Fast Travel: Passerby A, she has the aura of a heartthrob

Chapter 319 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals

Chapter 319 The Female Supporting Person in the Cultivation of Immortals (20)

Yu Shu's cultivation today went smoothly. Not only did she improve her skills in the morning, she also entered the late stage of foundation establishment, which can be regarded as jumping two levels in a row.

The cultivation of Fenglinggen is getting better, and Yu Shu is trying to develop the woodlinggen while eating the spiritual fruit to supplement the depleted aura.

She took a bite of the spiritual fruit, and placed the spiritual fruit containing a lot of spiritual energy in front of her eyes.

How to practice the wood spirit root? Is it feasible to grow spiritual fruits and spiritual vegetables?

The so-called practice makes perfect, she used the wood spirit root to develop and plant, and increased the frequency of using the wood spirit root, it should also be a kind of practice.

Yu Shu thought about it. Most of the disciples of the Tianyan Sect who had wood spirit roots worshiped at Pill Peak. They started from tending the medicine fields and successfully planted spirit plants. They would use these spirit plants to learn how to refine medicine.

So it is also feasible for her to grow spiritual fruits, right?
Yu Shu finished eating the spiritual fruit in her hand, and felt that this idea was good. Planting spiritual fruits and vegetables can not only cultivate, but also use them to earn spiritual stones, sell fish to eat, and there are not many spiritual stones left Yu Shu thought to herself that this plan was great.

She told Fu Yingxue about her idea of ​​planting spirit fruits and other things. Fu Yingxue expressed her support and even opened a piece of land for her.

But when Yu Shu said that she wanted to earn spirit stones, Fu Yingxue raised her hand and took out a pile of spirit stones from the storage ring.

Yu Shu saw that there were as many spirit stones as there were hills, and they were all first-order spirit stones. She was happy and hit hard again.

She originally wanted to be a big girl in this world, protecting the catnip essence, but now she has a higher level of cultivation than her, and is so rich. She can't protect a man, and she can't support a man. The dream of a big woman is shattered.

"I have enough spirit stones, and Shushu can afford them for cultivation."

On Fu Yingxue's face was a clear smile of melting ice and snow, and his words were short, but they revealed the full truth.

The male cultivator looked at the girl whose eyes were more dazzling than this spirit stone, and who murmured that she wanted to wrap up the spirit fruit he was going to eat in the future. Let people not be seduced by those male cultivators outside with ulterior motives.

When Yu Shu started planting with wood spirit roots in the small courtyard, Tian Yanzong spread the news about her.

The original master had never concealed the matter of chasing Ye Chizhou as a Taoist companion. No one in the Tianyan Sect did not know this over-the-top female cultivator.

They wouldn't be surprised that Yu Shu caught up with Danfeng again and was put down by Ye Chizhou.

But when he heard that Jianfeng and Danfeng's disciples were collecting magic weapons to give to Yu Shu, Jianfeng's disciples even gave them to her to raise spirit fish, and quarreled over the fish pond. Li Jiuyin even gave Yu Shu a handwritten cultivation letter Finally, these disciples were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped.

I really doubt whether Yu Shu herself released these messages, in order to give her a persona of doting on her junior sister, so as to wash away Ye Chizhou's embarrassing deeds of never paying attention to her and giving her an extra look.

"It must have been released by Yu Shu. Otherwise, people from Danfeng and Jianfeng have never talked to her before, so why are they suddenly bothering to give her a magic weapon?"

"The fact that Senior Sister Li sent Yu Shu a practice handbook is even more fake. Who is that Senior Sister Li? That's a female cultivator who spent a lot of love with Senior Brother Ye Chizhou. How could she be so attentive to a woman who is pursuing Senior Brother Ye. "

"Then maybe, isn't it that someone said that Yu Shu wanted to find Brother Ye to double cultivate? Maybe she has cultivated some charming skills of the Hehuan Sect. From this point of view, she attracted Jianfeng and Danfeng to be obsessed with her. It doesn't seem to be the case." Impossible."

"You think Jianfeng disciples are too weak. Those monks who practice the way of the sword are not people with firm voices. Most of them don't even have inner demons. How can they be so easily defeated by a female cultivator who is halfway through the Acacia sect? Enchanted."

"What's more, among the disciples of other sects who came to Tianyan Sect this time, there are also direct disciples of Hehuan Sect. Do you think which of them caused chaos in the sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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