Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 305 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals

At this time in the practice field, the disciples who were practicing swords did not see Yu Shu coming. They looked at the tall and elegant senior sister in front of her, wearing a blue and white Taoist robe, with sharp swords and a cool demeanor, and said in a low voice.

"Yu Shu's squeamish spirit couldn't be too tired to get up after practicing sword practice for too long yesterday, why hasn't she come here at this time?"

The disciple felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. Yu Shu was really delicate, and it was not once or twice that she disliked being tired from practicing swords.

If he hadn't just challenged Li Jiuyin and tried to catch up with Li Jiuyin, he wouldn't have practiced his sword so diligently, and he would have left the sect long ago to buy some fashionable robes and jewelry for female cultivators.

The disciple next to him doesn't like Yu Shu. Li Jiuyin is a genius disciple of Tianyan Sect and is very likely to be the next suzerain. Naturally, she has many followers, and this disciple is one of them. It's finding fault, people who delay Li Jiuyin's cultivation will not like it.

"It's a good thing that she doesn't come to disturb Senior Sister's cultivation." It's better not to come all the time.

It seems to make sense, the disciple stopped talking and practiced sword seriously.

When Yu Shu arrived at the training ground, she saw dozens of disciples practicing swords in a uniform manner, and the awe-inspiring righteousness of the orthodox sword cultivator rushed towards her face. She, a little rookie who hadn't memorized a few moves, suddenly couldn't bear to go over and disturb her .

When Yu Shu was hesitant to find another place to practice, some disciples found her. The sword she was still holding lost its sharpness, and her eyes were flickering. She wanted to retract her eyes, but she couldn't.

Yu Shu was wearing a red cassock completely different from that of the disciples of Tianyan Sect. When the sleeves were shaking, the embroidered patterns on it flickered, making it look extraordinary.

She is already beautiful and lively, and with this gorgeous cassock, her skin is fair and lustrous. She is so beautiful that she is not like a righteous female cultivator, but like a disciple of the Hehuan Sect who possesses charm. , just grab all the masculinity.

This disciple's state of trance was noticed by others, and the other disciples followed his line of sight and couldn't help being stunned when they saw the figure that caught people's eyes, including the two disciples who were talking about Yu Shu just now .

Those who knew Yu Shu's nature should have looked away immediately, disdain to take another look at this squeamish spirit, but looking at him at this moment, only one thought flashed in their minds.

Is Yu Shu so beautiful?

Looking back on the past, they clearly knew that Yu Shu's face hadn't changed, but they felt that Yu Shu was too good-looking and eye-catching today.

Li Jiuyin was the one who led all the juniors and younger sisters to practice swordsmanship. Even though his back was turned to them, he could feel that their condition was not right.

She withdrew her sword and turned her head, looking up, the purpose of seeing the redness was to make her frown, almost the moment she saw the color of the clothes, Li Jiuyin knew who it was that made the juniors and younger sisters stupefied.

Li Jiuyin doesn't like an unstable existence, but Yu Shu is a member of his sect, not a disciple of Tianyan Sect. Although Li Jiuyin frowned at her flamboyant clothes every time, she would not ask her to change to Tianyan. Yanzong's Taoist robe.

It's just that most of the disciples on Jianfeng don't like Yu Shu, and they don't provoke them if they can. Why are they out of the situation today, because of Yu Shu?

When Li Jiuyin's cold eyes moved up and landed on Yu Shu's face, her indifferent expression froze, and she understood that the disciples' expressions were not right.

Almost at the same time when Li Jiuyin looked over, Fu Yingxue felt this gaze, and looked at this talented female cultivator, her face was stunned, but she didn't doubt it. Fu Yingxue knew that she hadn't noticed her Memory is passive.

Caught by Li Jiuyin's gaze, Yu Shu stopped running and could only walk over with her sword in hand.

"Sister." She called out.

The original owner was hostile to Li Jiuyin, because she noticed that the hero Ye Chizhou had a subtle attitude towards her, and wanted to snatch this excellent double cultivation partner, so she provoked Li Jiuyin.

So as long as this double cultivation partner changes people and no longer pays attention to Ye Chizhou, there will be no conflict between her and Li Jiuyin that must be tit for tat.

After Yu Shu called out the senior sister, she called up the progress bar of the task to see, and she did not see the progress bar of the human setting going down, and the smile on her face became even sweeter.

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