Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 290 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Hearing what Zhong Junming said, the manager's brows loosened, and he dismissed the idea that Deng Yue's boyfriend was the one who sent the message.

That's right, Deng Yue has been dead for so long, if that boyfriend was bloody, he would have had a fight with Zhong Junming long ago, and he would have disappeared without a trace even with the money.

While the two were joking about Song Zhou, a field manager came in with two cups of iced coffee.

"Mr. Zhong, this is what the Queen Song invited everyone to drink."

Song Yinghou is the heroine of this show, and she has a lot of influence in the circle. Zhong Junming pushed people away when he was filming just now. How can he show face to the staff now? He hurriedly took the coffee and said with a smile .

"I just want to drink iced coffee, thank you Queen Song for me."

After the field staff went out, Zhong Junming took a sip of iced coffee, and the unhappiness in his heart dissipated a little, the manager looked at it and said.

"You can see that Song Yinghou is a good person, and the filming was delayed and the whole crew was invited to drink. You should also learn a little bit. Go out later and apologize to Song Yinghou and the director, and invite everyone to eat."

Zhong Junming nodded. Seeing that he was obedient, the agent made a few words of satisfaction before being called away by another artist in the company.

After a cup of coffee was finished, Zhong Junming looked at the person on the phone and said that he would wait for him at the hotel tonight and prepare a surprise for him.

Zhong Junming frowned, planning to call everyone from last night, he would not be interested in playing until he found the person who painted corpse spots on his body.

Thinking like this, Zhong Junming heard the director call him, he put his phone away, and was about to go out, when suddenly his heart palpitations and his body convulsed, and he was completely out of breath before he could yell out.

The director called Zhong Junming several times but he didn't come out. Zhong Junming's assistant had no choice but to go in and call for someone, but when he saw him lying on the ground with his posture twisted, he cried out in fright.

Within a few minutes, the crew was in complete chaos.

"What's the matter? Why are the ambulances here?"

"Zhong Junming died suddenly in the waiting room, and the male lead is gone. Our crew won't be disbanded, right?"

"Sudden death? How is it possible! Zhong Junming has never heard of a heart attack, besides, wasn't he still very energetic before? Pushed down Song Yinghuang."

"I heard that Zhong Junming played very well. Could it be because he played too much?"

The voices of these speculations sounded in many corners of the crew. Based on Zhong Junming's usual personality, not many people feel sorry for him, but there are quite a few people who are curious about the cause of his death.

In the group performance, a teenager wearing a hood was playing with his mobile phone, looked at the pictures and recordings on the mobile phone, fiddled with the little curly hair on his forehead, and sent all these to another person's WeChat with a light snort Go up, put your pockets in your pocket, glance at the chaotic crew, and leave.

It's been a few years since I took off the green hat on my head, it's really bearable.

Yu Shu received a gift from Pei Shuyan, a pen, a pen that touches the flesh of a person, can send out an electric current that can make people faint within three seconds, and has its own recording and recording functions, which is a very suitable tool for self-defense .

Yu Shu looked at the pen curiously, thinking that her little pink could save the number of times of use.

"Don't let the pen leave your body. If something happens, there is an alarm on the top of the pen. Press there, and the police will rush over as quickly as possible." Pei Shuyan told her over and over again when talking about the use of the pen. .

At this time, Pei Shuyan was not a company boss who easily eliminated moths, nor was he a scientific researcher who was almost wise and demonic, but a man who was addicted to love and was unwilling to let his lover suffer a little harm.

Looking at Pei Shuyan, who was frowning and brows were full of tiredness, Yu Shu stood on tiptoe, put her arms around his neck, and her warm lips fell on the side of his face.

This comforting post did not calm the man down, but it was like a drop of water falling into hot oil, stirring up people's hearts.

Before Yu Shu let go, someone grabbed her soft waist, grabbed her pink lips, and her breath was full of the other party's breath.

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