Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 303 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals

I don't know if it is to prove that she is still the Wuxin Daojun, who has not eaten since the bigu, but she reached out to take the small chicken wing tip.

Putting the thing into his mouth, his gaze was still on Yu Shu's face, waiting for someone to sob.

Watching his movements, he stared straight at him, and when he really ate the chicken wings, he turned his gaze away to gnaw on the chicken legs. Although those eyes were still moist and clear with spring colors, there was no way he was about to cry look.

Not seeing people crying delicately and weakly, like begonias falling like rain, Fu Yingxue inexplicably felt that the barely edible chicken wings were not very tasty.

Afterwards, Yu Shu monopolized the whole roast chicken without any embarrassment, wiped her hands after eating, and before she could speak, saw Fu Yingxue consciously dispose of the chicken bones, and even called for her Water, very considerate.

Yu Shu washed her hands and thought, Fu Yingxue was caught after the original owner provoked the female lead, using the self-defense equipment given by her parents, in order to forcefully use him to fight before the male lead agreed to form a prop with her. Double cultivation improves cultivation.

But I also know that Fu Yingxue's cultivation base is the same as hers, and even if she double cultivates, she can't improve much, and she might even let the other party take advantage of her cultivation base to improve better than her own.

Therefore, the original owner wanted to experiment once, and if it failed to meet expectations, he would send this casual practitioner away with some spirit stones.

In the story of the world that Yu Shu got, Fu Yingxue would leave silently when the original owner had such thoughts. Trying to find a way to separate the two, I didn't find anyone else.

According to the plot, at this moment, Fu Yingxue might already have the intention of leaving.

After Yu Shu washed her hands, she wiped them with a handkerchief, smelling the smell of catnip that she still wanted to stick even though she was a little immune after so many worlds, and didn't want people to be too far away from her.

She looked up and said in a coaxing tone.

"Cultivators are free to come and go without restriction, but cultivation resources are competing with countless fellow Taoists. It's different if you have a sect. Like me, even if your cultivation level is low, you still have sect resources to supply every month."

"Fellow Daoist Fu is more diligent than me. I think his cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds after joining the sect. Why don't you try entering the sect?"

Fu Yingxue was lowering her eyes, and saw Yu Shu rubbing carelessly on those jade-like hands, the delicate flesh was rubbed so that it turned crimson.

He could see his fingers moving slightly, and wanted to grab the handkerchief and wipe off the water stains carefully instead of letting the jade finger suffer such roughness.

After being interrupted by Yu Shu's words, Fu Yingxue was secretly annoyed, whether he was seduced by a woman to give birth to a demon, otherwise how could he have such a mind of ignoring the difference between men and women.

What's more, for a cultivator, why is it so troublesome for a matter that can be solved with a single spell.

After thinking about it, Fu Yingxue looked at Yu Shu with her cold eyes.

"Miss Yu, what's your suggestion?"

Could it be that he couldn't bear bad intentions and asked him to enter Tianyanzong to be a secret agent, so that he could cooperate with her internally and externally?

"Qingyuanzong is not bad. The training resources allocated to disciples are fair, and they are not as competitive as Tianyanzong. If you go to Qingyuanzong, you will definitely be able to successfully enter the sect." Yu Shu estimated Qingyuanzong's introductory disciples asked to say.

Fu Yingxue: "?"

What good does it do her for him to worship Qing Yuanzong?
Yu Shu took over the identity of the only daughter of the Great Elder of Qingyuanzong, since she could manipulate his memory and change the memories of the Great Elder and his wife, it would be easier for them to regard her as their own daughter.

With this status, what Yu Shu wanted to do in Qingyuanzong was just to show up, or let the two great elders show up, why bother to ask him to enter the sect in a roundabout way.

"Miss Yu is dissatisfied with Tian Yanzong?" Fu Yingxue asked casually.

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