Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 297 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Chapter 297 The White Rose of the Chaotic City (48)

Yu Shu didn't think so, and she was sure that Songzhou's mental illness was getting worse, and it had already affected his brain.

"Whether they should go to hell or not is judged by the law, not you. Besides, whether the judgment is accurate or not, and whether those people really betrayed their lovers, you know for yourself."

Yu Shu was very annoying, even the way of heaven had to make the most fair judgments based on a person's life, how did Song Zhou, a person with a perverted mentality, brainwash him to have the ability to do these trials?
"I really don't care whether to betray or not, but as long as there are rumors of wearing a cuckold, those women have already betrayed them in the hearts of their lovers."

"I got rid of them for these people. They are still happy to accept money from their girlfriend's wife and find a more beautiful and sensible girlfriend. They still have to thank them."

Song Zhou didn't seem to be interested in why Yu Shu knew these things, but talked about his "achievements" with great interest.

He drank the remaining sugar water in the cup in one gulp, sat opposite Yu Shu, recalling a murder case that left a deep impression on him.

"They're all men. I know that men can't stand their own women wearing cuckolds, just like I did back then. That woman put on a green hat for me, and I let blood-red flowers bloom under her body. It's fair."

Fairness under a perverted definition, the balance is not determined by him, Yu Shu pouted thinking.

"However, there is a couple who obviously quarrel frequently, but they are very different."

"When a woman was sent home by a colleague, and people in the community reported that she was cheating on a colleague, her husband actually believed her. When the knife I wanted was about to be slashed at the woman, the husband still held my leg tightly, trying to let the woman leave."

"It's a pity, that woman is also a fool. If she had a chance to escape, she would turn back and save her. In the end, she still sacrificed my knife."

Song Zhou said these words with a playful sneer on his face. While talking, he went to see Yu Shu, and seeing her as he wished was like a rose beaten by rain, her delicate body trembled, and he laughed even louder.

This villa is very new, it looks like no one has ever lived in it, so empty that Songzhou's laughter still echoes, and it looks even more terrifying in this suburb.

Yu Shu thought in her heart that this struggle should be enough. She wanted to beat someone before the police arrived, so she dragged her limp hands to stick the talisman on her body, and then a familiar sense of strength rose.

Holding the pen in her hand, she was about to blow Song Zhou's electric shock, but before Yu Shu could make a move, Song Zhou approached her first.

The man's eyes were still bloodshot from the excitement just now, looking at him so straightly, it was a bit weird.

"Shushu is delaying so much time, is she waiting for Pei Shuyan, Wen Youzhi or some police officer Shen to come to rescue you? You are so considerate and docile in front of them, can you be closer to me? You are the white that I have been staring at for a long time to take off." Where's the rose?"

As Song Zhou said, he leaned closer to Yu Shu, put his hands on both sides of the single sofa, and raised one hand to grab the back of Yu Shu's head, doing something he said was intimate.

But before he could touch Yu Shu's soft hair, his body surged with electricity, and in just one breath, the expression on Song Zhou's face turned into unbelievable horror, and he fell straight down.

Seeing the person falling down, like a dying pig, Yu Shu took back the pen, thinking that this weak appearance is quite useful, it can easily paralyze people's minds and make people let down their vigilance.

She stood up and kicked Song Zhou hard, her toes hurt immediately, and Yu Shu's eyes were covered with mist physiologically.

Yu Shu wiped her eyes, looked at the system screen, and saw that the value in the task bar had not dropped. She lowered her head to look at her sore feet, and blinked her wet eyes, as if she had discovered a new continent.

(End of this chapter)

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