Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 281 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Chapter 281 The White Rose of the Chaotic City (32)

Yu Shu then slid down, and when she saw a post, she stopped abruptly.

【I didn't want to say it at first, but I panicked in my heart, so I decided to say it after much deliberation.

A few days ago, the hospital accepted a pregnant woman. After the rescue failed, the family members did not agree to dissect the body. When the police obtained the consent of the family members to dissect the body and went to the morgue, you would never have imagined that the fetus in the pregnant woman’s belly was dug out. , The key is that there are so many people in the hospital, and there are cameras everywhere, but you can't believe that the suspect who did this immoral thing was not found! 】

No one would know who the pregnant woman was mentioned in this post. Yu Shu clicked on it and saw that there were already thousands of posts below, all talking about how sad and crazy this person was.

Some people also wondered who murdered the pregnant woman. Otherwise, how could the pregnant woman, an ordinary person, offend two ruthless criminals one after another.

Yu Shu looked at the post and remembered that every time the criminal finished a murder, he would put a gift of everything near the victim.

So is that fetus a gift he made for pregnant women this time?
A chill came over Yu Shu's back. The "gifts" from this criminal were getting more and more serious. So, if she was really the next person, what gift would he prepare?
She was thinking about it, the phone rang suddenly, Yu Shu looked down, it was Shen Xu who opened the phone.

The two had just spoken a few minutes ago. According to Shen Xu's current busyness, if it wasn't something urgent, they would definitely not call again.

Yu Shu tightened her grip on the phone and connected the call.

The tone of Shen Xu on the phone was much more serious than before.

"When the mother-in-law of the 604 pregnant woman was cleaning the house, she found a black and white gift box under the bed, which contained a stillborn fetus. After identification, the fetus was the child of the pregnant woman and her husband."

"In the previous case, that person didn't go to a crowded place to do evil things so blatantly. His current behavior is very similar to venting and provoking."

"Maybe next time, he will attack more brazenly. Miss Yu, you are a citizen and the object we want to protect. If you are allowed to rush ahead of us, what should we do?"

Shen Xu's voice was resolute. At this time, he must be as dazzling as the badge he was wearing, but when Yu Shu saw the tragedy of the pregnant woman, her thoughts became more determined.

"That person is not easy to be caught. If I continue to hide, either that person will quietly harvest my life like murdering a pregnant woman, or he will go to the next victim. The victim is full of uncertainty. You If it is difficult to successfully rescue him, it is better for me to do this goal."

"I know that the police will protect my safety. I'm not afraid."

Yu Shu was bouncing around with her spiritual sense, her heart was a little more at ease with the pink sword hilt that couldn't wait to come out.

As long as she doesn't lose consciousness the first time and call out Little Pink, she will be fine, and there is a high possibility of catching the criminal until Shen Xu and others come over.

Shen Xu's voice was silenced by Yu Shu's words, and only his heavy breathing could be heard in the microphone.

After a long time, he sighed, and Yu Shu knew it was over.

After this day, Yu Shu will no longer be bored at home, she will go to the flower shop, go to the supermarket, and go for a walk.

Sometimes it was her alone, sometimes it was him and Pei Shuyan, while Shen Xu was in a row of unremarkable cars on the side of the road, wearing earphones, staring closely at the surveillance screen on the computer.

On the third day, Yu Shu had lunch, went out with a parasol, and carried the garbage to be thrown in one hand.

Outside the community, a young volunteer is explaining to an old man how to sort all kinds of garbage. He looks very patient and demonstrates to the old man over and over again. He also responds politely to the old man who wants to introduce someone. It seems like a Very nice people.

(End of this chapter)

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