Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 258 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Her expression fell into Pei Shuyan's eyes, and Pei Shuyan secretly remembered that when he was about to say something, he saw Yu Shu bowing his head to shake hands with the robot, with black and blue marks behind his ears, Pei Shuyan's eyes turned cold.

Before Yu Shu came over, she tied her hair into a bun. Now that she was hanging her head, she could clearly see the mark behind her ear.

The man approached, and brushed away the broken hair around his ear. After seeing clearly that the mark was indeed a mark that would only appear after being sucked for a long time, he asked in a calm voice.

"Shu Shu has a boyfriend?"

When Pei Shuyan looked at people with gentle eyes, he could faint with infinite friendship. At this moment, with calm eyes and black eyes staring at her, Yu Shu inexplicably felt a sense of oppression that could be wrapped in coldness.


Her words relieved Pei Shuyan of the coldness, but the breath around him was still cold.

He put his hand on the mark, "Then what is this?"

Feeling his subordinate's ears quivering, Pei Shuyan said in a soft tone.

"There are traces of being sucked carefully for a long time. If Shushu doesn't have a boyfriend, and someone does this while you don't know, we can call the police."

Pei Shuyan's words made Yu Shu think of the ghost bed last night, and also felt someone's hot breath in her ear.

So it wasn't a dream?
But there is clearly no sign of someone breaking into the house.

Yu Shu lowered her eyelashes, took out her mobile phone, "Take a photo for me, please."

Pei Shuyan responded, took a photo and enlarged the trace before her eyes.

The mark covered her snow-white skin, wantonly showing her existence, Yu Shu's body was cold, and she was out of luck.

Thinking of someone breaking into her house while she was asleep and doing it to her unscrupulously, she, as a very vigilant cat demon, didn't notice it. Yu Shu once again realized how restrictive the small world is to the taskers.

System 199, who fell into a deep sleep with Yu Shu, blamed himself even more, [The host blames me, if only I didn't fall asleep last night. 】

System 199 can only see people through her eyes, she is sleeping soundly, and system 199 can't do anything, how can she blame it.

After calming down the system 199, Yu Shu planned to install a surveillance system at home tomorrow.

The current city S is busy arresting the criminal, and I am afraid that there is no extra police force to investigate her case, which seems small in comparison.

Yu Shu could only produce useful evidence to prove that someone had sneaked into the house in order to attract the attention of the police and arrest him.

Pei Shuyan's gloom dissipated a bit, and he also thought of this after regaining his rationality. He sighed and held Yu Shu in his arms, comforting her.

"Stay with me today, I have a vacant room here."

Yu Shu thought about it, and before she knew how the man entered the house, she also felt that the house was dangerous, so she didn't refuse.

"I'm going to tidy up the room. I'll accompany you to get the toiletries later." Pei Shuyan said.

Yu Shu, who really didn't dare to go alone now, nodded.

Pei Shuyan had extra quilts at home, and quickly made the bed neatly.

He looked at the empty room, feeling a little dissatisfied, thinking that the gray curtains should be changed, and he needed to add wardrobes, beautiful bedside lamps and other things.

Yu Shu can live here, the room is only separated by a wall from him, which completely belongs to his domain, Pei Shuyan's heart is slightly hot, and the gloom quietly dissipates, leaving behind the determination to catch that person, and the rising to cover that person. Eye-catching traces of mind.

"No one has lived here yet, it's too simple, we'll add something tomorrow."

Yu Shu wanted to say that she might only stay here for one night, but when she met Pei Shuyan's serious eyes, she paused, and didn't say anything that seemed like she couldn't wait to go back to live.

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