Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 299 The White Rose of the Chaotic City

Chapter 299 The White Rose of the Chaotic City (End)

Soon after, Yu Shu and Pei Shuyan held their wedding ceremony.

At the wedding, both Shen Xu and An Yuan attended the wedding as friends. They wore suits and dresses to attend the wedding. Looking at the beauty in a pure white wedding dress with curved brows and eyes as beautiful as a dream, both of them were in a trance.

She didn't even have a boyfriend, and An Yuan, who was a little worried that she would have nothing to talk to Yu Shu about in the future, drank red wine.

Turning his head to see Shen Xu's complex eyes, An Yuan's heart skipped a beat, fearing that he would rush up to snatch the bride away in the next second, and said in a low voice.

"Brother Shen, if you don't catch up with Shushu, you'll just wait. If you don't have a long mouth, you won't show your intentions. Don't be stupid and ruin Shushu's wedding."

Shen Xu glanced at An Yuan, didn't say anything, just asked her to hand over the gift box to Yu Shu, and left quietly.

It is understandable that the person you like is going to become a legal couple with another man in front of your eyes. An Yuan sighed and learned a lesson from Shen Xu.

Say it quickly to whoever you like, otherwise wait until the person has a boyfriend, gets married, and the child is born and still hesitates whether to confess or not.

An Yuan secretly took notes, and when he went to get some snacks, he saw a hidden place in the wedding ceremony. Wen Youzhi wore a hat and looked at Yu Shu who was exchanging rings from a distance, with drooping eyelids and empty eyes, and sighed again .

She used to knock on the CP of the big beauty and the little milk dog, but unfortunately, her eyesight is still not good, the big beauty was taken away by another beast that is good at disguising, and Wen Youzhi is not a little milk dog.

But Yu Shu's eyes are much better than hers. A person who will sneak into a girl's house, no matter what the purpose is, is not someone who can commit his life to him. Wen Youzhi's defeat is justified.

After An Yuan thought about this, when he went to look at that place again, Wen Youzhi was no longer there, and he didn't know where he went.

After the wedding, An Yuan held two gifts for Yu Shu.

"Happy marriage Shushu."

She sent her gift over, and then handed over Shen Xu's.

"Brother Shen gave it to you. He left beforehand and asked me to hand it over to you."

Pei Shuyan came over and accepted the two gifts with a warm smile. After thanking them, his hands naturally fell on Yu Shu's shoulders.

Seeing these seemingly gentle eyes, An Yuan always felt dangerous. When he was about to bid farewell to Yu Shu and flee, a staff member came in with a gift box.

"Miss Yu, a gentleman asked me to bring it to you."

The waiter didn't dare to look up at the face of Pei Shuyan, Yu Shu's legal husband, and he was still sighing in his heart.

It seems that getting a beauty is not all a happy thing. For example, on the first day of marriage, a man will give you a gift, and it will definitely be indispensable in the future. How bad it is for a husband.

Pei Shuyan's expression remained unchanged, and he opened the gift, and presented the contents to Yu Shu, with the atmosphere of being a royal palace.

This gift is a cat carved out of jade. The carving is a little rough, but it is still spiritual. The cat looks cute and smart, and it is hard not to like it.

"Do you like it? If you like it, you can put it in the living room for decoration." Pei Shuyan lowered his head and asked Yu Shu softly.

Yu Shu nodded, "Then put it on the display case over there."

Seeing the two intimately discussing how to decorate the room, An Yuan didn't say anything about his suspicion that the jade cat was sent by Wen Youzhi, and pulled the waiter out quietly.

Wen Youzhi didn't see Yu Shu, and An Yuan could probably guess the reason.

Because of breaking into Yu Shu's home, Wen Youzhi was locked up for a few days, and Shen Xu applied for a no-approach order for Yu Shu. Even if he came out, he could not approach Yu Shu.

Later, they found out that Wen Youzhi's death was related to him, thinking that Wen's father died of alcoholism.

Although Wen Youzhi bought the fake wine, did he know that the store sold fake wine? If Wen Youzhi refused to admit it, he could escape the judgment smoothly.

After all, Wen Youzhi was too young at that time, and suffered from his father's domestic violence all the year round. He didn't go to school and was forced to work at home. He might not even know what fake wine is. If you say he premeditatedly killed Wen's father , The time is too long, and there is really no evidence.

In addition to the superb computer skills that Wen Youzhi showed at that time, when the police station was short of people, Wen Youzhi was temporarily taken in by them.

Afterwards, Wen Youzhi did not disappoint everyone, and found a lot of useful information in the search for evidence of Song Zhou's crime.

This matter in Songzhou is over, and he will probably have to work in the police station. Recently, there have been new cases in S City. As one of the people involved in the investigation, Wen Youzhi, it is normal not to want to drag Yu Shu into these matters.

When An Yuan was closing the door, he saw Pei Shuyan bowing his head and kissing Yu Shu's forehead almost reverently. An Yuan closed the door with a smile.

The beautiful White Rose has a knight who will firmly guard her, and those chaotic things should stay away from her and not disturb her happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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