Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 271 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

The boy blushed even more because of the question, and even Yu Shu didn't dare to look at it.

"Yes, my friend is going to be discharged from the hospital, and he can't come to the flower shop in the future, so I want to take a photo with Sister Yu as a commemoration."

Yu Shu who came over heard this, and recognized the boy as the one who taught her how to get hotel coupons, and smiled and took a group photo with him.

Being able to take a photo with Yu Shu, the boy was so happy that he didn't know where to put his hands. After taking the photo, the boy looked at the white rose in An Yuan's hand, and Yu Shu's beautiful eyes were sparkling and slender. His eyelashes trembled, and his face was paler than at other times.

He understood something and asked, "Is the person who came to give the white rose a bad person?"

While speaking, the boy's face was full of regret.

He regretted that when he saw the rider releasing white roses, he only thought it was another person who was obsessed with Yu Shu, using white roses to please people, instead of stopping them, causing Yu Shu to be troubled.

"The rider is the one who takes the order to release the white roses, and there are other people who are bad." After An Yuan said this, he sent the person away without revealing too much.

After the boy left, Yu Shu opened the door of the florist shop, and the two cheered up and prepared the roses that the guests asked for, but they were paid and taken away. The two were so tired that they didn't close the shop, and went to eat before going back .

On the other side, in a small county cemetery on the edge of City S, Wen Youzhi put a plate of fruit in front of a tombstone and burned paper money.

The raised eyes blurred his vision, and Wen Youzhi looked at the tombstone with a cold expression, as if he was here to pay homage to his biological father, but to pick up his enemy's grave.

Wen Youzhi broke the branches and fiddled with the ashes, trying to make it burn more thoroughly, his eyes drifted to the tombstone, his voice seemed a bit ethereal in the wind blowing from nowhere.

"I shouldn't touch you. I should let you rot slowly. Why couldn't I wait for such a short time at that time? It was a momentary mistake that made me dare not even have that little delusion."

After the paper money was completely burned, Wen Youzhi lit a cigarette and stood there with a flat face and deep eyes, no one could see what he was thinking.

In the evening, Pei Shuyan came back from the company with a tired face, and when he knew that white roses appeared in the flower shop, his face, which was not in a good mood, sank a little.

"Officer An wrote down the license plate number of the rider, and the police will find that person." Yu Shu poured him a glass of water, still very confident in the hero and heroine.

Pei Shuyan is not optimistic. That person is so cautious, and the information left on the platform may not be his own. You have to follow the vine to find someone, unless there is an accomplice who is holding back.

"By the way, have the people who spread rumors about your company been caught?" Yu Shu asked.

Speaking of this, Pei Shuyan had mixed emotions.

"I caught it. It was an employee who was expelled from our company and someone who was hostile to the company deliberately spread rumors to make the company suffer huge losses because of the rumors."

"However, the employee couldn't hold his breath. He had just caused a storm on the Internet, so he couldn't help calling the company's senior management and threatening to pay a large sum of money. Otherwise, the rumors would intensify and the officials who cooperated with the company would be disappointed with us. , this project cannot continue at all.”

Yu Shu listened closely and listened carefully, "And then?"

"Then the man and his accomplices went into the police station."

Pei Shuyan felt helpless when the company's reputation was affected by such a person.

But speaking of that employee, Yu Shu still knew him. He was a man in a suit who said some specious things in the flower shop.

Wen Youzhi beat up this man full of dirty things that day, and knowing that he was an employee of Pei's, he told Pei Shuyan privately.

Both of them tacitly avoided Yu Shu and didn't tell her such things that polluted her ears, and Pei Shuyan also found evidence that the man in the suit was taking kickbacks from the company and fired him.

How can I get this kind of thing? I obviously made a big mistake, corrupted the company for several million, and even complained about the company after being fired, and even came up with this method to pour dirty water on the company.

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