Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 295 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Chapter 295 The White Rose of the Chaotic City (46)

Song Zhou put on Pei Shuyan's face and made this kind expression, which was very weird, like an old man wearing the skin of a young man, it was so inconsistent that there was a feeling of Chinese horror.

Yu Shu was surprised by the fact that Songzhou was an old man who bought sugar water, but not much. After all, she was able to pretend to be Pei Shuyan like a copy, and she could imitate exactly the same voice without knowing it.

But with this ability, it is not surprising to turn yourself into an old man.

In fact, if the current environment did not allow it, the other party would still be the one who wanted her life. Yu Shu really wanted to discuss this ability, which was comparable to magical camouflage, with Song Zhou.

Having said that, the sugar water made by Songzhou was not clean in the first place, and now it was made for her to drink, what kind of bad intentions did it have?
Yu Shu's slender eyelashes trembled, and when she was wondering if Little Pink could turn her weak body into something strong, seeing Song Zhou reaching out to hug her, Yu Shu hurriedly said.

"Don't you want to make sugar water? I haven't drank it for a long time. You make it for me, and I want to drink it right away."

A beauty is a beauty, and even when she is called out like this, in Song Zhou's eyes, she has a different kind of demeanor.

What's more, no matter how beautiful and pure white roses are, they also have thorns. White roses without sharp edges lose some flavor.

After discovering another characteristic of White Rose, Song Zhou's sense of accomplishment made him smile indulgently, and got up to make sugar water for Yu Shu.

After the people left, Yu Shu reluctantly relaxed and looked at the environment.

This is a gorgeous villa, but this villa seems to be different, more solid like a house to trap people.

With her current appearance, it was difficult for her to even move, and she obviously couldn't escape from here. It was no wonder that Song Zhou was so relieved to make sugar water.

Yu Shu lowered her eyes, and used the opportunity exchanged on the system forum to call out Little Pink, and turned it into a talisman that increased a person's strength by five times.

The talisman was applied to her body, and she felt that her body was full of strength. Yu Shu regretted that her current body could not bear more force, otherwise the increase would be dozens of times, and she would be able to pat Song Zhou onto the wall and embed it into the wall to report her kidnapping revenge.

Yu Shu puffed her cheeks, and with strength, she took out the pen from Pei Shuyan from her pocket. This pen looked very ordinary, and people who didn't know how to use it could only write when they opened it. There was no reason for Songzhou to take it away.

Yu Shu pressed the alarm above and sent her location there, just waiting for the police to come.

She is limited by human beings in this world, and on the verge of collapse, she can only do this.

As for the idea of ​​paws slapping Song Zhou into the wall, Yu Shu hugged the pitiful points, thinking of the points that Beng Ren would deduct, she could only resist the urge to slap people.

When the task is completed, if Songzhou has not been sentenced to death, she must take revenge!
Yu Shu wasn't sure where this place was, and didn't know when the police would arrive. She could only hide the pen, and she was afraid that Song Zhou would see the clue, so she took off the talisman. Before recovering, she was weak and poked lightly. It looks like it will fall down.

After a while, Song Zhou came out with a cup of sugar water, washed off the camouflage on his face, and revealed his original appearance.

Song Zhou's appearance is not ugly, if there is no fierce look in his eyes, he will have a decent appearance that elders like.

It was also because of his looks and the patience he pretended that the elderly and aunts in the community liked him so much, and wanted to introduce him to a girlfriend.

Yu Shu thought, if her guess was correct, if Song Zhou's evil was not so serious, he could get out of his girlfriend's betrayal, and he didn't go to the edge of the horns to judge those so-called betrayers with a high profile.

He will have a new girlfriend and a new life, instead of committing several murders and being caught and brought to justice, he will be sentenced to death.

(End of this chapter)

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