Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 284 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Chapter 284 The White Rose of the Chaotic City (35)

In the end, you still have to act. You can't just stare at people and wait until the beauty has mind reading skills to know what's on his mind, right?

An Yuan was worried, she respected Shen Xu, she learned a lot from being by Shen Xu's side, and seeing him staring at Yu Shu, seemed to be able to fill her stomach, not eating or drinking, she felt uncomfortable .

Especially seeing Yu Shu and Pei Shuyan walking together, the intimacy between the two was visible to the naked eye, and Pei Shuyan's eyes could drown a person.

Shen Xu, who didn't take any action, just watched the two of them getting along so self-torturously, was heartbroken and hated the iron.

Even though it was a mother's birth, I felt like worrying about the lifelong events of the child.

"Wait a little longer, catch that person and solve her safety, so that she can pay attention to other things."

Shen Xu's dark eyes were heavy, and seeing Yu Shu leaning slightly in the picture, he just raised his heart when he saw Pei Shuyan hold her hand and pull her back, and the two got closer. Even shadows are connected.

His eyes fell on Pei Shuyan's slender wrist, and his eyes were freezing cold.

Feeling the sudden coldness in the car, An Yuan looked up and saw the surveillance screen. She was so hot that she couldn't wipe off the sweat on her head. She shut up maliciously and let Shen Xu disperse the air-conditioning, rubbing against the human-shaped air conditioner.

An Yuan sat in the back eating, glanced at Pei Shuyan who was on the surveillance camera and supported Yu Shu's shoulders, and said something to her with lowered eyes, with a smile on his lips, anyone could see his joy at this moment.

An Yuan looked at Shen Xu's face, and sure enough, he caught cold even more.

Because the air conditioner in the car was broken, An Yuan, who had been hot for a few days, said sorry to Shen Xu in his heart, hugged the boxed lunch, and tearfully enjoyed the coolness bought by Shen Xu's jealousy.

On the other side of the surveillance, Yu Shu and Pei Shuyan walked into the community while talking, but they didn't see the young man wearing a sanitation vest under the tree, staring at Pei Shuyan's back with dark eyes.

Shen Xu in the car frowned when he saw this scene.

He knew how attractive Yu Shu was, and he couldn't guarantee whether these people would have dark thoughts.

He took a picture of the young man and sent it to the person whose profile picture was a white rose petal on WeChat.

[Check to see if this person has a criminal record. ]
Shen Xu added after sending out the WeChat message.

[The key point is to check whether there is any obscenity record. ]
The other party seemed to have sensed something, and the full stop was full of murderous intent.

During the waiting period, Shen Xu opened the lunch box while watching the monitor, and just after taking a few bites, the other party sent a message.

The young man's name was Song Zhou, his information was normal, and he didn't have any criminal records.

A few years ago, I worked as a special effects make-up artist in a film and television city, and made friends with a girlfriend who was also a make-up artist. The master recruited a team at a high price to be a makeup artist.

Later, after relying on the male protagonist to receive some supporting roles, her heart gradually grew bigger. Her boyfriend who was not satisfied was just a makeup artist who could be beaten and scolded by any [-]th-tier, so she broke up with her.

After breaking up for a long time, Song Zhou didn't come out, as if he was deeply hurt by his girlfriend, he stopped working as a makeup artist, left the film and television city, and started a takeaway.

Sometimes Songzhou would do volunteer work, clean up garbage, and take care of the elderly in nursing homes. He seemed to be a kind-hearted person.

Shen Xu read these documents and focused his attention on one line of writing.

[Songzhou's girlfriend, a week after he left the film and television city, the filming wire broke and died. ]
And at this point in time, according to Songzhou's information, he was running takeaway that day.

But coincidentally, half an hour before and after his girlfriend's death, Songzhou's battery car was locked by security guards, and he entered a community as if he was trapped there, and did not come out for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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