money, and if there were more customers who were selling too cheaply, Yu Shu felt that she could bear the pain in her hands.

The guest saw the smile on Yu Shu's face, which was more touching than the roses he bought. His eyes were fixed on her face, and he said that he would definitely come here often.

The other guests who didn't dare to speak to Yu Shu secretly resented why they didn't open their mouths. Now that this person is standing in front of them, they can't wait to step on the table between Yu Shu and them to get close to her and offer respect On a hot heart.

Wen Youzhi took the expressions of these people into his eyes, and the gloom in his heart grew thicker. He inadvertently said that he was thirsty. When Yu Shu heard it, she said that she would buy sugar water for him to drink. Wen Youzhi smiled and said yes.

Because the old man has an exclusive secret recipe, the sugar water he sells is not too sweet. After adding ice cubes, drinking it is enough to quench his thirst this summer.

Yu Shu bought two cups of sugar water and came back, but those customers had already left. Yu Shu drank the sugar water and looked at the few flowers left in the store. After writing the flowers, she gave the note and the key to Wen Youzhi.

This is also the reason why Yu Shu recruited a boy to come to the store. Her physical strength is too weak, and moving flowers is tiring. It's just right to have Wen Youzhi, an employee who doesn't feel tired after a day's work.

Wen Youzhi held the note and key in his hand, even if he didn't get close, he could still smell the special fragrance from above.

He smelled the scent, his skin color deepened and turned red, and he looked at Yu Shu's exposed white and tender neck, rolled his Adam's apple twice before carefully putting the things in his pocket.

Yu Shu lowered her head, looking at the message Pei Shuyan sent her.

After the two had dinner last night, they added their contact information, and now Pei Shuyan sent her a message to ask Yu Shu what to eat, and he went to sell it after get off work.

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